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April 06, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 134) • Page Image 1

…l c 46 'I'A- . of Al.k IVor. 1-tiN,. 1:,4. UNrIVERSITY OF AMICII()A , .MYONDAY.1",PIl. , 18 IPi-tcit TutoF, CPi'-t. The Daily Banquet. commtence his trork inniediatel V. the btoard requnests all candidates for The University Record. AVINUx the experietnce of College o ii Iitte the tutu to retttini tot pra ti( lii(lr- Itecord Itas bteni ll istld, a (1 is tihi Vaiteltllscritinly of College St- tug thetl (opttn01011ats 5I ion. I'he ii t fort ae t...…

April 06, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 134) • Page Image 2

…TI-I U. OF M. DAILY. onght to make every possible effort 0""J 'f to hase her representatives hold the western chamnpionship. Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during the Cutiege year, by Tile addiress by Mrl. IBallenger, of THE U. tf M. INDEPENDENT A8SOCIATION, Clil ago, liefore the Religious I icr- t society,. Satardav venriig, wasj Subscriptionipiceg',5 pryeariussb, iii lltsfldei inadvaniccudSitl ies; cet's. nsaea s'sh'ts sit Yst csl iccic ...…

April 06, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 134) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY SEE THlE NEW D)E JOINYMLLE --AT- THE TWO 'SAM-S. ~T7~W ~TSIIT Of Old U. of M. should have a University of Michigan Guitar, Prices lowest, Quality highest. Guaranteed every inch of the road. Violin aind Guitar Strings, 10 cts.; Banjo and Mandolin Strings, ets. Everything in plropo)rtion. L.I.Clement, ALLTITL IIO~OGI O TRAD~E Arr Ausual xvi ire hal~atll iiit o rs whoiillxviii fiB ii l IiB 1R0 N/k S SD RU JG ST77ORi F.E .1 tiiO...…

April 06, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 134) • Page Image 4

…CSCCIIL\ 1 7T3 tv4 ,ti T ~ ~ iL - SOAPS TIME TAI7LF. .iiltitre nt tt'Oi it t' 1;)'rltiS 511W t itit t ir.L: 1 I :it 1'1 i t 1 ii , ' . I .. nd I Muflttrst fromA thei mot P111W. I' tt~ t I1it c (r t l b Sti it 1' } . i, t. , 40ii s .It :rp . i 71 \Ii"% miiiilF 1 0S.1: .l E. , 1 S sprw, tret l.tii>>c AN i.N 'itAtM i, . ,t '.7, ~t ItS1 , it ih o'' oait s itnds. ~ tls yy " . o ag r Sdlt it ( iils 'ar's, Broiwni (% 'tis 13. F.CLARKManage erave'ANN ...…

April 06, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 136) • Page Image 1

…Ije . ofAl. alip . Votf. Il-No. 1">G). New Constitutionl Adopted 2, 1889. UNIVERSITY OF' MICLILGAIN, WEL)NESDAY, APRIL f, 1892. April( to concerts which may lbe 1lin commnencemeat week. (,ii cdfiy'elaet 3,t'. A1.1(101 s-- asil P. T ,'IC iIf' vi. \mendmnents. -this c ct, to I .. shaill taike eftect is soon is a ttioll I Eliection of IOfthcers. -by the C t iverity Muias Il iestall tie electedi by Ill It (call le amsendledi on lot .,. t e ann...…

April 06, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 136) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. (. of 1L' . '$pct~ abhised tiaily (Otatays exceitteti) daring the CI IlTW 3 atry THE U. OF M, INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION '.nsrpipiet''$2.50 perte tar, isactably Shdu'satoi ft'e ea's stanal;ai'1 Welcno.Snbsctiptioa-mttay be lefit at tt(oiecofthe li tx, Opjeta tiouse bockt, at communcatios sh l rach i th ht'fce by o 'clock I,..tiUt tey'are it to ppeartthe nx va. Addriesst atil mattert'tetadedt tat' tttita- ttmuitcatiatts tshaal...…

April 06, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 136) • Page Image 3

