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April 06, 1924 - Image 13

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The Michigan Daily, 1924-04-06

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I Artists


Atusic and Drama

4 4 to

Play Pro

Will Sing Here

The Campus And The Theatre




I .The Play Production Tlays art of "acting," of bombastic melo- stantly encouraged to exploit his in-
Behind an old patch-work curtain, dramatics, but the infinitely more dif- dividual eccentricities.
in an older, even more antiquated, ficult art of simple repression, of get- Obviously, however, if the student
auditorium, filled with close uncomi- is, to become versatile quite the op-
fortable seats, with little ventilation ting beneath the surface situations of be pue the
and inadequate equipment, Professor a part and living it. sal buse must play
Hollister' is quietly and consistently One of the most trying difficulties the lover and the lanky, artistic soul
carrying forward an unostentatious of this work is the utter absence of the villain-the result may be a trifle
I roject towards the highest dramatic anything more than a mere indication hard on the audience, but it is ad-
ideals. I of the setting through their famous mirable for the actor.
There is no fanfare of trumpets, no and eternal green curtains. The main
'ezied publicity and journalisic ex- reason for this constant use of cur- point should be placed last because it
ploitation, but there are large audi- tains rather than the conventional becomes the more deserving-there is
encea-audiences that with every new "flat" or solid sets i5 that the stage the verymow price of therseason
production tax the capacity of the slopes In all directions from an apex the e llarc fo the feanu
roomy hall more and more-and that at the center. The explanation, once iis allvr wel thare two
is what always counts in the last given, may seem trivial and ridiculous dollars and a half per performancetfor
analysis, to anyone but the stage-hand who goesI a production and there are those that
Every campus contains the usual mad trying to make his angles true on think a cheaper price cheapens the l
number of annual dramatic splurges, such a rolling platform. play; but there is also the audience
risky financial ventures and primary It is logical, however, that an audi- to consider, the student audience that
social events all in one, and while no ence schooled in the expensive set- all the dramatic clubs are clamoring
one would deny their value, it is often tings of the professional stage should for, and there is also the fact that the
through such a modest project as is decry this simplicity. To many, it student body as a whole absolutely
being launched here by the play pro- always indicates that the production will not pay professional prices for
duction classes that the more perman- must be crude even though the acting an amateur production.
ent effects of the theater are felt. be commendable. In reply, there is
To begin with, the ten programs only one rebuttal: how much more fin-i
presented every year not only indi- ished would the numerous extravag- -
vidually contain numbers of the most ant productions be, equally stripped , I A D
ambitious - and worth-while caliber, of their fine trappings-and tortunate
but the courses as a whole are care- ly there is no answer. MM USICIANS
!ully balanced to. neutralize each Of course, another impo'rtant feat-IS i
other into a blend of the best the ure to be taken into consideration 37,

tmann interpreter, and hris perform-
anlce of this concerto is wNorld famous.
The principal orchestral number will
be Glazounoff's charming fourth svyi-
phony which was given earlier in the
season with great success.
3letropolihin Opera Cotilpany
Opera lovers who find it imposible
to journey to New York to see and
.hear the Mdtropolitan w11 be in-
terested in the announcenient tiat.
tis celebrated organization will give
a week of opera in Cleveland begin-
ning April 28. Following an engage-
ment in Atlanta, Ga., the company
will proceed to Cleveland where the
following repertoire is scheduled:
Monday, April 28, "Aida"; Tuesday,

Apri 2~ Caren~ Wet
Aplril ;.o"Riolettu"; ThIdr
1, "Faust"; Friday, May 2
Godnoff Saturday matinee
"Romeoft Juiete" ofthrd
May a, ";_1 Trovatore." Manl
foremoswt. ineltlwers<of te C
will sing: Florence Easton.
Chalialpin, Elisabeth Rethiber
1'onielle. jc lurezia 1orl,
JIohnson. Giuseppe de Luca,4.
Daniso. Frances Alda and Iar
zell. the new German contral
Th performances will be
the new Municipal auditori
enormous seating capacity (
makes low prices possib
(Continued on Page Sixt



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ilhng to ist IneVC]ry pw:,ossible" way.

