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December 06, 1924 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 12-6-1924

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SATUI DAY, D?:C1: IBEP. u, 192 E


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Conference Mentors Meet at Chicag
Today to Arrange for Coming

Brown Selects
Mythical Team

Ncrman E.
the Central

Brown, sports editor of
Press association, hasj

-10(t:e(1 the following all-sou

'_teams irom among the stars
CHICAGO GAME DUBIOUS played d(uring the 1924 season:
First Team


Ends, Wakefield, Vanderbilt; 01-
-Almost the entire Michigan coach- linger, Auburn. Tackles, Taylor,
ing staff was in Chicago this morn- Georgia; Simmons, Mercer. Guards,
ing to arrange schedules for the Buckler, Alabama; J. Lawrence, Tu-
Michigan squads for the coming sea-
son. The Michigan party at the Big
Ten schedule meeting includes Coach-
es Yost, Little, and Wieman, from ,
the football squad, Mather for bas-
ketball, Fisher for baseball, Farrell
for track, and Barker for wrestling.;
Interes-: in today's meeting will cen-
ter upon the outcome of the football
schedule-makers' conference. Michi- .
gan is likely to establish precedent!
in formulating her 1925 gridiron
schedule. In case Indiana is given a
place by the Wolverines for the sec
ond1 game or the season, M. A. C
which has always been number two , .. ..:;,,.,
on the Michigan card will undoubted-
ly take the first game and the Michi-
gan schedule will be greatly stif-1
fened by the arrangement.
Coach Yost left for the meeting
with the avowed intention of schedul-
ing Chicago if Alonzo Stagg showed
any signs of being willing to come
to an agreement. Both Coach Yost
and Coach Little expressed a willing- -___._
ness to arrange a good stiff schedule DougWycoffI
for the Michigan team in the hope of
making the title race a clearer pro-
cess during the coming fall than itlane. Center, uble, Centre. uar
was during the past season. ter, Covington, Centre. Halfbacls,
It is practically certain what teams Reese, Vanderbilt; Brown Tulane.
will be played by the Michigan squad, Fullback, Wycoff, Georgia Tech.
in spite of the fact that the schedule Second Teaim
will not be official until after today's Ends, Lemon, Centre; Tilghmann,1
meeting. The Wolverines will play Florida. Tackles, Luckie, Georgia;
M. A. C., and the Navy outside of the Graham, V. P. I. Guards, Goldstein,
Conference and in the Big Ten race Florida; Joselove, Georgia. Center, j
will meet Northwestern and Illinois. Probst, Alabama. Quarter, Gillis,
These two games are already ar- Alabama. Halfbacks, Kilpatrick, Geor-
ranged by two year contracts. In- gia; Rosenfeld, Alabama. Fullback,
addition it is probable that Michigan Thomason, Georgia.
will meet Iowa, Ohio State, and Min-I
nesota while Indiana may be added to he considers that his Maroons would
tMe schedule. With that arrangement have their hands full without meet-
ichigan will meet four hard Confer- ing Michigan.

