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September 25, 1900 - Image 3

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U. of M. Daily, 1900-09-25

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N ew D iscovery in B otan ical G ard en s A t the M ech an ical L ab oratory . A~ h u h t e b t n c l ' l o o 1 t n o l L l e p e n u b r AR S BO- TR
eaosptooSosnot this year iqute lilo to rotS ~ ~ ootoooot nr-~ ~ ~ 1R S E O K T R
te sandiocol'of lootste a ofit,;totyv. 'tt toie uing 10 stbinetogettoletl
nore isoconeerneod, it i0 still of retotolt50 fet Tht. e taddltitiot ontoplt'ed.
interest. Among the otanyc interestinllo( ppt-totet5ptr'tit oionsitothe Ooeooeott
pittets io the Japanese elatoline. Its wllSte emotoe, 1ltthtg the 'o bo E.X ELLED BIT NONE .
leaveoslook like the blood root of Sle s',(,a ~oren axingon ly the ro011oct o
Mlchigan oods. t grows p to be a ceupietlbyI saCottooley tooth A sstont
oshrub about five feet high. It was Proft Allen. ito offie Sn this lore Otr ooamoth sttck of Luw tooln Medtcofl oos, aood Text-
olloevered accidestally Iiot thegtoroln, ostoct-:tll the btte '~ettoto oo'Books for very- departoment of the Unveot t stot' ooooplot.No)
lortee ars ago. Mr. (looollew, te otoor ilfto tte.It ~tIormatter owhat yo wnt, soce tan suple)your oted.
ono-tenet rtathfle ohoe, trototetldtt etr ji tpropterwill beodiviode d inoo ctt t ting'J
ot asa weed,Sot Proof.Jutliuts Seloot- mttroomlndt otomotfoorlo. l theeittg of tthe Prices trll G ita (inte9ed asLOW ais the Lowest.
tefheck. stoolttnp5rof('s~or of pharttestotlir itstrumttents beidotes to Otliot-
ouseg ootoolotitwos orlw ttit'o-moot. T'floe oco ol story soill lbt utedol t(acqutatoitttdwitho oso ontdotmako outisstores yritt hu-sttlotors.
thess 000000 wlots troko t ffxhIt hooglt lt'.wt- ltrttfto.ttstrlis 0ltt ttttritto- WeV-sell thoe Waste'rsmanttIdeal o totttin to Poto ol atot-ugOltt totl
it totloot ee tot000 flo pyol I ooily. l'Stiotoe-o-oteitt't'ic e l tt l i,,o'. Atoor. coo. i
fourther studoy lot-dco(-loeol whatt it tros. ?tOnttott'ikt to ttt' i ttt ttlt'tt ___
Ito- h ttolboen workitg onot i ncte tootS 001I ttltt't Itteit otitos. R
htos found.tlit cotasotto a o tti t t o t- 'Ito 00-0(-Nte otlticttioneto otioto ts o nIttt
0000 000 t oof opui T he. S o tolooottoks lotttt 1 0 011 t t I--1. otti sill tlladd to t'to 005
vety litleo-ulost t s plain. Thnflt't- ,ot- ite' attoli t'ttt o tthe ttngn ctittf tl'iotl- lt oot Ot t ot to o t tottt rIto lt
o0001)' reel o r for00- tto-swo nr o itoo gir 11101117Ottto0i0ec t0101eto-( ortot otttlo oottt o n pasot t'(itn'ottl t lt I to t 0 fel$. 25toI itt '0) t . 001500
it soooso-Sotfesntiono. Prof. Sc-lloto-It ttttt l IIi I t itt ito jlt tt't- ot otItheg tIitt- W\c lae a-sp~eoialty of tloilyintogFEtgioottritg studetosl with
riodthbe oooooised Otao''g. ltitlo oit-l _tt ttt e otItootholo ott the ot tt . lro io to ooseoo iolso~ic. \' soos lro rto ooe
