. . y _ _ _ ___________ _ _ _ _ __ ___ __ _ _
stfIrlA~rTV ans Recognition NGT IffUI OITINI5 I tdnsLav IIaP.IITT
if N TTb RES AX S BSIUT GR AM PESDE ean:7 eathletes win 'coveted;
mu f pace ;on the Ameican Oympic j411ffATfh
HIT MLIOX~$l~TAX N)I1)AL RTE lillI)-- Isupporters in C.V. o ud,2,andIII Ifl fIU1 (
t . 14P t r"T] Li ,.LL0X8U tAX, ORNA RAT W0LD ONt1):27 )A iATE lS A. H. ;Gallagher, '27E, who left yes-[
ARQE I+,I'E;tf74 $HEDrt,.ES IDEFEATEP BY 4)1? 44$,' 41IAI'S $ erday on a protracted trip that will
'061f CAIIO N7VWr endl at Paris and the Olympic games
this summer.
FIS(NIGRNCOMPROM .SCHEDULE WQULD BE UOME'UU t'II ae itiuh in s e rlas Sirclasses will assemble tn
: 11 it Bust and "The Olympic Special," "
,. 'ltd'.Irl~n ( nl':{aan~uuor"'e ' they -stated for New O)means where walk leading to Tappan ai;
Vadyi')Pa eiu ns 'far '~~ iac 0lmte himnHpsOl 'o e L~3ItZQi CIhey inend to sell the car and secure j caps and gowns at 330 oclock1
r w AWith Jalono l {in sFial Voe Wfi Approve MFnl'a s19es i,4 Asurett~i employment on a cattle bloat. Gl- tis afternoon fr Swing-ut on
"iRevsed 1(e !ure &oittadIor laghe and F oslund wil retun to j h oloig wlslaig toj
school sometimeay~-Ottnext (fuall the medallion in front of the
Benneapolia, Maynless anroa haa Library.
first iinizg the Wolverines settled ThAmuhiscussMyed (B A y. hMayllon teaxanot p I- Ltwmno h akfo
down and rrgrf the fTheirchtdisfssedwMelonmtaxplan recount of the ballts derive the ni iLtwm othwakfm
down and won the first of a two samewas laid to rest today, with the adop- ed Soialst, party of its peeranteLbaylaigws oUi
elt r n tl 'L b a y e d n e t t - I'eries w ith Minnesota, by "a, 7 3S core j i ? 'hIIgatIIret i
Lin y he senate of the entire Dem o- as nm rically t tr n e tpa ty i ' vettoal lt m n o h
Will in the net vs day comlmisslop ~ f daoa ro h irayt h
# les came to his° rescue. a = ratos.wasrecerick Nov;~ according to te wa aprvd 43-0, while its of orgdnizing a new4 coalition o~f uP N
tw o reig n as n t ; o f9 'm anbr. Fr d ri k ov he m i o it es sc e ul o ur a x it ea er oProfd w th th orj Woth n ner ig n ga rc ; ed soW a t e
tw" un er cre.Besnannounicement madec yesterday after- I evsou of normal rates,,was adopted,'ment. Uf j Uii thrdagnlgoing toWt
Ii u man gymnasum; nurses on theiI
sruk~ottwo matn with two mhen noon has been recently elected to the 44-37. The Republican insurgents In that event th socialist will eith
ont Vases In the iitial framte. National Science Academy, Diting- joined ~with teteort nspot rpop eet theasgnet 'resltien Meet in Union 'tomrro; ?Iwalk 11,frnt of the Medicali
f tt's hitting was resonsile fot" ushed service in the field of bzacterio- 1ng the entire rgrm summon the eaers orh cei Soploisores lThusdy; !fill uilding; laws on the diagonalj
mostof te Wovernes'runs IntlogY for the past 35: years is given far hairman Smoot of the fnace cot te German People and Democratic DusPaslaigtotenrhedo h
firs iniIh u ipear~ this signDal honor to the Michigan pro-, mittee said that when the bill camte paties to dilscuss thee formation of 4 U 0"W OL awbidig etso hewlj
plate with a Clean single ; He scor'ed esr Po,4vreeedhsel b 1"TGO1ARNL CONTEST I leading north froni 1e mdallon
