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September 27, 1900 - Image 3

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U. of M. Daily, 1900-09-27

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of ~you are pirticuli
ofyour clothes, we w
Mr. White, for sev
firms in Chicago, hay
department, would be
appreciate thoroughlj

ar about the style, cut and make
ant to see you.
Teral years with one of the best
Ting taken charge of our tailoring
epleased to meet all those who
yr up-to-date clothed.

-The Niagara Falls Route."M N S vr1P
CENTRAL STAND)ARD TIME. +... Beauttiful Lines of... U. of M. Pill. 505 to $1.00. Fine
Taking effect September to, igoo NECK WEAR, F'AiNCY SHIR TS, GOLF HOSE , Watch Repairig a Specialty.
Detroit Ninat Exop AS...... 5 5A U. of Al. SWEATERS, UNDERW'EAR, F"ANCY HOSIERY. J, . LCHAPMAn, JEWELER,
Atanti E' 1110s E....... ert 45 a.a at-nlt alEfcs206 3Alain Sooth.
(bn ais pres. ...d. 1 r1a1
Fas Eatr .............94N .Rtton Spetial .......... 8"- now displayed-anid marked at a. saving to yon R E
Mail and Exp'ress.... .... ..H40 A.t THE LARGEST STOCKTH LOETPIS
aRtn N. Y. ad Chicano ........ 431 A 15 IT. to P i tiith evry
Fast Weatern Expres.......... 2 0', .a FOR THE BEST GOODS $It. Seth oarli as Alarm Clock.
t.R.and KaEa es.........t o5 4O5~. t Drin ct obr
Ccago Night Expst ..........e2aF C ..i C M F Y y Wn, Arnold, Jeweler
Steamship Tickets. att Classesa to and ftroit
.Europen poits at boards ratesa Fuall anfar-PkWkB dPalr
c?. W. RU cG. . W AE, T .Wooiilr. 4th, lUla T,, of last Examinations toRemove GtCntl0iosi1C.F. .At liao gtAnAbr ~ sDtiybad silHehvov P ickwick illiard alrs,
o II 1111111 .Itrl11.t, n 1 511 t've of bel - ' tll olowill- 111110 have tollu a Everything New and
101('", 11l. Mr. 'Tla1000 11le 01111115 11112111 lby the loo f ~ t he re-11 Strictly up-toaflate.
inln erif tl 1 is, t e Ii'leseatlI ni 111vol of sleon oll I 011'strl 1899-19 To J rn
l111isof C lto 011 tod iiiiiitiiling f o (tnllilt : 7 "\,n . vsl ty F yAie. Ants Arbor
U. . seiiatoll tiso fa11. o s I
55azk.1111 llril IClocks it lla11e1lo Tolrts-Sept. 2S, -t 1_. Ill.. tin1)Yo ca ge a
_ ; .wlt 010tar. Cr iinal Procedure -Sill. 28, 7 p. il., - ~ ~ jj ITI
TIME TABLE - s >htiac s'h ~o ay.Iou ) O U
Takinig Effrect, Sunadlay, Mlay 21, 1800. 11 :111 1i11, 11111aO & Iettle. so i 2 ,4"1 loiiii c Ite1101iiii Sept. inS 211, a a. in., AT
rl ave Act Arbor by ICntral Stand- I% (If 11. Stislcts buty 11101r Statioti- It-,), 1)I.
FTi~ce o at Siliater's ItooltoreO Alain ot. \ ( c SilO. 219. 10 a. i.ioiiI.rF r I '
SOUT.H NORTHi Mts. Cailis theii liet jwiiosoill ~eloin. Stott lirotoi ty Slipt. 2t9,2 1. J1)j xju
s1 a 1:5 .5. No 1 SO A iialite 1.til'ltt:1111o a11nd lti('ttiikf ill., I oii I). 5:y E~ l 1Z1 te sl
N . :2 M No.. .6 .A.N . . o r1 30A.1. *No. t.- 1:0 r,.ai4. 111(1iitnor All'. 11141)d la NV~ltil 11'1-'1) .41. 12111 1.
110o.1i 0 5 c. i. t\0. 101.-9:0) A. Mt. ! .E ER
