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September 26, 1900 - Image 3

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U. of M. Daily, 1900-09-26

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'Sino n of last ye r'o ltean t o theI II I I I JI
AS Predicted by the Daily, the Atten- Inversr yof towa, who are hock areI AR'SO K SR
dance Looks Like a Rcord ("apt.(riithli'. C SWillims, Brock-
itay, BatrrierOWrter,Mattiers, 55r-
Breaker. ttoatd I' tic]it asitiinito these, fE UE LEi-D B ON
yt'sr, withthe ecpio te li i ii titiailot list year'ssecittititeatisi
Deitartitient, itistiogite mitepfot i tlii iiiettte u eii IO Our mtisisotls stock of Law and lMedical ooks, and Tet-
"tres Iowi, tio, a veterasquiadt. 'Te boos for every department of the University is now complete. No
luatlyieiiitlct onrrect-seeii o ftr' llowinigetetlte ihas beetsn mappel matter what yon want, we cn isopph' your needs.
soil reports ii'tttttibr f tittlints it lit'or the teiti:
lii'Lw tltit ut t i sot tARIT'lY. Prices all Guaranteed as Low cas the Lowest.
sttite tolisit yer; tills i, irottby uitt iii a Ce 5Clleriisittiisiy Get acqtiainted with us and nake our stores your headquarters.
to thettiii rot "'hatenNorsi forScholl;11W\Ve shall try to itake it pleasant for you; it costs yen nothing.
to thaitileictirtt. Ot ov tt omlSho t
At Deaituti ltitons roomthle lite rryto" a(t Ot 'Spoi Cllgta \w Vt sell the Watermnan Ideal Fountain Pen -al are guaranteed
freshmtetn act' t'taino i itirtlo; t iey ~ iittt el'~'i o
strtedl erly anditateisict'olitiy lpsseot' t 'li, S itlg'stAii
mocrk. Oticrs ottttne trilstttiilt (i I raktent iver ale at tes
sie tiny sn' wit Oursoecial $1 00 Fountain Pen is the best itanufactured We also
who d rdi, >t'tartg oly f 'ti'egtpsito'iihave tome htter grades for $.a5 ad $t.,50,
suwell te i't ll ttttt sl l l asIte c t
'ssuiu Nv ot itI iii rity o ittScign il Wemnake a spcialty tat supplying Engineerinogsttdets with
fDetiii, ttrit.i Drawing fnstrtumaents and supplies. We import direct fromo Swit-
like ieraestarii' ietor'td I icutti sm- la irCity.
ihilo officlie itiist lii'Detptirttuet Ni. 28Alumni t totlut C iiy-.
sati: ''es, iw ' hue rt' atiiteaui ttrei' ot' Ni t t ('1ltikgiii jitytN rl
this yeair antidi tby te siliklylo htof etctotrti 1tiutrslity hirok Iloatnd.
freshlte, totit''Teflitefthmuien anail IS('lR'BS laid Ken's celertted Swiss instrulments and Kern's German-silver
so~liototo ert sosttni suit utui On l~- Cte 'tlltgt'iiCettic upInsrumnt, e'esave you the middlemans profit. We sell Keuf-
c'ottet-avruilitoetincits nic tor into fel & Esser's Instrumaents and Dlrafting Supplies. Let us qiote you
seunsand uniiitlots, it'which tic ttt'r- Oritnil.oup re
fodrott tsrcteorif itetriatttig eliti'Oct-. SitriDrukt' tniversity- Srubth
asentsOe irite tiedettituilStiltintg rito Mtiueo, Everynone knows that ort Sation-
Desist uiglsut reptortedia us Isirgn- Nc. ;-IltsCollege st Iowtity.ry Department is tp-o-dale. We
