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September 28, 1900 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1900-09-28

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~~ ~~~ ~Ropmi Rents Have Gone UD.g Sh e on
Owng ti the impression wichie has
gottnahondthat there will be do ter- at a Sacrifice
ribl Oos Snds podh ate olsrtush this year, maiy -tf the LLCreeyat
Cin35t toss speopthotlave raiseid the prke of I he iway our shoes 'are going will
Til NIVERSlITY 01 MI"C IGAN tutu' n s. I> ' , surprise you, and the prices that
Mev0tIcaus BRA-iCtpas:vssae riteIfguesare umaking them go wililisurprise.-
Argas Hidg,. ~Si t 0 stSae set u hailo norauiheitic,", aid lDr. A- i i)you still more Itwill be profitj
gss~~~~~_h Phones 53. NewStaei 5iniir iss'i2. yell" heim tspressionsis hsgsiie ut " befryut esrrsdDo
MANAGING EDITOR, osoiig 1)poojo, hso ehaverssui'ins t rn-al o o ob upie.Do
. iH. His ~,*0 that tihatao'tgih to e atrsunmtous in today and try it
BUSINESS MANAGER, iiluhtf idents isere and I tiniin- - GLASS'S SHOE STORE,
torimed that the landladies liar.' cd-
i'. i.55i..5 5505 ~ vinees hrie price of room reit tweity-109S.MiStet
EDITORS: tisct per ienutIt:am afraid if they hold Open eveing until ANN ABR IH
ATHLETICS, DG.P.H es.o.torthis llued price' therS iille. 8 NI PARBO,.MICII
-many nnos.'enied roo s near te caina-"
A. H. Meossit~aot. >. T v. t.Crssa3 pus tht might b rented f the rens To the Studentsu
w. A. K. sie,'05 L.. Mitss L, X. SBIN, {1 weie kept at a normal figure. .Students --
-- -wllse heaper rooms." of the 0GREETI NO:
_____Open House. University of Michigan
Th (ube pie pie of itheii.rDILY5$.5
fo the coteyeii iar, with vusregsiar deiie Siiti, hUiversiy .~ It is with pleasre we welconie ou back to our city
I ons, tsd oiithr mateiineded fr pbioss -i~S hid in open huse everly evening adtusbigou is Fl;pnigw'nvt o
ttmste hand o ssed isiat te.DAofitc e. s h atto wsis ut~~~s to our New Store where we would be pleased to show
p.mi h.ay pr -icis to hat dayo lowishae iav'iled themselves of thesopor- you anything iii the
Subsriptilossniay sb-letiatithe DAILYosfifice unii, Salislay night willbC he r sirtBest Ready o Wea I hin 1 Hats, Cas and Furnisin~s.
Me'ei ii or t Mit'i' ss'iatti , i ' t i t~ilil~ tm~ie social evening. ft isr 0
ecioiiuiiiiy ii iiSubscibrwilofer aiiitilA5 mospedttcom lete tock of 1EriosurTuuso1\3t) atthe
tolreof ietd 0dooeliser present wvl ishave a gsd tiue-thsat is owe st possible CASH PRICE. Ott Styles are ab-
Si hng- i i n a e i tiiisi osater us be i - ivn s e ase. taist, but nt lea S, o tey or c.
<mw ht he s'i aii t appear thirt 1-1i1'.ie. somiie'hing' to ea.,
Important Meeting of the Daily U of M. Masons ! TA BL R 11South'
Board, Friday Evening at o'clock & VVU 'L ERTH Main St.
sharp in the Daily Office.
lia risrny Lodge No. 26i2 extend a
A imiiih-io-be-ideploi'ed inciioet os'-Co'ihal iiyi'oiso tot5 . of Mt.Moiic A
t'ur:'lrleuss ' iy: iioe sulois'ht orionferiof thrie'TlhitlDe- AStedTHItIhep3;A TIw~c~ re 13'4,.t -D
coon-ho Bergen ha os i tetuist tse crtswsd " nugot EAIN ' I. EABOLT', Les'see GfnCl J321)].
long le siiti'fine ut isolbeoquiie sts'ioel erssss-i ONE WEKCOMMENCINGMO DY CTBR1t
his ioal ill thie i r imirksitoiaouit slis year. t sillte ir'emtei'eed thaot WE1ODY OTBR1t
the playcrs. Aloiiiy of 'ihe ii'(tioilots tr vasrisus causies these iitersiing AReeatoii_ eproie
1a'rie'i e'lose oexpeorieno-n tihe gid- sei'i'Oo-os havie been doiuppe r1 for twoARveainuoRpetie
yrnhsbe oeht aie ,1( tvear's. In oroder ihitit he vsitsiemay te C p' Tf ~ Atl fb 7~fl*
iis issjt't'isuchseer's t hisioiitenitst' vc'y'hinig tot it sosulod e to fulfill jiiiAHo i 1it n s Imerial $u.#u !;v ~I wmvli fy
is~~~~~~~~~~h o sisoiii'iiiiss'ttt'iOie tobotject of tsloervssic'e, the ~attaunic's
thast use (est paytrs ire miadel. Their oot sll 'ooo's interestedot otrili h Openinig Alonday Night with the Greatest
