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April 06, 1924 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1924-04-06

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ished every morning except Monday1
the University year by the Board in
1 ,of Student Publications.
fers of Western Conference Editorial '
Associated Press is exclusively en-
to the use for republication of all news
;hes credited to it or not otherwise
,d in this paper and the local news pub-
red at the postoflice at Ann Arbor,
,an, as second class matter. Special rate
tage granted by Third Assistant Post-
cription by carrier, $3.50; by mail,
!s: Ann~ Arbor Press Building, May-
ie: Editorial. 2414 anQ 176-M; Busi-
ied communications, not excceding 300
,will be published in The Daily at-
iscretion of the Editor. Upon request,
lentity of commnunicant will be re-
as confidential._


er large civic organizations, have sign-
ed a petition calling (on senators andOA T D OL
representatives to pass legislation as- A D R L
string the 10,000 cubtic second-feet of
water needed for the city of Chicago,
according to a recent newV-s di ptch. SCIIOOLITASTROS
Among the names on the St.LonAR S
petition are those of James E. ;Smithr,
president of the Mlis ippi Valley as- Cowles submits his abject apologies
sociation; the lieutenant governor of for omitting to welcome the pedagox
Missouri, the president and secr(,, gue,; suitably---or, for that matter
tary of the chamber of commerce, the 'atall. when they arrived In the rendez
~city engineer, and many prominent vows of Commerce and Education.
business and professional men. WVe are making up for it, in our poor
This report is pecularily significL wy, by-,saying goodbye inl Italian
antIntha S. oui ws rignalyEnglish, and Sanish,'all rolled ml
Ione of the strongest opponents of the a' sinagle "gorgeou~s salvo.
idea and is located in pr'actically the
center of opposition. Theliir change We are forced,'much against Uur in
of miind can only have been the result instinict toward gallantry, to take ex
Ifcof othe opportunity to learn tre actual ception to the remark 'of Miss Howel
oats the caeiAyn we believe, in the Drama col yesterday morning
xvho dtoes know these facts, cannot She said " . in fait the entir
help but favor the proposal ol the cast was beautif~ully English."
Sanitary District. The entire cast was nothing of ti
If any better system than the one sort. The butler was Cockney, to 1t
proposed by Chicago can be divisel, sure, but the rest of the cast was Eng
is will be supported unreservedly. At lish only in that every once in a whit
present grave defects are found in, one of them would bang through wit
every other scheme presented. Thie a 'Neyether,' and that once the her
one most often suggested is that of said Ahnt Ahgatha.
the sewage disposal plants. It was ,
demonstrated in the Michigan-Illinois9 One of the wise-crackers of our a
debate here recently that this is en-; quaintance remarked after- hearing 1V1
tirely impracticable, and there are Sherman the oither morning that thi
several good reasons why. In thel friend of his must be quite a geezer
first place such a system leaves a vast "Any nmian that remarks half a, cor
amount of solid remainder in the formf vocation address in a casual convei
of oxidized sewage, an amount prac- sation," he added, "must indeed be
tically equal. to the original input. Ac-j handy chap to have about the premi
cording to the disposal plan this, it e.
is supposed, will be dumped right into Which reminds uts that one person
Lake Michigan and from there drawn signed Al Gebra, has already take
into the drinking water supply. l+. ath +i rf '.s1PgfnnP P t41h nw fai


x- f

To the Editor: 'hiaest SWinuf I
I will appreciate very much your ef--
fort to publish this in your Campus -
Opinion column. It has been said ~ % j
that "IAittle knowledge is a dangerous G rah a m'II1 s4
thing." !Considering this, w1hat it the
excuse for not laivng any knowledge Bohinds of t
at all and still pretending to know
Imuch? For years Chinese characters
have been misrepresented on the il11111111111111111111111111111~1iltl1111111Iil1111111
scrensin'this ~country, a.custom,
which I have ignored, beca-use I know DETW'1IITfl tIt
there is nothing that can he cdone as DTRIT tUITED LU II
long as the motion picture producers FAST: BOUN~D
are "all-mighty-dollar chasers," rand , Lmlteds: ;6 a. in., 9:10 a. M. andI
as long as they continue their custom every' two hours to 9:1U p. mn.
or depicting things untrue, even of Express: 7 a. mn., 8 a.,im. and et.:y
thei ow contr..:two hours to 8 p. mn.
thei owncounry.Locals: 7 a. mn., 8:66 A. m. and s
On the other hand, I have always evrtw hosto:5p.iI
lokd owadfoverreyin of 1 p .tourps ltio 865 p , 4 iv.je'ri
lo k d f r a d f r a c r e to f 1 .m o Y slit ny .:6such, m isrepresentation by the educat- p. M-., 12:26 a. m. and 1:16 a. Mn.«w3
ed people of this country. Of course 'E i BOV.NI)oi i~