…THE IT. OF M. DAILY, THE WESTERN MICHIGAN COLL-EGE N WGO D! E GOS (Char'tteedamnd Incorporatedt.)W O s N W G DS GKEEATtt-Ttt RA,'FIDS. ITAOCIFS tifi c hoaol 'ithecta ry't i . it rpt''artaat ato'r xait a tionan tit hi BARBER SHOP R FINE. PHOTOGRAPHS. iitt J. R. IROJANOw',KI, MILLINERY AND ART GOODS ! \NABI. 'he J. T. Jacobs Company, 27 and 21) MAIN STRtEE T. 3o . WashinttotttSt., Anat Athotitt higat att. " a stiHuriniStre'ti T T TOTGEORGE L...…

April 06, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 136) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAIL. WE ARE THE PEOPLE. ANN ARBOR ORGAN COMPANY. New Wsr ot oe s, IS (4,f fai i n andLiberty Strceets. I will "Open the Blall" by placing a ine stock of Guitars, Banijos, etc. PRICES THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU.1 Find TIL252S~'"25 tiO S TOR25,1 25 South Fourth Avenue, City. YOUR GIRL AX oll c ppireeite a box of thlos Fine ehocolateS 1Albanv' Law Schooli ESTAISREt) 18.51. CO URSE, one year. Three fuill termis reiquiredl. Ternisliegi...…

April 06, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 138) • Page Image 1

…- ' 1 '. A. . rJ ' J. 1Y { ^a : . ;t w , , r 4 4r ~ 1 3 c c tt99 F' NILt3. i .-i t UI <s1v.i<('<1l" Y OF 71101110 A-V',TI!. _YlLSiAY<, API it" 61, 1>e7< Pto i, 1w K (17 IS. WA I'NER-IA 10NIGH.0 a,.ic11, His Or0che>stra,1 r;<O Mich, and 0r<01)1of iIl th C :_ 1<10CI <1O1 C1-- Kstil Kster. ,i1 WiAciNI-0R'S OP: PAS4 Ao or< ~ PoPints from Prof.; 111111it Letur~e That Will Aid in 1111 <KApprecation. !' £ i 111i01 1 1 K-= <l 1105'; 1/ I111...…

April 06, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 138) • Page Image 2

…-THE UI. OF H. DAILY. F 1i , s b a L. II f.iT 1l1 :. 1 flad or t o (5 11 ,11 (1 . ( t (' s t l ; rlll 1 0(1(1 (10 5ar01-antesoil to at Iril r(l(((I to an1e;al rightll at th' e (I distance, 'bat Ptt(Cre 1 s'Oee( 11e an a3the toalsera(l a thcherhe Choka, it t' (1i 011 1 (00(5 lb Xthltoii se i a 0 11 islodoi lo THE y Al I Iy 11 I ((105 1 ((00 0 0/ an l ou 01 o ls (1,~ l( aslar ohdl-e (11'll'ls 1 ",tf h rsn :ls n ~~r osro nedt iii I Io r ilb 1~1t...…

April 06, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 138) • Page Image 3

…T _i0 M D I Y GREAT CLOTIN AlKFRF3R EA ALL V.(TVSA . 31 A LL S LITS IAT j- OFF. 4ike (iR 1 r 7 ' - (Ho10vi n lDres lyow,, XI 4 L 1AA ..A! 1,AT See these bargains before buyiog. WA DHAMS,_KENNED Y d BLULE. Ann Arbor Saving's Banak ST IN 'Ann S OOn t 1ract 4 ~l ' ininnitoeS, f,iti n, 0 'At"B HOP. ,1, CU <N "11' ili i S i i Allim fn en I 2 ,OJ.TiS' i Tip ~il MXILLINERY AND ART GGof"" 3011 ~. 14E IFIO 5 .: r ;iF :. fJ., ~ BCUti .l. fclel...…

April 06, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 138) • Page Image 4

