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November 06, 1924 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 11-6-1924

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ed every morning except Monday
he University year by the Board in
of Student ubications.
es of Western Conference Editorial
Associated Press is exclusively en-
the use for republication of all news/
s credited to it or not otherwise
in this paper and the local news pub-
A at the postoffice at Ann Arbor.
i, as second class matter. Special rate
e granted by Third Assistant Post-
iption by carrier, $3.o; by mail,
: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
s: Editorial, 2414 and 176-M; busi-
elephones 2414 and 176-1M
.....John G. Garlinghiouse~
ditor............Robert G. Ranmsay
Night Editors
W. Davis Joseph Kruger
P. Henry John Conrad
C. Keller Norman R. Thal
Editor........William H. Stoneman
Editor.........Robert S. Mansfield
s Editor....... ..Verena Moran
nd Drama......Robert B. Henderson
h Editor.W..William J. Walthour
Barley Winfield H. Line;
Barlow Harold A. Moore
Bennets Carl E. Ohlmacher
Bicknell William C. Patterson
Boxer ielen S. Ramsay,
ady Jr. Regina Reichmann
B. Crosby Marie Reed
e L. Davies Edmarie Schrauder
V. Fernamberg Frederick H. Sillito
0. Gartner Fredk. 1.. Sparrow, Jr~
Houseworth C. Arthur Stevens
i S. Kennedy Marjory Sweet-
hi Lieberinanu Frederic Telmos
R. Line Herman J. Wise

of football games and dances has
proved to be too rigorous-this, al
ways providing the dean and the reg-
istrar pass upon the request.
That it should be necessary for so
many individuals to change their
minds at this stage of the game is an
insult upon their respective intell-
ects-that good old upper 3 percent
which is soon to guide the destinies
of our fair nation to be so indecisive
so inanely vacillating, so uncertain of
their ultimate destiny as to make a
mistake in the choice of a course?!

_.. _

silenced this arrant nonsense about a
League as against the League, mine
can hardly be expected to do so. I
take this opportunity, however, to
point out that the League of Nations
is today a going concern, that it is
here to stay and that it is not going
to be abandoned because amendment-
proposing United States Senators think
they could have devised a better one.
It is significant that those who oppose
the League now confine themselves
to the most general and most nebulous
criticism Every specific objection to!


i -


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ivertisi ng.................E. L. Dunne
dvemising..........J. J. Finn
vertising.................. A. Marks
lvrtising.................H. M.rRockwell
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rculation..............R. C. Winter
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rdon Buris H.14. Newmann
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hilip Deitz 77 D. Ryan .
avid Fox N. Rosenzweig
Orman Freelig Margaret Sandburg
rE. Hamaker F. K. Schoenfeld
Johnson S. H. Sinclair
H. iramer F. Taylor
ui*. WKramer
Night Editor-GEORGE W. DAVIS
Once more the Republican party
s been literally swept to victory
id power by an overwhelming major-
y. The public Tuesday signified its
)proval of Republican policies and
pressed confidence in the ability of
>olidge and Dawes and other. Re-
ablican leaders to bring the country
ack to an healthy prosperity.
The fact that the decision of the
ople- was so decisive should place
quietus on the tactics of those
)liticians whose principal activity
ring the campaign has been either
denunciation of existing govern-
ental institutions or destructive crit-
ism of administrative policies. The
ate indicates that the majority of
inking people reject iLaFolette's
hemes for abolishing the supreme
urt and for the governmental con-
ol of public utilities, that they have
en satisfied with Coolidge's handling
alleged corrupt officials involved
the Teapot dome scandal.
In this expression of confidence,
>wever, the Republicans should find
warning. Their gr.eat majority was
>t due solely to the effectiveness of
eir policies or the calibre of their
aders. The Democratic party was
eakened by internal srife, by a fail-
e to enunciate a definite and effec-
re program of progress. Its vote in
veral states was reduced by the
roads of the "Progressives." Indeed,
was one of the surprises of the
action that the newly-formed party
idered the chances of the Democrats
ore than those of the Republicans.
e party in power was eminently suc-
ssful partly because of a reasonably
:ective past administration and
'gely because of the difficulties of
[f the G. 0. P. obtains a sufficient
jority in the House of Representa-..
es, which appears likely at the3
esent time, they will be enabled to
rry through their' program of na-1
nal legislation with little discord
spite the slim majority in the Sen-
a, At any rate there should be more
rmony than characterized the last
sion of Congress. With a capable
hinet, such as can be chosen, econ-
ic prosperity will be assured forl
nation during the next four years.I
e government, however, must elim-I
te all tendencies toward corruption,.
must justify the support of the na-
n of 1924 to insure the confidencei
the United States four years hence.,
t is said that a woman is the onlyc
son privileged to change her mind.o
h is the current imnression. Tn

