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September 25, 1900 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1900-09-25

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to 1' k o


I~Our special line'
of foreign and

First Day Finds the Usual Conditions
Yi-i-erI-da vale lirst. afternoon oi f

domestic fabrics l~l~i 1feeis il e h ol
balseoon of 11001. Froissft abolsle-
For the Fall and Winter of 1900o has ly -n(tising 1-au 1)3eljudgedl asto svlat
arrived and is arranged foria spec- aliii- lean that is to figh:ltii cihigiifs
Lion. The same catt al attention isidirloaliatiles this year, will lie. ''he
is given to the sand finish of f iteillieas wi- fOrnlth loeg ail
every suit, wlhetiier to be uised fo r i-i and there was lit tle if it, shoal
business purposes or for fall dress '-'o -aiiiiiates 1)ie11-- ill who ihonteil

o$ 1'. Washington St.
I WE ARE And welcome
you to our store.
GA TO stocks ofa dru-
or ig iast' s sundries

titfootltll gai1i. Tl-wiiii-ii. Ii tit (st
Nver fu tll of liife and veetto ii to lhave
I theC ireat i theli sai
llt1tt-lot Lea of trineetirn. ttlio isiito
llri e stark lustdicoiih-lieito ti,
lee lcF irect-or titzpaitrielo11)1.1 talk.
quftert 00tto ears ad11, puit the weini
I irl tutu 1theirpe , eachl ahiil luarge
of ahout a half dozeni111ttetind lutflos-


Busy Days at the S. C. A. PENCILS-TWO FOR FIVE"1
Neierry 11;111lhis Iteeti the ceolter'Tihe Familiar Old Pencil Man Dies at
ctitlt u atiity ditritug Thle laist fli- Uiversity ilspital.
lmays. :A ioiiti dto 000ate Offeredil toi Eveytippue e assnl~toini aehosl re-
ileo tub~rs otllnts ill the olt f il- iilesIi(faulatlgtr oft
isetilsfresolitetd -ttere Ito look fiior sltttdi aIioi lofri
ioiiiiis. liiiiliig riiiiiiilte', titiil ryiii tuihei er illill(1i i t
lt tind eiiiployiieiii for iteedly sitilis. leo hut if lpassers-bly s-it'll111s laliitite
These different; deparitmenisi:areliel cry 5fNhuello~s.s1o flr itrOe!"
'lln r~tI vi t is duiht e t eiiailiti hd psi I y- -ti oeliutg his tbuggleidfe-
l1ili Ilie lchtiiosilo lielli,1a0outu" oor ie - Nvii auidi i 'ilslouchii aul h
si t-uleitl. Ovets ii)persons lisle 1 eeii1 luptncil t1t1, ii"iate leeaiule a Ifamiliar
I li til d in o itiolar ti.ltie to lie s1tueots. 8lauilyif The
I'h a.o( 'ltiol i<itelfpraporll lhutlilotuaulhtis wstiCots they said "to
anethadsisdded toll ew smile s iiiii itii helpi thle oldii1i,1it aloo."lust few of
thous ptiolall ever eiilisi ii iiiilstill
11111 (I-u. lttlts soctt in to-eI ikiot-;
fovrTl~ l hieitrilling euxpieriences
}hldlloflithe svirk liieteI liiti (Wi-bei-
lhoilid Capt. 1-baidC1 . Itortter (for
fue. ihh al s f t ii~ thlis s his natilel haillieil
eitlliia.itig to Ithiise iilll hre.
tllieiiii-li . A CuI-ut weeks luefore,
lb u-ic lay {ul1iteu:tlei firsitii-ieek iof
sehll tiiilui liar piyer uiliio st11ill
ielul friomi12 to 12:11. iio ltose lidlila t iili i iiuesit- luuo~ital,
heliseeryiottite isi-il. 01itoii- Toodmnlealeimtic n
re-leil oft storiuestif < utulettt hat
titiithtAiitltei tuSfrout 6:45 to 7::) 11'he
Ilitier ll tii-lin «s-ill btileli-ilN.ylist s ~tttlil iaki- auMlnte nit iendliitlfiirgetC
S~t-ne l~tlotuls llliil 111i- isthis innttrt.
Itirllst isllisestl-oi. her] -a
Ptih." tin .1lug llt ituillit ro :3
p.ili ll..iL. A.lTth iurner28.iloud h
tutuyeriili-tssti ill lfoii- luilsitit I
Fii tyn-st tiulut Slpt. ,_ , as oIn
gill- st-illC Niklhiseaittetetlittnl
Oniticot 4:81 Ii. op itt-ill Pres..utfin-
selTilolcsais 51lut U it dressty.