…r~f ~ TC.7 ETK Ia. "'l fibs '11 I I 'Sl: o 12 i. 5 33 131 IiN 3;2'I1,1,k MOURJ ~ L9 F U. CIC' STO'& ' 2''J~ AI ._ "317( Pz sF>PL>/L I } " U) ...aa k. . -.~ . 1 ..2 .12Uh i. . 3 i 5 . r 112, '' L !3 a 'U ii lii'a :t . 1 } '1f';j'1 hal ".1(1 1111 '3.3 U (7 33(Lake or -) C UIIPEAIVAT nd ll the Can' dGo DEAN & COMPANY. t'..,iU :t)ie.r ' l a t 3. t 3 r i 'Q- 11 1 O<ss tt tn.,,lle IF YOU WANT TO 4 By an1ara C o JiiAi' :36 min ix trcct Alb- 11OP...…

April 06, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 138) • Page Image 1

…of at, VOL. IV.-No. 13. GET YOUR TICKETS For the Indoor Meet. Of Course it will be Better Tnan Ever. Tomorrow evening the annual in- door meet will be held in the Water- man gymnasium, program to com- mence promptly at 8 o'clock. Tick- ets can now be had at fifty cents apiece. No meet has ever been held before under more favorable conditions andf a large crowd will undoubtedly be present at this, in one sense, the opening of our great gymn...…

April 06, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 138) • Page Image 2

…_____________THE U. OF M. DAILY. 'C. of Z. 'Dr. Publisahed Daily (Sundays excepted) durnes ni College yt ar, by THE U. OF N1, INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION Subscriptio price $2.50 per year, invariably in advane tingle copies 3 rent. Subscrip- tons may be left at the ottice of the DAIiLY, it Stoffietes,wetch any of the editoras(ir authorized solicitors. Comunications shouild reach the oier by 7 oclckb r. u. if they are cc appear the next clay. Addre...…

April 06, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 138) • Page Image 3

…THE U.. OF M. DAILY. THE CHEQUAMEGON ORCHESTRA. LE W H. CLEMENT,1 51So.) ISr. ) Drector ad Manso"er EXCELSIOR LAUNDRY 20 EAST 11U1RON STREET. Good Wort Guaranteed. Goods rolled for and delivered. A. F. COVERT, Prop. i'UT E. Washingttreet. zz 'Years ii.thne Ha~e~~s3 CITY LAUNDRY, M. M. Seabolt, No. 4 N. Fourth Ave. HODGMhAN'S VACINTOSHCES orgi Y 0+ Pszota 816.50 up to825.00 ,t 5ib o 1D A. TINKER'S, ____ No. 9 South Main street, (Formr Toea 0S...…

April 06, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 138) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. l~ o nwa~TEN PER CENT. TEN PER CEN'T. i knife wenfrou veooneinterested inthe Base Ball Teama le so buy Your HAT at the OUTFITTERS. lake a look at those. 50c, W S S L L S CALKIN ' PIIIAMCY. .. TEN PER CENT. TEN PER CENT. JV EOOI R8 & WM32VEQOIR, NO. 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM. -- - =A77'= A ' ~ ~ T~T777,7OSR2M N ' F - TENNIS, BASE BALL AND SPORTING GOODS wh~ichIi they trtl( at pr ~ ~ic uaratedt o...…

April 06, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 136) • Page Image 1

…f C . 0 , . aQ. VOL. V. No. 136. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, APRIL 6, 1895. PRICE-THREE CENTS. , -- 1 MICHIGAN VS. ALBION. OUR REPRESENTATIVES IN TO- DAY'S GAME DETERMINED. Who Will Field the Positions This Afternoon-Selections Which Will Doubtless Meet With General Approval. There was no regular practice game yestierday, but all the men were given practice in the Field with the object of finally determining the ones who should play ...…

April 06, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 136) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. 34 ( +lu Published Daily (Sunday excepted) during the College year, by' .THE U. OF M. INIEPENDENT ASSOCIATION) OFFICE: Times building N. Main st., opposite post ofilce. EDITORS. H. COLEMAN, Lit. '97, Managing Editor. G. B. HARRIsON, Law '96, Assistant A. W. SMiTH, Lit. Spel., Assistant. W. A. SPILL, Law '96, Assistant. J. A. LEROY, Lit. '96, Athletic Editor. J. S. PEARL, Law '95, Business Manager. H. W. LtvY, Law '96, Ass...…