,ock Stores

the Diagonal


Telephones, 2414.n4 176-H
wEditor.,..........Rcbhx. &.'arr
Itrial Board Chairman.. ,. R. C. Alorarity
tyEditor ............J. C. Garlinghous
Night Editors
H. Ailes, A. B. Connale, Jr.
rry C. Clark T. H. Fiske
~ .M. Wagner
ots E ditor........Ralph N. ~yris
ome's -Editor. ,.......Winona IHibbard
ne Editor ..........Ruth A. Howell
sistant City Editor .Kenneth C. Kellar
ector Mlihigan News Breau. R. G. Ramsa
'niatics -Editor ...Robert B Henderson
N. Berkman E. C. Mack
rrn Bicknel Verena Moran'
ertnan Boxer Harold Moore
len -Brown. Carl Ohimnacher
:radette Cote Hyde Perce
W Davis Andrew Pr)gper
aid Ehrlichi Regina Reicmann
P. Henry Edmarie Schraudr
nning fouseworth C. A. Stevens
nilyH me W. ll. Stoneman
rothy Kamll Marie Reed
las Kendall N. R. Tha
eph Kruger W. J. Wathour
izabet~h Liebermann Heran Wise
S. Mansfield
Telephone 960
lverkisin ..........;. L. Dunne
vertisina.........Perry M, Hayden
ivertisin....... ...W. Roesser
vertising.............E. Rose
couts....................H. L. le
-clation ... ............C. Pudy
iblication..........Lawrence Pierce
W. Campbell N.i. N Holland
nie apldn g to . . Ireland
tas. Champiiorl i 1Jarod A. Marks
hn Conlin Byron Parer
ris, M. Dexter A. J. Seidman
ieph J Finn Geo. A. Strake
lvd A. ox R. C. Winter
ruren Haight
3SUNDAY, APRIL 6, 1924
4igt 'Editor--THOMAS F. FISKE
The much-heralded Puritanism of
ot. Stewart. Iernmanx of the Uni-
rsity of ln I ^ias disosed t9t
iident body a'olte 'niverityate
,hoolmastrs' club in his address
9terday mnorning at convocation. T-.
Iaudience' wh9seprviee it as
en to read his 'vi~w1, an ipoortun-
Fto interpret his Ideas when cman-
Ing from his own lips was decided-
edifyin g.,
'Whether or not one can agree with
ofessor Sharman's idea of an Ame-
an "type", whether or not it is 1osi-
e to accept his complacent funda-
entalism without some protest, there
"e few who. do not possess a certain
eing of sel-satisfaction in his views.
hey Present such: 'a laudable picture
'American life. The aspiratios of
:e average indvidualM appear so
ausible when outlined by himt as
he logical implications of an admir-
'le national type" The harangues
'the calamitty-crier of the present
y appear to be il-foundd. Our
ust in the ultimate well-being of
m an society is revived.
The institutions in which the Amer-
an people believe as outlined in the
lk are of course obvious. The value
their mention in such a connection
s in their application as things
hich are fundamental 'In American
eo and should be taken as the fou-
tions fr our faith. Personal clean-
less, health, becoming intelligence,
rift mobility, athletic games, 'and
blicity are qualities of the hetter
nerican type which anyone can re-
;nize. There are few, however, who
muld attempt an ethical interpretat-
a of them. 'Seldom it is that one
ntures to take such commonplace!
ings and idealize them "towards a
It is in this that we find a refutationj
changes of "puritanism" in at least
le aspect of the philosophy of this.
d-iwestern figure in American lit-
ature,' He does not urge upon An-

icans a reversion to dogmatic stan-
rds of by-gone ages. On the 'con-
ary he is anxious for a new faith, a
:w religion, if one can use the term,
hicd will be truly representative of
e American life as it is lived today.
A~ recent mv on the part of the

ry Coan
Allenel Hotel

ith I.

they are most likely, to be found in
universities. At least, I did not ex-
pest people from higher institutions of
learning, who are supposed to. do
things with more consideration and re-
gard for others, to duplicate such mis-
representations. TO think that
Chinese characters have recently'
been introduced in man~y of -the stage
performances in university produc-
tions like "One. Thousand Years Ago,"
"Thank You Mladamze," "Cap~tain Ap-
plejacek," 'and "That's that," of the
University of Pennsylvania. we ought
-to be gratified for the kind interest
you have thus shown toward the1
orient. I
Despite the fact that f, if' it isi not
Fpresuming too much to say so, am per-'
fectly sure, thne:producers or the di-
rectors of these performances did not
have the least intention to humiliate

Limiteds: 8:41 a. in. and every, two
tours to 8:47 p. mn.
Express, (making local stops) : 9:60i
a. mn. and every two hours to 9:50
p. T-i.
[ oeals,.: 7:50 a.. mn., 12:10 a. mn.
20 21 122 23 21t 15 26
27 28 2"9 30
S ie a Dollair or More at Our
111gh Class Work in Cleauing
and Reblocking
1617 Packard St. Phone 1792
I(Where D. U. 11. Stops at State)

VV 1i1 LA:,JI..'L Li1G~.


