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December 06, 1924 (vol. 35, iss. 63) • Page Image 1

…THE WEATHER RAIN OR NOW TODAY t igau ~I~hiIJ MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS' I I ,v VOL. XXXV. No 63 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1924 EIGIiT PAGES PRICE, FIVE CENTS UOPERA SETTINGS GIVE PRODUCTION ' COLORFUL EFFECTI Mayo States English Medical Students j Lead In European Scientific Research Complimenting the University of leader in this science across the At- Michigan on its new hospital, Dr. W. lantic al...…

December 06, 1924 (vol. 35, iss. 63) • Page Image 2

…PAGE TWO THE H' %II I IIT l ui% DAILY SATURDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1924 Greek Minister 'Archaeologists Obtain Relicsj CH 'PEXPL9INS u esDs*I [CC TTI~DE ssums DuiesOf Early Indian Civilization Several large collections of relics,rwooen imitations of bear's claws do and a mass of information relating to nad by Miss Gertrude Helmke, of Tels Why Foreign Students Favor the early inhabitants of Michigan,i MniIt, nd a detailed map of Cass Persona initat...…

December 06, 1924 (vol. 35, iss. 63) • Page Image 3

…_SATURDAY, DECEMBER G 1924 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PA.Gr T~ T1T1 , PASTORS CONIE New Naval Official Turns Eye On Navy Yard PREDICT CHANGE INICHIM EOFERS PRIZES CONFER EETDIUS n~Rrnicr AcUIftI FOR BST CONTIBUTIONS M9EiNHOOS F PROECION i_ .. ,1 . a~i U qp ,.,. a' p I +h p~ Y i Ii 11 h a a t aa k' It Dr.WiliamBrown Considers Inter- est of Churches in Public Affairs N~otabl~e of Age COUNCIL MEEITS Atlanta, Dec. 4.-"Increased in- terest by th...…

December 06, 1924 (vol. 35, iss. 63) • Page Image 4

…PAGE FOUR. THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, DECEMBER 6# 1921 -.-----M- -- .. ..._....__..d__..r. uaw "'r , 11an Itl Published every morning except Monday Suring the Umnversity year by the Board in Control of Student ublications. Members of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively en- titled to the use for republication of all news fispafches, credited to. it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the...…

December 06, 1924 (vol. 35, iss. 63) • Page Image 5

…t HE" MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE FIVE tHE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE FIVE c %MAE= a-W, AllVA mmum { I " IFE!MN WWME TO BEi IENTERTAINE_TONRIGHT~ ANNUAL SPREAI 11WILL REGIN WITHO gRAND) MARCH AT 930O'COCK ,==Sophomore women will entertain freshman wonen at the annual reshmai Spread which will be held from 8:30 to 10:30 o'clock tonight in Barbour gymnasium. The Freshman Spread is one of the social traditions among University women. Every year, the...…

December 06, 1924 (vol. 35, iss. 63) • Page Image 6

…ACE SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATUI DAY, D?:C1: IBEP. u, 192 E SATLIRDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1921 - '" iieii~ m - Iuu \\ / / """ , rte * COACHES ATTEN SCHED.ULE MEET Conference Mentors Meet at Chicag Today to Arrange for Coming Seusons Brown Selects All-Southern Mythical Team Ncrman E. the Central Brown, sports editor of Press association, hasj -10(t:e(1 the following all-sou '_teams irom among the stars CHICAGO GAME DUBIOUS played ...…

December 06, 1924 (vol. 35, iss. 63) • Page Image 7

…SATURDA )-Y, Ii,E.,CE, . l71BEI , (1924)-, THE MICHICAN DAILY LAT 3 P.M. ADVER2TISINGAT3PM LOSTTYERT G . To se R o l has been the cry, such has been ~ < T R ~ spirit which has made necessary sw l LZOST A Hamilton gold watch with f TYPEWRITING Done at home. Call j action con~erning fraternity (inM5." chain and pencil. Probably lost on 195-M. (GContinuecd from Pmage Four)' Madion tret athouh tat s u- Ibeen disgusting fizzles for all con-i...…