M Title Never Won
When the Wolverines open the Con-
Coach Rajrnes Stresses Importancei ference basketball schedule on Jan.-Gnard Posititns Worry Coach;For-
of Dive in Short i1 with Northwestern as the oppon- ward and Center rPosifionIs Well
Raccs ent, Michigan will enter the race Fortified
once again to bring an undisputed-
SAMSON LOOKS GOOD title to Ann Arbor, a feat that has GAME ONLY WEEK OFF
never been accomplished by a Mich- -
With only two weeks left before the igan basketball team. The Wolverines With only a week left before the
holidays, and with a great deal of (frtai jtSa oe
time takern uptythe iterraterniy were successful in 1921 in making a Jfirst game of the 1925 court season,
tryoults, Coach Barnes'is working his laim to the title when the Conference Michigan's Varisty five wil go
men hard to iron out minor faults r eded in a triple tie between through a hardl workout this after-
M1(co hasitoron ot miorifultsnoon. In today's scimmnage M1-tlier
and to get the gra'tsee osW sconsin, Purdue, and Michigan. no.I oa cimg ahr
andtogetth gratst ped I Prdu, ndwill continue his search for guard
ble out of every man. With an array l in past years the Wisconsin teams I
of vetera otigfrthave been the most successful in wn-
' e ean i sronrg of ls year' ing the title. In 1913, 1914, 1916,1 During the coming week all ses-
and ith Samson, star of last years 918, Wisconsin won the undisputedsions of the squad will be secret as
S rtraternity swimming meet, no title and shared it with other teams the squad is being prepared for the
practce, te outloo for i107, 1912, 1921, 1923, and 1924. opening tilt with M. l. C. Saturday.
a successful season is fairly bright. 12in12, 19194
a The Chicago Maroons also have an With the center and two forward jobs
Coach Barnes is occupied mainly in enviable record on the basketball well taken care of by Dick Doyle,
teaching his pupils the proper springcourt winnig the undisputed title for Capt. Haggerty and Red Cherry, the
and form in the racing dlive. A great oringthudspedilefr
three consecutive years from 1908 to skipper is giving the squad an inten-
shorter races, especially the relay 1910 inclusive, and proving to be the sive goig over in an attempt to find
and a good start is also an asset in best team in 1920. The Chicago five' a pair of men to strengthen the de-
and anood strts als tamn ating shared first honors with Wisconsin in fense.
the distance races. If the men trying 1907 and was one of the three teams At present Reason, Gregory, Chain-
out for the relay continue to imprve, 'that laid claim to the title last year. bers, and Line seem to have the call
Michigan will be represented by a Th baktllcmpos fthe over the others but nonre of theml
Equartet everyone of whom will be The basketball champions of the vrteohr u oeo hm
qaret everyone fi will be Conference from 1906 zip to the pres.. 1seem to show the ability necessary
abre toecovershe fst tn aIs in ant time are as follows: to satisfy Mather. Kressbach or Ros-'
three seconds flat. Samson is well 1906-Minnesota. nick are another pair of men who
under the mark in this respect while 1907-Chicago-Wisconsin, may be developed into Varsity play-I
a wl hrae toh l al o 90-Cicago.ersbefore the start of the Conference
omake the grade. Johnson and, Gow 1.909-Chicago. season.
both- ought to make the distance in 1910-Chicago. Ben Friedman is one of the latest
Ch tqirim e.Da t 191 [-Minnesota-Purdue. prospects for a regular berth of onr
Captain Kerr and Dunnigan are both 1912-Wisconsin-Purdue. the Varsity. Wednesday night lie got
progressing encouragingly in the a t 913--Wisconsin. into the scrimmage for a short time
back-stroke and ought to be able to 1914.-Wisconsin. and showed a knack at handling the
show some real class by the time tie 1915-Illinois. . ball. After the manner in which he
season opens. 1916-Wisconsin. I broke onto the regular Varsity foot-
Coach Barker of the Varsity wrest- 1917-Illinois-Minnesota. l sll Squad this fall after he had al-
ling squad is taking care of arrang- 1917-Illinois-Minnesota. most been cutto the Reserves, he is
ing the swimming meets at the Clhi- 1918-Wisconsin. - likely to make a strong fight for a
cago conference.. A heavy schedule of 1919-Minnesota. position on Mathers team.{
four or five Conference meets away 1920-Chicago. The basketball schedule follows:
from home and two at home will 1921-Wisconsin-Michigan-Purdue. Dec. 13.-M. A. C. at Ann Arbor.
probably be arranged. It is hoped 1922-Purdue. Dec. 20.--U. of K. at Lexington.
that the Union pool will be com- 1923-Wisconsin-Iowa. Jan 2-U. S. Navy at Ann Arbor.
pleted in time for the home meets. 1924-Chicago-Wisconsin-Illinois. Jan. 10--N. U. at Ann Arbor.
The team will probably open with --Jan. 14.-Michigan at Purdue.
M. A. C. Jan. 17-Ohio State at Ann Arbor.j
I FRESHMAN TRACK NOTICE iJan. 19-Wisconsin, at Ann Arbor.
NOTICE All freshman track men are Feb. 9-MichiganatNorthgerno.
asked to report at Waterman Feb. 14-Indiana at Ann Arbor.
S The Ensian Feb.14.-ndiaayatAnnerbor
willptr take gay recev gymnasium any afternoon this I Feb. 16-Michigan at Ohio State.
any pictures taken this fall of jwekFb.2-ureatAn ro:
campus scenes, initiations, fall- week.Charles Hoyt, eb. 2- ciga at Wisconsin.
games, and other events of in- 1CalsHy, Fb 3Mcia..tWsosn
Sgaes, a t e vens ofcin- Coach. Mar. 2-Michigan at Indiana.
# -tertest. Any'expenses incurred [I ____I ~a.2- 'cg tAnAbr
will be met with. Mar. 2.--Chicago at Ann Arbor.
1 I
GsIa Christmas Candies
it - -I Iirrv13o 4 Q I vl 4-1,-,, _, 0 4V


