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September 26, 1900 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1900-09-26

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of Il tjCalendar. Jf a1U Shoes going
2eetin S, 7lls Crp ~ltOtane aat a Sacrifice
Ccii c3 astier.
ci itya. si pe l--IIildleat ile- ( The say or shoes are going will
THE UNIVERSITY Of MICHIGAN eat ~ suprise you, and the prices that
ttSindli ip. 5Q,4:305)p.il., alt Tni-v r aigtem g ilsrrs
MANAGING EDITOR, Is 1i-i u s5i \ittnul -S. C. A. Aidess , aemknthmgwilsrie
o) H HA i, i i s i s n -l. , '' yost still tiore. It will e profit-
BUSIESS ANA~R, i -i y (-5. pis--r absle for you to be surprised. rop
I- iciiii, ii C isi-u SIc-st 4-I~iinsyt010day sd try it.
EiDITORS: Isiii i5ets 4(1-sclsiiiiZ0so ollige _ .GLASS'S SHOE STORE,
Ar£HLETtCS. G . Po. Os1>" r. sit Ti tigi-tir' Peli. 9 S. Main Street.
Sit-tayd , isrs. 31:-sc stitiic Oe vnnsutlANABR IH
A. H.Mcitoc asi, .c- it.VV.. osso 'n3 school as Itegs-tts Jield.OpnenigutlANAR RMIH
W. A. KNIGT, sit L. is ,S ,K. Sesiss m; Iti) (AlOc. "I4-utdue at Re.- 8 P . 3
eats'lField. To the Students
IIE NCH. fte R E I G
1iiitt trctgti iiisi issi-itg heSec-ti It of couts 7(te lsssis tteUcEF O
The[ront row! ]t ot i poie n te )rsittuCto(srteille, itacine) owill netg
catididates tor fot'b-tall Iiisnsrs this ral, tittioom 5, T. 5I, at s Tuesday and 'University ot Michigan
dinlinitrstSltt l litirednlsiy tsia ta 1 oday It is with pleasture we welcome yout back to our city
starugilysthatthe s'btgd.mtidiaveitts t (sitrse 11 (Issiost- Writers sit th (Iss- osd fthis beitg Our first Fall Opening we invite you
stiitglyth) iiitu ttu 1.st lit ital PIilrid i sillIle. ciOec itlisuotit 2. toirNew Store where we would be pleased to show
turntid otto i s teit i eS lit is he:y U ., it. a1j.Tussdy .sndt1 1irsdst, i- sottaiyhng it the
shsold.Yssraysass- alsot threeiire id if wt 10. Slsonday and Wedne-
elevens Stsiril t rdoer te idsuitd (:Y-. Best Ready to Wear Clothing, Hats, Caps and Furnishings
aiothsttsetttm a si-cisv s O- havy iate-- A . FIIANCOIs. A mtost cotmplete stock of 11 EERYscTiIN V " at the
vial. Nci a sitngle iansi showed upi tir NOTICE TISA('KMISN! lowest posible CASH PRICE. Otr Styles ar ab-
tte venter or the lnti:,-anith i etters tsaidid-tiis tor the- tack- Santare rit solutely correct.
side patnters wieis-Altusi ts.-sre. qustedis 5 to ipot tithe5- tilolis kIetd (i E J
Or tihlesthuscreiiite otutitgh iheie:;%.3:0j tdayastnd hrtsatieuntil tutt STA E L R211 South
tie Imirti-ligliit- -n Msbustnut thiy tie, fl i s olv tai ftie hidandip UEF1- t
nlsoOc.27. I. 11'. StATES U HM u t
tta's to-io tiany. liTire iare laige ienttt - ________
in sit ttis zit tthei Intisisiy.ltd 1-l )-.u irs-eveit its ts-eslt-sit T EN)T E A
tin-ofifct-cassge teior less otball a ilty. a rei5iiildaiy s-eigasseebtly lstA T H N H ER E
sIitis 1si)to cshemii'to dnte:oesi r1sOnrcnhv hesm yadgtot t dtirs-ire n- y ei:,-lli" ti ngesurs Acadeniy-and - DEAN Jr. SEABOLT, Lessee an5(1 I r.
th 'buildintg sp ost eam -sutstsishall -____ ---__
sttceed in ilophclsstilig- tetstksic-- NOTtCE THFlh~IIRST BIG GUNS Or THE SEASON.
A tnumssber of college gils would be__________________________________________________
iilg daiy -c-ortsanicieiof the lnitoiit5lad it work- ot the following kinds
iln '98 whti-nt(hiisgs lasi.tfillidrttsatSwespinig, dusting, waiting upon table, WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 26.