December 06, 1924 (vol. 35, iss. 63) • Page Image 8

…PAGE EIGHT TI IE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1'24 Cold Timers Meet Now Members As Congress Opens Presbyterian church. - 5:30i-,4'udent supper at ,CoigregfI) Z TIME'S FLYING- 6:15- Eugene Brock 'wiill speak at( ORDER NOW! Congregational fnresideechat. 1 6:30-WVestminister circle meets. at 1 6:30-Prof. 0. J. Campbell speaks at Chiristmas Pebtra hrh Greeting Carbis Unitarian church. ~rxn NEW. SAMPLE BOOKS AT YOUR SERVICE - 7 :130-...…

November 06, 1924 (vol. 35, iss. 39) • Page Image 1

…THE WEATHER COLDER; WINDY TODAY I 00, Sfr i!3Uf :43, xti !sul I I KXV. No. 39 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1924 EIGHT PAGES PRICE, f ' . . . 8 _ ; f UNION TO START LIFE MEMBERSHIP' DRiVE NEXT WEEK TEAM CAPTAINS APPOINTED; TERRITORIES ARE AS- SIGNED TO L AST 3 DAYS Otto Han4, '00L, Will Again Give Cup to Winner; Other Awards Offered Final arrangements for the annual drive for life members by the Un...…

November 06, 1924 (vol. 35, iss. 39) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Heads Drive .uu I ,i liD DIVE TALK HERE SUNDA Y "Iaekhind, Called "Fighting Parson of West," to Spe~ak on Allying Labor and Learning TO LEAD OPEN FORUM meeting are those of the University of Michigan, Akron, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Erie, Midland (Michigan), Pittsburgh, and Toledo. Leaving Ann. Arbor yesterday, Pro- fessor Badger intended to spend the' afternoon at the plant of the Cana-I dian Salt company in...…

November 06, 1924 (vol. 35, iss. 39) • Page Image 3

…BETZ 6, 1924 TH IICHICAN DAILY 3ER , 194 TH MICIGANDAIL _. r q, a C dy 7 R !:' ;1 "' : 1 , t no ~~in the county vote. Most of the coun-JTr Ir ty officers were elected by over-wholm ETU P H1 IS f ' [w1 i the ; 'a :c~c le°" , 1 ii;or countyclerk by al-1 ~f~~fJ. Y INI C. V.:P. LANDSLID, or sheriffLII'bU U ____poll(dGt 7 Lelandl took probate judgeI Prof. George A. Lindsay of the Veldgn oshc riup :Oe by la(1.,oi' 12,(j79 against 5,437 for II...…

November 06, 1924 (vol. 35, iss. 39) • Page Image 4

…THE -MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, NQ THURSDAY, IV.. , . ed every morning except Monday he University year by the Board in of Student ubications. es of Western Conference Editorial Associated Press is exclusively en- the use for republication of all news/ s credited to it or not otherwise in this paper and the local news pub- ierein. A at the postoffice at Ann Arbor. i, as second class matter. Special rate e granted by Third Assistant Post- ~...…

November 06, 1924 (vol. 35, iss. 39) • Page Image 5

…19*24 'HE MICHIGAN DAILY ---- -~-- - - rA VAM M MVKWA ZU 'CLIJB LEADRSHIP CLASS TO HOLD '-lSGUSSIONI MICHIGAN DAMES PAN CLASSES IN RIFLE OPENl SERIES Of DISCUSSIflS TO UNERIYWDMENi "IA Better 'Mililg ail (;reatcr 1i1 kli;a i" Did you knc th(at the IMILTON EXPLAINSl AIGN ORGANIZATION 11 ACT (ON ('A iPAVI 2 U) W1 ?a f'p' Fqi-rtune Gone, Society Woman Learns To Work 'IUNIOR PLAY MEuING K TO BE HELD TONIGHT "Child Nature" is the ...…

November 06, 1924 (vol. 35, iss. 39) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY NOT r 'Lit' III Jill I _ _ kM WOR KS HARD O H PURPLE TILT r to be Back at Left Half With Rockwell at Quarter Position Hits Hard IASRAIGRS GIAISu i Tutor Northwestern Eleven )W IN AT TACKLE Coach Luttle continued his drive to prepare Michigan's eloven for a stiff game against Northwestern Saturday when he ran tile entire squad through a strenuous workout yesterday after-- Every man on the roster who was...…

