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April 06, 1897 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1897-04-06

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A16 Akk.
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W I ATHILET"IIC A1 SS'Ni . MEM.NBER.i Hill, '98; Hutchinson, '97 E; W.
L ~Hughes, '97 L; C. B. Hole, '99; A. G.
List of Those Entitled to Vote at Holbrook, '99'M; J. H. Harris, '98; H.
Received a full line of Novel- h Ana Eetin R. Hulburt, '99; E. F. Hlarrington, '99;
ties for Spring Suits tae _nnalElcton J. G. Hamiblen, .jr., '99 L; G. B. liar-
rioon; -Hugh Hoyt, '98 M; .E. Hard-
.and. Trouserings 'Tie followiug list of the Aille
Association unewsbers, while as nlearly irg, '99 L; It. M. Handy, '98; E. F.
how169 coplee a posibe, evetheessIrwin, L; P. Inghamn, lit; E. B. Jones,
lacks a number of names. Any holder '99 E; B. M. Kiltpatrick; E. J. Kil-
NO. 2 E. WASHIINGTON S.. NEAR MRAIN. of a ticket whose naume is oumitted will bun,'9 .W et J;S .Le
_____________________________'97 -M; Johns Lewis,'9ti 1; .1. A.Le-
'onfer a favor on thie treasurer if h
'1v'ilsd his Hniesotogether wills class. Boy, Gr.; Si~.Lc,'0 .B ei
Cfl $ -- - - '99 r1; J. P. Leal, ')9'M; 0. A. Ls'd-
Sand nisthr of tcket ow lo'Miss Lutz; "Allen Loonsis, '98;
$ that will wear mi months Is a srod Allan Camuphell, 46 Madison st:
one. We can glee you a Comb that I+Fred Loud, 00; ar od 9;Bt
is warransted to wear 12 months A LI. Arnett; '99 L; (G. IH. Allen, L; 1'.;HryLod 9;Bt
ordinary usage. 'vesogot bnle5(n4 10;S . Vlar;-or~l
S combs and little combs, coarse A7J Artmckle, 'oO; IR. B. Albortso?1, ' l9 Lab90;;.W Mlad Mril
combs and fine combs, good combo "8; W.I1.MIoik, 'if); J. H. 'Mayo; W.
and choapi combs. Raolph Allted, '00; Albiright; KA11.0 ('(.AH.MriAn- A
---x-- dreso '99 L; C. B. Anderson. '099I;
(.4'Morion '99; 1M. B. Maurice, '00; E.
PALMIER'S PHARMACY. A Fred Arnsold; iE. B. Adams, '99; A. L
P. 'arsh, 98 If;Vincent 'Mooney, '97;
46 S. STATE ST. C.( Atkinson; A. N. Anodersoin,'99 L
' - - ' ' ''''®''®' R. . Bck,'M; owe, '0; F L.Paul .Moses, '99; ('. O'. -Melltoo, 1;
K. 14 Mi,'l97 L;OX. K. -Maxwell,
____ Brownu, '99 E; F. 8. Batchelder, '99
")8 E' E.II.0 S. MIacis; B. B. Mi'th-
Before8. C. Bolbeock, '97; BluitI; It. Best, lit
Bofore you solect that pair of c" liv'99' H. M'Ccreary, '99; J. '1.
Shoes for Spring, suppose you in' A Brants, '99l L; E. J. Bement, 'l) oati '9E r M-'urc'"G
eorin securing only the Latest Styles h1 of zc13/0'I.IBso,'{ Ott._Aorris '9'91.;'O'arreni -Mullett, '1)
goods each season and early enuhi;Fl.Bcte'0 .Bsop.' L; G. A.liller, '98; C. S. Niles,'9
tpermit of careful isectionfand ilin ; ( B. BalsItrilnti,'0
decision before actual need is here. Dr. Atitrede' 1. 00. Ntrriugton. '99;
dOur line of Spring Shoes adOfd :atilS(. 00. ,esde; triuge Xttsrolo.'0 .(. mge t,
in the new shade of Bottle Glreen II. 8.; J. S. Huckno, '99; L. 01. Bltake,
and Choocolato is now in stocls. The o Osbone'; A. O. lson, '9'S; h1. Il.