fessr. rof Noy reeivd hs cii-up on final 'passage he would propose g' coalition, which on the bss of A
twoz nmen °a iad' of i 1m aain in the cation;at the University of Michigan, croieaswsdneiahetepesn etrswul eintl TEtEJ)BY MEN IN CllAR(IE past the Chemistry building;I
r~r n~gwe i oe~OI ~ and Continued his researches herelIhouse fer the democratic rogrd ontrol 029 mandates out'f 448. Only E pharnics near their building onl
ffr a home arub.:In'listhird tttme up utipteproetgie.18m o hePpoepn otsmieetings foi the Sping Games 1!the walk east froni the medal-I
hits safely to riht field for is hdlenapproved there. He is by tentonlss conributewich ewill be held net Frday and ilion; radates, ducatonals,
two basdi and pt Bachman dehid.orpfulthtpartynte il acepbe nclassfid g1whc
on hid.hoefl ha th snae il acet udtenon at cinn ilssedansSaturday have been set for tomorrowI Iand School of Music seniors,jM
. aggerty's bunt seeo"red Bachman. flttfIT[ r the compriomise as the house did. ix ppstinl tia~ Ifr the freshmen and Thursday fr the imdaeyi rn fteJb
~illman followed with a hit that scr- sophomores atewsuchaxiratesheritten into0the
U lliIllIL L illill tolay provide for a reduction of M[I aining 39 votes are distributed shorsatwi im hewI nj ary
4 Blott. Ill among the Barvarian people party and oraiz hirrspcie lssso The order of march will bie asj
Minesota started strong In the first If3* lfl*- l the present mlaximunm of '0per cent afa oe ol f, the comingstruggle and receive 4-n-
ininigwhen IFoote, t first man: to to a maximumI III Rperhcentactionsr' srch in n h ue ftecu
thit one for home ri un.fiy ii I coIrr I I ~esponding revision- all along the the ;Rechtag. pparnc:i tests. All freshmen in the University Ineracietsjnetics
lt widHcerytriwWl to I hine. Thier are almost similar to those This, is the par~~naysta'o will assemble in the Upper reading I nurseslaws, dents, pharmics,jU10N PIS
WloonRase's grounder, Criat- luni.r , 1tiigsoiiiDeste. ehdby the house. awaiting loil~n oipsdo oom ofthe Union rt 5 o'clock tornor-! g r a d u a t e s, educatinals ,and
scr.A hrsoed ae i m a itaelfTo Be Pre-;. "The normal rates accepted were '2 tescait n h he iderow to pp up for the fray; the sopho- [ icso. sol b e
1a it sely bu rsey 'tasube moites'pwiltheeoctaatss5 o'clockthThe rsday ei cas and on hudb e
he alCandidates GPc? cent on the first $4,000 of Income; partiesa Whose conipllete 'oting strong- Imoe ilist t5ocokTusa
Ssingle to right, Benson replaceda 4 per cent on the second $4000 and '6'"th weiXl°'ordniR fl afterioon in the assembl y room of'I cred before ioon today.
Vtpykr at. this Point and° struchidut isre~ sL the Union to mnake their plans. , ______________
the next twos(! l s rs. I ROBERTSO4, JPETE( SN O+ 90,N Per cent on all above $8,000. This, workng maiaorty. sepce httesigl o _____ ________
G ghgan ~.wt ,Tpay,Mnneta thle FO 1RD~ING SVRETARY compaes with the present rates of 4 pisca:ui'nay ewentju
seod gm tteAni~tnorw iceit onthe first $4,000 and 8- per. , 1111physica lle acbe t e eethseeni Aifl ll if A if&-
. abtlonowaki wIll srl frthe Wtolver- . rhifations for candidates for thae (iait above that amount. il ;og'he TeR oii kr y L Iw.IilIII.