November 06, 1924 (vol. 35, iss. 39) • Page Image 7

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY A SIFt Td~s ICOLUMN CLOS[S AT 3 P.M. ADVERTISING 1101 SALE COLLEGlA'TE Ti EDOS for sale. Peaked lapels or shawl collared coat. Prices $36.50 and $850. Call at 807 E. Washlngton or phone NOTICE FRESH SHIPMENT Gilbert's Pana- mas. One-two-three- and five pound boxes. Reserve yours now. Arcade Ph armacy. 481-M2. Ask forBowman. 48 - . A k-r;wa .FISCHER'S Exposition Orchestra of 'ORD TOURING Car with starter. Kalamazoo at...…

November 06, 1924 (vol. 35, iss. 39) • Page Image 8

…TI IE- MICHIGAN DAILY LY OFFICIAL BULLETIN" ~ion in the Bulletin is constructive notice U,, all members of versity. Copy received by the Assistant to th,,' P'-esident until m. (11:30 a. m. Saturday, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1921 Number 39 U. S . Honors Mexican Chief ._~ building.M Whimsies will be received at Press Eugene, Ore., Nov. 5.-U~niversit 7 :30-Alpha Nu mecets in Alpha Null building until Nov. 10.! Idaho's cross country team, Pa ...…

August 06, 1924 (vol. 15, iss. 40) • Page Image 1


August 06, 1924 (vol. 15, iss. 40) • Page Image 2

…PAGE TWO THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, AUGUST $, 1924 OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN SUMMER SESSION Published every morning except Monday during the summer session. Member of the Associated Pres. The As- sociated Press is exclusively entitled to the -se for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news published here- in. Entered at the postoffice, A...…

August 06, 1924 (vol. 15, iss. 40) • Page Image 3

…WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 6, 1924s THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAYLY -- - - __wr- ._. PkGa German Youths Drill To Defend Republic 1: SELLARS TO LECTURE # EDONESOAY AFTERNOON Prof. R. W. Sellars will speak at b o'clock Wednesday in the auditorium of the Natural Science building on "The present Situation in Philosophy," a subject which should be of unusual interest. The speaker will endeavor to bring out the diversity of outlook which characterizes ...…

August 06, 1924 (vol. 15, iss. 40) • Page Image 4

…*AGE POUT THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, AUGUST -$, 1924 PAGI~ FOUR WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 8, 1924 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the Office of the Summer Ses- sion until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturday). Volume 4 WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 6, 1924 Number 240 Acts As Advance Agent For Prince Of Wales' Visit I Schedule of Examinations: the final exami...…

July 06, 1924 (vol. 15, iss. 14) • Page Image 1


July 06, 1924 (vol. 15, iss. 14) • Page Image 2

…PAGE TWO THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, JULY 6, 1924 M ||||||||| || |R * r OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN SUMMER SESSION Published every morning except Monday during the summer session. Member of the Associated Press. The As- sociated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news published here- in. Entered at...…

July 06, 1924 (vol. 15, iss. 14) • Page Image 3

…SUNDAY, JULY 6, 1924 THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THR THE FOX ELUDES THE PACK And Watches It From Top After Twelve Years CLA SSIFIEDS LOST' LOST - Gold, engraved Eversharp pencil; initials H. M. R. on barrel. Lost the evening of June 6 at the Library or Union Reading room. Please call Rockwell, 960 or 3104. Subscribe for The Summer Mich- igan Daily.-Adv. LOST-Thursday, State St. district, bill fold and purse containing mon- ey and va...…

July 06, 1924 (vol. 15, iss. 14) • Page Image 4

…THE QUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, JULY 6, 1924 I DAILY- OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the Office of the Summer Ses- sion until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturday). Volume 4 SUNDAY, JULY 6, 1924 Number 194 History of Hispanic America: t 1 o'clock in Room 203, Tappan hall. History 51s meets Tu, W, Th, F, at 3 o'clock.) (Moved from same room and days a A....…

May 06, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 158) • Page Image 1

… Sir4i xil and . . y _ _ _ ___________ _ _ _ _ __ ___ __ _ _ EIGHT PACES ANN ARB~OR, MICHIGAN, TUE DAY, MAY 6, 1924. EIGHT PAGES .................... stfIrlA~rTV ans Recognition NGT IffUI OITINI5 I tdnsLav IIaP.IITT 0PE1~ HM UFj DEMOCRATIOM FORMEDY BER TTADIO LEI if N TTb RES AX S BSIUT GR AM PESDE ean:7 eathletes win 'coveted; mu f pace ;on the Ameican Oympic j411ffATfh HIT MLIOX~$l~TAX N)I1)AL RTE lillI)-- Isupporters in C.V. o ud...…

