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April 06, 1924 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1924-04-06

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Ruth Draper To Appear Here
At Whitney Tomorrow Night

The Week's News
In Brief

Dedicate New Chapel Today



tyan of Washington De-
gunieuts for Adoption
blorably Ignorant"
I, D. C., April 5.-(By A.
o the corner saloon, leg-
f existence by the prohi-
midl follow an amendment
permit the manufacture
eer and wine Representa-
Republican, Pennsylvania,
mn address tonight before
conference on law ob-
I citizenship. Representa-
vas the chief speaker on
ogram of the cpnference
I today with a number of
prominent speakers on

Ruth Draper, impersonation artist,
will present some of her original char-
acter sketches at 8:15 o'clock tomor-
row evening at the Whitney theater.
This is a. return engagement to Ann
Arbor, given under -the auspices of
the American association of Univer-
sity Women. Ticketq will be on sale
all day Monday at the box office, at'
the regular prices, $2, $1.50, and $1.
The properties which Miss Draper
uses are simple, 'and shte takes the
parts of all the characters involved in
her skits herself. One of her best
known performances is of the French,
dressmaker who flutters around two
susceptible American tourists for a
period of twenty minutes or so. But (
all three of these people are none otherI
than Ruth herself, in the same gar- k
ment, and with no disguise except her e
varying intonations of voice. Another
skit of a more emational nature is her
impersonation of a "hard-boiled" wait-;
ress out on the western plains banter-I
ing and chatting with the trainmen
until a wreck occurs and she becomes
a ministering angel.
It must be delightfil to see her
fall into the arms of her engineer oni
the Big Four, who really is nobody at
all, except the creation of Miss Drap-.

er's imagination and character deline-
Satire on lazy Americans slangy
Americans, jazzy Americans sim-
ple Americans, and occasionally
on foreigners and immigrants is
characteristic of her repertoire.
At times pathos and more high-
as "The Eeast Side Flapper," in which
the young lady boasts of her conquests-
to a companion on the Grand street
curb; or "A Class in Sour Culture," of
which she is the teacher; or again,
I "A Quiet Morning in Bed," wherein
the tired society woman registers,
selfishness and irresistibility.
Miss Draper will come directly from
Chicago for her appearance here. She
will be the guest of bean Joseph A.
Bursley and Mrs. Bursley while in
Ann Arbor.
All the boxes for Miss Draper's per- .
formance have been sold, according to
Mrs. H. M. Faust, chairman of the sale
of boxes. Following the custom of last
year, the box-holders are regarded as
patrons of the affair.
Miss Draper will leave for New York
after the performance to fulfill her i
engagements for the remainder of the
-M. B.

Last week, Harry F. Sinclair, who
is at the bottom of the whole oil
.ness, was called to testify before the
Senate committee. He came, but re-
fused to answer a single one of ten
questions which were asked him.,
Now he has been indicted on a charge
of contempt; and is on $5,000 bail.
* * *
Now that Daugherty is out, the
committe appointed to investigate his
office will attempt to steer clean of
evidence bearing upon his private life,
and will devote its time helping his
successor to correct any abuses which
tmWy be found in the department of
justice. President Coolidge has also
hinted that a little action on the more
important bills might well be taken
at this time
Harlan Fiske Stone, of New York,
was chosen by President Coolidge as
new head of the department of justice.
He is Dean of the Columbia law school
at present, but his resignation will
become. effective as soon as he takes
over his new job. He is the result of
the President's effort to find a "75,000
or a $100,000 man to fill a $12,000 posi-
* *
Following the successful negotia-
tion of the liquor treaty between
Great Britian-and the United States,
the state department is glancing about
for new worlds to conquer. It is now
negotluting with Japan, Germany Den-
mark, Italy, Norway, Sweden, and the
Netherlands for similar treaties.
* '* * |
Undaunted by the failure of an ex-
pedition to find a pink-headed duck.
in the wilds of Siam, a party from the,
University of Pennsylvania has gone
to Brazil in quest of a Hoazin bird,
which cracks rock with its bill, swims,
resembles a bat, and is noted for its
coyness. It will also try to bring home
a live bell bird, so called because, in-
stead of singing, it tinkles.
The United States is worth, $320,863,-
Js eaording to ,tle 'Census bur-
eau' which :has just -compiled a report
of the combined wealth of thecountry.
More than half of this is in'real pro-'
perty. The per capita wea'lth "of the ?
country is $2,918. '-A

