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April 06, 1924 - Image 14

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The Michigan Daily, 1924-04-06

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A ctivities

°t C 4

Campaign News

Financial Reports

d Of New League Building
Recognized By Michigan Men


National Campaign Committee
OrganizesPreliminary Plans

a Michigan men, as well as the1
nen, recognize the vital need of aL
wen's building at the University of
higan, is proved by the following
ements, the first of which has been
le by President Marion L. Burton,
orary chairman of the National
npaign committee.
resident Burton says, "The Uni-
sity. of Michigan simply must have
wilding for the women students;
Michigan Union has surpassed
expectations in the place it now
upies in the life of the men. The
higan League will render a similar
vice to the women."
egent Walter H. Sawyer has said,
more essential contribution to the
nen of the University and to co-
cation could be made," and he
aks of such a building as "a neces-
not a luxury."
-ean John A. Bursley maintains
t "One 'of the greatest needs of
higan at the present time, is a
ce where the women of the Uni-
3ity can meet and develop an esprit
corps-a feeling of interest in
gs peculiarly their own."
homas J. Lynch, president of the
higan Union says, "The Vroposed
men's League' building is a project
ch should commend itself to all in-
sted in the University. The neces-
for such a building is but the
ural growth of the Women's.
gue, the one associative body to
ch all the women of the Univer-
belong. Give to that organization,
necessary facilities to carry out

its many worthy purposes, and a
richer, more intensive university life
will result to all its members. It will
then become a most important factor
in giving unity to the student body.
The necessity for such an influence is
more evident each day as the Univer-
sity increases in numbers. It will
centralize women's activities, and en-
able the women's organizations to
carry on desired activities to an ex-
tent now impossible. The unity of
purpose which results, should enable
the organizations to undertake larger.
projects designed to more adequately
serve all its members. The building
is the only intervening step between
present inadequate facilities and the
full realization of the purposes of
the organization."
League A ctiities
DuringPast Year
Help SwellFund
In order that the women of the Uni-'
versity may realize how much their
co-operation means to thetUniversity
of 'Michigan League' in the under-
graduate projects, Miss Ada Mulhol-
land, under-graduate secretary of the
League campaign has given out the
following information concerning last
year's activities. From functions given
last year, for the benefit of the fund,
more than $7,950 was turned in to
the treasurer. On the candy booth in
University hall alone, approximately
$500 of this sum was obtained. The
other projects included many small
activities carried 'on by the individual
This year the policy of the League
has changed and in place of encour-
aging small groups to give League
benefits, they have carried on a series
of organized functions, more generally
patronized, which have aided the fund.
These functions include the n., S. IU.
dance, the Pan-Hellenic bait the
Christmas bazaar, the Himeloch pro-
ject and the candy booth. Reports
from last semester show that approxi-
mately $2,500 was turned in-or-
League fupid from hese activims
Miss Mulhodi Iudin spewiing of 4e
progress that the women have been
making, recently said, "considering
the fact that these figures do not in-
clude money obtained from member-
ship subscriptions, and that the only
project for which any real canvassing
was done was the annual bazaar, the
women have co-operated exceptionally
well in a lof their undertakings or,
the League .building fund, ndf .ie
continue tosupprpt rojets fostered
for the fund, they can do much to in-
sure the erection of a women's build-
I ing within a short time."

Since the organization of the new
National Campaign committee of the:
Alumnae Council, work on the inten-I
sive campaign to raise $1,000,000 for a
r niversity of Michigan League build-
ing 4has been progressing steadily, and
- --<.,:-'-!t is hoped that all work on the drive
2 X ,,may be completed by Commencement
- - 1veek in June. The following resume
.;.-- -A the more important activities which
-ave taken ace from National head-
-": ?uartcrs in Detroit will give an idea.
of the work that has been completed,
-d that which still remains to be
- -- At a National Conference, held
farch 24, at the Hotel Statler, divis-I
r.f. . -ti - .>.. 'nal chairman from various sections
a over the country, me to perfect
plans for the campaign. President
The above picture shows the tenta- nasium, at North University avenue tion and endowment of such a build- ari'm U. Burton presided at the
I. ri nL.Bro prsddath
tive plans for the University of Michi- and South Twelfth street. Alumnae ing. A definite campaign for this opening conference, and the entire
gan League building as designed by oeigcneecadteetr
and undergraduates of the University purpose is being carried on from scheme of the campaign was discuss-
Pond and Pond, architects of the cmie na t n cim fteCmag a ics
Michigan Union. The League building -d. President Burton expressed the
will occupy a site especially set aside tempt to raise $1,000,000 for the erec- Detroit. hearty interest which University auth-
for this purpose by the Regents, on
the corner next to Hill auditorium _ ______--
and -diagonally opposite Barbour gym-_