Drain Inotfemensoaidototeie Otto'mpittso'ect fittoit too
TIoos the I lto t: etnutre too lot-lboootoooo'o tilto te '0ninto' :ftt Ito Atlot-t
gotoeso io ooss . oooun lr'oto. lha oit 05sott- Ot't'ie t t A 'ft 1 too ('ai totu'," tt
hilo s t 1 lt topot-t o o tott tlt-''ti Ottdtt n I v b 1 (lo -i-sI oyfor' - o t he lt
ant e llot its0010ros-io- i tlotob 'rItotut het- ot ld ol tot'00 iot hio greatet iottoto
'Iitloigooso Algitotl tooS ('ollegoetttotor ne 'il11( ttol o o osut'cesstoo 0lottt't othetland00)0 D-to'o'nlcelebrtedfolSwois isttttttt tot-Ieho-tG'0rma-soooilero
NWotollloilot. W'henoo5tf. 001000 o 't t o 1' ottoieat ill(-,ooo'will hlot- eitt''O-ttt fnit
go-s 0lorotolo to-t l lto -N oot a, tt ht- '0too .toti 010 0otdal(, t 'oo'oo. TSeit nstoootru entso. W i' 0a0e0yoIItlt- ttttlllti'tt ttpt o f00-0\ItS :o- llo-i calto-
ostlol toill kowoo'otoeo ut t I o tol otprtes 00too t tto ot ''0'iiuttottot'i s e ooo' to rootot to iotlg tito L l00 10 5' ot
0toe ito nt tolif Itito tottusefol 00-0gottc to't'tt'ot 0 ottool It is scoitlto blaou'0 r01fp tri'es.
_____ ~o tlaor OOONr0te oots- tootooo sontry. tge-
;we oro t'tosq'otc.,- and spel tocial ' ~Lvery'onec knowtat'so otr Sltlo-
l. of Chicago Football Schedulle sitto lot-ott totloottoooprsent011 ithiOit'ery Deptartmoentoshop-to-dae. \0 e
:eat tsuperTior 'to )' 0-ct- rt'-uottitt. Sae all Sle latet colors and stle
Sht -olorsgo tltl Itoto('oootoo'o titts Io biso fooe correpondence papers. 'I.ry
leont-sarra'tnged-ol o . too foLthe 0 i ontofto lholingte t o ot or oo ~t ooett ot'no- -opeooe io
nI'thsooiy of 0'Chu o ecai o ngo -o-'0 t ootooton au r otolt n t n.5ottirtot If 50000 hotoe aootOld IRooko (Sat o o urnw-in rs iz ie
St-pt. 2 ottotott-ol10000 0 00 Ototo11tyb'o'it -I p woritng pape0r, ble or whie, only
l iz. O olott ot T ter o o o't wato, rn hogIemotilo,te
\I orohotl liell"oe. I t os boo- itotItrotottl 00to ne 'lybotall khindtof otsecondoo-handoooook. 5cper l.t 'ote haveSle conelopes
St~lt. lb-tlotottlt 'oll-sot:11In-o er-v country golittlao theot itglto' ohe ottatch. We aloways carry Sle bet
sh;IIIl Field. toftol~tt(, boo' rot 1I'orlb te o esr~t o ssr000graoe otwhite wosvoe or looeon taperst
Sep1t. 200-lttos o ll'otOege o too "'(ltoo ll re tooOtfo oo noto'Atotriro t iotO rot-btiot blth le poundoc. Ask boooe otr 15
I'il.f ftotve'0 or edoo'ooSAutrloish, nottit tostandotoec papers. 1Coot copoco loy Sle
O0t. [i-Purdeo a rhltt o (otboSl ioto"l. ot(oto re o otroom o r 'o'it cltiogtm iobtoot- l loxt(25 ) foot' 2S0.
GObt. 10- 'soitority ot, ittto-ot: tO ot -totloot' 0 bot alltll lsi 0010; l oot ooooo'lito
Minnoseapolis. or ;nt
4(1 .000-Iit'own tt Ittto't'ity t \00 51 \0 01 to roto Iloot Sotbolt ;t .'ttt000to-st it-
"tt-ol I'tlls'nS. tg' t f' \1ot ' So. oonb tot0 ilit ittt t e
7 t 21 1'tivort'itn of ett tto 0010'000- t toltoo'Illooto 0-' o A\'o'tlto'oot lo.
