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KXV. No. 39
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Otto Han4, '00L, Will Again Give Cup
to Winner; Other Awards
Final arrangements for the annual
drive for life members by the Union
have been completed and the drive
will start Tuesday, Nov. 11, and will
continue for three days. All students
on the campus who. are not life mem-
bers of the Union will be solicited at
this time. Team captains have been
appointed and territories are being
assigned to the various teams.
Harry G. Messer, '26, is general
chairman of the drive this year, and
will be assisted by 19 team captains.
The captains are: John Long, '27,
Harry R. Haynie, '26, Elliot Chamber-
lin, '27, Robert Johnston, '27, Georgej
Stanley, '27E, Raymond M. Read, '27,
John M. Halsted, '27E, Calvin Peter-
son, '27, Smith Cady, '27, F. L. Mullins,
'27, F. K. Schoenfeldt, '27E, Samuel,
Lapp, '27, Rudolph Bostelman, '27,1
Carlos Kelly, '27, Harry B. Koenig, '26,1
Herman Hoek, '27E, Frank Blymer,
'27E, Walter Berger, '27E, and James
F. Boyer, '27..,
Each team captain will choose ten
men to work under him on his team
and each team will be assigned a de-
finite territory to cover. All fratern-
ity houses and rooming houses on the
campus will be visited by members of
the teams in an effort to locate and
sign up men who are not life members
of the Union.
Otto Hans, 'OOL, has donated a cup
which will be given to the man'
bringing in the highest number of
pledges for life members. The cup
will become the permanent possession
of the winner. This is the fourth cupI
which Mr. Hans has donated to Mich-#
igan Union life membership cam-
In addition to the cup for the high'
man, there will also be awards for
every man who takes part in the drive.
These awards will probably be in the
shape of watch charms or some sim-
ilar insignia. There will also prob-
ably le an award for the team with
the highest number of points in its
- Prof. T. E. Rankin of the rhetoric
British Labor
Ends Control,
London, Nov. 5.-Great Britain's
first experiment with a Labor gov-
ernment, which has lasted a little less
than a year, came to an end yester-
day when Prime Minister Ramsay
MacDonald went to Buckingham
Palace to place the resignation of the
cabinet in the hands of his sovereign.
Ex-Premier Stanley Baldwin, head
of the Conservative party, will re-
sume the leadership relinquished to
Labor after the elections of December,
Baldwin will take office with one
of the most impressive majorities
ever accorded a Tory government,
however, and political observers agree
it will be. four or lfive years, before
MacDonald and his colleagueswill'
have another chance to govern.
lUpperclassmen Get First Choice;
Women Will Be Barred From
Eleven hundred Michigan men will
sit in the fifty yard line cheering sec-
tion at the Northwestern game on
Saturday, marking the second appear-
ance of the section on Ferry field.
Numerous letters received at the of-
fices of the Student council indicate
that the cheering section was a suc-
cess at the Wisconsin game.-
"No women will be allowed to enter
the stands with a ticket for section
H," stated Alfred B. Connable, '25,
president of the council, last night.
"The Athletic association has issued
cheering seats to men students only,
accommodating the upperclassmen
first and filling out the full, quota of
1,100 seats with sophomores. As these
tickets are obtained by student cou-
pon books and are non-transferable.
"At the Wisconsin game three, or
four women were admitted to the cheer-
ing section. Feeling that they did not
perhaps understand thoroughly the
organization of this group which was
experimental to the campus at that
time, we let them remain there rather
than deprive them of the pleasure of
seeing the game."
The Student council will provide
megaphones for use in the cheering
section at the Northwestern. game.
Megaphones for -use at the Iowa game
in the cheering . section and in the
block "M" will be donated by George
Burton Gains, y
Rests Easily
$6,000 IS GOAL
Miller Addresses Captains and Lieu-
tenants At Dinner
Due to a misunderstanding in di-
rections issued by the drive commit-I
tee of the Student Christian associa-
tion, only a few of the canvassersj
submitted reports for the first eve -
ning's activity. Those turned in, how-
ever, shows the average subscription
received from men approached was
$2.81. Returns at 10:30 o'clock last
night showed more than $1,500 sub-
scribed, the average per man hold-
ing close to the mark set the open-
ing night of the drive.