}, r , h S+'niQn officesr'whi h wCllbe filled in SIN laU~UL port gdt le 9he 1,ipoit ey r~nida I
thecajns leciosl . ,TwreIITU; toi over their eft ct a.the hands o.UK
eln 'V VBR~ ~Ae'TInQnrifi y'Stewar oe, 2y Iihd llll .t llID~IIUIt ~f' sh en as fal vll ttie"'ealtHRj
ris 1cana ftetno oiain __ igs a eodeterminqto aepeat the ni nh, fl '
ej r j I , 0 R.2, 0 ' 0 t~ ~ yesterxlay.'' R"J l UIQ f Vail ual ictoi y
qyA l 2 ,s' t3 10RQ = 4J. , ii mer,'25,"ChresI}}. IIbJ tIha hurp , rfl.the T"e tfident Coincil. e imlfltt loeIBede i ink ecn
k*,g r. , b' 0 2 2 rnkln Dickma, 25e, ndWilrdI rly le cu il sn a techarge he.dd y James. l App y~Dalthanv~rle s' ui Vitan
art 3 1 Q 2aa e2'5E,'er o in42.;p R pesnaiy s foui De-tan 4 trt l rn~ at,.,u n et ' !4tc l o S t thefar a il% Uivri~
Wisn ih 60P2 IRrtsokln, d'25Em, E audMWItoh atr- tedtetl {.;4~netoxo{fl'oncin~wt te~ oau~s1te. rn iver, athz& Qp# n foti AILt ~paNGE~f'1e',iWp1Elal
, P ,,.;., o0Y"0. Ith Mch'a lt~sco thanPess45Leaue rive. ' tat. netugs 'tSaeths. ut- 101WThAN3e ( STJ) I
ZEl nsoi d,34 0 4u{f ar"25, ' w ere ominatdtor. io, ~b
51J.", q, Fidy qturayth heby:tllihc o wihln: -ad a cr h tclf ass wkl'a- 1rRbr rdepe-araeo
%, r9 ta I hg I cepresiden fth'a e Frnkin ': r . ih iCS t Sg a feta Ci, ntoal'h l bM alg ssrkntl~2 exT louy# at o h e as ma y o t eqhry ngad h.i ol gte Uivr
I'' 5 o h rt H a e ' X J hn.B om, ,o t ,. rn ty '' , ;#'pr gu anS uat4- w'ilie on" re ip a L er-.,om.f r. 'T e it f hl w sh p ,re ti e .rtf.
Foon.4te, cf 3'1 11 attend theV - ytThirdtoit ijua coucil eliees hat hisf ,in d'ouwayI tis ye. wilidehverhis econ ad
uyr ,4 0., 0 ""2 1I' *;2 5E, n J arr nC, ' 25 ". idise I,, ' ,he, ,jrleds ame.has notv b te oeuyinnvati A ii hroadcalilllst'Ol
Rase, aI 5a1 2 ' . , A°xSrib "r,11 0EiChtres M1[ia,'icitteans t re wl tel be sa ,an u 0'drive:0:'ltk~utl'i.~i~fho~so resw~h'resi AmAbrwe esek
hprlstgaii ck4- § 1, 4 and5Ewer oared t~ ees- ~ ~ a~ atrox sinon all p! ,,,,'. baeipg Many are oe' s.-oIneh ivd sthe t- thE nualAll-;0 publVictban-I
ti , eie 'rrtez, ild'er uS~~ rosda ciis wthr tha fiv°eum 6nae the second or .thrd l. ieit en
i.Ill 2b4-y, the 1 psien. fRoert X'h. Rice, ryLad..,have al.o..enarranged-fo
Hoar i 34 8701 xWate iede xl,, ae!o e ani ts.The btl~ane fil e aheldte or. nort w he t ~il) bewilaanasebeo opst:idsha ine amn
"": , ii ~i, ,,: .,,a The aly(Ib n t ff fr litrary , .." ~he of tghe campuand c cawill arch down r R only aige, ta biedeet-,
Tuckr, p4 '00 1 0 dtes or te la postion whie .Jhn IThursay venig atwhic tim it sasseesillaisteSin n th pgIoeFitm'yfiel br he oher ontets. hagvfeth' juior nd sniormediale
TotlF5roS27 3 r1 .Hsserer2'5,: anid l. rav hdu hat CahFilig s hch id, .togbe broadc w'tedbefrom te rp shr sIomtr h
Baldwin, i,,° t 2 , upert wll run for h i ae. i," :.ld a5tehg sho dtr. eri aqut he aeswl eued h b tud entsoashloratie a re ther
C+ E;.ll 't~i .,:4-5i, t . 1 "4-cle-lrace,-cane spree.,.andlioperatyingn.firt holder of thedctitlebywho hast e er't
Screbrinng: a okce acnP eueza,', hrahepup se oftheboneni ,c~ea isrto s,---eta-,, ont et Tese have proved toll e the isie hscuty ehshl