In presenting our Spring and Summer fabrics
we have departed, from the conventional
and stereotyped. Yet the galaxy of new
shades and colorings will not make the mo~st
conser'vative dresser hesitate to choose some~-
thing "different."

I a

LL"-- outu vi aiiegrauce to uue new iaii

Furthermore under such a system founded on Friday- by the Mohammed
every heavy rain would reverse the of Illinois. Our words have not falleni
direction of the Chicago river carrying on deaf ears.
back waste products what are dumped *,
every minute of the day into that riv-.
er by factories along its banks. The! OESBY'VNENE O 7
excrement of one factory alone, pro-b- ((I must rid myself immediately of
ably, the largest soap plant in the this" rpeiected 'Professor Snodgrass
world, would be enough to render un- j as he pushed away the. Indian squawI
fit to drink they water of Lake Michi- l who was pursuing her affectionate
,a n.1 policy. The' squaw was the slowacto,
The figures prepared to show that or queen of the tribe, and autoumatical-
this withdrawal of water is lowerin ly became the spouse of the Professor,
the lake level mray or may not indicate who was now the chief of the savages.
the true -facts. If they do it is by "Haw," slyly put in the runt Sam,
chance for it has been shown that "the professor ex-hibits hitherto con-
there are several factors which enter s ealed qualities." Professor Snodgrass
jinto the situation which are impossi- mradlea wry face.
hle of meaureiPit oj" alcuiation. inally' h 'four, rhtemen wr
Onre is the evprto on1i lakes 4 Shown, tOto0eir new qua~rters, consist4
surface atnd its effect on the level. ing of a large teepe in the square of
This has been repeatedly admitted by the village. At Mi~ls time, th~ey were al-
even the engineers hired by those op- se presented with the , typica~l c:,u
posing the Sanitary district. ) of the tribe. Dick picke& 'up the gar-
Furthermore it has been shown that ment allotted to him.
the level may fluctuate as much as ("Ilaw,", guffawed the fun loving
five or six feet in a day, sometimes the Sam, (what a picture the blotnd Dick
fluctuations last over a period of will make dressed in a leather, thong."
weeks or months. In 1899 there was Dick silenced him with a glance.
a big scare when the lake levels went Beneath all of their apparent
down to a point considerably lowerj lightlheartedness in this crucial. mo-
than they are today. At that time ment there was an undercurrent of
!Chicago could not ha~ve been the cause unrest, and as one' the four uttered
for' -only,,a fraction ftepeei di --fe eeal would 'die rather -than
er~ld s neeed; n ~in~acci ea er 'nativie tarb; we must escaper"
Chicago. In view of this fact it seems I The boys, donned their scant outfits,
~highly hwprobable that the present,. anjd ventur'ed forth unfeasily. Three
!slight lowering can. he definitely as-} winsometan d'aidens darted upon
cribed to Chilcago.- ' them. -
Desonite this. howe-ver. thei city Is ((, -.1f 11-T!_ _-y_-




nr crnrr r


1014 CHIAPEL STRET- 11 EAST 47'5
Ma8/m~ifA/Cmye~kh C/ofia~cd~ ,%,r


the people of the country on the other
side of the Pacific, because I know
I they are different from movie direc-.
tors, the priesentation is nevertheless
untrue and will only give the public
a wrong conception of the country.
If -such be the case any sensible per-
son ought to be able to realize that
it is the duty of the citizens of any
one country to 'correct such misin-
formation concer'ning their country.
so I beg the' reader to not that none
of these thing fare true of Chinese
character or. setting and that they are
not$hig more tha~n the lntation of
screen' interprettion --4i~t does, not
matter whetthier you think they are-
wonderful, cute fascinating, terrible,
or ;not.
To be m~ore constructive, I wonder
if these directorseve~r stopped to think
"While in Rgme---," there are- more
than eighty Chinese students on this
campus, they may not he dramatic
enough, but I am sure they know more
about China than at least most -of the
Americans. For such occasions, there-
fore, why do not Americans avail
themselves of local opportunities and
-let- the Chines~e student, tell them, the
f right thing~ to put ~on to represent
China? I suppose there is just as
Imuch fun, to be. had in showing things
fas, they really exist and it fight not
produce such a had effects on some
of the audiences. Without attenipting
to represent all the Chinese students,
I can safely say many of the Chinese
students will be most willing to offer
such suggestions-It will be all free
service, too---when they are asked, for
their help.


