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September 29, 1900 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1900-09-29

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S Our special line
of foreign and
domestic fabrics
For the Fall and Winter of i900 has
arrved and is arrangedi for inspec-
tion. The same careful attention
is given to the eyles and finish of
every suit, whether to e used for
husiness purposes or for full dress
6. H, WILD O,,
so8 E. Washington St.
Wilder's Pharmacy
T!613. state a.
EVERTHIN Oursplndd lists of
NlEW BAC0-even te store
itself is new. We hae remeeled te
place and invite all our friends to call
and inspect what we have. You cat
beat our LUNCHES.
It. E. JOLLY, 3088S, State St.
Witatever you 3u1aty
seed inthie line of
C~e..P't76 D- 7-7 '0=-n~
Students will find either of our
stores, Headquarters for Law
and Medical Books, atd all Uni-
versity Text Books.
We offer sonme second - hand
hooks at Low Nces.-
White Writing Paper 15 and 20c per lb
Linen Writing Paper 20 and 25C"
I Ream 20) .................25c
Box of Envelopes (25)...:..25c
100 Cards engraving and plate... $1.25
Best Student's Note Rook....20e
First-class Fountain Pen...$I.00
We sell, drafting instruments ad
supplies at Special prices.
Sweaters and Athletic Goods.
Before Buying Your Needs Try Us.

Make Ssme Interesting Statements
When Seen by a Daily Reprter.
'Te ltnisersityv dft Michigans hdrs
stutdtentsefront cs-ry cquast-rof he
glothe. It htstste reput~tiou ofIeng
at t("mospolitssassetddemtorsti ticu ie-
,ite, ttttieact-ls seceeceitg yiir idts
nti-ist elltis ltckig to is fritt stimse
far--eistsnt. lsd. LtaAtyartCbrougt
its svtetal itt-studstiss froitsPuistsi
Itso sad otiur ewisly-tacqeuir-edillfawaiiiast
Islatnds, attt h iese geiteleisatie r'c-
tirsnedlthis fsll to cotusse their swtrk.
Alonsg withsthetiscomse a groutptoittlii-
1iicse to enit-ll and'becote t Itsr te-
tqttaitttedewislts outscustomstastttltttat-
ittresttd to tke iltpwork tupot atbhoad-
tr pslttnetan thaet to wshie-lthIley ae
Aboust seteu weeks igo te-e arrivie'e
its Suit 1rattisto a paty of for Fil-
pittos. Onie of ele pity reuaitteet
tsre attiteseother threecaeilssto
AnnsiArtior. 'Their nssstta trt-:.Lorenzo
(Siirstlia, ,ishose home itti aits(te;
Seious Attigai of Maitk, ieS Itoant
Tecet, itiresidentof Bllltsas. 'rie
fitsetsisel is ai brigt-little tl ccf a
ye'ars.Ie is asli steresisg cler tanid
teitl51speathEnglish queite plinlyiti.'STe
otheur two, while they havie sa very psors
cestsisaud'oc English are mtasterinthle
lantgttage quite rapidly. They keetph
ft-eit-ditilonarty close st tantdlanit
'islistcoesfusedeasto lte s-xact-iEnglishs
csiti'isleiie they do nitsttesto limiitke
att itsmtediat~e roefiret o le Tbok.
t]'ilereferencee tite sit-ionstaysuig
t-,sss-seaisossis inetsof lteirst istl
ils mastertiing the lntguag.
Wits-u sled tiche aly relresen-
taive as tshttyhey leilsesetei to
i-hose t conie' to Michigantti.A itit
siil:"Wis w esti csit tildaItoisse to
Citsrstll Univ-rsiy, liiir we i-itsre soll
by Dieanit orestic itte slt ies st-
Iente romet o the Unitiisitoif sit Icli-
gssss.sansdlso w'is-i e es'hiri-.
Nisssthast the collge ysa-ssclitsbeglli
andilIthy havest' lisia 5tochiosithelusr
andta h an liiitct Tinlstsi till'ipe ofi 5tle
amte' iumberss-of 4slstile y sie
sery t tltistiss-int 1tis'praises of thle
uivrsiitly and 1is e]profssos nailistnsi-
'I'li scho-osil sys-t .fthe lIst'l iiltits
Islansissd oes iso, of s-sissies. approachsi-
T tit lstheUnit-d . sses.s but esies-
ississl mitiicrs asits iuen-st iely netgee-
si. "lers'ii octedtesl 1111111aitischoosIssl
sits 'slaw tutua ,Mlelssofsl sit iii Ind tis
'hlt sferc. ltie-i, listsbIs-s-i -Isest
duinsg te' tar bec-ause f siittk of
funs.lo lt- I-listswhos hsail-lhargi' of
'theIlsiin -e. s''gve the mony w'i-lltItlit'
its-lifthe eoi ssllsge tslt' gss'is-s-it
to su aidicarry~ing ess te wsr. Te
Pl'llinitiiedesie' ltatse-llTo' iesreo 'ened
sassilhat-i'sappea'ledt to Itle Untitd Ssats
eomunissseisss, sof w'icthSte-its Wre'st-
s simeme'rsst, to alet thesisr.iAi-tigat
lissati'opy of thetargiumentisasseleble--
Iaeethast coississisoin by 1elie(l'sal-
deiroi, sa nasivl a'iiye'r, siind ihe si yes-
'estlsy Iithatlie' thoug-tIte iiFilipinsls
ttosuldt le' sutetssfsl ini re-e5stlishling
Otie' ofItse- yountg isi-is sidltast.I le
Aiiericanis itttpiessel Ithems sitsre fssii-
lly litre lhlaseini'their inati' cotnry.