New St. Nary's-Chapel.
The corner stone for the new St. Mary's Catholic chapel will be layed
at 3 o'clock this afternoon on the northwest corner of William and Thomp-
son streets. The Right Rev. liichael J. Gallagher, bishop of Detroit, will
officiate, and Rev. John McNichols, p resident of the University of Detroit,'
will deliver thesermon. The ceremony will be fully carried out with all
the splendor or the Roman Catholic ritual.' The new chapel will succeed
the temporary one located at State and Jefferson streets, and now known as
Morris hall.


he delusions of those who say
congress will pass laws permit-
the manufacture and sale of
wines and beers are pitiful,"
Mr. Kelley. "Congress cannot
such a law even if it desires.
act of congress must conform toF
constitution. T e constitution
Tres that making and selling in-,
ating liquors are unlawful acts."

Total Figure for Revenue Expected to
Net More Than Ten Millions
To Treasury


Famous Sunday School Worker
Talk at Meeting in Hill


ed that if a major-
tid ever repeal the
ovide light wines
rewne court would
it unconstitution-



Washington, D. C., April 5.-(By' Dr. Edward Jesse Moorland, of the
he constitution pro- I AP)-A last minute attack on the rev- International committee of the'Y. M..
g liquor," he added enue bill in an al day session of the C. A., and one of the foremost Negro
, beer wil not come 4eCnA. abilleofineoranstaegl
percent of the booze senate finance committee today speakers in the country is to give the;
balmiest d'ays were brought changes in the taxes on rad- .principal address at the University ser-
5 percent of all the io sets, jewelry and estates, and post- vices to be held at 7:30, tonight in Hill
ner by the brewers. poned a report of the measure to the auditorium under the auspices of the
vine program simply senate until'next week. Student Christian asgeilm g
row of prohibition." Moorland is considered one of the i
hibit. The ten percettadio tax was made leading figures of his race in the
nick,"aanaginablei-to all sets and' 'ats h
Dfly New, declared applicabls paits hworld today, and will. give an ad-
min bad taste for out exemption after the committee di'ess tonight on "Our' Greatest Chalt
I earlier in the day bad voted, to in- lenge." -
on." " crease from $15 to $50 the minimum l For the past 21 years he has been
d, "I do not mean price of a set on which, the tax would connected with the work of the com- 1
be levied, , ittees of the Y. Al. C. A., and is at
tea are not drinking One New Tax Added present acting as a trustee of Howard
This and the ten percent tax..on university. He, is a leading member
mah-jongg sets costing more than $5 of the American Negro academy, and
pil 5.-The students' are the only new taxes carried by. the during the late war had complete
vobservance and pit-bill. The taxes are levied on the man- charge of " the activities of the "Y'"
ere today with a re- ufacture The radio tax, chairman organizations in connection with the
ssite House and gc i Smoot declared would not result inI American Negro troopers in the for-
enforcement.I chI Iany increase in the price of the set eign countries. Since his honoarble I
f PeacemNeeded and parts to the consumers. discharge from this service, he has
Joh A. Rande Just what part will be taxed how- been active in the construction of the
Jnversy Ra, ah er will be left to the purisdict ion Y. M. C. A. buildings in negro centers,
University at Nash of the internal revenue bureau as in and has been a chief figure in thej
today, declared a the case of the tax on automobile campaigns for raising money for var-
im of peace" was the ;parts, Mr. Smoot said. He figured the ions charitable institutions among his
of the nation, and de- tax would net about $10,000,000, people.
nous propaganda" in pointing out, however, that no accur- Dr. Moorlands is at present on a
ldon tax plan as an ate estimates were available. tour of the institutions of learning in
ivanced for it adopt- Soldier Bonus Bill Next this country, and has recently return-
actually dishonest" or Practically all of the rate schedules ed from Vanderbilt university. Georgia
now have been agreed upon, Mr. Smoot. Technical. school, and the University
rant. said and he predicted that the few of Alabama. He is not making this'
adds and ends of the bill yet to be tour as an official of any organi-
oyle To taken up would be agreed upon Mon- .ation, hut rather. for the purpose of
day so that the bill may be reported creating a better spirit of understand-
ar Tuesday ,to the senate by Wednesday. This, ing among the races of the world.I
however, will necessarily delay actual E The University services are handled.
iregent its "0(1 Time" consideration of it by the senate until 1"by a special committee of th Stu-
aepes Tsthe following week. dent Christian association, headed byj
he ols daysdypaed- Meanwhile, Chairman Smoot said, i Harold Latta, '24. Latta hoped to be i
he old days compared 'the soldier bonus bill passed by the able to offer some of the leading
subjects in preient house would be taken up by the com- statesmen of this country as the re-
ictures and cartoons
ut the campus in 1898 mittee. Little time would be neces- suit of. Harry C. Clark, '24, going to
ith jests and humor sary for disposition of this measure, Washington, D. C., to attend the Col-
ay. t he added, and several Republican "lege and University Student's confer-
.picts also the Chang-;members predicted the bonus bill ence, which is being held in that city
members of the fag- would be given precedence over the at the present time. Clark has been
eteenthcentury .-i tax bill on the floor of the senate. commissioned to make .attempts to
procure for the services here some of
t resent modes of Ing the leading figures in affairs at thi
ng views of pro-I JTWUJS WIN10 Jcapital.
youth and their acti- UICE I M R OOR
e campus are a'so
ating the spirit and
ays are contained iin
reate the old-time at- I Tryouts for all acts for the sprin TO0 DISCUSS STREETS