l. t_______________________________

Buy Youir 'Tickets for the
Ru th Dnaper En annient -
A t1 ox Office ale ,
II -rN ' T -E T
Beginniing at 9 A. M. onday i
- Ruth Draper, the gretestt of livilng reciters,- -Nwill appear in her original
character sketches at 8:15 o'clock tomorrow night .--t the Whitney Theatre un-
I ~~ der the auspices of the American Association of niversity -Wom1en.-
She'll make you laugh-she'll makec you cr-o'll like her -
i W
1 +*

apparently willing to give their op-
pontents the benefit of the doubt andi
has already turned over $2,000,000 to
the government,. as an evidence of
good faith, to be used for the con-
struction of regulating locks at Nia-
gara so. that whoever is to blame, in
the future, the levels of the Great
Lakes may always be maintained con-
Tihe objection at first raised to this
was that a loss of power at Niagara,
r fould-result. It has been pointed but
however that less than twenty percent
of the available power at Niagara has
ever been used and that a possible loss
of five percent would not only be jus-
tified by the uise but unnoticed by
power producers.
The next man who says anything
about the first robin endangers his
TIWenty-wFive Years
Ao At Michigan.
From The Fibst of the U. of N. Daily
April 6, ISP9.
Tomorrow, the first annual ' ham-
pionship debating contest will be held
under the auspices of the Central De-
bating 'league in Ciceago. In the
preliminaries. Mlichigan defeated
Northwestern and Chicago defeated
Minnesota. Michigan will debate the
affirmative against Chicago on the
question "Resolved that the federal
income tax is desirable."

Bteastly"- muttered Tom as 'he
-wrenched free from his Pocahontas,
so to speak. "We are your tapioca,"
'explcained the maiden coyly," which is
the same as your English ward ser-
j The faces of the dauntless Rovers
I"Some class" grinned the runt Sam
still somewhat self-conscious of his
unaccustomed attire.
H~aving nothing to do, the boys drew
out their tops,- and started spinning
I them on the sward," land instantane-
ously a large crowd of snarling na-
tives surrounded them, watching the
progress of the game eagerly. Toi
neatly executed an intricate maneuvre.
and a wave of applause burst from the
Tomi bowed, a smile of pleasure on
s his face, when a howl of agony arose
fromn within their teepee.
- -_'Washington.
IWhat can be the cause of the mnys-


By .ll.


of the Methodist Chuch will present
"He IS the Son of God" by Linwood
Taft this evening at 6:30 o'clock in


dea orZ4U i ve.~ rri~ u ~1~ I~3 h W eslyan Hall auditorium. Therel
(leador aiveI will be no admission charged, and
1R THI. .B the public as usual, is cordially invit-
FR:OMTHE : 0.D. Ied.
Libtrary Rooks: I The marked growth in church dra-
Students having in their possession mtc uigteps erhsbe
hooks drawnngfroe thetUniversitybLib-
boos dawnfro th VnverityLibquite remarkable. Even beyond the
rary are notified that all such hooks avowed purpose of fostering religious
are due Monday April 7th, on account plyiscef-auwodsemt
of the impending Spring vocation f be that it furnishes still another out- j
--F.L. . Godrih, let to the large body of students fair-}
-associate Lihlrariant. j usig ihdaaictlnn
lybrtn ihdaai etadambition which the recognized organ-
This business of' referring to the , izations can hardly begin to fill. TheI
Spring vacances as if it was some amateur theater, is rapidly becoming
Jolly 'sword of Domocles simply must more the merrier. No harm can be +
stop. Much to depressing.. . . done, and ofte-n a very great deal of
# *I*good.. .
Some people believe that service Obviously the chief difficulty of
should be merely a background. Oth- religious drama is to findl plays that
ers believe that quality should he, are above propaganda and maudlin
stressed-but we believe that, both are sentiment; but there are a few, some
essential. six or seven perhaps, and until they
Thus does the. A. R. Gfell grocery are exhausted, the local enthusiasm
declare its motives. And mighty fine fully deserves all the encouragementI
motives they are, to be sure.} that it is getting.
-Mr_ Jngnn Tt 'rfnlp, 6***

Exprss our oodin our roc thi Sping
Fo yurmoe erou omnt cooe dmue sragh-lnemoelo
fl n e w t u ke i h c ll r a d u f. W h n y ure f ein(r v losfe

- I
$ 4
'4 4
4 4

The University" whist club will send
four teams to take part in the Michi-
gan - Whist Club's tournanment in -De-
troit. The tournament will be held
Tuesday and Wednesday and after-
wards an open meeting will' be held
in the Russell house. The ladies of'


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