Theiy sir' lookeed uploiit-sre' is ittn-
quecror-s there thatnaso libera'stos. Tet
slietiiols ittfpeliiist li itle' 1Isissiof
sits'e Filpino sis-whasit'isill Aisecie-sidis.
Lseil l t's-yrs'e tltaoig-lils sit iet
uptatpsts I tislit'leeso icsshincei- si
.iii' 's inisg "rhttt-ltC l se -hv''iry
Mondetsay-afterssoons thle ilice-t "ysitng
tue tuftfeistest the flocibtifi it-stie st
1egents' Field. They thistle.]it would
te c v ry xeting o watch 'a good (ollege
gisue and are quite anxious for the

They brought letters of introduction.
ito Pi-eileit Angel andses-erat Others.
T'he'y like Pres. Angell very -well and1
descrihe him as being so "fine felosw."
fOrisalia is attending at the sixths
waschseIool. Stle expects to le here
eight osintu'years sitd sill folo'ivupI
his essiss n Ise giaeld schools by ii
course' insisil cigistte'ruig.
Amrigat andilTecio, echs-2t 'iears'
of ags',srs-hah situdyinig civil ecu- -
usse-ittitands expecttoCi re-masin hits-s-i'tisll
they f inishlthsis-couses.c
Imlprovenment in Wsd Shops.
Aittittg oiler plceste swood sos
of the eninessering depar'tent avsee
sect s eerasl imtprovemntsdursisg va-
FUnesrte old plante senesicw's-rc
isa pairso so that the suieents of echeb
sectoss facedl eatcl other. f the i.=
sirsiesor desired to speake to theo class.
half of them had osturu ler sroudet
Is see him,.[Then, too, half the sin.
dets ,wiorked its their ownislight.
Rtalf of the benches have bee turned
assis so 'flit all sfsslcsslisie goodt
light, sisdel sll can seec the istsctor1
frosts iescistltot. -<
Another isprovesmecnt is reqired by]
hic eslargeed freessisas c-lsss. ft omes
itn lt' sisastef tiIsisge aditio tlolothe
'T'emacshinsceshops srs hsrl st 'isork
uponsss fuu- its-ti hsifis thesit woodt
rites The luy siill tprobabtlyl te' i in lcei
lie-fIss- eli s-sgiisssssg (Liss soutfit.
siibssi aou.h0s mo40 tissns'lutst yse etis
uipr1s-iIeese tiearit-ty asll l lt-.
Inlander's First Number.
'hlir hues berslssofs hIlanderis'sjists
suits andthlits a vaty netissuearanle-.i'si--
J. IF. Mi-Itsuit '00 isc usssutiti'fulye
tlts- fturtisi'liiesl S intits st 'stris, saissh
suieso e,111tlt-richt-si-t ahppeasi
I Isusissussuti itutuss oieusofC Iis
,hslstoistutt. 'T' inubertus its Set-s
quites' el tler-, tushif rthis itiuiiss sit
tse itustgt't-boltstgosts fiThus-ttisgizit
still its-s-s- lit itirstisu-lusspubtlia-;
lust.'Il(, st--ew itsitisgeiitttis asive~l
onit Mr. T G ilsitns Ohlihissor is manss-
agisig seditr- tus h(its. Viis-srs-i
pbsliedstets'bookt.o'Iithodlbsis andsih
Isi-s15senettst it s s B ' utsuforseel5t
years ii' t into sush fui-ssssslut ith
meriitsin-visest thelstutets'suohts'.seu
The fo5 tllowigusheules'ofisgatnsCwsills
suit-s-itdituils isbystuisig ntls,o-
TI ichegan 'i. Itillsslsle, siC Ans
thsicasgosvs. SKnox t'tlls'gis.tit 'ii-
Wist-ossius.'isRTipon, st .Madiso.
sIts-it's. thhset'tI'iwa,.SC tatsw ('Cit.
Illinouis 's- Boses' t'th e-iiit' i
P'stur'ess. Illinosis Weslyain, atl It-
Northwe-sstersn'isvs. astlu1St'S.st
TfIsssesola se.'-s 'srlesis ('Coleg, ii
-Slt-ard vs. We'sleyaniui.tiC Csibrhitgt.
YSle vs-. Trilitty, atC New I-Paves.
lPetuish-ht'it is. ehigh, st Plils-
Ti'sstPt s.u'i s. litle 51 t Pinuut.
tBrown'su . Coulbyh,. st Prosvidenee.-t
Sesisoautictkes for the football gamess
are nmvow- onale at Sheehasn & W1ild-
er's,. and will also be On sale nat the
gate today. Prie $1.0 f-r six games
to those having muem-esiip tickets.