Where is that persistence, that red- the League has collapsed, and the1
blooded he-man quality which should diminishing op'osition are now forceds
force them to see the work through, to argue only in resounding catch-.,
whether or not it is to their liking? phrases. t
Have we no judgment, no backbone? Only infrequently nowadays does p
O tempora, o mores!- one hear any more of the twaddle
The prophet, pessimistically inclin- about England's six votes to our one;
ed, will envision from this generation the baseless assertion that Americani
of college students a world in which citizens would be called upon to make
there is no professional spirit, in the supreme sacrifice in Balkan wars;l
which the doctor of today will be the the ridiculous attempt to prove un-
lawyer of tomorrow, Monday's plumb- constitutional American membershipI
er, Tuesday's electrician. Business in the League; and all the pratingt
will be uncertain, divorce will be more about Article X, the threatened vitia-I
common-all because in college stu- tion of our cherished national sover-t
dents acuqired the habit of changing eignty, the Monroe doctrine bogey,
their minds. Washington's Farewell address and
The moral very obviously will fol- the late Mr. Harding's repeated state-
low: before a course is dropped the ments that the League issue was asl
student, be he man or woman, should dead as a doornail.-
try to live through it, attempt to gain War Promoters
some gems of thought from the unin- Instead of this folly, so happily out-
teresting professor-they all have grown, we find opponents of the
them. No course should ever be drop- League of Nations arrayed in twol
ped because the student considers it camps, the one shouting that thel
too "hard." Only the hard courses in League is a futile, feeble "rope of
the curriculum are worthwhile as a sand," the other maintaining with,
source of inspiration and discipline equal vigor that it is a monstrous,l
for the future.'I powerful superstate, a creature of the
4international bankers and twentieth-
LADY ASTOR, ETC. century Metternichs! Today one hears
only such vague and illusory objec-
That women must be recognized as tions as, "Let Europe stew in its own
a real factor in politics, not only in juice;" "Roosevelt was against it;"
the United States but also in England, "Wilson was for it;" "The League is
is no longer a debatable question. helpless in an emergency;" and "'The'
With the resignation of the Labor gov- League is evil, but let us have a
ernment last Tuesday afternoon and League."
the appointment of former Premier Whether or not they realize it,
Stanley Baldwin, comes the report the who talk this language are f
that strong influences are working to sectively promoting the continuance
secure the inclusion of Lady Astor, of international war. Such people are
the Anerican-brn member of the as great a menace to world peace as
British parliament, in the new cabinet, those with a militaristic complex who
At the same time, the American palaver about the need of arming for
citizens of two states, Texas and Wy- the inevitable next war, refusing to
oming, were electing woman gover- lift a finger to make effective their
nors for the first time in the political professed aspirations for international
history of the United States. Mrs. amity. This question is the greatest
Miriam "Ma" Ferguson, Democratic question before the world today and
ceandidate for the govirnors2bip of those who fail to recognize it are
Texas, was conceded a victory by her simply impervious to the facts of the
male opponent, Dr. George C. Butte, international situation. The League of
when her overwhelming majority had Nations must prevail because, as Vis-
exceeded the 75,000 mark late Tuesday -count Bryce declared 1"Civilization
night. Early reports from Wyoming must destroy war or war will destroy
give Mrs. Moss, also a Democratic civilization,." Unless the efforts of
woman candidate for governor, a militaristic, misguided patriots are de-
slight lead over her Republican op- feated by the proponents of this great
ponent, Sullivan. Along with this world organization, our whole civili-
comes the news that Albion has elect- zation is destined to ruin. The pes-
ed the first woman justice of peace in ent crisis demands the earnest sup-
he state of Michigan by a substantial port of the League of Nations by
majority over her Democratic oppon- thoughtful, far-seeing men everywhere
ent and present incumbent of the as a substitute for the irrelevant and
position. captious criticism which so often
To Miss Margaret Bondfield, wo- manifests itself.
man Parliamentary Secretary of Labor -Edgar H. Ales, '27L.
in the resigning Labor cabinet, must
be accorded the honor of being the T
first woman to serve as the member TO BE OR T TO BE-ANX
of any English cabinet. But, probably
the most unique of all is the proposed To the Editor: .1
inclusion of an American woman in A few days ago an editorial appear-
the new cabinet under Premier Bald- ed in The Daily, objectiing to the pro-
win, which would be the case for the posed change in the name of the Mich-I
,first time in history if Lady Astor igan Agricultural College. The two
should be appointed, objections seem to be that either the
Even the men of America would be "Aggies" are ashamed of the word'
forced to bow in the knowledge that it "agricultural," or else the college is
took a woman to be the first citizen to become a duplicate of the Univer-'
of the United States to become a sity of Michigan.
member of a British cabinet. Perhaps the writer remembers that
in President Butterfield's address at
1 CAMPUS y the convention of the state Grange,
,1 M U OPIN1ON hIeb s aaid th t ntimnlh hl A; ,a!