At the dinner meeting of the cap-
tains and lieutenants held yesterday
afternoon in the Methodist church,
Prof. W. H. Miller of the engineering
college made the speech which his ill-
ness prevented Tuesday night, when
he was scheduled to address the pep
A mass meeting of all workers on
the drives will be held tonight when
at 7 o'clock they will assemble in
Lane hall auditorium in anticipation
of, a concentrated effort which is
hoped to bring the $6,000 goal easily'
within reach a day ahead of schedule.
A ,brief program which has been ar-
ranged to extend not longer than a
half hour will include reports, special
music, and light refreshments.
Earl Sawyer, '26A, chairman of the
drive, expressed satisfaction with the
results to date. "I believe that if we
can solicit the' entire student body
before midnight Thursday .Nwe will
easily reach the goal. But this means
that every member of the drive must
stick to his job until it is done."
More than 600 tickets for the North-
western game will be placed on stu-
dent sale between 1 and 6 o'clock to-
day at the offices of the Athletic as-
,sociation in Yost field house.
It is the custom for President
Marion L. Burton to entertain each
yeah; seral hundred almun from all f
sections of the country at one of the
football games, but due to the illness
of nr. Burtonthe200tickets for the
'alumni have been returned to theI
Athletic association.
Ini addition between 400 and 500
tickets were returned from Northwest-
ern. These seats are located in the
center of the North stand and are a
part of the allotment of 2,000 tickets
that were sent to Evanston for the
Northwestern students.
These seats will be the first to be
placed on sale this afternoon.
C. F. F. Campbell, director of the
.Detroit League for the Handicapped,
'spoke before the Chamber of Com-
merce Tuesday noon on the subject,
"One of the Greatest Civic Problems."
Mr. Campbell, the son of a blind man,
has been associated with relief work
from childhood. He has traveled
throughout the United States lecturing
on the community fund and on relief
"I hope Ann Arbor goes over big in
its community fund drive next week,"
he said. "This is the most progressive
and most rational idea that has ever
been tried in the United States, and
Ann Arbor is but one of the 200 cities
carrying on like campaigns for charit-
able work."
Republican Majority Mounts Higher;
Senatorship, Governorship
Become Walk Away
Detroit, Nov. 5. (By A. P.)-With
Michigan giving its usual big Repub-
lican majority in all races for state
and national officers, and with each
of the three proposed amendments to l
the state constitution hopelessly
buried under the greatest avalanche
of ballots the Wolverine state ever
has seen, the chief interest remain-
ing tonight in Tuesday's general
election was the ultimate size of the
vote. ,
Tonight, with 2,172 of the 2,775 pre-
cincts in the state reporting, the num-
ber of ballots counted on the presi-
dential race has reached near the,
million mark.I
As additional returns became
available throughout the day, it was
apparent that the Republican majori-
ties and the opposition to the three
proposed constitutional amendments
would muont' higher steadily until the
final tabulation is made.
They 2,172 precincts reporting gave
the following: Coolidge, 754,841; Da-
vis, 116,056; LaFollette, 98,262.
The .race for the U. S. Senatorship
and the governorship has passed the
walkaway stage and has become a
rout for Democratic aspirants. With
2,072 precincts reporting on the sen-"
atorship tonight, the standing was:
Couzens, 672,567; Cooley, 209,710. The
governorship count in 2,115 precincts
showed Groesbeck, 650,374; Prens-
dorf, 253,064.
The amendment which, if it had
passed would have outlawed parochial
schools in Michigan, was buried deep
in returns from 1,973 voting districts.
The vote was: yes, 299,515, no, 568,672,
or almost two to one against the pro-
The income tax shared a worse fate,
it being snowed under by approxi-
mately 5 to 1. The vote in 1954 pre-
.cincts was yes, 140,972; No, 654,147.
