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December 06, 1924 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 12-6-1924

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-.-----M- -- .. ..._....__..d__..r.

uaw "'r , 11an Itl
Published every morning except Monday
Suring the Umnversity year by the Board in
Control of Student ublications.
Members of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of all news
fispafches, credited to. it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
lished therein.
Entered at the. postoffice at Ann Aribor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
ef postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
master (~cneral.
Subscription by carrier, $3.50; by mail,
Offices;..Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
nard Street.
Phones- Editorial, 2414 and 176-M , busi-
ness, 960.
Telephones 2414 and 176-M

Navy game at Ann Arbor, except for
its potentialities as a spectacle. Penn-
sylvania's games with Illinois and M U S I C
Chicago will be interesting as factor /AN
in determining a mythical champion- (UESS I FOOLED
ship but can have no permanent sig-O YESTERDAY, TD R A M A
nificance. Only contests that areI EY I
based either on long rivalry or natural Ccrtainly fooled em. You see this
competition are justifiable. Any others TO-NIGHT: "The Fool' by Chan-
are a travesty on intercollegiate ath- lonsg communication came in from this ning Pollock at 8:15 o'clock in the
letics, smacking strongly of proles- fellow Ind, assailing everybody, and Whitney theatre.
sionalism. On this basis a game be- I said to myself, well, that'll make a * * *
tween Cornell and Michigan would be good many people happy if they run ( JASCHA HEIFETZ
highly desirable, at least more so!.
than one withthe Annapolis a . it. It'll pleasethe theatre managers A review, by George Davis.
It is to be hoped that the recent an-:(is is still stuff I said to myself; j Those who heard Jascha Heifetz
nouncements are only a temporary I I'm always doing it) and it'll please last night in Hill auditorium know
outburst, that the Western conference all the people that thought Abraham that he is a master of technique. One
will return to its highly justifiable Lincoln was a swell show, and it'll has only to select any single number
stand against intersectional games. please all the people that think Davies from his program to realize that he
Only thus can it serve its true pur- is a fish and Henderson is a fish and is master of his instrument, and like-
pose as the promoter of all that is Cowles is a fish. And it'll pleasei
best in middle west athletic competi- Henderson, Davies and Cowles. wise of his audience.
tion. Well, by the time I had finished that Any review of this supreme violinist
long soliloquy I was pretty near out must be laudatory. In a few short
h A MATURED NATION of breath you can bet, but I stirred years he -has reached the pinnacle,
Recent developments in Mexico, iight around and tried to arrange it and deservedly. And were we certain
where General Plutarco Elias Calles so all these people could be happy. that anything of this world could be
has just taken over the guidance of Make others happy, and you will be termed perfect, we should unhesitat-
the government after being elected happy yourself-old song. But the ingly place the art of Heifetz in that
president on a Labor-Agrarian plat- editor couldn't run it on account of category.
form, would indicate that the fore- ToasteO Rolls taking up so much Last night he was calm and serene,
most Latin American neighbor of the space on Fridays. Well said Cowles- even during the most appalling diffi-
United States has at last outstripped never hesitating for an instant with culties of fingering and bowing. His
its youthful days of bandits and in- a thought of himself-you can use my left hand does not move; it flashes
surrections and is ready to take its space-I'll wait a day. with a swiftness that is magic, and
place amtong the leading nations of If you coulda heard the cheers that runs along the string with amazing
the world with a thoroughly stable r4 ng upon the cobwebbed rafters of smoothness and truth of tone. Heifetz
government. the ole office you woulda had to swal- is unerring in his playing, and if
Marking the first time in the pasatlow hard, if you know what I mean.... there were flaws, however slight, in
M n ethis program the writer was natten