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theater can offer.it has been said that the director is primarily under 1etro t Symphony Concerts
before, but in all seriousness it will obligation to give class-room instruc- The tenth and most brilliant season
bear repeating: the repertory of Pro- tion, and with that in mind the finish- of the Detroit Symphony orchestra
fessor ilolfister's annual seasons - ed product and subsequently the' audi- will come to an end Thursday and
"Peyond the 1horizon," "The Truth,'' ence must be of secondary import- Friday nights when Ossip Gabrilo- L-
k19gthe 1~ singerjand yet fo (,enjrness and gleat fonal "u i,'.sad 'The: Do T s Bouse," ance. Iwisch appears as' oloist and con-
#tfffd'ddil '' Indis sed, and on a " few sweetness and beauty in the mezza for exmple-is as excellent as any Because of this one can often find ductor at the fourteenth pair of sub- I
hours' notice singing a group of voice. They call her "the brand new offered in any college in the country. examples of miscasting. If the sole scription concerts in Orchestra hall.
Italian folksongs, never before sung singer with the gorgeous mature Added to this, one is always struck purpose were to turn out a quasi-pro- Mr. Gabrilowitsch will play one of
in America and which she had seen voice." It never occurs to one to with the obvious sincerity of the ac- fessional production students would the most inspired piano concertos
for the first time less than forty-eight analyze her voice; one simply sits tors filling the casts. One rarely finds I be picked for their parts according to ever written-the Schumann in A
hours before, Miss Dusolina Giannini, back grastefully and exclaims, "At "brilliant" acting, the productions are type, and one person would be con- minor, Op. 54. He excels as a Schu-
the phenomenal soprano who will sing! last! Here is a voice!" I(quite lacking in clever bits of "busi-
at the May Festival, made her debut sMiss Giannini will sing at the Sat- ness," and the students seem to know I1 11lti1Ii lllllllli1i1il1!tllllllllltillllll
in Carnegie Hall, New York, on the urday night concert of the May Fes- little of the faniliar tricks of the t
evening of March 14, 1923. At a single tival, offering arias from well-known stage; but they are trying to learn
bound she had eepped into a Place in; operas, besides other songs. something far more difficult-not theht
the foremost rank among present day __
singers, when she appeared that night
as soloist with the Schola Cantorum,
Kurt Schindler, conductor, .The tri- 'iF .Hi-
umpli she achieved is more familiarinis o y arp Is Tolde
the realm of fiction than in real life. * _ _ _ __-w A
Her performanr l)vef n t 6n1y th{ - --
possession of one of the greatest The harp as a solo instrument is a oriental derivation of the Celti grp.-
voices of her d bu also e novelty; and the announcement of the The modern harp owes its i"v.- ,n.rxL1.wchoQns 1-1 : 3 .
master the difficult sonasbln hr t appearancehere,In the ngar fiuure, pf tjion to the medieval instrume tle biner5:30 r
brief period of time. th sworld's great 'living harpist, Al- oldest representation of whi a e .:
Word of her success ie , w will 1*Y at the May found in a manuscript of the i h h' " sua
etv is °one of ' interest. rThe nmt v th1 = ;~ ~
throughput this country with unusual origin of the har antedades historical Ientury in a monastery in t ak '
rapidity and was carried even to Eur- ..ecords. Te general shape and struc_ Forest. It was identical in fo d it i 205 So.ate' 7 ;' 306-
treod.Is ggrlsapht ~ucJ20:#t 36i
ope, and from there came a cable from lure as we first find them, seem to in- our present harp, excepting a sgt 1 '
Dame Nellie Melba offering the young dicate that it h its beginuin's'(a the curve in the front pillar. It pos'essed -
singer an engagement with the opera anclp I st f the one scale. _
£ peoCl tretched st tmgf the iony________
company 'which the famous diva is huntsman's bow. Pictures of such With the rise of mroden mnust9Tlss .