April 06, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 136) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. MICHIGAN G(NJAI Time Table (Revised) Nov. 18, 1894. Malland Ex-5__350 Mail - 50______ 3 N. Y. Special.... 5 15 N. Y. Special---. 7 0 Eastern Es.---10 15 N. S. Limited.... 5 25 A. M. Pacific Eu_. 12 15 Atlantic Es.---7 47 P. as D. N. Exprs---- 5 40 Western Es__.2 12 G. 1R. Express ...ii 05 Chi. Nt. Es.---10 25 0. W. RUGGLaES, i1. W. HAYES, G. P. & T. Agl., Chicago. Agt., Ann Arbor. T. , A., A. & N. M. RY. Taking effect Sund...…

April 06, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 136) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. schallers Bookstole! Formerly with George Wahr, 19 K Washington st. Headquarters for everything a Student needs in the lisine of Text-Books, Stationery and Miscellaneous Stock in general. MARTIN SCHALLER, E OWN-TOWN BOOKSELLER, 19 E. Washington st., one block east of Main st. 9LAWS! HAVE YOUR CANE ENGRAVED --AT-- WM. ARNOLD'S, Jeweler. GET CATALOGUE OF 9. E. NEWTON, AGENT, 7 VOLLAND ST MRS. ANNIE WARD FOSTER'S School of ...…

April 06, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 137) • Page Image 1

…'Ae .a ONDIAY, APRIL (,b~.Fouit PAGES-3 CENTS. VOL. VI1. No. 1:37. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, ML BICYCLES. Wedesire to give notie thatweeU eapopse to make a bi id for IM4 hae secred the ageatcy fo the DAYTON 44 Bcces wich has earned 44 11 high repirptatio is ote of the ( Hp best whelsdomade rce $100 We 4 retain the agency for the 14 BEN-HUR that excellent wheei., which haos4 j~ this easooseen o greatly i- proved that we silemaeit our 4 l eer.t ...…

April 06, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 137) • Page Image 2

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN ILY. P ublisbed Daily (Sunday excepted) during the Coleon year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. 0 rrIE: Timre building N. Main st., posite post ogfice. WV. Wi. H ls', P- W'(. 'W. THAYER, '9, L. E. I, GEist3 i 'P5 L 0.ii. IlANS. '93. J. L. WaiSi, '98 I. J'll)LTIR-LN-lClIP SF G. iB. IgARatotis, '06 L. 1[:1'%lAG[NG EIDITORt j. F. THOMsAS, '9l7. IIUSINUSS MfANAGSER L.C. lii. Wacna,'O.' ASiSOC[ATk JEDITORtS L A. Prost. 'B...…

April 06, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 137) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF -MICHIIGAN DAILY. XGHTGAN GEN~gLL II'I PG OF EDUCATORS. Ilvhi-y W'de Ioec-;, ofNilie(1; ________ . L1. Wite.CO uisbus, (Yb-o;1 I T i.~-- Time Tabie (Revised) ((arch , 186. Efr aet as tnad o tit 1111100 Ii.F3 Smai , lilt'lu 1T:I 1 Wi1l EAST. WEST. Efot ae o ae taidr o Nv Mal and Ex -550-al - A 18 Shools.vcst-; Pojiial 4 S .Abto, V is- N. _ Y.Seil..50 N.aYl Speca.... 8______38 cli ((illNotiti ois i li N.Y pca-- 0 N .Seil--7a os...…

April 06, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 137) • Page Image 4

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. THE VICTOR League Bal will bat further and last longer than any other make, It contains the best materials and shows the finest construction throughout. Every 1"official " league ball offered to the public is ane imitation of the VICTOR. Demand the Victor in all cases. Our trade mark isa guarantee of finest quality. OVERMAN WHEEL CO. MrshofaVictor Bicycls. A, GSpalding & Bros, "The Na me is a Guar- antee" tha...…

April 06, 1897 (vol. 7, iss. 145) • Page Image 1

…the . a A16 Akk. ANSI AA m llmmKi mm MME WIN Ims M m I=N VOL. VII. No. 145. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, APRIL 6, 1897. Four PAGES-3 CENTS. W I ATHILET"IIC A1 SS'Ni . MEM.NBER.i Hill, '98; Hutchinson, '97 E; W. L ~Hughes, '97 L; C. B. Hole, '99; A. G. List of Those Entitled to Vote at Holbrook, '99'M; J. H. Harris, '98; H. Received a full line of Novel- h Ana Eetin R. Hulburt, '99; E. F. Hlarrington, '99; ties for Spring Suits tae _nnalElc...…