May 06, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 158) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY ( FACULTY 2 COURSES International Acclamation Given Anatole France On 80th Birthday, ls Will Work In History And English Independent Of Classes STUDENTS STRONG INi HIESIE SUBJECTS MAY APPLY on creating new special courses department of English and his- vhich, it is believed, will attract pecially strong students in these tments was taken at the regu- ionthly meeting of the liter-ary y held yesterday afternoon. first spe...…

May 06, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 158) • Page Image 3

…_______TIHE MICHIGAN DAILY t.1, zs- - Notices - the joint meeting of Portia and Adel- phi. Ada Mulholland, undergraduate rep- resentative, will be in her office after Read. The Daily "Classified" Colul INFERENCE REPORTS LION DOA SIFT AT THE THEATER Screen-Today LEGATES TAKE ACTION ?EW APPORTIONMENT OF MEMBERS . ON Delegates from the University to the eighth national convention of the Young Women's Christian association which i...…

May 06, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 158) • Page Image 4

…THE MICIGA\NDILY_ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ ... ,.... s _. 'I, NEWSPAPER OF1?THE TERSITY OF IUCUTUAN j I ever'y morning except Monday, Ujniversity year by the Board in Student& Publications. of Western Conference LEditorial joiae Irssis. excluijvly en-~ this paper and the local news pub ein. at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, as second class matter. Special rate granted by Third Assistant Post- neral. ion by carrier, $350; by mail, Ann Arbor Press Biang,'...…

May 06, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 158) • Page Image 5

…THE ,MICHIGAN DAILY I UnIUEII rican Entrants To Circle, Globe- First, Says Pawlowski Greeted By Newly tadlo, Ballinls, venlenees ;POR.T JFNE RT WORK ON 2RI The American entrants In .what. has delevoped into an~ "Around-the- 'World" race for airplanes of all na- tions will no doubt be th'e winners in the opinion of. Prof. Felix W.Pawlow- ski of the aeronautical ei~nineering department. In spite' of the set-backs that have been encountered...…

May 06, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 158) • Page Image 6

…THEMICHIGANDAILY a r-' ) NamC L ___ _. MW - , .11 - .. -4 BE.L TO SHIFT JUL6 FOR ORIO Changes Wilt Occur Before Meet ritli Buckeyes Here on Saturday E WILL RUN QUARTER; IBBARD MAY QUIT HURDLES h Steve Farrell will send a tely reorganized track team on .d against Ohio State when the ams meet Saturday in a dual t Ferry field. pite of the heavy mists that >ver the cinder oval yesterday on Steve Farrell put the men h a sound workout an...…

May 06, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 158) • Page Image 7

…THt MGcuGAN DAILY COLUMN CLOSES IAT 3P.M Intramural Items (Continued from Page Six) 1525-M vs. Harrison-Owens, 179; Wright-Milduer-bye. 1. DAILY CLASSIFIED RATES of 12e per reading line for one or two insertions, 11c pet e er more insertions. White space charged for at same arged only to those having phones. Ask about c'ntracts ising,> line for one or two insertions, 9c per reading line for tions, cash ina dvance. Minimum, 3 lines per in...…

May 06, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 158) • Page Image 8

…TH~E MICHIGAN ,t .Y OFFICIAL. BULLETIN In the Bulfletin is constructive notice to all members of ilty. Copy received by thle Aasitaiit to the President until (11:30 a. im. Saturdays TUESDAY, MAY (l, V124 Nmber 158 x£ ... IBusiness concernilng the annu-al picnic, will be taken uIT. Every mrrab r requested to be present. JH. 1. Tang, Chalrrnai. Physics folloQlui1: The Physics Colloquium waill meet at 4:15 Tuesday, Mlay 6. in Room 202 Physic...…

April 06, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 141) • Page Image 1

…CHER IGE 3 k A 4:3at.1 One TWENTY PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, APRIL 6, 1924 TWENTY PAGES PRICE, r "." .. F4rfYrl! I q l f l/It ylr O rI1 Yrllrl - i -- r # Si II Ruth Draper To Appear Here At Whitney Tomorrow Night The Week's News In Brief Dedicate New Chapel Today U COLLEGE 'N ON IC DEAN SCORES1 PLAN IN SPEECH tyan of Washington De- gunieuts for Adoption blorably Ignorant" I, D. C., April 5.-(By A. o the corner sa...…