The reapportionment, unpopular
with both city and country, was put
to sleep, 547,882 to 176,646, when 1,948
precincts had reported.I
President Marion L. Burton'sL 3
physicians gave out the following
bulletin at 9 o'clock last night:I U
"President Burton continues to im-
prove. The lung condition is prac-
tically clear. The parotid swelling has
almost' subsided. The throat, obstrue-M J H T
tion has disappeared. The President
has had his first comfortable day PRESIDENT GAiNS HEAVY.
since his illness began." RSI1:V' AT H TY
The doctors who have been attend- IN ELECTORAL
ing President Burton are Drs. D. M. VOTES
Cowie, J. P. Parsons, R. B. Canfield,
A. C. Furstenberg, and Frank Wilson. DAVIS UNCHANG
Number of Pledges For Year Book
Fall Off; 1,500 Have
With, but two days left in the cam-
paign for subscription pledges to the
1925 Michiganensian the mark set for
the drive is but half reached. Aim-
ing for 3,000 as th'e total number,'
only 1,500 pledges have been signed
in the last three days. Although the
records for previous years was brok-
en in the first two days of the cam-
'paign, yesterday saw a considerable
falling off in the number of signers.
Those who do not sign a pledge'
for their 'Ensian during the drive,
which ends at 4:30 o'clock tomorrow,
will be charged $6 if they wish to buy
one at sny later date. The price ofI
$5 to those who sign the pledge mayE
be paid at any time before December
19, when the price for pledge sign-{
ers automatically goes to $5.50.
Many new and original features
will be included in this year's 'Ensian I
The fraternity section has been ar-
ranged differently and a new and
special border will be placed about it,
giving it an entirely different form.
A five page, four color view section
will be included also. The senior sec-
tion will have the panels arranged
vertically, instead of horizontally as
heretofore, and 12 pictures will be
placed on the page instead of 14.
The present drive is the only cam-
paign which will be held this year,
and there will be no other oppor-
tunity to secure an 'Ensian at the re-
duced rate. The usual spring cam-
paign will be dispensed with.
1 -
LaFollette Shows Slight Advances
As Final Reports
New York, Nov. 5. (By A. P.)-The
full measure of the Republican vic-
'tory at the polls could not ;yet be
takenatonight, but the returns contin-
ued to show that President Coolidge
would have at least 100 to spare in
the electoral college, and the largest
popular plurality in history. The
showing John W. Davis made remains
unchanged throughout today and al-
though Senator LaFollette began tor
creep up a little in one or two west-
ern states, there was no certainty to-
night that he would receive the elec-
toral vote of any state group except
that of Wisconsin.
In the face of the day's congres-
sional returns the Republicans made
certain of a paper majority, at least,
in both senate and house, but doubt
remains whether the margin would be+
great enough to give the administra-
tion the whip hand over the com-
bined opposition of the Democrats
and the LaFollette bloc.
As the presidential figures stood
tonight with only 'a handfull of the
electoral vote still in doubt, the indi-
cated strength of the three candidates'
in the electoral college is as follows:
Coolidge, 367; Davis, 136; LaFollette,
13; Doubtful, 15; necessary to choice,
266. -
Chicago, Nov. 5.-The vote given
President Coolidge in yesterday's:
general election in Illinois was in-
creased late today when 4,588 pre-
cincts out of 5,989 in 'the state unof-
ficially gave him 1,098,476. The same
number of precincts gave John W."
Davis 416,595 votes and Robert M. La-
Follette 309,115.
SCoolidge Gives y
Senatorial Contests Favor G. 0.1
Country; Democrats Get 1
Certain Seats
New York, Nov. 5. (By A. P.
latest returns gave the Repul
the best of it today in the ups,
both the house and senate. But
peared that final reports from a
tricts would be necessary befoi
could determine whether Pre
Coolidge could expect a real w
majority in the next Congress.
Returns from 390 of the 425
gressional districts gave the Re
cans an actual majority of 21
in this total are included nea
score of the LaFollette insurg
The Democrats, meantime,
certain of 170 seats and the F
Labor party of 2.
On the basis of these retur'
Republicans had made a net gain
over the Democrats, recaptur'
seats as against 16 now held 1
publicans which were moved ove
the Democratic column.
At adjournment last June, the
lineup was Republicans 225,
crats 217, and three scattered.
In, the Senatorial contests, th
surprising result was in Iowa,
Smith W. Brookhart, Republican
publicly repudiated his own a
ticket,, had conceded his defeat
hands of Daniel F. Steck, a Demo
lawyer' of Ottumwa. Mr. Stec
generally credited with receivin
port from many regular Repub
The Republicans, apparentl:
gained 3 senatorial seats on the
of returns received early to
These were inaMassachusetts,
tucky, and Oklahoma.
