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September 28, 1900 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1900-09-28

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4 *~


Our special line
of foreign and
domestic fabrics
For the Fall and Winter Of T900 has
arrived and is arranged for inspec-
tion. The Farmv careful attention
is given to tiretstylts and finish of
every suit, whether to be used for
business purposes or for full dress
6.,IHe WILD CO.,

Dies During the Ssmmner Vacation--
Another Familiar Face Gone,
The past sunster -has boors an unusu-
ally severe one on the "old characters"
that bave become so famriliaor to the
:stuident.. Some of thsese amen mray
irave occupied very humble istathons in
litr'. yet oue thing may be sid to their
credit and tiat is, they were never
found wanting in threir loyalty to the
Truesday's IDaily r-etor'ilthtie death
oif thre old "pis'ncr rars' Capyt. Edwtarl
Ilisroer. Today we irate to autu to tire
list perhaps tire best known'cirrirac-
oer" the eiampus has ever known-fa-
ruiiiar fold ""Ii agreeJanritor of


f With the Football Men. f A KENTUCKY GENTLEMAN
Practice yesterday was of a nature ulnt tadito Fteaiz
similar to that of tire day, previpus, and,
tire whtole ntumber of castdidates wrhich With a Negro-A Communication.
was the lairges thfirt has yet appearedl A very tiery 1-fertucky gentleman is
tis season, were kept busy all toe said to irate left tire city in high rage
tirre. The irewsrctaches irave a happy etrabtteuiest tl
facuity foirhtrndling large numbers of ysedy u ieinvris tl
men, antl it tire sante tume erich player tros-es.
seemrs to get personal attention. Tireir The young turn is saidl to irate 'ad
ontly teoinplaintt is thsat there are stilltuwso or three wtarm discussions since
not uerougi rgter'mien. It filet tireiris arrival iere, and once at least, is
seatson tus far tas been remarkablecliethaeurd.upisvtan
for lire scarcity of lheavy inateril, ~afie oiaetre tiii -a n
condition wich is hard to unrderstarnd thdisplayed a "pop' in a nicely contrivetd
whein it is knowirflow umany large menS pocket on its under side.
sae in tttenrdance at lire university.A He registeroed in the lasw department,
Large crowvd wrirt-d fronthtie side but his nervous system was knocked
lines 'but little or no enthusiaism wvas till to pieces sr-len ho discovered a eol-
showsn, antI at otte time Couch Bergen ored man in his class. There were set-