lat. Mautgr Baird slioiuIsi-e-ery- Iplains:sewing, and the ars of children
titig tevn do. ltieisa-stogh u Ladies wishing such work- either by Mr. John Griffith in a Magnificent Revival of
tat the griss-coics i t i ('1111is1tt the horor seek-please apply to the
EmlyetCmiteof the Worn- "THE r GL AD~I ATOR~D"
its oiiiis a iisii ti. o it lis stid Mrs. F. P. Jotdan (hait-an of oi.)
it qiu i5 Oite s 55ieet iis ite-, std 2: I -iaPlace
the taniispoises hif its is ilrs. 1.E. Cooey 34 So. Stat
-Mrs. I R. I :ac-er,1402 Hill:1 HU SDsSET.27
piissiibehe i,-Asill ti( kits ,lde itan 5ii- - -A BadrOg
lii~~~ -sKislststtu-iii-isi st-5 o cngW m. A rayPresents OgaNethersole's version o
miilt,. ass-lu o-ti I i. :it/iliito) ^ /^y T -Y1 O
rialtoit-ri mt.utei out is i en,lililt H TnUN
na i i-iit ii.(i tl ii ii i ii iAT = Piodsction Compliete as Peented at W~alac's Theatre, Nes York City.
those o you st-ti:arei So is, ig po itti
yoit'frinds TUTTLE'S PRICES, 25c, 50c, 75 and $i.oo.
Chicago to bts a Veteran Tear. -5Sotstile St. Satts on Ssle Three Days hut Adance of aniy Attraction st HALLER'S Jeueity:
itihirisitotlss-tiht- Tf! Ssorc-. NewyState Phone.
vt-Isity- tft(htie s-s: Sisslist itflhist NEW
yeasi fotballtsih layers st-t: oill ty
sit- itul ia: its r utitor lstgs yearhts ll
Ftive osf tses uteitlayedtfroyt Tc-the li- We are eter prepared than ever B ~ T P A R L O R
lisisuhti ti i t - nil iftthi s- on~itt. tname-it to give the bet of carriage service
edur thI-l tAistti scil having added Iwo rubber tired REMODELED, REFITTED, EVERYTHING NEW.
hittu~tiibeSlkep1t-Isoiut ifthlit-gameit-sit coaches to our stock. BRUNSWICK BALR{E COLLENDER TABLES
that-l Eldrcige Plc. ser sis lsil E-sitt llle Livery M+oNAt cJ4 CIJ5IIoN~s
played it s tss it hinet isissisthelst Holme1~s
ilost-st he seaiiuPsson. itiksili it- 'PHONE 106, 55E. LIBERTY ST HIGH GRADE -----
mitis altt sgg-erttsssisto wiossik sgdst is _____________________________
attu 3lihiigstiu will thsaveismuht 5:: Remon, tisti.o.
whentrey aye1moneslKerr& OC,., Cq4,fs, Tou40co, Cq41ETTES
Oratory. 41 Wall Sree, New ork '~ D A D SuC-caeoSesO T
(tilit ~ittstiig sirst c-~ esissi:ct ageneusi batking bsisese EY O___ OSN Vt $TAET
oumitted itsuss this suiiouiticlueut T his ecivc- deposts sbetto drft. Dividends 312 O5tTHiu
~t ill le giveilutIucsty aust and inescct collectedi and remitted Act as N'.. .IJ R E
t~illSCFlhAeete foe and negotiate the isuses of
lhiuscttstylit It s.c.,-diisut Opensutto rnilroads sreet railways as esm aies etcS NT R PL M IG
ttteisiulicls sc-IsitlifrtMembers New wokYotsEe-hsej r CONRUCo- TIttON AND SUPLIES,
yearussc-ct-ik hut e0ls-s l, cu s ous itt Daersin Hgh rd I Set e S cr-h J i
Etgil tsllgcties Lit of ccurrent sfferngs netest seeto apli- 7 StEAls AND HOT WATERt HEATING,
EnlsliadLoi.esslon. Phiadelpiais Correpondece ra- 207 E. Washington Street. ATussc GAS AND EECTRIeC FsX-sU tiES
IfOtlSAIE-Siuighe irons it-i, Nwoseit-
sire - tscinuc c-ht h poi. lrnhdcottorul T H .9TUDENTS:
top t i tfthiissC s(iteaiut21(4 So '1thuyE 1,'W
b t sil:rtSits Pensanti Alsrilc-u ltks st BUY TYO URi SHOES) 1OF8
I1s leas Jewelry -stc-reESTHE JHIOEMAN

NwSoeofPutut1) hiu $3.00 and 3.50 SHOES A SPECIALTY 28SMI T
Gal th newis Puritati slice torwotoe1-_____________________________________________

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