taking to °Australia this spring. How- bharps, which look to be nothing more harp was totally inadequate fol ti e
ever, so many concert engagements than bows with a number of strings purposes desired and would hav falJ-
had been booked in the enane sftchd Icross hem to be:You id n into disuse had not definite Xiech-
throughout the United St 7 s and he pyr'nids o Gize o the fdurt anical improvements been made- p
Canada, that Miss Giannini w frced °ptian -d nasty. Th Egyptia 4n- i. The greatest step forward was
to decline. She has the distinction of struments were of many sizes, attain- the invention in the eighteenth cen-
being the only vocalist engaged by ing..iheight of six feet in some cases, tury of a system of pedals, which by
both the New York Symphony and and were all highly decorated. The using the foot, raised each open string
New York Philharmonic orchestras form of harp used by these people had half a tone higher, while not inter- ,
for the season of 1923-24, and with the no front pillar as our modern instru- fering with the playing of the instru-
former she has sung in Philadelphia, ment has; and the strings varied in ment. From the time of the initiating
Washington and Baltimore and three number and were made of cat-gut. of this method the harp underwent
ties -In New York. These conditions made it necessarily many subsequent changes which ter-
Miss Giannini was born in Philadel- of low tension and pitch. minated in its perfection by the great
phia, and received her early musical The harp has always occupied a mechanician, Sebastian Erard.
education from her parents, both of prominent place in the history of the As we find it today, the harp is of
whom are musicians, her father was Celtic races, the present emblem of triangular shape with a gracefully
a tenor who was associated with Ade- Ireland being embodied in the British curved neck, straight pillar, and pre-
lina Patti in many performances of coat of arms in the time of Henry sents a pleasing appearance. The
opera. Icr 1 tier tra nilg as r - VIII The instruments described in part iex( to the player is the s.und-
ceived from Mine Marcela Senbrich their literature or depicted on their g xigboard., which forms an acuteel r t
in Newmg boardt'whichoformsraname cane
in New Yomk. Therefore her name can monuments have been, with but one I angle with the upright pillar. It is
be added to the constantly growing list e ception, of the European type, that usually of Swiss pine with inlaid
of native-born artists whose schooling is having a front pillar. There is, I strips of hardwood in which are in-t
has been gained entirely in America. however, an ancient church near Ki- serted the pegs that hold the lower !IhU
It is seldom, indeed, that the New kenny, Ireland, on the cross of which end of the strings. The pillar is' hol- lbedding'washed, your Uilts and
York press is so unanioqs.tit its,;vea- Is roughly sculptured a harp having low.and contains the rods working
dict as it was on the , casion of Miss no front pillar. Although this may be the mechanism. The neck contains ,blankets, during Spring vncation.
Giannini's debut. Subsequent reports a coincident, many authorities on the comb, the mechanism by which
from all over the cofltry haVe c i- musical instruments conced this tthe pitohi of the strings are raised or t ic-
firmed h"r sensatmonal ritrdpohItan fact when codpled with the general I lowered' The strings are forty-six in ,ouno
success. Critics laud her ,po er as tenmdency of the older Celtic harp to hinmber,'all of which, except the lower
absolutely unforced, hler laok of seem- resemble the oriental instrument, and j eight wire ones are made of cat-gut.
ingly applied technique, her domin- the Eastern flavor of this race's They are of various colors to aid in them back that part oour ouse
ance of the orchestral accompaniment, music, an evidence pointing to the recognition.
and her equal ability for pyrotechnics, will be in perfedi order'for;your
OF COURSE IT MAY , . Spring house party.




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