April 06, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 141) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHTG: C74DI.A A 0 UNION SNOWJS The Week's News n it S'ur PII& - I u 9 L~Irn UilIII. Smrplus Will Be Turned Over fo FUnd For Improving lMailding i # C +t 5 f { 3 SSTQRY AI)DITIoN WIL, ' :BE A!DDJEI TO U(KEYE CLU . its annual report publish'ed Ap- . the Ohio Union shows a net pro-o of $11,031:20. This profit is to be ed over to the building fund which started last year with $3,000.00, n the Union made its first signi- nt surplus. Imp...…

April 06, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 141) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY -C-.A MAYA w of the first and in addition the breast{ stroke for form, either crawl or rac- ing hrack stroke for form, 100 yardsT of any stroke, the plain front dlive, aIn-I other 'optional dive, and the tank turn. Fifty honor points wil he giv- en for passing the second test. NoticesI Presideonts of all hocses who have not already sent in a l ist of the camd- PlIy will be held at 4 o'clock tonmor- ) v at S r h ( ,...…

April 06, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 141) • Page Image 4

…THE MICH IGAN DAILY DIAIA 2NEWSPAPER of THlE ITIESITY OF MICHIGAN ished every morning except Monday1 the University year by the Board in 1 ,of Student Publications. fers of Western Conference Editorial ' ationi. Associated Press is exclusively en- to the use for republication of all news ;hes credited to it or not otherwise ,d in this paper and the local news pub- therein. red at the postoflice at Ann Arbor, ,an, as second class matter. Sp...…

April 06, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 141) • Page Image 5

…___ ___ ____THE MICHIMGAN DAILY NCL VOT ES MEMBERSHIP' HE IS A "LOVE MASTER" Cambridge, Mass., April 5.- Con plete reorganization of the Studer council, including a reduction of th present membership from 33 to 15, an a provision for the election of th jtrut ten menmbers by th~e two uppe clases, was the decisive change pass cd by a two-thirds ,majority of th Student council' recentl~y. V1- fl e titrcng1]eai t in "The l of c Ma.ster," fil...…

April 06, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 141) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY __ no-oft +rr..r . /' 1 i F IiJYJ 0044L , T i u '1 AMAUER CHOSEN CAPTAIN V IE Urbana, Ill., April 5.-Johnny Mau- er, speedy sophomore forward on the umn 4 Illini basketball team which tied for I first honors, was chosen captain of N next yearfive. Mauer earned N.his IVarsity berth after the 'season ggam' rst Stringers Win 10 Inning Game under way, developing rapidly with First Matcn Scheduled for April 19...…

April 06, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 141) • Page Image 7

…x, . .,. 11 --l - , I - .- , 4A I VA - A A, TU.OMY HILLS THE MICHIGAN DAILY CHINESE RUGS ...... Hill St. House FOR SALE Are you interested in a beautiful suburban home Thos me site that carries definite assurance of permanent , will find it in. Tuomy Hills, fronting on the new ement, and overlooking the Michigan campus and thle Are You Looking Xrr'WvSHIPMENTk-~ Many Colors -- Wide Range East of Washtenaw ron River Valley. Sites no...…

April 06, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 141) • Page Image 8

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY .,_..... .,. ._ .. , ~. Y. . W,. -_ D AI LY OF FI CI AL BULLETIN Pubi cation n the Bulletin is constructive notice t :Jar o t1P 1'niverity. ropy received by the Assatt h 'ca' i ni 3,30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturday). Volume 4 SU-N PA YAPRNIL , 19'.1ii uc 111,, i The Deans: Tlhere wi1ll be no conference of the Dleans on tensa, pi , ill.L. 1 Burt)n. terary F*iult Th~e regular April meeting of the Literary Facult -xgl~l b...…

April 06, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 141) • Page Image 9

…'LITI.2 BALLOT ,DRAXA KAGUE I oee 13wA Ekttgu S IW . ........... .. No. 141 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, APRIL G, 1921 . No. 141 'ANN ARBOR,, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, APRIL G, 1924 PRICE, FlVE E COLLEGE OF ENGINEERIN I' I IYI MYYY I IYY In Field $pp A Candidate Five And Six, 'Year Courses Con temp la ted Brilliant Recorda 'I Second Oldest Of Transportation, past year there have of events which have ;ity in' Ann Arbo...…

April 06, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 141) • Page Image 10