oS .Wahntnthe md"va mlig ZS(01 el'lL 1s ie rWI1 121 :aSVUe~ le_ iu~a n
r~8E ahntnSt. n edithat is ideig not knowt old refranin ft-cm tire odiouis pract-ce, notice- his colored classmate, bitt he couldn't
ny muedir-tiiiit stle tire dray before, of "Joshing" tire starstd it even at a. distance, and the
D[ic" Nagele would have breen toss- l r.hw erie oiti erfc
______________________________sidered a.disgrace to ,the tdepartment, p laytr.hw r""isds-ssrettu ert-
1Phis summr after a brief illness, tire - At iris boairding house be discovered
old ailsuctuuE~ci 'hs dz-al. esul' ASla atthe pois Sste. rs Mexican of somewhat swzwthy cc-un-
~ ol r itt urcrtibd, is datheesu- ASlapat he Soil Sysem. tenancearid raised, .another hosrl. He
BATH TOWELS rg prrncipally as a result of old age. Ir-il-rtAwa1 'e ri lisis aegro edtitlat(teml anoa
Dr.tintstele had beer sconireted Iwith Peiet w'i pne i ls nng as sured tistpien rwa e
AT mitadeatetfrifyfv internattional lathisinwseek stll is ,W ell, all t've got to say is, don't
yrears. He hid rte dislinirrion of 'beirng talk ontthie existing. American spoils you putit'Frust close so rie. If you do
ALLIout. otthe tounders o1ha11tpa-iert y geriis vtrernnt rnd its btd el 1 t 1111ullrty pop and tell him to git."
PRICES ~hainigtrcarried rte brick ind miortair effecit onttheii-consulrar intl aritassador 'lte failsireto finde sympathy for ireis
FOR sshitcis helped to form tire' old buriltiirg's sirs-it-i-. s-otrrse efelintgs adild fuel to iris ire.
QQ11 BOM 'O[Tforunda tion. When inthtie year 1S1iO "There is.'lire sail, .'tntiuiduet-enst until yestier-day monsing, whien lie
I ',.. ltmnum bilin stscrtpiel reso frti 1ayttnl ii tstimiseltfor01-orrild standrIft sonoirt-et'r. Iltepales ut
and tire-study of mredicini- for at'eit-st such ditubtitarie stickl..ttte cotitl not iris btoturtdbill anti sauldlie sswas going t
flL irre tn tred cte-of t it fti~~uiiitaslit' its surr ittri positionri is Hitt- st-tusihake the tdust of tis rua-terucoun-
nfuit try stork. Mr. ANuigeir-
Wile Parmacy heeeleti ir. ,Iflie g'att a Poisitioni it'e utir ty offhis slices.
3SSat rse ,74. aent~dssistauc deits n-arator u4 notib' surutfholdinghit for more Itan lie is supprlosed to hiase reachedft'e
__________Iepossesed_____________ful._ears.________________t au- I lerass stat'elit this tine.tt'aslt
o ftiananoirny is thorourght is it uuiu i{'et flurte lu-s tunideel 'utItherseuruii~a)Itys of It'u-ilesTit.u
" u>IN Orspedid line *of possibtle for tiny rieanr rtbshav. As a exteninrg theitseran ttionIlists course -
NEW IPdE eIGRSand TO- uir-ntinstratot'lit- s air4 xiuet. it iii-i ttr-'auiuu uet sit rtniiain
"E AC--entestore Dirurig thu earlierti yrs of Dr li. Na- andu-it- rut rit aIre i ir'uifitor ith
itself is new. We have remodeled the -'-i- l-rs f enu-.loracl iiii'sttttit-u 'lt-ni t-l uu le la
plate and irtvite all one friends to call p ilajc:o Ia{nl 10 o 1)Wl
and inspect what we have.- You can't aritu uftntuuysssttsnsiinrtoreffect.: untilsomrii')ill is paissed byt1'4, inn l:(it tlntr oithel1i of .Itt5. Dly:i
breat our LUNCHES. -oedwih- herqusietornral o-t uuti lt uh'un -nsn silt- Ii ii y'ste'idays'-T'inris that