Mihigan Will Not Try to Run Up
a Big Score.
It prepartiosi foetodtay's gmse 'withs
H~illsedale Ccssc-ler Lets put the mess
stun srimmassge yesterdasy .sftenoos,
suiteS theelse' i-s nssuutes of phy 'iee'
complthie ihe' expresed hinselfasosw'ell
hues-t is-withs lt'heiwok. Its Iis upisoss
thes-e's' se still snt esousgh mess in thus
sgid selie udeires to 1keli the usen
ighstisug'for their hpositionso, asuaitn i-
eressedshnumbers's of cssshlsstes sill
eausec'the c eiletitiou ts tewrs ups ci-
siderlyrh. It edoes as umassnohamtsTi
lie rejetgateeto tesescrusoo-esetot
the' ielihses for aettay or so, anut oftn
it slot-slhimiatelot of good. T1wo teamss
sre tall lie lise eensabtls to make out of
thus st-Sole squatu.elof miisisbeatsee of this
sisirtith-of ilgums-n. T'elit-ri'senosy its
Cic ssighsborhe~oeuhef 00 essansieates out
the is' d tu-uhaily but te ;peretuof small
muens is soTn-etithatibets twio ises only
csll he 'tol off.
'hel'enfeussuinses devtedisulto Iie clf
andt selmuitge show-edSthast a fair
qustity tof fotball still e put upt o-
edty,.for'il thughs -shre 'isumnors-orles
fumbinltg this-misis-st yedh ithst-ilea ets
asp ~irit I isats is oodshto se, anth
is'sre- almouust eqtually srong ott ofese-
Ca's co Sisiessuh isenIsusfellowsscosud
ntiC pushsis liii'lsliovrsti si-r tthhuuittst
gollienfist- 1lii- sit 'is-iri- c-tlle-ctto
lthes-st her etus htes'fiel fusrsictit-t'its
chasrging- sithlest i tstluelowu bSit-lg
swi stht a ii t cs-ssiou le' c-sn kie-k
fuse good : Iginsetatd 't'dtist strs uts-
ed-il li ui's nfhug it'n-tshfir st'Iyardes. Sta
ties gameitCutss (tu-itoa e i-siea seets to
use-a ls -ut 254 suesn, esu nlie-pl
Wtey5ofiC ts'esnameec-site tsgisenssitst
As o isillhsdale-' i sst -i se ee qually
its tie-h si.se 550 sas sosticssretgaring iit's
maksseupshw illuen urs's-i- is's-iS to Isle-
lstigiti 'hts-gaeeigl-hugue irttsit
t- stsi suetitus Artir, this-teaseeart-
lisitills'forndus-ue ht- It is reasonable'
t exiets-re aIssue hiiganu sill stitt.full
Isiho- sle ho xpec'st ushiassi reu--to Sit
lunt tilt)tuu'y us'sswoefuly' uhssspoinssed
a tie-he saliecollegs-c-ussusslly Satis
thesir de' t-us- ust e ar -silsits i Xe e s-
sts, sut do thir ei-lst t ilth les'hioors
ofit lessecrete t on ses;Mihigani. 'Ilee
stie, swill hsesalld st-3 oclock.se
S. A. C. Social a Success.
'Tle .Sttiudentst'ihrtitsuen 'tseociaItins
hldhIits opeig' sucial hust ilTht ati
Nsniss's v I Ha-lli eu-'11a11 wass eits-
iit-tlhhtillseCustestby talcrowd whi hsuser-
ongT1h ttildohiuh i-sl.t-hfe'Ies tcoatiros
ti's-it'aboatssre and tee stelsl, astees-
frshients,' wueresers-u-tus
The'ius'iesutses -s f thise seumi'esitss t
eltasrges'uof ilisel(, sutl 'i-i'-i: Itist Pol
loct-,. se's's'uiots: «Iltie icii'ascthsi.
deuhuurssllsues: t-ut Sege,' re'freshmuents
Thelis'Isesn umerusspsr-es'et an5 thee'godl
istse'hisseSby sll gist- hpromuis'(f :a.sVey
sucessfulh year seseiity ff ie . C' A.
Pesoidt HarpSss-fer of'iii'sgo ie-
res'tslha suagin demtsuonstratle his
tots- ras ai tioney'5geter. At't'he SThl
iouiusdul this' ttcsilt of it glee of $125..,
tile trout A . IsBrlett oftlee sthole-
sile' hardwatrsse'frmfflet s lstss'ns,SIsen-
s-e, Batrtlsetet "o 'J'hes'gift is tu ehi
usedsIfusethis'erectihonsof 'flue firt of
three gymnasstisui beildings Te
hrtsiihstit sec-s o it that gifts lie thus
luites'th re sues' stuls hbli he humosst
w ayiiss ayhst potsh ssile, alushnlit twsay
Is issutress cties's metnied mtienut 'il t'
fauuc hutut gisiig to i Iesgs tUniv'ersity-
is god advtertisineg.
Last Free Daily Today I Send in yur name
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