THE YEAR'S COURSE. , - him, but would most likely pronounce
him a hopeless case. He is as indiffer-
(Continuedfrom third page) eut to gesture and the graces of ora-
tory aswas Phillips Brooks, and speaks
nearly as rapidly. He can convulse
F. HOPKINSON SMITH. his audience in relating a facetious in-
The pronounced popularity won by dident, and can be pathetic without
F. Hopkinson Smith last year induced tears, and caustic without irreverence
the directors to secure his return this or cynicism. He appeals to the best in
year if possible, and they were grati- humanity by exalting the highest hu-
fled to be ableI to secure him again, lan ideals, and finds these are only a
F. Hopkinson Smith enjoys interna- good copy of the Divine."
tional reputation as an artist, author
and government engineer, and is so INNES AND HIS BAND.
versatile that his material is ever abun- Ines and his grand concert band
dant. On hearing that the Lecture As- will appear in Ann Arbor this year for
sociation had secured him, President the first time. For several seasons
Angell was delighted and said: "I con- past he has been constantly gaining in
sider him one of the most versatile and popularity until he is now recognized
entertaining men I have ever met. It as being the only serious competitor
has always seemed wonderful to me of Sousa. During this summer season
that a man could engineer the build- he was engaged exclusively for the
lug of our greatest government concert season at Atlantic City and has
lighthouses at o o'clock and an hour just closed a remarkably successful
later be buried in deep literary thought scason there. m
and achieve fame in both." Ie took the visitors at the Trans-
Mr. Smith is a typical Southernoner Mtississippi Exposition by storm, win-
Mr. 'Soith is a typical Southerner ning the highest encomiums from pub-
in appearance-tall, finely formed, with and press. He is now engaged for a
gray moustache, he makes a favorable season at the St. Louis Exposition and
impression instantly. His manner of will come from there directly here.
reading is characterized by a restless A special feature of the tour will be
energy and an abundance of gesture, scenes from grand opera. The fallow-
which are very captivating. The clear- ing well-known grand opera stars are
est and keenest intelligence and good touing with the band: Miss Frances
taste characterize Mr. Smith's style. Boyden, soprano; Mme. Helene Noldi,
His eyes fascinate you, looking out soprano; Sig. Achille Alberti, baritone;
with a dark lustre from under heavy Edgardo Zerni, tenor; William Zanten,
brows. No man could be more absolu- tenor; S. P. Veron, basso. These artists
tely methodical than the creator of Will present scenes from "Cartuen,"
"Colonel varter," who rises early, "Faust," "Aida," and "Trovatore."
builds lighthouses and viaducts until The following is from the Musical Cou-
4 in the afternoon at his office on Nas-ier
sau st., where he is Francis H. Smith, "Few musians in the country are
then becomes F. Hopkinson Smith un- attracting the attention which is now
til 7 p. in., and in that time does his accorded Frederick N. Innes, who has
literary work-and goes abroad every been, with his great hand, the center
summier to rest ann paint. Mr. Smith of attraction at Atlantic City during
in his public reading follows no plan the present season. His versatie ac-
but his own, and has been instructed quirements, his marked originality and
by no teacher. His voice is full and his undoubted ability w,e never more
pleasant, his manner vivacious and in- fully recognized than at present. He
tense, and there is in his way of put- has been felicitously termied a Twen-
ting things and interpreting his own tieth Century "Admiral Crichtau." He
books a certain magnetism which never is a skillful writer and a valoei con-
fails to hold and entertain his audi- tributor to the magazine and news--
ence. He works in many thrilling paper world. Of admirable physique
stories of adventure, changing quickly he enjoys a wide rpititma; as ail aith-
to the humorous or pathetic, and in his, lete, lie is an expert in pool and Oil-
delineation of character shows that he Bards, and is a brillitamt raconteur
has in him the stuff for a brilliant noted for his wit and aptitude.
career on the stage should he choose '"But, of course, music is his favorite
to annex that p.ofession to the many sphere, and his knowledge of the art is
in which he has already achieved sue- by no means of a superficial order.
cess. The general public may know of him
PRESS COMMENT. best as a successful bandmaster; but
He is a type of gentleman as rate as the educated musician is aware that he
black pearls, cultivated, modest, witty. has written an admirable and aubori-
His charming hour's talk of plantation tative work on 'Thorough Bass, Har-
life is without an equal. Touching mony and Counterpoint' and a treatise
pathos and elegant Oletion produce a on 'Wagner and His Works,' in which
literary mosaic of positive brilliancy he shows a keen insight (into the most
and great power.-Chicago Record. abstract phses of the subject. In-
Every student of grace and form, deed, Itunes evidences in his disquisi-
every lover of nature and its manifold tions, anent the Master of Bayreuth, a
molds is interested in what Mr. Smith power of critical analysis which places
has Ito say in his art lectures, topics hini high among the more thoughtful
chosen with a fine appreciation of their musical writers of the period."
educational element.-St. Paul Globe.
REV. NEWELL DWIGHT HILLIS.. A number of college girls would be
Rev. Newell Dwight Hlls, pastor of glad of work of the following kinds:
Plymouth church, Brooklyn, has taken Sweeping, dusting, waiting upon table,
up the work of the late Henry Ward plain sewing, and the care of children.
Beecher and 'the Rev. Dr. Lyman Ab Ladies wishing such work, ei'ther by
bott, with renewed vigor, stature and the hour or week, please apply to the
strength, addressing twice each Sun- Employment Committee of the Wom-
day the largest audiences in Greater en's League:
New York. Mrs. F. P. Jordan (chairman of com.)
His able work in the Central Church t)23 Olivia Place.
of Chicago marked him at once as the Mrs. M. E. Cooley, 534 So. State.
logical successor of Beecher and Ab- Mrs. F. R. Meachem, 1402 Hill st.
bot. His thorough scholarship, his_
deep sincerity and outspoken fearless- $1 buys a Solid Gold Fountain Pen at
ness, activity and eloquence have made Schaller's Bookstore, Main st.
him the most influential divine in the U. of M. Students buy their Station-
country.Hlls is unique, a genius, with ry at Stchaller's Bookstore, Main st.
a fullness, a style, a range of thought Haller, the Jeweler, received the con-
and of illustration all his own. He ea tract for athletic buttons this year and
with difficulty be eharacterlized. One has the buttons on hand. It s a base-
feels after hearing him and having ball unit, with an "M" inserted, and
been caught up in the sweep 'and rap- t'he figures "'00" above and "'01" be-
Kure of his sentences, much as he does '
when listening to a symphony or an Register at the office of Granger's
oratorio; it can be felt and enjoyed, Academy this week if you wish to
but not deseribed. And yet he is no join (the classes in dancing. Tuition
orator in the profeaslonal use of that payable in advance $5 per term of
term. The elocutionist did not make twelve lessons.
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