,, ;,; ,0r" A;!canaesfr, 6t~ harilleW e oftice. er ~,ournalism, vto discuss pntiroblemshe ast.o
Ii1lir Th~rzcswtezdess.n nAllpbctonshbanqetspeis en
M~seinnesota 2:0G0 0 6 (o--3ertinsion ou igh schoolcpapers and
liritga__c _ ~1_, 61- 5 Pettins, sligr'nel;byPthei'qireds 'n ' Iy n bt ,,Ths Fo~rmw~lrec r mte o t aehe illbheIderedhe achnar lib cthe obafCn-1
~ae.T rebs i ts 1br o e.a e n te blo s cn i ate for into a los~ernllo s i oitnecan d las fthe i n ted ,F est i atn wd u se n b hteii l s, n on- he s
I o h e t e n n a l L o n i q d n c w i c iet I edp lt ea cT erdw ll b ebnr et ha def ll t h s a1i ssf ll t h s u d n t
run , tt e, DITott. S c ifice2 hits, canyd Ui ont s o rfce thbe ie in g ceheh haends a'' publications it es w it m tr thuniveermn e its s conjurisdictionu a th U io
I haveianlso, 'been arraStolenor the dofetheanominating co bindtbanqbyts at -the 1rOg Satuwily bernirgnged soasseheldeFridty-nightain the parlors'nn
f al, b , 1 31 1, pesiency RoertV.probably5LanAhoyAr. i adsinatthat time a
!fer,3b4 01 10 aler4 ide '~i:,eto e an!t ats.the belegtwill be l d!amerhour.gynnasherit Ais osle e ; o wll'toe agin apsasmbleanllmahopostdshssoenl tacmbndme
cks tuktTer, -l04, 0nso day noonthe awoiioy, ciJonfl sa vnn t hc ei sthey wi'lentstes ie o an th farog ndam wilbeplcd p n g the'naigeorand thr eduiness
b asonls Tucer36Strk' 7I Bte se aran 25. ,an L Gatendstthenspringorgames ong.Fridais th-
may ecue tckes fom Havld Th-rne game le sed; the Y'il ao naaesanoneteupe tf,'5, ilru o te e rn&-'willadsturday mhol iorngiaD Ipe nq1,ue8 th'tte st let rhe anesieecan oe tyingfrstfapp ointetitleoro herpbaeton
Scr yinig:l ofc.Jc .7ekma 2D h psf t'h0e'. . rcoeeStranf T c ~tickets are- 2.--_-.Iiitevisitigtotetevro edorth oing y ear.s hel
3 23 56 8 ;ndWilim P Csik,'2P, il b gjcrani will emaudertangof.m oil the gLecuA nd+ MQ1-(. ot owenwhchevry ifatteintfcombti te ttpsitntsince te1 uetsofth
MicCrli.gShoomak 0 30 Aisgenealitll0etas.1a-ronscaadnBotdatess'anymemersh'o theoppbinnbordotftatcime
I Peitinssiged te rquied gforn therfrhteonstylefraheeorhestrwiwillbeurnish theamusye'rcbays'has'opodsible.n
an nonofcems b n1ie hands2oter oneled. heocasonter.Therfre na lfh brrlsiT oandr Pa
r '
Rev. Barrett To Give In,
Pean Lloyd Will Pelh
Today is the beginning of
for the seniors. A-t 3:30 o'c:
afternoon all of the -classe
will combine in front of the
and in a solid line will Comm
traditional Swing-Oiut 'march
tory to the exercises. in Ft
torium. At, the close of the
cises the fanmous swing ac'
campus will be made fora
block "l,, a living symbolj c
gan. It will be the first ap,
of the seniors in caps and g
the campus and will imark th
Sning of the traditional sprin
leading up to Commencement
The medallion will be the c
assembly, the classes takir
places on the walks assigned
leading to it. The Varsity b
forni on the steps of Hill, an
at the same time in uniformi.
o'clock it will start playing
will be the signal for the Ion-~
sonro robed seniors to eg
will be headed by Waller K.