t. E. JOLLY, 308 S, State Sit fr' titt arn s it lis 1)tu1rintu'rlly, uti- I ulrurnt-t. ' -an thu-,.- Ie tuiinr-niti har~s tbrorughnt
allnnul quenttlsr~ty friuernt tielte had :th _______- iisrlf someit(--tiheapnoitoriety try nmmtk-
t us'x nmade itit i t t th eltuu eit'iy. 0- M-l rf irs 'sitil irons'
W~E HAVE IT B- i-t ietsusuti- i-ucht 'Sentling Themr ho Heaven'' anhd s t svn-u-nit tur his inutigniatil onn
lo-clpartiipahteid inithrust- uisruurbluuitus uist-ous-uI ii-'-that.hrt aeWhtvet al elit-ti-k itbth nV'" Ill 1ed(" eelbultheol 'rilgetis'
W us ()e11je ir 1uay 1 ltttti'rtt gtts. tt i tatf Ec tt tus si- uui i- u n d Aluth it-aii tiein t l it- rnsirty. I dei-
riednntr lmnfiii lthiam t st-it-tn-- ito t -\\ayS tiaysoy i\i - inthe eahits tt h asid t 'CC iu-Itou-st at tu'huuisi-k * IurIt. is l- to
ne diutelne ntheilthe ltf ssinto i ltut an-Itruhr se I plity uths stt ir iier kl s I ti iuhtihitli i
b R(I4Q trut int iupo n -im lit-u-nt hustlte-his S-etunnu ut i-tint rito- 15 t''it tt iu in-Iim ~unesnt.i
LAPOKATOKT SVF7LIEJ' t, usrI (1.4tirif ibnedn-.'ihest'Eff'tutu'fnis tu iii'nil'thin-1t1i11. .k, thn-stnuhu-its .as lti~tent hills t-n)itnt-utountymis-chilth
TrOILET IQOObJ, t in u 111011rujrs1ui-his nartei nnu-Ito'uunh-hrutahi'lun-riiads--nrun 0l"it hi n un in iulunnue unit'tstiit'5
ETCH tutu to aphpearn'sn'r'nrh iu ttini ipo teIii )lugtrunnutnli' huttutti. I t tnnit-tn ti5 < tl- nihits hntnusuhi' uineu (frel een o ur ui
\i -innires stannit, hnrb i-thIe ulw sn uuitrittittut tns lnt n oflntat ait mmiiirtoitf ii fi ut iscourum y turnt. Iindiupiunrg hits
Q~JARR..'V S run siss. ehirs'lt hrontr ubleuhu rin thin si- resh ii-tnu lit-s tn-itlt gumu ut itni-rlneuntl i nrliu nunr-tnin ur
nnt-t'teiis .try ittnyiurg tny knowssedrge' dnnru- l ii in ti h nt' -nun s -t he ii N - t~un tl i-uu n'ntrtr'sntiu
v 1alsoever of the 1-lnglishi 1.1urngrtuugu'. t i' «ri-tntn-Ioyr u-snlit litseerii is itrnui iirununun uu u n'port-
Ills RV A - '" 1f1SCralinoanzfo ld h its-runotiomn lii th tnu u ruu ssn-t une tlln it us seeu. aStu n nu-u'inut olderu' iunitn s u un u'nuItt urrnu'in srs
COR. STATE ST. and N. UNIVERSIY 'iry ftAVtE.n'tu-u huuutunttt nurnuirth hn rns tt-- utlsltuirl Intrn- infon -rnstio n-u' tuu~h e wiiu'u imtl
Nsivs-rus u-reinrkablet. It'e until thein'liil-F'riesh: frush! sientl 'iiiiltpstund 'ni sn-ihoonls iinlhenoritih i.. k Krentu in'u is
ltre t nilhits rdephuartmnt f ti hueart: nis il.'' uS uhun o ncrig urnl u risgnnl)1tnu-iIhe nh ut iti unutntufnttesi iuos
iiv31 ly sia nuy 11iu111 t hatt i--u-- r-le . fu'rrt-Set; ri enstrnel'b th e oluulars untilbutunnnt runinu ne roeus taruundnu. We' dli
BOOKS au hAtr usmtlls aitan t -oad(1of1n'11- ito thn; temorenad, thi'fe'llnr':rsne1ec not hnhigtn our nniscinnoulsebfIwl
strantutuo nut iiiy Ionnrrabuti ft yeris, patssedl ih up0rcthin'headrns oftt I es-rh i ltt-tu usunnr nuu ndtruuk
iris irs nho- S~'neu itetunue uneInnsionig'\ctusn's i-lle-t-oinassoyinshatuill ntucknAi
ALL WE ASK IS.A TRIAL ebtunges' ru felt my themtnen In u'sun ireit 2a toucnrhof suadnessrasrine cs-i-cthnt i)-:aror. Annulthnt'real'Kenrturekianr, by