Promises To Call Witnesses To Openl
Up New Field Of I
Washington, D. C., April 5.-(By
f AP)-A busy staff of assistants spentj
today pushing the ever widening cir-,
cle of evidence of the senate Daugh-
erty committee still further, althoughi
the commibtee~ itself was not in ses- F
Senator Wheeler, Democrat, Mont-
ana, the committee's prosecutor prom-i
ised that before the end of next welk
witnesses' would go on the stand to3
testify concerning the record of the
.department of juetie in the matter of
'anti-trust law enforcement, which is
as yet o:,e of the few fields of inquiryI
upon whicli the"committee had not
-' Moni ay will be 'devoted, however.
1t cording ;to' prescent plans, to the
taking of addi-tional evidence hearing1
upon .idian land cases in Oklahoul I
and the enforcement of prohibiti6n in

Noted Scientist To Speak ToMorrow
On "Problems of Quantum
Prof. Paul Ehrenfest of the Univer-
sity of Leyden will deliver a lecture
on "Problems in Quantuin Statistics,"
at 7:30 o'clock tomorrow night in
west lecture' room, Physics building.
The famous Dutch scientist is on his
way home after delivering a series of
lectures at California Institute of
Professor Ehrenfest is recognizedj
as one of the world's leading modern
physicists, Though he has made.im-
portant contributions, in a variety of
fields, he is recognized chiefly for'h-is
"adiabatic principle." Mtomjs are be-
lieved to be stable in a'series of so-
called "stationary' states", each 'oI
which has its characteristic store
energy. Ehrenfest's adiabatic ptinci-
ple is useful in explaninghow these
sta~tionary states' change under ex-
ternal forces, and the probability of
an atom's -being in one state or an-]

.* * *'
Senator' Walsh announced''that he,
expected, in the'near-Jfuture; to prove
a conspiracy of big oil interests to ob-'
tain the selection of a "complacent"'
secretary ofthe Interior in-th e Hard-
'ing administration. e