April 06, 1897 (vol. 7, iss. 145) • Page Image 2

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Pa ,1sed Daily (Sndays excepted) duneg the College ear, at THE NIERSITY Of MICHIGAN OF.cte Times building, 79 S. Male St. be- tween Ldberty ael William St. 1[AAI[NG EDITOR J. . THOAS, 97. AS'T MANAIlED EDITOR F. S. SIsOS, '8. ATHELETIC EDITOR I. B. SKILEMAN, '8 L. BUSINESS MANAUEIR 0. H1. HANS, '9. EDITORS F. L. GELsoE, '95 L. 11. H. Cotwe,'9. F. 1M. Loomis, '98. BUTLER LAtti, '00. I. A. CAMPBELL, 'S. ASSOCIA...…

April 06, 1897 (vol. 7, iss. 145) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. GOOD CLOTHES ARE WORTH THEIR COST! Are You Getting Them? Paying the Price Don't Always Get 'Em. We sell better clothes than ever before and confine ourselves to three of the very best makes; viz: Ham- merslough Bros.' and The Stein Block CO.'S which bear the labels of the makers and M~ichaels, Stern & Co.'s Clothing which specially made for use and bear our name-Lidn idnschmitt & Apfel. All these makes bear th...…

April 06, 1897 (vol. 7, iss. 145) • Page Image 4

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Jos. W. Kollauf, Latest Novelties in Gents Suitings. 10 E. Washington St - Up Stairs. $1TilE DAILY will be delivered 41 ---suntil Commnencement tar-_--. PHOTOGRAPHS --Special rates to Senters at il3erryman' s E. Huron Street Bicycle Enameling.!? Plain or Marbelized. Any color or style. All work guaranteed. A.CNLN With Tucker & Co., 18 N. Fourth five H ANGSTERFER'S N ICE CREAM SODAI 61 S Strawberries S IrS E a...…

April 06, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 136) • Page Image 1

…VOL. VIII. No. 136. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 6, 1898 PRCE-3 CENTS. A t XW ild's ORATORICAL ELECTION. List of Athletic Asno. Membr. 'li YESTERDAY'S GAME. arvdLaws Carried Everything Last vToatheslw ineronsthe Ahetitled TheUof M. Team Sows Up> Spring selectons just voeatthrletonofteetlei from the East. Call and Night. isiat. Any persois whose name has Well. Inpenigt tetOrtorcalA.o.iateibeen omitted from the tst ciii kindy tlcsscniud...…

April 06, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 136) • Page Image 2

…I THE UNIVER1lTY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. f D. Rolfe, P. S Reek, C D Ripley, H Rus-I Easter Sunday, Apri l 10 at u ,W RcadoLryRbno,;S RusI . Riegelman, J. De F. Rich- Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during the Collegeo year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. Orsica: Times building, 329 S. Slain St. Telephone (New S ate) 181. MIANAGING EDITOR J1. F. TnOMAS, '00 L. BUSINESS 1IIANAtiESI 0. 11.FI~ASs, '00 L. EDITORS ii. B. SKsLsM~AN, '08 L., Athleti...…

April 06, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 136) • Page Image 3

…THEE UNIVERSITiY OF MICHIJGAN DA1L~t. Easter Saturday in, our Cloak 'Dep artment A~LL OlJR LkD 1ES' SUITS, /SIRTS, JAKEITS AND CAPES REDUCED) In many cases to ONE-HALF actual value for thait cay. $40.00 $ 2800 $21.00 } lo $18.00 ORTII 30.00 IP WORtTH 25.00 W XORTH- 20.00 ORTH 18.00 ross Skirts worth-------- >2,$.00 or $1.75 At $2.89-Dress Skirts wrh------$L0 $4.25 or $4.00 ros kitswrt---------1.25 .00 or .2 75 At $4 .89-Dress Skirts worth --...…