The Democrats had elected 1
ators, while 17 Republicans had
chosen or had such leads as to
their election practically certa
the 6 remaining contests. in w
states where returns still were
ing in slowly, the result was unc
In Minnesota, Rep. Thom
Schall, Republican, had what h
porters regarded as a comm
lead over Sen. Magnus Johnson
mer Labor. Johnson still in
however, that missing rural pr
would' return him a winner.
Sen. Thomas J. Walsh, Derm
prosecutor in the Teapot Don
fvestigation, was leading the fi
Montana with a sufficient mar
department, while in oxford, England, That the expected happened in the
last summer, was instructed by Dr. i election Tuesday was the comment
Robert Bridges, poet laureate of Eng- offered by both Prof. T. H. Reed of
land and holder of the fellowship in the political science department and
creative art at this University last Prof. E. G. Burrows of the journalism
year, to convey his kindest wishes to department, in interviews yesterday.
President Marion L. Burton and all Professor Reed said that in addition
whom he has associated with during to noting the amount of the LaFol-
his stay in Ann Arbor. lette returns, it would be interesting
Dr. Bridges said that in his memory to watch' the effect on the alignment
everything about America had come of parties in the future.
to~~o beapleaantiexeptingumerica
to be pleasant, excepting American "We are assured of safe, careful ad-
weather, and that after his return to ministration," Professor Reed contin-
Great Britain the unpleasant weather ued, "and furthermore we are assured
of the summer there lrad almost of the continuance of Secretary
erased the memory of Michigan's dis- Hughes' admirable conduct of our
appointing spring. foreign relations. We can look for-
Professor Rankin, also visited D. L. ward to a very comfortable four
P. Jacks, head of Manchester college, fyears.,
Oxford, and editor of the "Hibbert ,Professor Burrows said that he had
Journal." Dr. Jacks has a hobby, ac- not expected Coolidge to win by so
cording to Professor Rankin, em- large a vote.
bodied in a brick kiln on his country "The large vote indicated by re-
place at Shotover Edge. .From the turns to date seem to show that the
product of this kiln his own rdsidence American people are apprehensive of
was built. ' t ProfessorBrrows stated
Senior education students will hold 1
the first class party of the year at 9
o'clock Saturday night in the gym of
the University high school. With the
week's football game at home, the
committee in charge, headed by Miss
Thelma Boyd, is making extensive pre-
paration to entertain a large number.
Games will occupy the early part of
the evening; later there will be cards,
dancing and refreshments. Several!
members of the education faculty to-
gether with their wives are to be thef
guests of the class at the party.
Other senior parties will be held after
Christmas. Plans for a party for juniorI
and senior education students are be-
ing considered by the faculty.
C c
f-'3'i'Lp to lU1'IKs_- make him appear reasonabl
Paris, Nov. 5.-Diplomatic circles of the election.
apprehend an early crisis in the rela- Washington, Nov. 5.-President Coo- The results in both New Me
tions between the French government lidge calmly received assurance to- Wyoming were surrounded wi
uncertainty because of the
and the Vatican, and feel that the final day of his re-election as President by in gathering the returns. InC
issue has been hastened by the pro- an overwhelming vote, and issued a where two senate seats were
test made to Premier Herriot yes- statement . of "simple thanks" and Alva B. Adams, Democrat, w
lerdy b M.Veneentra erretiI 1g Senator Thipps, Republic
terday by M. Veneventura Cerretti, turned again to his desk and the work csa
papal anuncio in Paris, against the which has constantly occupied his at- RicerW. Means, Republican, w
I tetio sice Ittle MorrisonShafroth,_Democr
speech by Francois Albert, minister tention since entering office a little
of education, in which the minister more than a year ago.
criticized the former's address before "I have not appealed except to the
the Catholic institute in 1922. ' common sense of all the people," Mr. SENT RACE PHI
M. Cerretti consulted the ambassa- Coolidge said in expressing his ap-
dor individually before making the preciation in the statement which he RD L
protest and this is taken in. political read to a group of newspapermen in C
circles as indicating that a majority his office.
of the members of the diplomatic corps "I have no pledge except to serve New York, Nov. 5. (By A
at least approved the protest. The them. I have no object except to serve gaining .a seat in Massach
foreign office declared that the gov- them. I have no object except to pro- Tuesday's election, the Rc
ernment has nothing to say on the mote their welfare. election, the Republicans
matter. Up early after retiring late last Frederick H. Gillette, sp
night, the president went to the execu-- the House, over David I.