T T l|pg |
Ceremony To Be Carried Out I
Splendor Of Church
Laying the corner stone of 1
St. Mary's Catholic chapel w
place at 3 o'clock this afteri'
the northeast corner of Willia
Thompson streets. The Rig]
Michael J. Gallagher, Bishop
troit, will officiate and the
will be delivered by Rev. Jo
Nichols, president of the Un
of Detroit. The students who
participate in the ceremonies.
ed to assemble at 2:30 o'clocl
afternoon. Priests from man
of the state will bc present.
isitintg Cegy ToAss
The ceremony will be fully'
out with all the splendor of
tnan Catholic ritual. The BIsI
attending ministers, clad in tI
ment of their office will pro
procession .to the site of the
sanctuary. Here a cross was
yesterday to mark the positio
altar. The spot where the
stands will be blessed by the"
and then the cornerstone willI
be blessed. After the stone h
lowered, the Bishop will vii
bless the other foundations of
fice. Th'e visiting clergy 'will
during the ceemony, chanting
.andwappropriate prayers,.,P'
The corner stone is prepari
a cavity into whicht a metal b
be fitted coptaining current,(
historical record o' nthe ha
the.'ceremony, meda;, and a t
The Daily.
t"hApel T Seat Over 60t
The e.Chapel, the first of i1 kit
builtr Micpgen exclfiyaly I
dentp,. is -g be cophtiuntpdgn
Gothi lipes an Q ~eg ati
cacity,,ofpver . Lh'yprk,
,etruction was egun last auzn
.tl will not' be, complted un
fall. 'here"will be a full b
unde The chapel, from wi
° porting pillars will be puose
nated. This basenent will 1
for asemibty roois, 'the -lect
'and as a socia center for
Catholic u-men and women at 1W
The new chapel will succ
temporary one located at Sta
Jefferson streets, and now k
Morris hall. The .Cbaplain
Catholic students, Rev. Mic
Bourke, who has been-connect
Catholic student .activities h
the past 10 years will als0 par
in these services.

Assurance that the tax reduction
bill would be passed this session and
the prediction that the. soldier bonusl
bill would be enacted into law be-
fore congress adjourns, was made by
Senator Smoot, chairman of the Sen-
ate finance committee.
* * *
Requests were. made for an estimate
of the cost of an eight-foot barbed
wire fence, 160 miles long, to separate
Caifornia from Mexico, and to bring to
an end the rum running and smuggl-
Ing. across the Mexican border.
, * *

New, York. Quantum statistics, the subject of
In connection with the predictionj Professor Ehrenfest's lecture, is ther
that acnti-trust cases would be takn study of the relative number of atom-s
tait was lear ed that the comuplitte existing in one of these states while
ena~t s have gone exahiustivey i~iro the states of the atoms in general
transactions by former Attorney-Cen- are continually changing.
eral Daugherty touching upon anti- 1,rofessor Ehrenfest will deliver aI
trust decisions against the New York, uhlic lecture of an hour, and then
New Haven and Hartford railroadI after a short intermission will con-
No indications of what the commi tee tinue a discussion of his subject with
-t ects to show in that situation 's members of the University particular-
I~.en iven.ly interested in hip field.
Been given.S
EastOf 'Sunday
NOT10U. ,'S- a Y LIR





of the d

t y)

combined w;
ical of that dE
this number dI
li aracter of
y- since the nin
ir abandonmei
ycle to their
,vel. Interesti
sors in their;
ies about thl

"I foresee at no distant date, an p
extension of the American financial
empire over the whole American co'n ..
tinent, the whole of Western Europe Major Carl Spatz, comumandant of
and also the Near East," said Bertrand he first pursuit group of the United.
Russell. He says that when this hap- .tetrtluuigopofheUtd
pens, we, will look back to' the' old States army, will lecture here at 8
days of war as a happy memory al- o'clock Tuesday night in Natural Sci-j
most too bright to be true. rence -auditorium, in connection with'
* * * the showing of moving pictures, pre- i
William Jennings Bryan came for- pared by the government, showing theI
ward with a plan to let the govern- late flying races and the most recent?
ment subsidize political campaigns. world's records madein the aeronau-
"This," he said, "would obviate, the I tical world.
necessity of candidates obligating These are being b rought here underj
necesityI the auspices of the Aeronautical' soc-j
themselves to predatory interests," I iety and will show the International
air races at St. Louis in 1923 and the
Grover Cleveland Burgdill, dean of Puliizer races at Detroit 'in 1922.i
draft dodgers, has 'achieved a new no- There will be six reels of filnis shown.
toriety, German papers are playing These are open to the public, but a
him up as a newspaper sensation charge of 35 cents will be made to;
which is being dangled before the! finance the different activities plann-;
American public eye in order to divert ' ed by the group. p
it from the oil scandal. '
. * * I Culiacan, Sinaloa.: Mex.-Gen Angel
' The state of. Oregon -passed .a law Flores, governor of Sinaloa, 'has an-
sometime. ago" that parents:, of cliii- nounced-resumption of his candidacy
dren between the .ages of .8 and 16 for the presidency of Mexico.
who. did not send .their children to a [-
public school would'be subject to pun- { -
'ishment. The law, which was' opposed I.READ N1W FEATURES IN I
by church schools, was ruled uncon- TODAY'S S:ECOND SECTION I
stitutional on the grounds that it li-
ited the constitutional rights of the _ Feature articles on the Presi-
parents. . "IIdential candidates; the' Engineer-

lt f{.