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Editor.............John G. Garlinigho~use
ews - -ditor...........Robert G. Ramsav
City Editor............Manning Houseworth
Night Editors
vccrge W, Davis Harold A. Moore
t eury Fredk. Y. Sparrow, Jr.
K~enneth C. Keller Norman R. Thal
; nnrt Editor........William H. Stoneman
3undal Editor.........Robert S. Mansfield
Womn's Editor.............Verena Moran
rMi3,c and s rama..Robert B. H-enderson
Telegraph Editor.....William J. Walthour
Ltuiise Rarley iselen S. Ramsay
Marion Barlow Regina Reichmann
Leslie S. Bennets Marie Reed
Smith Cady Jr. Edmarie Schrauder
WillardB.yCrosbT Frederick 1I. Shillito
Valentine L. Davies C. Arthur Stevens
James W. Fernamberg Marjory Sweet
Joseph 0. Gart~r Herman Wise
Manning ouswortS Eugene H. Cutekunst
Elizabeth 'S.' Kennedy Robert T. DeVore
Elizabeth Liebermann stanley C. Cri hton
Winfield H. Line Leonard C. Hall
Carl E. O tlmacher Thomas V. Koykka
William 'C. Pafterson'}Lill as K. Wagner


r I


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Telephone 960
Advertising...........E. L. llunne
Advertising........... ...J. Finn
Advertising.:.............. .N. A. Marks
Adv^.rtising............ H. M. Rockwell
Accounts.................Bron Parker
Circulation...................R. C. Winter
Publication................John W. Conlin
P. W. Arnold AsW L. Mullins
W. F. Ardussi K F. Mast
Gordon ,Burrs is. L. Newmann
F. Ditz homas Olmstead
Philip Deitz J .1.DRyan
Davial Fox N. Rosenzweig
Norman /rreehling Margaret Sandburg
W. E. Hamaker F. K. Schoenfeld I
C. Jo'insoz, S. I.. Sinclair
L. R. Kramer F. Taylor
Louis W. Kramer
Night Editor--HAROLD A. MOORE
For two or three years the Western
Conference has taken a more or less
determined stand against intersec-
tional football games, believeing that
they were not the outgrowth of na-
tural rivalry and hardly conducive 'to
the best sort of spirit in intercollegiate
contests. A similar position was as-
sumed by members of the eastern Big
Three with the result that except nor'
Notre Dame's annual wanderings
there have been few major East-West
Such an attitude was considered by
most people,-a. distinct check on the
growing spirit of professionalism in
the sport. There \were people,: it is
true, who lamnented the fact that the
glorious dtys of eastern games at,
Michigan w.re over, who felt that the
University Was ,losing prestige in not'
competing with its rivals Cornell' and
Pennsylvania. Yet the predominant
feeling of those who considered the
matter carefully was one of satisfac-I
tion that Michigan had again entered
her natural sphere of competition.