*Ruo letec Ani Artbor acd Tolcdo oaty. Ii atlc-ro Je 4cli t ore 011151on -et.'5,TI) n
Atg ain tlly ecet Suaday.li 11 ol oi.2i i o
?0 S GILMjORE, Agena. 11110110111 liia 111111 p iano the ise. 'it le 11 I E ut leniil -,_Set. 2 10 t.1 Ii. i .-
W:1RN F .PAii Arboir -lilaiei Co., Wasl goll lii t 0.. Ii l ;i' 0 01111 211, 2? p, . t.":
l*lUK GVALLEY RY, o 1).10, tislllti1, 1to orert ilt 1. t lift 1.1n
~inlii(il 1t(111 ili ati, too1. ________ ___________
The Railroad that takes the iso ii oitill i 'ioisii a few (lays Igo I Oratory.
Business In and Out lii 111111 it Calfoirnia. w11 ih 11he hopeIlciiiii I~~al1.
of Michigan. 01itel froi therli 1112unenen, '1iio, 11114V1It
SOLID VESTIBULE TRAINS ((Ni Nie Ii H 11 i t ' ~ 1150til110010 111 tiday an
4 ALYBTW E Rl~u #i 21011, 10c; S'igc-tsili, -w. Thursday al tit t I. lit., tnis to
ONILYll, BETWEE ____________dthefirstASEETJOB
TO E , CO U BU Watcriat o utaoin Fents at $1s at~ i Ner" ASXVrl ini elouton aOJtV .NJLrl1DU i 51100, iii,10101y1i 11'00
an T N . Schtatler's Ltoolastor. Alain St.1101 Ilt 121 Yo %+0114 il titlt11init wrasifi ouia w h ritoi
adA S. Seeondi haand hooks bought indstld . ; T, , feion rt «or l cioiin thI dlciu
6V. i. it her, L.. W. Ladial, at W1ahras. - 20 O lE. 5tltoliat0ii 01 _1:0. tiolo 01.. lye Ilsc
Columbuii, Ohio. lnt roil. Micia. yoii gtceta book atA-.liara~aii ii i~lilte i ilaI ant res
0 .AiiTerA a nd dii l boriok at ll stork. ofi'ia olt lair oiittee ii c1111 ati i hail flan gsfr'oi~t11 sii.(
'Tie Alaiali-brst, :11 8. Fifith lass,., if1 thea hige liotiat l'tlt itaialisiit Core 'iiii _________
Say! If you wvant to look nice, get has tie neoatest itinlaig ribtoo in Aliii ril to- sisin tails iii Itoiit SA, .i ppai
yottr tatlodry clone by the Toledo cam.- Asir. 1Rel1t $11 Iaboar. -S I1.all. froia 11)12 a. il e t' e
paoy. They are all right sod will asuit {'oatorratosy, Germany, teacher of
you. Agency at Wagner's, Main street. tsiaao organa and imisical composition; 1',111BO YD.kl.Praellctrsfrlldpt
.$l boys a S~olid Gold Fountain Pen at aliso the at of taching. Studtio, 312 Wanited- Soreti studentis (boys) to fill menlo of the I 'ntrerotty. Type-
>Sehaliet'o Bookstore, Main st. S. Divisioni t. iouit aclubt of 10 for tonsil iiills-ralte writing sod M-imeographing,
Manhattan and Wilson Bros. ehirts l'reule your Atllblir :asoaiaLiona house-tc Price $:3.0 tier werak. Autdra-si
for sate at W11adhams, Ryan & Rente. tickets tat Halh-rs losrety stosre. "S," IT. oaf . ialy oiie., -T EDWARDS BROS.
(Ovliler Sheeai-.ns) St ate street
OF SEPTEMBER 27 a~nd 28
U.o f.BrerFc as 613 East WiTlliam street
Uo M Bab e ily irs ENOCH DIETERLE Emlumer randiao University oudt ass t ifakblck
bhop and Bath Class Work and ! amrl fcens law building. All kindsl ll F e
Roo mgt32SATJ,.Trjnwk 212L S. Fourth Ave., 80t~'h snies Shoe S hoVP at le~ ambet.R a n a l P hoos
T 1P SW -f = A!11 W% A -~ W1104 Irr i:h w. .r'... ...d . ......... .L

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