April 06, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 136) • Page Image 4

…THlE UMNIV ERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Eairoiilr . se, /r'" s Qf ' -i~\K THE E S.L ,TAI ORS--- V. J. Boors, Pre - . Arlneo,,1st Vice-pros J. V. OIIEAN, 2d Vice-pros. ''" ' ' JoS C. WALZAsst. Cashier.. Transacto a general Banking busi - BUIT CASE~ ness. T The right kind at thie right pricer. t5r Iihr ruiiry (j4~O ILD SPEE D98s. Car. Mlain and Huron Streets. Capital, $50000. Srpus,. W,000. Transaet a _____________________________________________...…

April 06, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 141) • Page Image 1

…She Ua F cAi , It> $Ulf> till* VOL. IX, No. 141. ANN ARBOR, MICH., THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 1899. THREE CENT FOR CHAMPIONSHIP IN DEBATE. GH WILD Co. Will announce that we have now received our Spring and Summer Woolens. Oar stock for the inconi- ing season ie the largest we have ever shown, is exclusive and confined, in both foreign aniid domiestic goods, and is composed of the hest fahrics in every line that can he obtained. We carry the l...…

April 06, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 141) • Page Image 2

…2 THE UNIVERSITY OF )ICHIGAN DAILY. 2I( affections efr of tepbi.H si fR a fmany talents, a -student,tT E author, lecturer, municipal reforuer, I YOU FA LTH Published Diliy (Suday excepted)etnring the soldier and statestuan. IIA~ Cottage yar, at The University is fortunate inlhav- ILANDU PRESS THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN itig itm for its .guest, if only for a ANNARBO few hours. Coting fromr Chicagoi To find it anywhereAN ARO 'ireroe: The Intand ...…

April 06, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 141) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. For House Wear, For Street Wear. $1.50, $2.00, $2.50, $3.00. ROMEOS OODSPEED'S, SOLE AGENTS "HANAN SHOES." 119 S. MAIN STREET. MIGfHIGN 6ENTRAL "The Niagara Falls Route." CENTRAL STANDARD TIME Taking Effect Aug. 14, 1898. GOING EAST. Mail and Express .....................3 47 P.M. N. Y. & Boston Special...............4 58 " Fast Eastern .........................9 43 " Atlantic Express...........7 45 A. M. De...…

April 06, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 141) • Page Image 4

… THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Speeta Offer The New Werner Edition -OF TE- EncycIopaed ia Britannica. The Best Reference Library for the Home, the Office, the Library. Nearly six feet of printe matter. (Each volonec is 11 in. long; 9 in. wide; abot 2' inches thici, anti weighs aout 5 poundss.) Can it call go into your head? Not likely1 Better havo the woroki itself to refer to when ins dut. The entire ...…

April 06, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 144) • Page Image 1

…: v r r> ............. .......-......... Vol-± X. SDring, ANN ARBOR, I11CR., FRIDlAY, AP'fL 6± 0,900. ORATORICAL TROUB3LES. l±±aess, oat in tyre long run it 10 per- oeeieei cO, ind±±try, a11a1torcee 01 011r- ; ioe wjii sceeds. it 10stOUl/P Annoi G. H. F ~ Lits Meet and Appoint Committee to i neement Didft Resolutos to Propose 14 14Probablcj iiot be Coni IL C* 1~Narly a huoiodred literary tmes ii 0±c edesday ftiiieroonn leifair.1 N hair...…

April 06, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 144) • Page Image 2

…'2 filLk< UNJVELSITY 01 MICHIGAN DAILY e k111iobcd Dily (Se dys rxptos 'to ,og hs Cleg yar,.att THE UNIERSflY OF MICHIGAN tO torsiThe Ilalnd Yt'ts.,Hennig Bloch. BthtPhones 017. MANAGING EDITO%. 11LJIN 1005 MANAGFlO o. H. Ho3, '00 . ATHLKTICS, . . . D. Hoioooow,rT'Si E. 0. . Wooveoooo b L. A.1. MCoo AL,o,'0 A.. G. BowNs '. . J. . B. Woec. '55l, L. J,.MOoO05 'its, W., . CKotE, '0OM R 1.0500 OO . WA. KNxt1r,'I L. he ii ituIhl 1eletti oii othe...…