Notre Dame To
Get Grid Trop y -
P hiladelphii, P ., Dec. 5.-The dir-
es of the veteran athletes of Entries for society, class, independ-
Phliadelphia, at a special meeting to- ient andchh leazues in baktball


day to arrange an eig hteenth annual!
chanpionship night dinner, unani-
imously decided that Notre Dame was
the outstanding football team of the
1924 season and th't team will be
awarded a national championship cup.
Th Jtrophy, Nas (onated bIy Judge.
E ganie C. IBonniweil of the Phliladel-1
h ia Municipal court, president of the
Vetoranl Athletes organization. It is
to be awarded in such years as pro-
duce a team "whose standling is so
preenuinent as to make its selection
as champion of America beyond dis-
Burglars Use Key
In Safe Rob5ery
Burglars entered the store of C. H.
Major and, company, 203 . Washing-
ton Street sometime Wednesday night
and removed $72 from the safe. A key
was used to open the back door, and
it is thought that a key was also
used to openf r-e safe, the combina-
tion of wi hich was riot set at the time
o' the robbery.
No trace of the bandits has yet
hen found by the police.
, Detroit, Dec. 5.--The first of Do-
troit's two bills involving its planning
of a metropolitan area, that covering
rapid transit, is ready for submission
to the state legislature.

are being received at the Intramural
Houses wishing to enter teams in
the fraternity basketball tournament
should have their entries in at once.
All entries must be in before Christ-
mas as the schedule will be made up
and the first games played immediate-
ly upon return from vacation. Water-
j iail gym is now open from 6 to 10r
Sclock, four nights a week, and prac-
tice periods may be obtained by call-
ing at the Intramural office.
Basketball officials who wish to
work in the games that are being or-
I anized by the Intramural department
should sign up at this office. Games
start after the Christmas holidays.
The 16 teams which qualified in the
first round of the fraternity bowling
should have the second round bowl-
ed off by Monday night, Dec. 8, at
10:30 o'clock. The Union alleys are
open every (lay at 12:30 o'clock and
fraternity teams should take advant-
age of this.
Fratt-rnity applications for partici-
oation in the winter athletic program
If the Intramural departmern, must
te turned in at the department offices
within the next week, according to
Elmer D. Mitchell, director. The lists
will facilitate scheduling of games
and completion of arrangements.


ence teams and two of the smaller!
Big Ten schools, together with the
Navy eleven. This would provide thel
Wolverines with one of the stiffestl
schedules in their history.
It is improbable that Michigan and
Chicago will make connections on
the gridiron in 1925. Stagg lias pass-
ed by every suggestion to the effectj
ttiat he schedule Michigan again and
has signed contracts with Eastern
teams in preference to the stronger
elevens of the Conference. This year
Chicago has scheduled DartmouthI
and Pennsylvania outside of the Con-
ference and has already arranged toj
meet Wisconsin and Ohio. Stagg is
also anxious to meet Illinois againI
this year if the terms are good and'

Entries for basketball competition
I in groups, societies,bchurches, and 1R
0. T. C. units are being filed at the
intramural department. More than
19 teams are expecteu to enter the
society league. Competition will
commence following the Christmas
I holidays.
Play in the leaguer will continue
along with the interfraternity tour-
nament. While a greater number of
jstudents will engage in the interfra-;
ternity competition, the remaining
leagues will provide ample oppor-
tunity for the play of all students in-
terested, it is said.
Pay for your Subscription today.


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