prettiest effects inafoutt-rar you 1)8 LI; 'T. A. Berkible, '98 L; OX. R
.ever saw. lcbul,'98 1.; J. B. I idb iii; i'rt (., r.;J. . .Prentiss, lGr.;
________la_________el , ' Ct;tiii.lChae, 0; 01.1It.iti '00; Natila Tolls'", 0)8;
belW'9W.V.Chs, 11.8S.Pin-;ri's'js'., '00, A. 0W.luttn. 'EE0;
. A R I gL0terCarpeiiter, '99), Chtindlcr, '9851
IS3 WASHINGTON ST., ANN ARBOR. .. 0.C'artworigiht, 9,;if. B. C-551U IB oler99 1.B.l'lt', t; 1
08; 1". 8Colburci,'010; Rufus ClotCasrkelsun'9
®®1)0 ( FQa s ®eon~~eaih. II.IRandall, '97;Iicltardsott, 1)5:
:0r'C); A.rC Clundutan, I.; C. 0. Cook, ,llly 00 eniy.'91;C.t.ty
0 L;f'11'.0A.Conmstock, '99; 11 . 0.Cole, sls 0 1R~,9;1.0.Sn
0 17; L. tCllis, '97; Cartinriglit, 'l9l;
0 0 0, F1"IYL~ I. . Cohe; I1. D. Corbusier; 10. rf 0,1".V.sli. '.Snl
We have in stocls, six dif- 0 ('orbousier, lit; (rouseo, '97; F. ('.('on- ' .8tlli~A 1.Sitly
ferent kinds of violet. Wo 0:'95;8, . A. Siti,'t'9; 1..IG.S~tie~
think that 'Garland of I il~i, ',),1;S. B. Coolidge. '985h.; E. B. ' ktti
Viles"is thoeesvetest and Caolsle 25FE.;'iitlr '0 ; L.F . A. Strauss; Oscar Straino,.98;
0 cheapest, evens at $1.00 an 0Chats. Sitiotis. '9 8; ..C. ottitiditig;
ounce. Some are 50 'and 75 i Di-kaey, A. A. I1. 8.; Dian', 'S;04 A.
cenots an ounce. Lilac, iTlat i *.99; A einl . -1. Smlalley, '1tO; thillip Supp~, '199L;
o Lily of tise Valley, Comna- 0 1-. 1E. Stosens,'98 L; Rd. Schretiner.
(ion, Crab Apple and May- 0 10A); It..0I'. Dtinforthi.L; T. .. Detii. I;B u ler-.'1;C 0
hells, are all seasonable oItle r, L; (leo. Duo-is, '(if);B. 14; C. B.,19; C H
0 now and cost you 50c an 0Ser;S l hpe,10 .S
S ounco. Conoo in and coin- 10kis-is, '99; TDellridgr '119. ifigt'iiar icois . 1 htt.'0;(.8
isaro tlseioo. ie lt..1. Fltli(cer; 10. 00. 1-ntttiotis, '97; 8Gn. ~ N trg,'9 . '
tO.--- 1-f erbet, i; I. C'. Freud, '9;); J. tti' 18'L.I tiis,'9;Stio
p '97 ; I .t "-Sp tlitig. '117; IJosepli Sll, 'l97;
i Frotut, '17;10. 8. -ranok; Ollooarudt
CALM , PHRMA10 8.Sitimi-s; 11. It. Skillisats.'108 L;
~~~~~ OAKIS'rHAMAY. Itii 'i; '. MI. lusilter; lDe.Fiz
0 0 ICFttlit, L 4 0... ' (. I.Tryoni,'91), N. 0w.'rhottotsoi, '00;
sic , .) Freoisias'.Field, L; 1'. Folesy, o Pueloi;1.C ft~et 17

Plunkset Greene Recital.
The concert to e given in Univer-
sity 'hall, Friday evening, by Mr.
Plunket Greene, is anticipated with
touch pleasure 'by music lovers. M1r.
Greene is one of the greatest baritone
singers before the .public, and no
doubt he owill receive a warm and en-
tud'aslic welcome. The program is
as follows;
Plaiser dAinour- --. .. . .Martini
Econte d'Jeanete ....Dalayrac
,Si tea i ceppi................ Handel
fErlkonig ..................Schuert
Auf Fluge in des Gesages...
'Te Sands o' Dee...Battison Haynes
Old nmelodies.
"0, Ytarmouths is a rety Town.
"0 Will Give You the Keys of Heaven"
.... English arr, by Lucy Broadwood
"Thse To-a Sisters o' Binnorie" ...
"Scos 00hu Hue....... .. .