April 06, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 144) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Heiaigwhen it is a known fact that you can get S Moogbetter styles and quality in hats here-All the new ones-KNOX-STETISON-and othes-$I to $4- I IW TS TO, S G0ODSPEED'B G 117 S°. fvAIN STRET °T -- " - f C__3 - - MICHIGAN CENTRAL. 'The Niagara Falls Route." CENTRAL STANDARD TiME. Takia"g Effect November,11, 1899. GOINGia.N Ei E~paAST Ailanicia.Expre. '' .........7 G. GreanidRapsE xpes..... ... 11 Mail and Expr...…

April 06, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 144) • Page Image 4

…I THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN IDAILY. "Fled nmuthe sullen uee s the orth 0 A RThe eplet-chidl raineetet eof the Spr ieeepeps flthl.' POPULARIt is with a feeling Ofltreee hichleteee thtitkletaedotaeleethte invite u li ectione of ou tew e ofeSpring,'eandlSummeeeer ei ngseeeejust reeied, "ftresheeandtempit- i aIh e ct lee s of e t re 'eriael 'steory er 00 tptterns from ethe. L Failor made to your measure' 3 0 O K Meat the ieeofthleHandre-dow...…

April 06, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 144) • Page Image 1

…be Of o e i VOL. XI. ANN ARBOR, MlICH.. SATURDAY, APRIL 0, 1901. No. 144 ....Onr Special Line of.... MICHIGAN INVINCIBLE Athletic Party in Waterman Gym To-'t YOST TAKES CHARGE night Foreign and Domestic' Our Debaters Trounce the Maroons- .777 . Michigan's New Head Coach Inspires Gives Us League Chanmpioshlip TolliEnthusiasm at Ol hoe-Will be Heream i~ ~Again-l0th Straight Vie- 't'ttt'ointrt. Thi Athleic Asociaetin Only Until Spring Vacatio...…

April 06, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 144) • Page Image 2

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 2 .._. it *~-~ ~i.-..:i-.-~- 'Varsity Base Ball-Captain McGinnis sMA 01_~.~I I . Will Take His Menl to Detroit This Noon' PublisSed Daiy (MXonas n-.ptedidurh Cell eesa,a ARlE UNIV[RSITY 01 MICHIGAN 'ThIiias 1- atlli toit sad their caroald ilit under Coc S-Iextonisyesterdasy iand~ Argo Bldg M a nSt. 336 S.State Strieet.irisi iie-osis-at55a Bottth'Phattes 13. NewstState Pihonett102" Clitt ilifnia asidsestats...…

April 06, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 144) • Page Image 3

…TIIF0IJNIVESITY OF MICHIGAN DA!LY Hats for Easter In wearing a Kinox, 'Varsity o can feel assured you are con ordinary hat styles at any sto 5 further with these hats. We the regular styles, but also a] exclusive styles. That is the our store and the ordinary s You're as welcome looping, t5..Rt5 , ...,t.~.,.o sasass "aS"" i"aAA~ i " i'A"A~::1"' ~ :':±<: :: Dr, Hawes $3 hat you rect. You can get the 3re, but we go a step not only show you all...…

April 06, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 144) • Page Image 4

…THE UNIVERSITY 01 MICHIGAN DAILY NEW BOOKS, A lin.,'sP iv at, VIii t~inind. Ute T'rry.a Story' of the Motin Ctiorke .Mono. Thot Xtotlio'oriog Affoir. by A. layl- otrd it rboor. 3teI-ilits of 'Iitnor taki'Atother Ileira, by Gteorge Hlorton,. lihe Story otf Soroh, hy Loutseeltorso- " NiheitiBlades OAre )t ooad Lore's Atield.,tby Broady. lhoe Love Lters o5 f tie Riti . by ILe Gollienne. IThor t~)eLetters of Victor IIo...…

April 06, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 139) • Page Image 1