t los, hai temebesof this' facult "pu- c ate The-re a n-sosundof tint' say, nevr'sum nake's tessowof 311s
Studenzts will fid either of our thremselv-es pesionedelhint -anudgave theu'famniliar ol belh,.Win-re uwas -ollsrweaupornsuntil u-ulled ugoto mhe ussi
stj's ~aqurer fr lithe jobs of ringhngltu - ttsrh ~e lie- "Dot" ' Nagele, srho foerbultfuacenrtury 'soe,4aqare .frLof incur.
.n . okgn ll01~ inning of easuinincour. It is Iinthinscur- hail trg Oust this ' chanige-s of clacssoerr Ioluinug tut-you sill giv e thus a plane
any ed1~l $OOC~randall21-, 'Imity rasts bell-r'inge'r thur t mu'vssas 'sith[ei'sitlesr'rlk? "Diead,' wat s thfl- int lmuyouumr u-oluunns, I am,
uet ok.fnilu to the students most% at flue sau-erI. No successor haishi-en non.ia d A..KENTUCKY 'tAxw."
-e offer some second - hsand tuniven-sity, and thuartiirhe'camne asfine the old boll rinrger. None Is likely _________
books at, Low Prices. popukr wrimthuern a .leeihd renad-tuy to lie. Tir''e -rodlerns lib'rry clock tolls
-becomne with tireTunedic-mul facrulty. Itis ciftIhue housrs aid "tDoc's" bell iringing V .C .Nts
A FEW PRICES. tl'tiont to the medica~l corlle'ge' nnth in- rwas torn'ynyearsisimphy a super-
white X rhting Paper 15 and ?qc per lb.-erest in its welfaree contsinsud its iruniriry,us kindly act of chatrity try f'i "~enttirsity Y. 51. C. A. hins tueen
Linen Writing Ppper 20 .sod 25C ' stronugta seer, ee-n Itothin'timeni'nut Iis Vte sgsE'rsof flue'greaut uinivetrsity itnsvurctfotiluinte inn seurin'ung t1lau'y Wadsa
I Ream (250) .......... ...25eideathl. -ontmnulirg 'his'lmin IlnulnnIirs unnrrededtl itsrtNs'oc iymspikt
Bo fEnvelopes (210). 250 t. .:R Ike'leuaves to 1m1ous1-11 hits lures :t ife5'tuisk. thin'tis muetetinug Suundaly nt I onlores.
100 Cards engraving and plate ....$i.35_____
Best Studenlt's Note Bok......20c ind in udopted stunt suitis' n hhna tr-l un-mr1! ellsegeturni s AMr. lit-isstill
First-class Fountasin Pen-...$1.00 i1tithat iii Detroit. srl ehadwt rft
We, sell drad~in instruments aind It is safe to say thamt hau lhint'olma unn Football Candidates. Tncihyei' nuedsinlurt
' liI'er Slt uhi rnnnse's ne t to bierte'hiest
supplies at Special prices,{itelsdning Ihe sollegie yenrr lint'(tde- ruthi s' trcitnticn'u history. Last year
Sweaters and .Athletic Goods. jrtrrtruennt wounldlhare uloseul its thors Al.511 rininn(lii'tfottbnill arluntd 'it('ix- tsi0nuns-un svere 'rllerl. 'ilis yeuar if
Before Buying your Needs Try Us. Curt usdary 'nd thie melir-s studer'nts as-t-rtiel tin hue- priesent uat the coufvireruces is hrotusut ttat at hurst doelethat.neurnsl-
Iitendeiristfuneral In tntxtrimly. of fInth ~eites, hold tthetin t. uveryber still taeriosp thne strk. The course,
W ir~ Bookstores I _______- evellinn^ nt 7 or-Iock. luf.o('ritAesidBI
Prof.ad 'Mrs. Ak. H. Pati-rigill hare NEIt SNOW', Capt. Te0snamnit characters, Studhe, in Jobhn,
U~ Town DownJTown ni fir noel"ftm-their .suntroer home at wl ao t -ek dot
'AES. PPCO rIIU (hrotXDAILY, FREE TDAY. line for each day's study.,

-W ALt&!SJW JL %X".M X

(a (ASr .I.VL. (A"4 i4 N((3 is i 4((1(

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