ulrui. N". i17-'tt'e('ollege at ltttwu Ciiy have all the atest colors and styles
The entl Dearte n1als hisitsin fine correspondence papers. Try
fill iutto i swell li nerotiiis. (Str rfTueloTak some of our newtEtmpress-size linen
on utd't'iansutIw'nty ire freoltuseenPrf TI elodTak to Fresh Laws If you hate any OIle Books that
ire ontalte rtoll. you don't swant, bring ithem i te wil5npap1b ehinetorhtnel only
Be setfoiiir trepttrts fr mttthet Sissft'tiosst8ottinistttttby all kinds of seconi-hantd ooks achrl. Wehaveytheaenveloes
isarisiheuttil Luigtecu-iag I t'tistthuelito(',uvttt buildinitg, t1t-tf. ''uti'lootl will -toioacm e lay cry tebs
iis safe' to sytIhistI tae t'nive'rsity ggit' his nnul Stll tatdttisttfore' gratde of swhite wove or linen papers
IfABhticnbas.o avn vr toeintestentt i oratorrsnultebtate. by the poumnd. Ask to see our i5
of0 sii-tiuet sitr se outnithsig tniuShtlti'ttrftssor itt'tsstlt ath ~u eioatd c pap>ers Enseloltes by the
pi70 t t itisofrferedttiti tll 5ii in i'tsid'p uti~t atdilstou i- bx Ct
Wit pilrjgelions yetti i olteow it .:iI (as20fo 5c
large i'outghi tutri's stot file r ' hutn i tutitgytar. ''ulthehg-ts tlace'thu
rits-al, f htotn liu ,Iti'sisenitt stthe uiverits titt ssAvon il re t'i'yieatrs
Illrvrstutiii- t h s ti it f wor'tirt isill noi, tlttlt
W'ht is spe'tt'tially gastifyingis otheurli-u itt iton uttit' ifIprsotn miwho
fatstt't th nit' rs''ity of Mich'tiganttatttoe advi'anlmtttagt'ofi le ire o-
isti's t'ere'pre'sntttt'ts litre, anttd ui t _
hlest sfye'ur, ott'trtl Ilitlippittoslhavmt Willtte. FisluttiL, t uetofIlltt uutu'i to
coiset'to avsail 'thesetttlve'so f .thti 'tttor- ftd'tl -s, t.is sibor eti t' iatedto'btyt
I tutnittsatffordedlt' 1 t' Uiteritr. tt'tfuthede ottsi tf'ihis'coun1ty fo-t'e
tiux iele'-ctin so t'icutyis nstongly
New Assistants Appointed tluitsuirssiit' TEXT-B OOKS FOR FIRST SEMi~ESTERV.
SiltlI Oteingisof. tuf "l aris Thur'sdaiyi
alrs. Bumrketzsu es it'Ithut'of ,'lr. 1:. santt Fridasyrept. 27 a tuisul2. 'LAW DEPARTMENT 1900. Hutchins' Cases is Equity
'husitttiuas s isnt tirttt'irtl 1). (it. Millerthe loltistiroluttiusi. ties-iYEAR. Jturisprdence...... r 00
('sitthtteljuioitr hprifesotr tf tutiuyti- Ifitrruucofitt Wuhr & Miler.basiusortt 'not nCitacs .. ~Mechein on Public Officerso 00
oil ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Baktn' thiCaommentariuheu'stihtutshut'ottu tt S Dim'ser's Cases in Private In-
Alt'.tum'cseustiSSuravistuile tt'ssish- Alnu t. antutdmitt uoslur hei' lsttiit's' lceoesCnietre,9 00o
'ansto Itrttf.Adatts ithIt.'Vomrse oitthliii . r. Alilhur utos t'xc'luivte' Cooley 011 'orts, large ed- tr5toa0lm -
Sickotitit i. ug's'yit"otua"euto cuthshct itton ........... . . . 5 00o!MEDICAL DEPARTMENT.
-Mr. 1'.F-. IL. Ztstttttthisobieenral- m uuutstchwatit hu sithste irhsofitteut' Tiffanyoin Sales.......350 BOOKS REQUIRED
Iouitedutoni-tuttii itoli ' Otlu'erluit- tIistr Busrdick's Cases on Sales., 4 50 Ft usr YEAR.