'00 I~s'ol eltotho. ! S.11e 1atto oO'ct SI~p trttt-oo' t is t-
No.;-owtato Itis-otity a-00 O 'ltobo l (y. ot t 0o o our o t o soithottt ttitte
O boolt.ot ' 0t'th ut e nl t'00 ' lao' (t. 0 i tlt It
Notto 100-Ngo' toorth 'tsteS(; t'tett'y00 00a t ooh tow o 'oot t osoo o lo undet' tootoo'
'lot isliol ltoSd. a -toald tl 0i mt'' ncesoooooo' totito-s
\ooo 1r-S'toiorit o' of s o-tottO 1' tt ' i tt a too '80000tt t tto'' ot oto 1-
'01 sol I lolsIa.l0 to i t tu ioiatA'et ato ott p10000too
No , 200 (''Ch ltt itt if'i itt' S 000 00000' 1000t: orw'ardo'o to i o cal toot-ott s
oOf 0 toltt'h ttt ot ars ltt l ol olseaso. 'T'ose ' holto oo Por-
S. LA. Board Begins YearsBuoionesostoill wo'tooo toott' (?riOllitboandttoo to OboTot-i'F 1' OOKs FOR F~lRb]r SFJiIFr'1 TrI
Slo- . ..s.botooo It-Ot toto o-ot toltit ottoi -o. 'otHbotttISit 0.'' '"L.AW DEPARTMJVENT1900 II t~o 110000ase-oin L(0nit
loht ooe-'tAose O 0000 is ns t totto coooo 'io too ott' oto ol lt tttttt.0000Ito 50o y 0 bO~O~~es- -5 t~
lit- - Sol sin the- 010100, ittotttob to 0lTai 1 is o boti-tooof h ru etto ittotm 0c-toost0005 Ju ispr dencl..' . .I - o- o to
otortolas050it' O tot''t oot' 0500he0ud tto ll, bt' t s00u000-Ortritnlt an0000 tItt' tolls oSO _Olt toot on0Pub1icOtfiSe-0,; o
t-otnosgodtiti0s0 0050a000rove. I Sitolollakostoc s Comomoenoaries, q oo llwyers Caes tooPrivae lo-
ml.Osgols.00000 Iob-lroot'-XICII. tooley on orbslarge eol- ersalosal La.....-2a50
liror-oooslile lft t or,otottb ty 'Ott! or- tt'''Seon000 1 of 0couroe 7 (to the ooio' Soion- - - --.......5 MEDICAL DEPARTMENT,
ttuso of Pauol ootohSis.'00) 5. (to. P- I -toottCorntotille. ootito '0 oill moto T'iffany' oot Sales..........---50 BOOKS REQUIRED
W\ildeor's drt o-t 0000 0500s toigttooto'o:1100ii.Mml T 7 '. 11,-ct. 5 'l'ot'olty tool ItrohlokoCasoon Sales .-1 50 FIRt oo r .
th lotlioil l llee of dolsinitoicket:;.hb a''tustotttt, insooot to tot nl 1. M(oonday JDwyer & Uarrae's (aseson000 \ortatoy by Aomeic'ano so-
'lit-Setsoatools- dst-oo S w000 0ill bto ott d o (0101 l('t' illty 0otlotroo t01 (Prtot- Mritl Reloationo.....z 5 co thootno~
stao ule n ati- e lolers wsill (SotaloisOtiSthe ito-co ot t othe 0 looit x1'1ttl oriottt 0oN'ull Sr:O0OotYtEARt.Pre' be eal hosi ty.3 5
11(t~tsth(t-e. 'TickleosilS too 1printedooStekot't ttit t omt . 'l . 55I..tt '0. 'lto' ots-Cnooo ls oot-Itoers e ology msry 3 2
I~ u r'OstCommon Lawtoltad-oIotoleottots0000tol5 ogyt.t.t.'
otoosselt stotaeSohog m'toototan'ondl'o00t)'dnn.Johnson00n lills ad Notes, .> 75 11 isoolooune nthrpogietsekr1 . I S'I y --t-050
0s0000.. 0T050.nettIs meetigsofsthe ootor .1-.1-0. Hule Itocins' Cases in Equiy oootIooo lolo 0Ileial IDiftioary.. -2 50
willbe o Wensdyt-t iis g.Ito'lCot-lyd .AA(ser 9'0 ,wilsun) 1 ccoo's ]eesooof Poar-
s ll lo tos V ttoooly tt-oit- 0Ot'S-O''o o'' 0)0'01 1 oil ittto--.,. . - , -11'-n e/ AI r', -.A = J