A review, by Sidney Faites.
When it comes to a matter of rip-
ping, and that is essentially what the
third of the four plays given by Play
Production last night consisted of, it
is high time that the presentation be
shortened. "The Impertinence Of The
Creature" was really a much needed
breathafter the almost intense atmos-
phere created by "Martha's Mourning,"
the skit that preceded it, and Margaret
Ainsworth and Valentine Davies who
made up the entire cast deserve praise
for the efficient manner in which they
carried through the swift moving con-


But to come back to "Martha's
Mourning" which had the makings of
the best number of the evening.
Ludema Williams, who played the part
of the dying aunt, had the situation
at her finger tips, and had she but
made full use of the chance, the play-
let might have been extremely im-
pressive. The voice was the instru-
ment, and it failed to give forth pleas-
ing music. A slight touch of stagecraft
would have made all the difference in
the world. Most out of place in this
scene was the up to date brick fire-
place, set against a foreground of
poverty. It is so decidedly unreal, and
could have been fully remedied by the
substitution of a small round pak
stove. Mildred Boyce, as The Neigh-
bor, completed the cast.
Mary Van Buren, as Kathryn, in
"For Distinguished Service," the last
of the four plays, gave the most sat-.
isfactory character portrayal of the
evening. It was more mature, more
lifelike, and showed a greater sen-
sitiveness to the part undertaken than
any of the others expressed. At odd
moments, although it seems to this
reviewer that it was not a conscious
acting, Sybil Clark put in a touch of
a type of modern woman that was con-
vincing and which had a punch to It.
But then, all of us are continually
doing things that we do not at the
moment realize to be extraordinary,
and because we are unable to grasp
them and hold-on to them forever and
forever is precisely the reason that
most of us leave this earth without
ever having attained heights beyond
that with which we came into this
earth except for actual physical stat-
ure. We quite envied Virginia Cronin,
the Maid, in her earnest desire to par-
take of the chocolates. It might be
added that the furnishings used for
this play were worthy of comment,
and that, only favorable.
"Sweethearts," the dear Gilbertj
story, opened the program, and it
must be admittedhthat except for sev-
eral touches in the second act it was
not unusual. RobertsHenderson, as
Spreadbrow, was both good and bad,
-bad because he did not set a standard
for himself which he could have main-
tained with little or no effort.
A review, by Robert Mansfield.
There have been times, according
to a _ report in The Daily recently,
when attending a Band Bounce was
a guarantee of spending a pleasant
evening, regaled with the joyous per-
formance of various campus cele-
brities. To quote the immortal cartoon-
ist "Them days is gone forever."
It is through no lack of apprecia-
tion of Mr. Wuerth's kindness in con-
tributing that the presence of outside
talent must be deplored. It simply
did not fit, either in Hill auditorium
or in a traditional University func-
tion. The evening was saved from
utter failure by the presence on the
program of the Band itself, and N. D.
Smith, '26D, with his pleasing collec-
tion of sleight of hand tricks. Perhaps
they were not polished, but environ-
ment hasa great deal of influenceon
the mental attitude in such cases.
The Band needs no comment. They
played well, hampered by the empti-
ness of the auditorium which resulted
in confusing echoes. It was a distinct
relief that they played between each
of the vaudeville skits presented, con-
traryto the program.
Chief among objections to the
Wuerth acts were that they were
typically professional vaudeville, and
not particularly in the class of very
highly elevated vaudeville at that. I
have never seen a more incongruous
sight than a comedian trotting breezily
across the stage of Hill auditorium
wearing red topped galoshes and a
brilliant scarlet derby. Nearly as dis-
concerting was a lullaby sung with all
the power of a well developed pair of
lungs, supplemented from time to time
by another equally, powerful and rauc-
ous voice.
Some one of the teams, it is impos-
sible to say which one, so garbled
was the program, presented a very
Scottish bit in a broad Kerry brogue.