U k T J than ever belore, it tittionttlhiliiii . A1111111 011111
U ~~and are always li111 t1slt-t u letiicey
I B A C K , , g l a d t o s h o w c l e l i i. g i v e n i a l l i l e C a ei i idi i s -
Wi Ide'r's Pharmacy coil Nee the sole oneis~-ohd ol
howevertiltsteeral of last yolsurs Coltseie
EVLYTHINB a a::lt il l i 5 1: ll lt tlt l~tiF''d
ri PIPES, CIGARS astd TO- llliyt-t o oJil the gitlitl 7iileIsft titilti
NEW BACCO-even the store Iytlit liontit-re'turn the lii- chuteftiC ui-
itself is new. We bave remodeled the
place and invite all oulr friends to call tiitc'aitt, IranteeStte ll Ileetti
and ispect what we have. You can't ,luttlilht, hI~llarsbsoi suit Gill. Atosl
beat osr LUNCHES. poietaogteeodratu<vr
Rt. E. JOLLY, 308 S, State S lt ttiei itougCits i ,lr uu.oi
-ilon, , lotitilrownstilsyttu l liotu-
HAVE ~ i-hciI, tirenlteli, utlltiWhite. Kullity,
~VIiHuIiIT. I*!(,key andi tb'Sha. Of t110newiw tutu1
whatever yout 1t t' sV t~ritietolu ltiheti- Mh-11aaia deirtot,
uteed ill the linie of WttlsiruioC -Itis-ersity sit Natsilh-.,
]]Ktutijandof tshutui thet pap~ers tadi tuu-lito
Iiit illtterlie 5iliuuuiy racttice, s ttils
LADOKATOKY 5ti4FVLIEJ' tpouii-l.ttlosittiiiigt
TOILET GOOb1, a:.-tpoiwtHeassvewi lt
E -Qi-I sarieks it twell, tttisin"vry otunce.
Ilis bittilt t u e latt uir dl ii is ini thei
yIJA. RVS 0 ut--ml all tetitine. Ileit s citte
QUARRtileorCtllhuuiks 1slt lout.
CA.Pt7S =7_0rmSO
CIR. STATE ST and N. UNIVERSITY AVE odkcer aenvr wndvl
opetiilat licllgttui, hutiof lthioseutwho
uhleruluty dtllthoirstuits Ni-il tutui
IIII~~~ uhuwibhats htiuxlifiit!ct-iineudcei usatttuti
B '"'~ nU tu1itu l ius cluiss ituttut it0i1. shtoiwed
flF[41e but t) I utule is tryig Cite-lite-
BOPICStiiii tl tilldswith ilui is Ctuttt iail-
tutuini liiithe bsebaull luteamuhtiui-
ALL WE ASK IS A TRIAL a'i-u-lbt-u xpei-reuee inlfototbuall -wuiluhai
-tit hgl-o n btcompanyiuth eetili-
Students will find either of our ,uel, s lth-oft antI hensry.Iuarbtir, a
stores, Headqtuarteurs for Law usophu isle'ie, lrinsoa sto t-g . til
and Medical Books, and all Uuui- hitutiliiilitesl ni nth on thue lunes ci
eriyText Books.(ouil Villa, to est fill wthosue positionl he
We offer some second -bhand is tryinug. Wootlas-d is utithr utiulus,
books at Low Prices. svlun has playued5 anluhthis isi tumbut
A FEW PRICES. i s liewinthue 'Vursily sqsuadll.Ieita
White Wrtting Paper 15 and 20c per lb unior lusw. Thu-se 'wese mtost euuosuui-
Linen Writing Paper 20 and 25c "
+Ream 12501-----------------....25e uest inithe lusy antd tre 'here utuen-
Box of Envelopes (2501-........ 5Ctiouen e blu11,tl ri11Ostas Touuiorosv,
100 Cards engraving and plate ...$125 wsttheIl list of ctuntdiudates stvill lue
Best Student's Note Book.....20c
First-class Fountain Ten.....$100 probabtly he luinge ste still uthhutipi Co
We sell drafting instruments and alt-i- it iull
-supplies at Special prices.________
Sweaters and Athletic Goods.
Before Buying Your Needs Try Us. Nuaake-upt Alarmu Clot-ks at Mtuli(er's
Wabr's Bokto e titily sore____
Booksores Meeting of all football casseti-
Up Town Down Town dates tonilght at 7 o'clock at thse
SfTATE ST. OPP. COURT ROUSE gymnaasitsm.