'24, president of, the senior
class, and John W4. Kelly, '241
dent of the Student Council.
Rev. L. A. Bar4rett, of the~
terian church, will give the iO
opening the Hill aundit.orium c
Dean Alfred H, .40od, of the '
school will deliver the Swing
dr ess. in the absence of "P
MaronL.Buton whp tctllnl
fiis year due 1~o his. recent
Sarre H~ill,'125i, wi i~ngsever
tile organ. The s~inging' of "J
low and Blue" by the entire a
j ill cone lull~e tei1>rogirn aft(
tihe classes,,will march out of
ditorium n. the or'der of entr
The line of inardh of thi
~across the caimpus will 'be as
from- the. auditoriumn across tl
and east on North University
to the walk leading past tihe v
of Barboumr gymnasium, south
wvalk to the diagonal, south
this diagonal to the mnedallior,
east on the other diagonal,to 1
leading the west side
tEngineering building to Sou
versity avenue, west on Sot
versity ,avenue to Tappan ha
on the walk past Tappan hal
diagonal leading to the medal]
northeast on~ this diagonal toil
y y
t I - h tr< t an oin'the '}prin campus'
Dean John . figr fte ie'- loctim; onmust be nip de othc r Thtirs- 1 itlzp zne !u ii
d.g~ heltrKay or iday eve' ;tur et ho
ary college will leave this afternooninndtovenxtwktwaa-
for Grand Forks, .North' Dakota, "where 1For /1dastnihtnyiinistK Dff
le wl t tendfthe feanseofhLiberal t ield, '24, chairman of the Student,(:9ufl-
rnetin; o te Dansof ibralArt icml elections committee. Thre booth
Colleges of State Universiles which I{will b~e open on the c amipus from 9 1>t . "General Leonard E. Wood is one
will be held at the University 'of North 4 o'clock on both of thesti,(ltays. No of. the greatest administrators of the
Dakota on 'Thursday and F'riday. I idenitification is needed as that will be I day. His r1dministration hers been
On his return trip he will stop atj verified by the comm it tee previous absolutely in accordance with the
~Minneapolis, MIinnesota, where he will to the election". law; charges of usurpation of au-
address a meeting of Michigan alum- Studeints 'W ill rezister by colleges , thority are entirely unfounded."
nae on MaY 10. Alumnae fromn both at the following places: its, pharniic". These and other statements of like
Minneapolis and St. Paul will be pres_- and edu_- tional studen1ts in ;front of < character were m'ade yesterday after'
ent at the me~eting. ' 'the library; engineers and acltects 1 noon in an interview by Justice $.
After ,returning to Antn Arbor, Dean at a booth under the Enginerilig ' Finley Johnson, acting chlief justice
FEffnger will go to Da1yton, Ohio, where I arch; flaws in the Law building;;, and ;'of the supreme court of the Philippine
heg will sprreak before a meeting dents in thne 1)imtal buldoing. Scoosislands,"who arrived in AnArbor
Michigan 'alumni there on Aay ,,~ not listed above will be arrangecd for 1i'riday: night.
!l______________ ater. '' In' speaking ofth future of, the
T - Philippines, Judge Johnson said, "Noav
G1. I A llR s Dal'Bz pe sL >Olle have advanced paster thanhv
or Ba e alR s lsthe F ilipinos under the .guida nce of4
~ vt Bond I esuts ' 'ichganbas- fthe United States goverpnment. There
JutBod a eb l I are unhinidted possibilities in the is'-
Certain Female Fraternities, Led- i Firstreut of the . ihgn ae inds, Al can think, of.-no better place
gueHoses BtsyBabou, ar- i ball, victory at Minneapolis' yestcr- l for a young inan to.. go. to start in
gue ~ouss. Btsy arbor, day reached the Ann Arbor public I
tha Cook, and even Helen tNew- 'we Th Dalbrdcstefil business: the. field is large and open.
berry all house a certain class of score from station WCB3C. The story BaioTereacrebetwen 53i ndthe 60ilmpi-'
hum~ian beings known as co-edls. Iwas mrushed to the radio department by li io n w ce n~d ithe Pilippinaes!