The piece was saved to some extent
by a violation of the child labor law
when a youngster came on to recite
painfully memorized lines and -to be
swung around in the air by the sup-
posed Scotchman.
Smith, with his bag of tricks, pro-
vided the real entertainment of the
evening. He was so patently one of the
University, that he at once captured
the good will of the audience. His

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Anonymous communications will be
disregarded. The names of commui-
cants will, however, -be regarded as
confidemial upon request.
To the Editor:
The undisclosed freshman whose
communication appeared in Tuesday's
Daily furnishes an excellent example
of the sort of half-educated, emotional
criticism of the League of Nations
which has been rampant in this coun-
try for the last four years and which
has been chiefly responsible for
America's present ignominious posi-
tion in international affairs.
After violently affirming that Theo-
dore Roosevelt opposed American
membership in the League of Nations
as now constituted, your correspon-
dent solemnly avers in the approved
fashion, that he is in favor of world
peace and a League of Nations, but
not the League of Nations. He pro-
nounces Dr. Irving Fisher's statement
that Roosevelt favored the League
"just as illogical as to assert that we
must all be Baptists, Catholics or Jews
because we believe in some form of
Christianity." Passing over the unique
suggestion that Judaism is a species
of Christianity, it is proper to point
out that your correspondent has
drawn an analogy where none eists

Mbai aL sen mentany yis views
had opposed the changing of the name,
as he was an agriculturist "bred in the
bone." But the name of a college
should not be a misnomer. This is
decidedly the truth in the case of the
Aggies. For some time now, the agri-
cultural department has had only
one-fourth of the students. The home
economics division, alone, has twice
the number of students that the divi-
sion of agriculture has. Those who
have given a great deal of thought to
this question have come to feel that
it is only fair to almuni who have {
graduated from departments other
than that of agriculture to change the
name of the college to something
which will give a true impression of
the college.
Considering the fact that many of
the other states in the Union have 1
both universities and state colleges,
is the so-called "duplication of effort"
such a mistake? For instance, the cost
of transferring the M. A. C. engineer-
ing division to the University of Mich-
igan is prohibitive and highly imprac-
ticable. Yet the engineering school1
here in Ann Arbor could hardly take1
care of all the students in the state
of Michigan who wish to take the
course. There is room in Michigan for
two such colleges.,
-A ;mot

/ 17 '


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