forty years that the executive power pi program, LUe iLewa ULL __ _ _ _ _ _ _
has been transmitted peacefully frOm In regards to the accusation, the tive, for not one was detected. IV4
ofalyi- burden of proof is on the plaintiff to His selections brought out all the
one lglyelected Presiden4 IVo x-LAr N RG~T~; .
ne to another, President allesw- prove that the defendant was capable .ability of a master. No effect was GRALUA"E AND REG I TERED
inst nh the presence of harboring criminal intent. Or that, omitted, and Heifetz, as usual, car- Ciropoditopdist
installed his office in the prese was using more than ordinary ed them off splendidly. "La Ronde 77 N.
of the retiring government head, Gen- N.tUmIvensotdsAi'eaphiny"2652
ral Alvaro Obregon, and with negligence. If Herr Ind can demon- des Lutins," a number by Brazzin
r strate that I have ever mentioned the that calls for perfect coordination and {
cial diplomatic missions from ho less taehtIhvevrmniodte W
than ixtn frisnd forig nationss Architecture of the Clements Library agility ,was superb, and other num-
than sixteen friendly foreign nations..(y7es, Architecture, I said) critical as br ahcle o idvda xc-J
Taking a prominent place in the vast I (ye been Icsaid riticalhas bers each called for individual exec -
open air gathering were the repre-Ihave of certain of its other fea-tc
sentatives of the Mexican and Amer- tares-I will give him my A. B. that would test the ability of anySB k
diploma as soon as I get it, and pay master.
ican labor organizations.1afirst class forger to insert the name " There were times when Heifetz was
Great credit 'tor the peaceful nature" of Mr. Ind where mine is. cold, and others when he was emo--f
of the proceedings should go to former * * * tional, but the latter were in theCm
President Obregon, who during the CAMPUS OPINION minority. We cannot imagine him
past four years of his administration Let me state before I begin this, impassioned in his music, for he is
has demonstrated remarkable leader- article, I am for Americans for Ameri- too much of the technician, rather I FOR SALE
ship in his control of military andi cans first, last and foremost. America preferring perfection of tone and At all Music Stoes and
international situations.. The most is great country by God and I mean execution.AtalMsStres
astonishing development, however,rhat I say. And when such a He was wonderful in all numbers.
and. the one which bodes the greatest criticism as was put in last Tuesday's His execution was perfect in each of i i & t
good for the future stability of~ the Daily, what pretends I hear to voice them. We found no one clearly out-
,contry, is the declaration of Luis the sentiments of the campus, is put standing above the rest, except from er
LMorones, labor leader and minister before the public, I maintain once and a sense of individual appeal. Headquarters at
of commerce in the Calles cabinet. At for all , down with it! We liked Heifetz most on his low Michigan Union
.the opening session of the Pair' Some sophisticated pup that is wet string work, and his "Nocturne in E____
AMnerican labor conference in Mexico behind the ears ups and tells that Flat" would be our choice for the best
City he riot only condemned the Rus- that Lincoln is no good or words to of the numbers. This was his closest .IllilitllillillllIllhlltilIlllliilflP. '
sian Soviet labor crkanization . but.that effect. I sympathize with the approach to sentiment, while it never-
galso attacked any Mgxtican ,radic pmp. I say if he says that that: pio- theless called for the same mastery a Underwood Skadrd.
leaders who might be consrting with tuh, what was one of the most beau- of technique that was present in other=w au
the Russian minister at the present tiful and pure and aesthetic extrava- numbers. Portable Typewriters
time. As several of these very radi-!
ca.s evn the se and noi ganza- ever produced, besides being The artist was brief in his encores.=M
lst in the a dice of or nes'dni praised by the local legion, is no good, although he did insert near the middle M
tin such a potions ffiencas that pup is not fit to live in this coun- of his programfa muted number, which The Machine you will Even-
Lion, such a position is sufficient cause'try and he deserves sympathy. was a thing of beauty, no less. The tually Carry. Sold on easy
for believing that Mexican labor God knows what this world is com- use of the mute as a violin effect is terms to suit every student's
means business in its stand for peace ing to if such infantile and puerile stuff disliked by many, but employed by pocketbook
within the nation and opposition to the isallowed to run in The Daily. There ' Heifetz it, became, not a point of
ideals of communist Russia. is only one word to describe it. Damn criticism, but of admiration. The tones .
Branding these "imitators of foreign poor if it. He pokes fun at the sad were perfectly suited to the selection,
radcal, 'nd nthnkng nd nre J- A.C.STIMSON
radicals, and unthinking ,and unrea-spots in It. I say to him if he ever and nothing was lost of the full tone A. C. T
sonable agitators who profess to be sat besides the bed of his dying sweet- of his instrument.F
th rinsoflor s"wre hn; .rSecond Floor""
the friends of la'or" as "worse than, hea t of somebody he would realize! So many words of praise have been ;= n I
the sweat shop capitalists of yearthe holiness and sacredness of those set forth in the wake of this violinist I=308 SOUTH STATE ST.
ago," the Mexican labor "leader has sentinents and he would see the inner that it scarcely seems necessary to = Phone 301 M
voiced the opinion of the people whom light and see that he had been placed 'add to them. Simply let us say that
. represents in amost dhere on earth for something besides Heifetz was superb in his artistry last
ner. With such men as Calles and casting fun at things he isn't fit to night.
Morones . at the head of the Mexican appreciate in his present state. * * *
government, especially in view of the j I bet you're afraid to puplish this in PAVLOWA FOR THE LAST TIME
fact that they are the choice of the your Daily. Anna Pavlowa on her alleged fare-
most humble class of Mexican people, --fBeezlebubI well American tour is to appear in

