THE UNVERSITY' OF MICHIGAN~ DAILY. ~~ ~~~ ~Ropmi Rents Have Gone UD.g Sh e on Owng ti the impression wichie has gottnahondthat there will be do ter- at a Sacrifice ribl Oos Snds podh ate olsrtush this year, maiy -tf the LLCreeyat Cin35t toss speopthotlave raiseid the prke of I he iway our shoes 'are going will Til NIVERSlITY 01 MI"C IGAN tutu' n s. I> ' , surprise you, and the prices that Mev0tIcaus BRA-iCtpas:vssae riteIfguesare umaking them go wililisurprise.- Argas Hidg,. ~Si t 0 stSae set u hailo norauiheitic,", aid lDr. A- i i)you still more Itwill be profitj gss~~~~~_h Phones 53. NewStaei 5iniir iss'i2. yell" heim tspressionsis hsgsiie ut " befryut esrrsdDo MANAGING EDITOR, osoiig 1)poojo, hso ehaverssui'ins t rn-al o o ob upie.Do . iH. His ~,*0 that tihatao'tgih to e atrsunmtous in today and try it BUSINESS MANAGER, iiluhtf idents isere and I tiniin- - GLASS'S SHOE STORE, torimed that the landladies liar.' cd- i'. i.55i..5 5505 ~ vinees hrie price of room reit tweity-109S.MiStet EDITORS: tisct per ienutIt:am afraid if they hold Open eveing until ANN ABR IH ATHLETICS, DG.P.H es.o.torthis llued price' therS iille. 8 NI PARBO,.MICII -many nnos.'enied roo s near te caina-" A. H. Meossit~aot. >. T v. t.Crssa3 pus tht might b rented f the rens To the Studentsu w. A. K. sie,'05 L.. Mitss L, X. SBIN, {1 weie kept at a normal figure. .Students -- -- -wllse heaper rooms." of the 0GREETI NO: _____Open House. University of Michigan Th (ube pie pie of itheii.rDILY5$.5 fo the coteyeii iar, with vusregsiar deiie Siiti, hUiversiy .~ It is with pleasre we welconie ou back to our city I ons, tsd oiithr mateiineded fr pbioss -i~S hid in open huse everly evening adtusbigou is Fl;pnigw'nvt o ttmste hand o ssed isiat te.DAofitc e. s h atto wsis ut~~~s to our New Store where we would be pleased to show p.mi h.ay pr -icis to hat dayo lowishae iav'iled themselves of thesopor- you anything iii the Subsriptilossniay sb-letiatithe DAILYosfifice unii, Salislay night willbC he r sirtBest Ready o Wea I hin 1 Hats, Cas and Furnisin~s. Me'ei ii or t Mit'i' ss'iatti , i ' t i t~ilil~ tm~ie social evening. ft isr 0 ecioiiuiiiiy ii iiSubscibrwilofer aiiitilA5 mospedttcom lete tock of 1EriosurTuuso1\3t) atthe tolreof ietd 0dooeliser present wvl ishave a gsd tiue-thsat is owe st possible CASH PRICE. Ott Styles are ab- Si hng- i i n a e i tiiisi osater us be i - ivn s e ase. taist, but nt lea S, o tey or c.