Spisrit i111it lest ti tniss todoowhti n Ssic,anisot thi s('iiiis .s tled ito ot'All Labor' Plays.
tey t'oniiis 5 to'uiiiimeiided'lrat ier th is 'ou;e(coal iolmusic). 3
411.1ii r uonu'sss id't.siilit is susplisirA. A. ST. l \ 1 1 '. i
(hot oO'sto' hii' iilis' iiti'ts tt ldhoasss, Iyan &Ie re sle I ~ R 1I5 C I~ ~
the ill nflrnany cnduc irtaualsgents for Ypsilanti underiwear.
te niigtllt'iioity uoniducltristoot lt'l Tuesday Nigt-NORTHERN LIGHTS.
yistei'itsy andithiet'015y tbefore'o. 'fle Assistant Prof. 13. 1. Iourloiiid of ho'j Wednesdlay Night-IN THE HEART OF THE STORM.
iiioiiigi'iit'5 is stt'irislhisigtusnoe IRousisoue Lainguiage lDepas'mtsu's, isid Thursday Night-THE VICTORIAN CROSS.
e'seryosue. sho ill', iwhsthrhelt is greens Instructor' (isuss r(oiuirnedl yestesrdtay Friday Night-DR. JEKYL AND MR. HYDE.
tfroim a ssiumeiofst sudy ini Ioirs. This Saturday Night-LOST IN NEW YORK.
thi gorksiegtsr his ae i s'suoi, hiti lsiii' sis Pussn~ All New and Special Scenery: Enlarged rchesra at
ienoiugh withsout hiasig isov'srcomsse Every Performance:
the siers and joke's of those wiss Complete lice "Adler' fall suits and
lave iot sit-ivt' lollttotu t i l toerc-oats at Wadhaums, Ityan & Rele.j PISICES:-Eveninsg 10c, 20e, 30. Matinee Oc sld 20e. Lahes' Free
__Itsinsissuts- iIstluyiii Tickets Monday NightSale of ets opets Fritday, Sept, 28 at Idaler's jewel-
do, or kiowsiisg'iheir sins int-saiosy, 10T soe.--__
wuill bseliev o it ssgootd of ohest N EW
'loshe tigatitistlsteunivsersiiOE N S
art' uot tendsowsedl withs theritsofstiot ty OE'
Itoi: thee'outicht-is ti sonses AND i'iii 0101 Os l verAIL IARto.LO
hare slmi,n slisei ts'd bya gaince W~ e are better prepared than everB I L A DP R O
over lsits ienswohaveiss eahsredulas to give the best of carriage service,
canidte fo fotal hoor. hehaving added two rubber tired RMODELED, REFITTED, EVERYTHING NEW.
heavy onses si's' iuusshicuis blotheisr coaches to our stock. BRUNSWICK BALKE COLLENDEII TABLES.
abuseis'-aindlit is te list ssiiu o f uu'thisei~ u.
]fie hihiis Ito (us-fills- i'thlstihe' Jolmnes Livery MoV ~J L kk'J
iresecuir ssll onoiunstit f isterioshfot H
tse thres' ctnturhosilisuss thie uco hcssPHONE 106, 5515E. LIBERTY ST HIlI RDEo.~.
cano bexetdtdothmev R d od er& C .,the teas: justice, suit so far ther .1.Huxrions7 sv WE11U1 i y, 7-35TJ
clill h fou-tisisce smoemenloustet sisil AKR,
vey itlrepns Lgllmn h cl 41WalStetNw ok U SOSOUTH-I
very litl iltuuusbe en nsieith hsuuRS cosE al~ lNwYrI D AN D osC5O
filtis'isoc ' his is iiot ight, iuatnd '-TO TATE S
(lie unit-Ir:-tiestudetis 'ot Lticluigsos ''tecit a gnei'ilibankinegsineiss. FIEYN OLS R, 312A.Ei T EE1
'Rocipsits ssubet todrft.Diidensd
realize tit ftct thei ckhu-her isill thisiasnd iterest shleted autd emitted. Act ccas _____________________________________________
eefect Ibe reussei-l. irenry sueanFiste nsfoe and negotiate he isse of S NT R L M IG
. +feeyoeilroads snee railw a, gscomuipnies etc. SNT R L M IG
tts dolishr to ad eligot Seurities ought andsld ssscssnihosio. Is.r s os sls.loN ti5S Ltlii
the essuihis hby I inn bisgit Iisiuersonal neualers inHih-Grade Investmenut eeri I I YUIUNDHOTWAERUEIrl~l
ts, Lito ure n-totuierinis sut isn iF Al-iSSIGAS AND LSA 5n5. i xi~rIN
uia ff tergtllilfu ts'nt r-hsiair that+th-re ire usmuen e ough out eatln- rhiladelphia orepn ee, 1ra. 207 E. Washington Street. R sichmKer&C.-_-
uin. Thl ensusare is:ecogo-.and it susly-
remains to ge't then: out. This ecu h ANbO TBLeH ES WH
dons osly by iWi concerted action of 'T N IG M A D F O B L H E H

all, since thislovr sf college 'and sense THlE JIOEiNN 4
oduty toivardti tchialainater",whieh PtLL SiZES 218 S. MAIN ST. k
should pronmpt theti to get sut, sems
h e absent. L IM,_________

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