…r riL Y- [('f ^ F vi 4 axm t t t , , ' Ci CON AIR CARNIVAL. ede ' ~ ailfl~i -a en!& lil -\N k RF',(MIE., ID l NO. 10b ilfi K<t ! .t }pct ;" r.t t ai l t 'l'f1£'tl Ilti 't.t':k .t7tt S1i11cjS'1 i'f ITl 1 tt I. arli, l ,illl Inn ..:fi1, t.'1 1CI4If ili 1F1 S1ti 77 i It Tm N i> MICHIGAN TEAM DEFEATED ili il i < 1t : s lhuh irb. xait 1 9i by D eot hn"eioai Fl I vn Testl i i itili liioliil Iii A r iten tihii Game 'Lenian L - Yi1iS:iL .is ,t .. 5' l...…

April 06, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 139) • Page Image 2

…Z " 'ZI: F z6 MICHIGAN DALY-NEWIS PUB. CO.!In. MANAING EDHIAITOR. {a?.' It. I 1' , '.1DTdf i U Kit' l t'. "I'. ti ir ;II ;I\' tt; iili ..E IIII11!'I, It11i ik CC xvik "Tht, \\ ill tit' 0+"1.11 I01t1 h ^ is in Pvii, rt -immi \\ttrdty t,# d w ;l1ll'tlttl". W IM I r qlth , ON W !, 1111, ko i ON; ii rmnOw f"r i llt, Or>r 11111,". IllitAT Ills ll t"d :ititl Mai, 0111 1w %;;In lift 1H.T1. l1ritkIl iilllttglalisi, lout 111:11 Iii, t\ ;is t :- c llli;...…

April 06, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 139) • Page Image 3

…To TpCoat's They'ire Al!tHere Stpring Hat R RainCoats; Every article of niens appareling approved of Spring Neckw'ear bv fashionable dressers rn SrnSit D M KfN&K[r FnyShirts JOHN J__ SOHANZ HAS. DIETASI XESO ffNR 601 EAST'WILL AIMS STREET 115 WEST HURO0N ST., Phone 506 Thi sace belongs to Goojrd GoA-%vern entCu EGYPTIAN DEaITIES ' "No better Turkish Cigarettes can be made" EGYPTIAN EMBLEMS (Crk Tipped. 45<>-p By CalIi ng FINE ARTGOODS Framing ...…

April 06, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 139) • Page Image 4

…Ti # K L i( .r,\ A1 1 NI ii N ' T tier Tha H F Y D BetiStock, Bter Timc% SfeWo mrhp. the La i i ricefur a hat. To t nuorl: < 1 for Fuity p-uarafte Ahat maide xvith p icrtiut r .are fr particular men EATI -SI PES JUST I^N Soe .\ get (l + - (44 ," r TOLDOTO OLMU XX Ati (i! j BETTER THFlN EVER { The SCHLEEDE ~ TEMPORARY BINDER r0"0 . . y > ' x' « ". ,. <-r '.s-rw - +. a -- ,. r~~ r - " r" r- r .. .V\"Ka4.A: A FIFAIt% ")' " a, 1~&isch~~, rc j...…

April 06, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 136) • Page Image 1

…VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, AUCH., WE!DNESDAY, APRI., 6, 1904. No. 136 6000 WORN CONTINUES. DEBATING IJILOO. j NEW CONSTITUJTION. lHe shall be required to deposit a bond ______o Five Thousand Dorllars with the Track Men Getting Into Shape-Relay Team Practicing fr Deate with Faculty Cmmittee Forms New Rules hSecretary of te tniversity of irtvchd Team Candidates Makig Faist ivithwestern -- Prfeccor True Is Regulate the Affairs of the Stu- byleAaiiigppr...…

April 06, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 136) • Page Image 2

…:. . THE MICHIG0ANV DAILY5 0. . wild Comipaly beading Merchant Tailors; SPRING WOOLENS For Suits, Top Coats and Trousers. Full dress suits a* specialty. Let us siow you our Loudon Serges, Londou Cheviots, Scotch Mixtures4 Kilowens, Blarneys, Hli h-* lands, Edinburghs, Drut-z tochty's, McGugors, London± and St. Andrew Flannels London Cassimeres or Amer-i ian Serges. Please call and see G. IH. Wild Compally 108 E. WASHINGTON STRET. 0. .......@....…

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