icly ot io tilutillutu athebs 11111..
telitu iuluh tl 11t 11to'tutu it Cuom.. A
liii-1ol ofttitttiits lt tu-- uutltialetuar-
lil 10011t11 tffirbsututd 81 iluitit sill ston
havetilotsyiul ttllitisiuulits it Our tilow
luo slisbiiuiliii.bileist ucuomple-te- toihat-
biludis Jto(se 1ielltui-tlItafaeil Guull-
li-nutety. kiatuiiso Ilernuuulits hiuul'tuel
de Val tlle, Ai-ius Ceigil, lust Peult
dito Paul Ileuteuietus undilJoset'tigue-
-ruts of Stun Jun; Busnat-ntuuea it-
tie of" Atquutildluu IJose It:. eooliutof
Mlunauttutand lFernutntdo (iisuu-atlieof
G uuueuuhui.
thsRev.tFrak Ootu 1rI(Tiier,01). _)tutunl
:Miss Jenui-Cosunell -ste hritedeu
Sht.C5,at Yonkers, N. Y.
lDe.Itelbee is ti grtuaduati- if thflue -of
1F. tatu Yale unlvers4its- lfter soeettu
years of studlyatit raetsl in Eureot
tandl tfts-u-'takinughis dtr's es uge-u
tint ' ulibught, 1St-oiltintl liireiturnedu-s5hi
Ausuet-is oatussisueflue proside-ney of
Shteidanti tot1lugt, 8Wyomnsg,tueisug tt
the tints- tCue younige-st collegt- sresident
inth le UnifedtSttetts. lre Hllier goes
to Ctatmp H1111Aa, to fill the elair of

isittiek" s(uuuuuueul hlke ti uttitust
ttuist tip on iittuislaninbthtelIt niaut
t itl ii tteihly40isbibs tutttthitttomt
inr i e~,hitis-ly sliihaeduy tu siefs
(al1 rhibs us-1110 olii hiriths shiti
titul, titilly tufteu-uoilrsi-u'lel'uye-ars itt
luhbliii uuuhsuuuturu his returtnto uivili-
zatou fornwethil ti utosit ierestung sory
X-hlttttouldlbhutt(u'olid tutitil uttut A
smtilte eput utur bibs futesits he natrrated
huts tutu -tihuitus ittiitarluit Clii-suty-
Stgs s sviog Itanthiotughi 430 rears
hits eviiuiu-tituS onitthis incitlsust is
still qitei leturis bibs mentutor}
tL'ice uol jeuiilttuan"Iis gone -siu
ouluit cut oze tiC the studlent hiundmittrkosci-
nmoved.- 4
Pr es.Angelics Address.
Prettsientg1('st-ill ngise the open-
itig adtdress to itie newstsuudests Sln-
tltty aftlernoion,' Sept.70. 'This year She
atlthes scill'he hueld Un iiversity hall
isitad of Nottiterry'halits Nos'hetey
htall is too stuaill to tiei-oate the
rtwsNN u-ho tint alwauys atnxious to h--ar
Dre Angell.
Shuiertttthsb tissand sherts stwade in
latest styles. Over 'SleehtinsRook-
'stare,320 S. State st. -4

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