"whelire he Going". ... .Cornish
"'rho Kerry Cow".......
"Heigho! the -Morning Dew".
"Father O'lynn" . ........
... . . . . . . . . . . . . Irish
Ol. Howard S. Pierce is the accom-
A New Medical Sciety.
A new- organizutiont'known as the
Aesculapan Sociey a been formed
aimong certinu memers of the uppe
classoen of the medical depart u-t.
'rpite sociity'wh-ichliat tresest cosists
of about 12 members. meets "a-ry
three woeks at the roomso of some
niemiber for thoe purpose of discussing
literary bois sad ssrrent eents. 'Tho
memssbrshsipstnludes bols sien andI
swosmiis.but osill his'limiited ii umbsler
occordito'4 th1eIls sh-ies of those sosto
astivse its its orgnization.
-At theis'last miseetisig-the sicioy con-
sidleredthe t'lives 5ad wsork of someocof
this' itore' tamos isodestn artists andI
its te prOpartitoi of their tpapes
made s'free csc of he art-gtllry.
All-Freshman Baseball Team.
Ye'serdaty sftmossosssshesocandktiates
for ts'.'All-Frt'essas basebll teams
smet is oFoimt9 asosd (leceud George D.
00helter cpain. About 2 s-andidtes
utesstl~t lie sisetisg asd teuman-
tiger, L. D. 0erdie, conides the
ptrotspects uiissuat~llv bright. All tose
ss-ho wsishi to try for the teamostisut ap-
pear for prctice at 4 pI. i. duily oit
the Preitysman coosuons.
Phlosophical Soiety
'oday- at 4:70 1p- ;u. ii'Tppan Mall
lecture roon, rof. Janmes ;Seth, of
Cornell, will address the Philosophial
Society on "hilssophy ands Potry."
trdf. -Seth has a national reputation
and his utterances arc always rgr-
ed with interest.


Just receivo.1l another lot of
tlhat fino U. of M. Monogramn
Papnr, thoe popular shoades
Binoe and White; also a New
Stock of the Various High
Grade Correspondsence Paper.
Visiting Cards Engraved, andl
Plate Printinsg.

'Ito; It. S. h'resmntl, 'l9 01;('. IL. Floid,
'11 tL; L. Fletchsur, '98 L; W0.TI.
t'u-tigl t.'08.),;;.illems. '97 tL; Goodi-
yet', Gr.; IR. 1..tiilelss'lst, '015; C. 00.
;meen, '911; 1". . tGlbe'rt, 'II19; A. 13.
Gl roshek, ':9,0;lt. Gross. '9.8IL, N. A.
Gilelhrist, P. (l. LiI; A. 1E. Green; Gaoc.
Creenleaf; C. F. (Groesbecks,PT.S1E;
tGar'nett; Grusbisse, L; 'T. S. Gray, '99;
Hi. Oelfissun, 198; 00. C. Hartemmn, 't99
F; 'H. Hurting, '00; Fred Harry, '99;
I. L. Hill, '97; W. .,Hlutchsings, '99011;
F'rank A. h~atch, '00; C. H1iidry; J.

C. It. 'lirrm'll. '98 14; A. C. liisoltI, 1,;
14. C'. Umsserwsoo,,9tI'; IL. D. eder
0T1P; 1. 00'oser, '1-;; C. 1. 00'soii'
I'l'.; We'is, '011; 00. 01. 0'Co(l, '01; .
It. A'oodtoss, '118~;(0. II. 0'rigi, '98 I.;
W0. AL1.i'rreis. 'l918:4. 1'. Wordenm, '98;
II. 1E. W0ilksinssons,'l98; Jolts Whitlesey,
'1)0; Alattlius- Oliillsey,'910; ('ismis.
AN'mig-lt, 'h19; Wh'Ie'le, '00; It. E. 00is-
icr-, '98 1L; Hugh l0'clrl,', '99 .01: C.
00i'elsslter, '00;lHsorg; Louis Elbel, 00.
'rho permanent captain of the base.1
'-all team will he elected Just fefore
lito spring vacation. Every noan to be
ulsen on5thelsep~rinsg trip will have a'

Up Town Down Towvn oinger, B; J. B. Hlarringhon, '99; II. 'r.
-100. State st Opposie Court noee'
Ann Arbnr Male et. I Hleald, '98; L. M. Iharvey, ' 958B;E.E.13.

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