VP' £~-E'&


* I' Dr. "«. C. Pearce, associate
tary'of the WorId's Sunday .sc]
sociation, will give an address
Bringing to a close a noteworthy ! tonight in the Methodist chu
der the auspices of the Michig
series of afternoon concerts given by day school council, and of. the
local artists, the University Symphony tenaw County Sunday school
orchestra, with Albert Lockwood 'and ation. He vwill speak on, "R
Emily Mutter as-soloists,Willgethe.Education and Civilization."
Agive Dr. Pearce is considered as
last of the regular Sunday afternoon the foremost workers and t
faculty concerts at 4:15 o'clock this 'in Sunday School activity
afternoon in Hill auditorium. Sam- world, and will speak tonig
uel Pierson Lockwood, director of the meeting which will mark t
orchestra, has been holding extra re- ! of the celebrations in honor
hearsals recently and is presenting a presence in the city., Today
more pretentious program than has known-as "Pearce Day," and
heretofore been attempted. Miss Lor- ovations are to be held in the
raine Parke, of Highland Park, will be g Sunday schools and other
the visiting harpist with the orchestra, organizations throughout the
and two of the numbers make use of ' Dr. Pearce was educated
that instrument. j nyiversity of Illinois and u
The principal orchestral numbers ntly esided in Chicago, -butN
will be Arensky's "Silhouettes" a suite hpis a lawyer byproessiw
of five descriptive pieces,. originally for the past two years he b;
written for two pianos, but later tra- :official lecture for the'World'
scribed into a brilliant - orchestral ! iza tion of a similar nature,
work by the composer. The orchestra personally erected and in
will also play two transcriptions' by auxiliary'onmittee In more
Mr. Samuel Lockwood, sketches from nations throughout the.,worlC
"Bozzetti dal:Vero,:"by Tarenghi. . Ho hasecently bern -makit
Miss Emily Mutter, a promising. of 'local cities, including Pori
young violinist of the School of Music, Saginaw, Flint, Grand Rap:
will play the "Legende" by Wieniaw- IL~asing: and h-is appearance
ski, while Albert Lockwood is 'playing Ann Arbor marks theend of
with the orchestra, Scriabine's only tended travels in this vicinity
Concerto. The latter is seldom heard, The program for the day
and its musical beauty and value not breakfastnthis morning at La
appreciated. This is probably its first at the Presbyterian Church
v. ... .... l , I a h rs yein C uc

anges in the chief
ure pf past and pres-
ht out in dialogue and
n In India
Meets Today


band concert to be held An Hill aud-
itorium on May 1 and the concert in1
Kalamazoo on the following day will
be held at 7 o'clock Tuescday night
in the assembly hall of the Union. A
greater proportion of acts is planned
for this spring program than for any
previous year.
A variety of entertainment is being^
arranged in order to give the public
a well-balanced program.. Dances,
solos, quartettes and skits are desir-
ed. In addition, an orchestra is need-
ed to play for the dance which will be
Ile aim t Kalamazoo after-the concert.

"Street Improvements and Mainten-
ance" will be the' subject for the,
open forum to, be held.next .Tuesday
noon following the regular meeting
of the Chamber of Commerce, it was
announced yesterday. The' subject
chosen received greatest mention in
the questionnaires made out in a re-
cent meeting.
At the Chamber of Commerce meet-'
ing last Thursday three amendments
to- the by-laws were adopted by the
directors. The changes provide that
any person, association, corporation,

Michigan India club will meet
'o'clock this afternoon in Lane
o discuss the extension of fin-
assistance to Dr. Daniel Swam-
if India. Dr. Swanmidoss, a nat-
adian, is.endeavoring to raise


* * *
A bill was introduced into the Sen-
which would limit yearly immigra-
tion to 30,000. It was urged that the


ing' college, the: .Chicago Drain-
age system, an article on practi-
cal politics by Prof. Thomas H.
Reed, are all to be found, in the




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