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY continued from Page Nine) ian. This committee has had neetings, one in Ann Arbor in ry, one in Chicago in March. A mneeting will be held at the Uni- y of Toronto in May. re is undoubtedly a great deal to bring about a full under- ng between the universities and eat transportation industry. ToI shat lines of effort the commit- 11 give attention it is difficult toj re can be no question at all as propriety of directing much: ...…

April 06, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 141) • Page Image 11

…THE MCH1AN DAILY r Ta 9 Engineering Regi OO. It Tested Submarines Dean Cooley Three hundred feet long, twenty- parts,-surface friction and wav too feet wide, and ten feet deep, are making resistance. According t 4e dimensions of the experimental Froude's law, resistance varies as t ip tank of the University of Michi- cube of the lineal dimensions at co gan which is located in the basement responding speeds, i. e., at speed the ea...…

April 06, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 141) • Page Image 12

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Bridges tA t4 4 Books and Writers t$ tA 4 I Indolence IN REVIEW l Masterful Work Not Great PRISONER WHO SANG. Byl FIDELIA. By Edwin Balmer. Pub-t han Boger; uImdied by Century, lished by Rodd, Bead. $2.00. 1;. Reviewed by Murchison Mabie. viewed by Robert S. Mansfield Someone has said that there isn't a novel worthy of the name has at j very high fence separating the sub- appeared, and Bojer has more lime from th...…

April 06, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 141) • Page Image 13

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY I Artists 444 Atusic and Drama 4 4 to Play Pro Will Sing Here The Campus And The Theatre ' ry V I .The Play Production Tlays art of "acting," of bombastic melo- stantly encouraged to exploit his in- Behind an old patch-work curtain, dramatics, but the infinitely more dif- dividual eccentricities. in an older, even more antiquated, ficult art of simple repression, of get- Obviously, however, if the student au...…

April 06, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 141) • Page Image 14

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY meU A ctivities °t C 4 Campaign News Financial Reports d Of New League Building Recognized By Michigan Men PROPOSED LEAGUE BUILDING FOR WOMEN National Campaign Committee OrganizesPreliminary Plans a Michigan men, as well as the1 nen, recognize the vital need of aL wen's building at the University of higan, is proved by the following ements, the first of which has been le by President Marion L. Burton, orary chai...…

April 06, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 141) • Page Image 15

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY lus Suggests Nation- Wide "}'ichigan Night" Ober WOULD HAVE 4 BIG ISTATIQN'S TRAN SMITTiN6 PROMINENT CALIFORNIAN SEEKS COOPERATION OF BIG BROADCASTERS What The Wild Waves Are Saying Radio may ultimately spell the doom I but did not seem entirely satisfactory. of the modern telegraph method of If any of our readers have ideas we VI ULU DISTANCE RECORD communication, but right now it is are sure station WCBC would li...…

April 06, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 141) • Page Image 16

….TH .M-IQIAN DAILY zy In The Churches - ongregfttioiiiil (liirelI rnP will give hi lqast Book on Optimihim this morning will discuss Rose Mlacaulay's; 'old by an Idiot." It will be n "The Mood of Freedlom." i's supper will follow thie service. "The 'Modern View esurrection" will be the stui- r discussion topic at 5:30l The University Women's b will sing at the motion plc- lee at 730 o'clock. The feat- is to' be "The Cricket on the Bible c...…

April 06, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 141) • Page Image 17

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY ents Will Hold Presidential Straw Ballot Tuesday f POTENTIAL CANDIDATES WHOSE NAMES WILL APPEAR ON THE BA: LLOT ' . I' IF1El." j 1} . . f i t t' j ".' William G. McAdoo Charles E. Hughes C C©o td ' 11iram Johnusoni Robert M. LaFollette Oscar W. Underwood Joi 'W.- Davis r-' REPUBLICAN COOLIDGE, Calvin Coolidge was born on a farm Ir the small village of Plymouth, rmoant, on Independence day, Ju...…

April 06, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 141) • Page Image 18

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Republicans. Continued from Page Seventeen) rm more votes into the Johnson His vanguard of local managers paved the way for ;arge hearings, 1 the wily seniator is assured oft erested and enthusiastic audience erever he appears iii the state. .ator Johnson is a firm advocate of soldiers' bonus, lower freight es, more waterways, aid for farm- adequate child labor laws, a re- tion 'in taxes, a minimum wage for nen and "jistic...…

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