j tive office after a walk about the .eocrti incube nt.I
White House grounds and read re- FDemo atic incume nt In
turns which had accumulated through any
the night, and gave assurance ofhis Owsley Stanley,
election. During ,the morning a "tele- R While in Oklahoma it appe-
Ogram of congratulation was received fW. B. Pine, Republican, h'a
from J. W. Davis, the Democratic J. C. Walton, the Democra
Maps being givenout by the Union presidential nominee. date who ran on an anti-I
for the route to Columbus, Ohio, Intimate friends called throughout form.
show a road contrary to that advised the morning and afternoon to extend Other Republicans electe
by the Ann Arbor branch of the De- congratulations, among them being senate or who had consider
troit Automoble club. These maps several members of the cabinet. over their ,Democratic o
are single sheets of cardboard and, were T. Coleman Dupont, of
S who defeated James M. Tunn
from Finlay, Ohio, show a road Mai', Wan ListswodatJames M. un:
through Kenton, rather than the road
through Marion. g Gingerich's Book ahead of a field of six in
Thetr soplteB heirSenator Capper, of Kansas,
Troute to Columbus will be published aa an Idaho, Couzens of Michigan
1MacMillan's fall announcement of the short-end term; Norrisc
in The Daily next week, with all the recent publications lists a book, ka; Keyes, New Hampshire
towns passed through, as well as the written by Prof. S. F. Gingerich of the New Jersey and McNary, o
mileage. .English department, entitled "Growth Jesse H. Metcalf, of Rhoz
of the Spirit in the Romantic Poets." W. H. McMaster of South
Guardsmen Rushed In this book Professor Gingerich and J. B. Goff of Wisconsin,
discusses the religious and philosophi-
To M arion P o lls cal beliefs' of each .writer rather than NT
the form of literary expression. Noted Engineer
Herin, Illinois, Nov. 5.-A squad IDies In Mail w
ofH ational gu rdsmen on elect on Constantinople, Novc. 5-Prominent
min.r duty here wnarushed to Marion i members_ of the German colony have I,
Student ActorsI
Sought By Unions
Men on the campus who are able
to furnish, entertainment of any kind
are asked to list their names with
the Union in order that 'organizations
and individuals looking for entertain-
ers may have a list to consult.
Names may be listed next Monday
afternoon in the student offices on the
third floor of the Union and on fol-
lowing Mondays.
We should rise up as one and give
the Sun a vote of thanks. You
ask why? Do you know that if it
were not for the Sun the earth's
surface would freeze and become
cirang , ,r L "lot1 w cu
"and that in fairly prosperous times
they choose to let well enouh alone,
rather than to risk business disturb-
ances by an attempt at improvement."
Dean Mortimer E. Cooley of the en-
gineering college, Democratic candi-
date for senator, opposing Sen. James
Couzens, carried two local precincts,
his own ward, the sixth, and the sec-
ond precinct of the seventh ward.
That the presidential year was a
'contributing factor in Dean Cooley's
defeat was the opinion of his friends
yesterday. It is thought that the gen-
eral straight Republican vote about
the state also was too heavy for the
Democrats to overcome.
City Y.W. To Sell
Poppies On Nov. 11
Symbolizing the seventh Armistice
Freshman group meetings, held by Robert Frost To
the underclass department of the
Michigan Union under the direction of Return Nex t Year
Wm. L. Diener, '26, have proved popu-
lar so far this week, large numbers Robert Frost, who is scheduled to
of first year men attending the meet- come here next September for an in-'
ings. Captains and managers of the determinate stay at the University, re-'
groups are being elected at these cently resigned his professorship in
meetings, the purpose of which is to English literature at Amherst college
foster a greater class spirit and to to take effect in the fall of 1925. The
furnish activity for the yearlings. New England poet formerly held the
The groups will start a bowling fellowship in creative arts here for
- -_.7. .,,. - -- +Fnc er nt ;a- -A. - - - - - --.. ,;,.,.4.
day 17,000 poppies are to be sold by
the city Y. W. C. A. and the American
Legion Auxiliary on Nov. 11. The
sale will begin at 7:30 o'clock on
this date and people will be station-
ed at 24 main corners in the city to