orities were taking in the projcL indl
promised their utmost cooperation in
the matter. The National Alumnae
chairman, Mrs. Idward Dwight Pome-
roy. of Chicago, who attended the
meeting, also pledged the support and
cooperation of the women of the Uni-
versity of Michigan. Divisional chair-
men from New York, Pennsylvania,
Wisconsin, Minnesota, Illinois, Mas-
sachusetts, cbnferred with each other,
during the day.
Members of the Detroit Executive
Committee of the campaign met Tues-
day, April 1, at the Hotel Statler. This
committee, which is organized for
concentrated activity in the city of
Detroit, is headed by Mrs. Zelner
Dowling and consists of many well-
known Detroit men and women, in-
cluding Mrs. Clayton A. Spaulding,
vice-chairman, Mrs. James Scripps
Booth, Mrs. Thomas B. Cooley, Mrs.
Ward A. Detwiler, Miss Lucy E. El-
liot, Mrs. George C. Forman, Mrs. R.
B. Jackson, Mrs. Albert Kahn, Judge
Guy A. Miller, Mrs. John S. Newberry,
Miss Edna Thuner, Mrs. S. Wells Ut-
ley, Mr. Oscar Webber.


fty dollars is offered to the win-
of a poster contest to be conduct--
by the University of Michigan
gue for the purpose of raising $1,-
000 for a building for the organi-
on. Commercial students of art in
roit and all University students
asked to compete. All posters
t be submitted to the campaignE
gquirters at room 1005, 17 Cadillac
are,'Dettit,'not later than April
be posters will be displayed in
roit and in other large cities in an
mpt to arouse interest in the cam-
;n being conducted by the Univer-
women, beginning May 12. The
:ials of the contest announce that
posters submitted must be 14 by
aches in size, that two-color pTe-
.bly yellow and blue, are sufficient
that the name and address of thek
st be written on the back of the
er. The various ones entered will
)n exhibition at the Arts and Crafts
[ding in Detroit from April 18 to
on which latter date the winning
Y will be selected.
urther details of the contest may
obtained at the office of Prof. Emil
ch of the architectural ,pllge. :

Need Of Building
Is Emphasized By
L eague President
Helen Delbridge, president of the
Women's League, recently made the
following statement in regard to the
need of a women's building on the
Michigan campus:
"At the present time the activities
of the two thousand women students
are carried on in Barbour gymnasium.
Our space has been reduced to one
parlor, in which there are the desks of
Miss Hamilton's assistants, Miss
Blood and Miss Sherman, together
with that of the undergraduate cam-
paign. secretary. -.Besides these, 'we
haie'one.table, a few chairs, and a
davenport. In this room, with the
Glee Club and various dancing classes
practicing but a fewj. feet away, and
the Junior Girls' flay rehearsing dur-
ing the greater part of the winter, all
of the busines ofw~ in's self-gov-
ernment i9c ai ,ci4 ,t. is impos-.
sible to.thik'early to act wisely
under 'te corditions, to say noth-
ing of '06fact-ht. there is no ade-
quate plae fottliq entertainment of
the woihe studeh "
"We srna'tinme hear the criticisn
hat we do 's sad together,' the
trouble lies in the fact that we have
no place to stand. Weh'ave the spirit
f co-operation-ht has been proved
by the loyal way in *Vhich.every girl
+has worked in the campaign for the
past three years.


Our Easter display of hats consists
of alluring models in all Spring shades
that are smart and attractive.
We assure that any hat made in our
work roons will not be duplicated.
u-~- a'aa A Th "d"~1'~T PT 7fC

I 1 ;1

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