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c. "..I

Other conference Universities who had Ithere can be little mistaking the fact * * *
been scheduling eastern colleges also that Mexico is truly otv the road to Not in weeks have we seen such glee
discontinued the practice with the re- world recognition as a firmly estib- I at a public calamity as was displayed
sult that rivalry of the best sort has lished people with a wise and power-! at the fire on Monroe Street Thursday
been considerably augmented within ful government, evening. The alarm was not rung in
the Big Ten. very early, as the witnesses wanted,
Just when .this idea appeared to as they said, 'to give it a decent start.'
have found' substantiation in the coun- CAMPUS OPTNTON And when the firemen finally arrived,
oils of Wegtern Conference athletic Anonymous communications will be they were'greeted with ironical cheers
di~regnrrd"'l. The namnes of cmninuni hywr,-et~ ihirnclcer
circles, there-comes with proposals cants will. however. he regarded as by the mob of students who had
for next year's schedules the an- confidential ,upon request. gathered on the scene. A gallant fire-
nouncement from "Chicago that "the man dashed up the ladder to the roof,
popularity 'of intersectional games is INSANE NONSENSE scrambled, still gallantly, to the little
becoming greater. each year and for To the Editor: hole through which the flames were
this reason 'the "Conference coaches This rule crammed down the chotting-and then, instead of bound-j
will attempt to arrange at least one throats of some forty fraternities by ing back to earth with a tender infant
East-West game that will have a their representatives on the Inter- clasped in his arms, or a swooning
strong appeal to the football public."' fraternity Council which compels mother-he tore off. a shingle and1
As a result' of such a feeling Michigan them to limit their house dances by threw it to the ground. A great spon-
has already scheduled the Navy, Illi- invitations is the most insane piece I taneous howl of derision greeted this
nois and Chicago have booked Penn- of nonsense perpetrated upon the and all his subsequent efforts.
sylvania, Chicago will play Dartmouth, campus in recent years. It was a most encouraging exhibi-
and rumors are prevalent concerning If a house desires -to have an open tion.
a Wisconsin-Cornell contest. dance, it is its privilege to do so. If * * *
Whether or not this is the direct re- a house resires to have a closed There seems to be a sort of rumpus
sult of the recent race for large stadi- dance, or to send out invitations, it on the campus in the matter of fra-1
ums in which Illionis is the temporary is its privilege to do so. In ternity dances. The trouble is ,ac-l
winner is difficult to determine. It either case the responsibility for the cording to those in favor of the inter-
is decidedly curious that this rush for party should rest with the fraternity frat-club ruling, that such a horde
eastern games should have followed which is host. If this is thoroughly of wet smacks come barging into any
so closely on the trail of the dedica- understood; and the Interfraternity and all dances that nobody can have'
tions of the past three years and the Council can certainly see that it is, any fun but the wet smacks. Those
proposal for an enormous stadium at then why the need of compulsion? A who oppose the ruling argue that the
Chicago. It is apparent that the ath- fraternity, like and individual, should invitation system will restore a sys-
lectic directors are becoming decid- have some freedom of action and also, I tem of clicks (sic), and that a renais-
edly mercenary, willing to sacrifice like an individual, should suffer the sance of aristocracy and snobbery
everything to fill the stadiums and in- consequences of its own misde- will shortly follow. They assert that
cidentally please that "football pub- meanors. all the lodges on the campus consti-
lie." The great college game in the As to exclusiveness and snobbish-i tute one Great Lodge, that all frat-a
middle west appears on the verge of ness between groups and individuals ters are brother under the skin, and

Orchestra hall, Detroit, Thursday,
Friday, Saturday evening and Satur-
day iMatinee, December 11, 12, and 13.
She will open Thursday evening with
her new Spanish ballet in two acts,
"Don Quixote." Of her entire reper-
toire this is the performance to see;
it is new-that means something-and:
it created little less than a sensation
In New York.
Friday evening's program will in-
clude "Coppelia" and "Flora's Awak-
ening," the first with music by Delibes
and the second by Tschaikowsky.
j Saturday afternoon's offering will con-I
sist of the one-act ballet "Visions"
from the "Sleeping Beauty," music by
i Tschaikowsky, and "The Fairy Doll."
Saturday night "Chopiniana," nine
dances of Chopin, and the "Oriental j
I Impressions" will be performed. Each j
program will also include seven
divertissements, the "Swan," "Bac-
chanale," "Serenade," and "Coquette
de Columbine" among others.
Pavlowa has been meeting with
amazing success-even for Pavlowa.
In New York she played a season of
eight weeks at the Metropolitan to
sold-out houses, and supplemented this
by an additional two weeks at the
equally enormous Manhattan.
To say that she is not a very great
artist is ridiculous. She may today be
far from her press-agent's "incom-
parable," but in her artificial, doll-
like classic ballet she is still supreme.
Her programs have none of the
breathless range and sweep of the
Denishawns, none of their unbounded

'ID P'.



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