Lauds P ,Toodl
rationIn Isands
sity and was connected with the law
faculty from 1886 to 1901. He wast
miade a professor in 1896.
Sle weas appointed to a :district
judgeship in t'he Philipprines in the
latter part of'1900, was later appointed
to the sup~remne court,, and is at pre-
'sent acting chief justice of that court.
Justice Johnson has always taken' an'
active interest in the educational of-:
fairs of the Islands, hraving bee'n a{
in1eniber of the Bloard of Retgents' of the
University of the Philippines sincej
1911. He was. one of the flounders' of,
and' is 'at p~resent lect'uring in the
College of Law of, that .university. j
4the jurist and his wife, came to Ann{
Arbor to place on the tonib of their
son,, David C. Johnson, '12, '14L, who
died last year in the. midst of a pro-
mising; legal career, in, the'Phil'ippines,
a. beautful, wreath which was made
by the natives as a tribute to a man
whom they consideired their friend'.
3'1fJi fiTI~pt 'and For Games
TICKITS PUT S[ o I b woe neetdi oii UN SIL11uy1abnd to play at the spring games,
Tickets for the Mothers' Day ban- i riday and Saturday, will meet at
quct ~v ch ill bc eld Sat rda 3:5 oclock tonight, rooni 396 of the3
evening in the assembly hail of. thoe Union. It will be necessary to bring
IUnion as a part of the Mothers' (day,,, nstrumeyts to this meeting.
celebration, were placed on sale; yes- iIt present plans interialize, accord-
tei'day, in fraternity houses, dorm- j ing; to Clark: H. Drown, '266, Nvho is i
itories, bookstoires, at the Union ,ant i coars e of f'ormicn the band. it is hp
'Lane Hall. ; ed that the inusic' n~s will be able tc
Only 540 tickets' were distributed for appear at, time "Ahl-Sophl" smoke;
E the banquet; each group receiving its! which is to be hold at' the Ui-Jon to-
allotment- for the event. Most fra- morrow night to simulate spirit Ic,
ternity' houses Were 'given four, w'hile the gamtes.
.the, dolrmritories were given but a few
more., 're tickets not sold will be;P PLAN SERENADE
collected Wedne;Aday. fr hebn
qutet has been planned which will l'e Pl1'ans for the annual spring ser- '
'lId under the direction of larold ' enadle anid the banquet will be the top-
Steele, '25J,, and Ruth Rankin,s-'26. ict of business at the meeting of the'
-.______________Varsity Glee club to be held at 7 e'-
Moscow,; May 5.-The Russian gov- clock tonight iu room 308 at the Uni-
erntmnt has instructed M. Kresins y tlion.
its amnbassador. in Berlhin that unless-
Offices cif the Russian commercial de- j Object To'Bitler's Slpeec h
legation in Berlin, the ambassador New York, May 5.-Characterizing
shall come immediately to Moscow to yDr. Nicholas Murray Butlers spelch I
t ricria wih hn liiniltilHif T-before the Missourivscit'y as "l'E-
of the Library wh~ere ~class pi
will be taken on the steps-
By special arrangem~ent the
Hers will be allowed to break~
from .the line of march on t1
pi-oach 'to the Engneering
and to follow ont'f*uguhte ai
,joininig the procssirmon "Sutl
versity avenue,
Sri >lsnt r.,,of all classes -4i1_
at the Unsion as.3embly hall ton
night for a class smoker and ra
the sping) games on Friday ar
urda;'. Admission will be 1>y
card only, no charge being mia
the cexpenses being paid by the
'u, :es of the solphonore Tits an1
The(!meetwing. will be he'd to~
lat1w plans for 'the annuzal five
lieErehniciiand toY "stim ulate
f r t at e e t 11 1es 'e t e al mrn Wil b o iethe conm m ittee in cltq4 ' .czr ii
th i~ fficers of the hits and eng
Several proninent campus1
will speak and five acts -of vau
will be 1)ieo Wnted. An orchest
aiso be on hand, and probal,
Sol hcnomores'band which is to1
the game.
Spe -ial to The Daily
('olirm. us. 0.~ may 5.-n a.
I -.~ . -- -.
rsic(IllQQ u*irn rno an:rrs rnr,,,r ih-
v v. v ass kes an... a w.+va v J u + arv