smt 'ot Shopstt. Slides, Cover (lasses and sll micro- Dwsyer & Farrae's Cases on Aaoyb mrcnat
Si' ttit thtct it sormomtsopte aterial at Qiarry's Drug Store, Muarital Relations. . . .z50 thors .. . 6 50
makt'r at the ht'ost,sandthis lutst'sork- Wadhrans, Ryan & Reule sre sole SECiONs) YEAR. Freer's General Chenistry.325
Ins-g milhii usttrss2httorinstroumntagents for Ypilanti underwear. Perry's Common Lawv Pleatd- HtbeHitoog
lotir. -\ihitithu $. ltussst-waslh t t. e s'i, of ('hit-sueti.alii ima' 3 50 ttnber's SLaboratorysork isa
S~c A. C (sulitrttohut sus' tsost mruohutiosuortutsitutuninguturl ohnson on Bills and Noies. 3 5 Hsooy......i
stunM.ii ue 01,tu'itthgi'ul 'strtttttoiy ttitor su ss is lulhIi' Iuicis ae nEquity . 5 00 Golds Medical Dictionary- 0
1 arrI.BDowne, ,02lhtMttli, ad lB n"trt o iss1 & C''otmuhstrsuisf is Mechets Elements of Part-
Jacs, lsr'02,:ae-he'ui ass iat sit at . ttl'the ht Alt o s Ititites i'tr ii f nership, $a.oo, and Me- DENTAL DEPARTMENT.
Iu sous,'tS ui'li'555yt55t tttIt' eutruJ. Kelr ofKutit hoetar's fiotballif ches's Cases in Partnter- BOOKS REURED
tDr. I rulanku'Sricklerm, 'ti8 mued.,of Nuts'e tl hp20 IS ER
Ulm, .Mitts, swhosttsusmsrried last $1tuys a Solid Gld Funtin Pen at Hale on Blailments antI Car-- Anaomy by Anaerican a-
week t hsIe iutsuti tf t)ttdge Ct't- Setuslle's Biookstore, Main St. viero........... 3 50 thors............... $6 50
ter, Mlitistoppttedt iffiamsAtNl ror to tanhalcan and Wilson Bros. shirts 'lttotuX'EAR. treer's General Chenmistry.. 3 25
vstius tld friendsuho.'tedocttor tail for sle at Wadhams, Ryan & Reule Cooley's Principles of Consti- Essig's Prosthetic..iDentistry.. 6 50
triate sri'as then'irsmti Eturopet, I'u'ucut' tour Atltuto assocituions tution Lasw, 3d ed., cloth.. 2 50 Huberos -istology.....
mwher'ethe ttorsmutr mttwiPurue hist ickeuts int tiuller's Jemmelry- store. sep.~ Hbrslbruoysoki
stde o'sye'uu. Comrplete linne "Adler" fall suits and BodsCesnCntit-Htlgy. ..10
oeresais at Wadhams, "de Ryan & Reune. on aseLaw.on ,onstGotda-Mil Dictionar.. 2 50
Hiave your rspairitmg itone Iby those Au nusoncouint cocernitgthCle - ta a......25 or' eia itoayz5
w ho mue reliitle ttuslhe's Jeweelry nes'courses in Navual Engineerinug sin 'Yoatname egraed on opper platae and ioo c ards C at Si. oo rais primted Cout
stogie, Naval Arehitecture, which sre undei yro0w pate, 0.
Mr. Laugdo, uwhuo is fromt Cle Uri. fthe supervision of P'rof. ooley sod We offer diseount priestorss alnmisellanmeouso booso atd Sandci sorks. Libraries
vcersify of Kansas, tsikes the plate of Prtof. Sadler (fomtely of te tniver, b ermn and. Fe. h ossomorelddr.i
Mr. Waltr, wshieb position haus been cty cf Glasgow)'j is already in print SamrpinleetdtrIsaesdfrispruiss
vacant two years, as taofessor of Ito)- and wilsl soon -e one.

fnee, Languages and Literature. It Say! If you want 'to look nice, get . mM
-ill 'be 'emaembered "that Prof. Walter yonr laundry done by te Toledo torn. PULSESADBO ELRSTTH UNESIY
wvvas drowned in tim errS isle La Bour- pany. iThey are all right and will suit PULSESADBOSLESTH NVRIY
- ne acident ses'em-l yelas ,Ag you. Agency at Wagner's, Ma In street. Two Stores: UP TOWN. DOWN TOWN,

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