Yo000 wilS ind a foolls tock of otOlo t. to
stol Mleal booktsat 'Wooloro.
leot $01 hotoade is blthe Iboos-trol.
Wotolloossos,SRyano & Reuole, solo-atgtnds.
MrS. Florosoosh 0. l)ss-oooiog, '000 So sh
0500'tstiosgso'toetv days it o ott. ISb ho
oss Iis os- o 0Toopekat, oos.. sforr a
ip 0'05o thle Paso E-xptosititoonssond i ote
l'0op~eoooo pointoft 01'interest.
All Sootyhookts at Ctollooglton's.
SItoytol Tigers, 1.0e.: Tigoretles, foe.
MSo. Ct-sIte . Mosstgontety, 1900(.'a
osoton e s t~rof tlalso-Daotly staff for Itbeo10000
totsyeasa-, soill nsootrn cto oll-gs-
Solo yearO ho finishis locoonsso- isolaws.
He ito at presof feosoloiDsogoehlt at
Wykoff, "Minin.

boo- I butt onooort-oiton.1.1 loti't-itilho
IN'ashtioo'oo- 00tto t'r t orte roitt' i
'toots tLitleiotttitt wek
Reobenot. S -Ietop', fromooo Sro-pean
C'ttototr'a oy, Geormany, foactoer of
500000.o, 'o- t stoandstmusica o mpoe0005sition0;
tsoo I oth tt otellsog.Studoio, 012
S0. Divhoisionsto.
l'dtS tit"Istoth0110 ldotaptainot io thto
'tottohity tttotttttllItt"111. tots boel ost ttt-
too'ofar oo'oc'ol'toeolrtt'o' Ito'y l.io-
onto oot mooooty dtIc-sooo'rIt".
11'.1X'SSE -01 lot- chtorchs touoritot cooir;
sotorooot, teorts ndsolaSos oltist. los-
que 012 s. Divisirousoil.
1tto ounierst'yly ibotarty hstotottottoo-
oetobtl withsIt Iogo v'olumeooo '80000icootO
tooo Iitigbi'totIOS1ea~t tSo-ologoo-of tllst
Noito Volsi'ooo'.os'ity .of theilso- 'oteol
stages." 010110itottgts fvooleaol thOle
AnnosArbort olsopto- eatainsomoe (toot
v'iewos of te U. of -Al.

chest's Cases iso Parttner- BOOKS REQUIRED
ship ...........-2oo "ott1'ot-suiEAt.
Shole on IBailmoents taotl (ao- Aonatoomy by Amooericaoos au-
roero------------------o thSlorn......-----------Sb50
losIson 's o c Poetr's CGeneraol (Oteotioty - 3 25
Cooley's 1Orit.. 1- s ott Coossti- F sig'sPrtoostetic lintoibt 6'5t0~
tution Law, ,;o rdt., Clooth.. - a 50I tloes o Iliotology......
shetep . - 3oot fl tbet's Labtortsory wsork iso
lirtytis (ases to oor osbtoo- istotlogy----------
tionaoolloots------------ta o ~tGouhtl'so Metliotol icbtonarty - a50
We slie discoutotoptricesoil000 all moiscellaous oo iobooksndStandotard orkoost. Librarieo
tGermoatn antorenoto-totoksotoimpooortedt direct.
:lssriptitorceivedfotrometoot. oreig000100ioas

Two Stores : ;)o P TWNSt.


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