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April 06, 1894 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1894-04-06

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_____________THE U. OF M. DAILY.

'C. of Z. 'Dr.
Publisahed Daily (Sundays excepted) durnes
ni College yt ar, by
Subscriptio price $2.50 per year, invariably
in advane tingle copies 3 rent. Subscrip-
tons may be left at the ottice of the DAIiLY,
it Stoffietes,wetch any of the editoras(ir
authorized solicitors.
Comunications shouild reach the oier by
7 oclckb r. u. if they are cc appear the next
clay. Addresas all maatter intended toe publica-
Gone to the Managing Editor. All buainesa
communicationa thould he tent to the Buti-
Ann Arher. Nich.
C, A. itniv osis, Lasw "V4, Managinig Editor.
11, A.s4Psitsise, lit. 'lid, Assisiant.
J.1.siiitt, Ul. '95, Assistanti.
I'. 4tAi't:iia, lois 'i4,As-lisieit.
3. A. lil, lY,]it. '96l, AtihleicEitors.
1s. A. Ioca, liiW97, Butiniess inagior.
i. 1. Gasemo,ssi94. It. F. Bail.'5.
R-. O. Austii, '95 MEICALs..
PI' Sadis ler, 46 F.I .)li-inlali '. l
F. I' l.~e '9as. i Il sitc196.
the liest interests of T'l'si, DILYtsat
heart should not fail to attend the
election of editoro to be hielid totmor-
row afternoon in the law lecture

Dental Society Meets.
The lDental Society holds its reg-
nlar meeting this evening in the
denital amphlitheater. The sbject
for debiate, "Degeneration of thet
Teeth," will he introducedl by Mr.
Mlerekenos, '95. Prof. Lombard and
othero will take part in the debate.
Ao this will be a subject of common
interest students and friends are in-
vited. Entrance from the camapus.

What they will do for you and how to oh-'
I lain them.
151e csouponis issuied by mnercestits foi the putr'pose Of sliowiig titi,
amoitunht of clasih trade they get tiomo subscribers for the('ol niiibiau".

R. A. Hwkis, it 97,whohascan be secured to the full amnount of younr purchases fromi all iner--
lien canerosl il a th hspialchanits 011 our list by presenting ano Identificatiotn Card issued by cip
for the past fewo days, is nowot of showing th at yon are a subscriber for tile Colunibian (Cyclopedia.
danger.__ __ TRADE RECEIPTS.

Horsf'ord's Acid Phosphate
IIs tile smost eff'ectivTe rnd niree-
able t'etinedy in existenlc'e for
preventing indigestion, anid 5(i
lietino-:th1ose diseases arising
fromi a disordered stom~ach. j
Dr. W. W, Gardner. Springfield,
Mas., says: "I vaice it as anc excelledt

dii nut neatiaiiy inicrealse in the price oif giiids piur'c'iasedu, sic that
yon rniiist shiv any niioie thnopsonasinow buhying.
csabouely iiitliitig except the trouible of goinig lii the stores-
wiscre they niay be obtained acid hmalking your purchiases there.
is fai'r as iierchiants tire cunceriied mietiniicreaseid trad~e for' thent
atnd that cstoniers tire to share the beniefits of it.
xviii be aceptied by its it onie-teiithi their fatce vlue in full laiii{
for ai set si thde('oliiiibiaii Cycluopedia at regular price.
xwiii. therefosre secire fur You ailssuitely flee of vsilt a 'eferiec I1
bray' of '32viiiuiies, 2.000) pages anid 7,000 illusotratiotis.
tio the a111 nut iflxweiity-lixe diiilars secured from anoir tli if lic-
stores snill eiitle sonl to a xviiiiiie sit'thle 'oltimliin lCvciupediail
Exxianiv e hiliidili>".
S'rlI'iIvi 'l'& AuiIIAE., IUtopia illiners'.
I;ERB~lAI1 i)IL7 xAND) ChE31iCAL CO,
11. F. IME'LIA"E Meats. ANN ARBiOIR S''IEAII IAUNISIISX -.11Az& O.Grcre adCoc r-
4''EI.i '. ioeisiis 'okr

DONs'Tc forget the Intercollegiate preventatice osinsdigestioandais a puleasant
iebate tonighat. A large andi enthii- ' acidalatesd srcsinkweii iroperly diluteid wish
siastic audience in all that is nosy nalec, andseetnead."
necessary to make the idehate a great
success. Thin in a good opportunity Deseltlivc paiiplet tree oni appiatvioniito
to idisplay that college spirit which Rumford Chemical Works, Prevideece.RI.
sitoosi eist i sni xx'li reulatst lewasre sro usitiutes oiiitatiosis.
shuiveist ikeouroe.lrguae For Sale by all Druggist.
suni v e s t e i enu w . th e la s t tim e w e is hi to u rg e T H E N A M E T O R E M E M B E R
hearty stulilort for the 'Narsity ai-
steer meet at the Waternian sin
nasiuii. fliersetire severalresasous
wh h me hol e aeaBICYCLE
success so tar as tine programl goes,



anywvay, bitt a gooth attentdeice is
"c'rakes First Place.".
tiue only thing that nill niakesi The namne stands tor lust what it is.
completely successful. .Xn indoor A. W. GUIMIP & CO.,, The Dent tBicycle Duilt for $125.00. me hudb anandhra ~aeal i ~Yvt" i<a:
A__OL OTelsewhiere, as an annual event. NO e~l' siui'iits h~ull and Lawn cimis o
pains have been spared to nmake this Ctiad,i, piltlean, 15'cc el , arn
yrar'n prograna an especially attrac- e1sslssceSe w frehie.
tiveoneand verone ho oes illA. G. Spalding & Bros.,
lieoeas-vryn h oswl Chicago. New York. Phihadeitphia,
get mnucli nore than thne value of hisn'
money fromv the regular prograul,' FIRST INATIONAL BAN K
to say nothning of thue specialties , jl. OF AN tl 110.
chat hiave been secured. Aside from \ / *" Capitiial, 0,0n.Suplssnd l'roceits a10.0.
~,...- ~'T'rans-acta generalibankiegbsainies. tor -
the mlere support of the naeet itself, eigtn'xihangi' bought aod acid. Letters at
every nian whlo pretends to any_ credit procusredh foe teas-ies abroad.
loyalty to athletics should be present to$00 SA E P.Bhle..sshAOso Csir
and swell the receipts xvhich xwill go ontisisy Newiciiid Sienaeniid a --: eholofPatig. Grun Dcc
to aid the ball teanm. The southern i555Free.'iOver x0in si)ii htoc i is l r ime MAYN ARD STREET.
trip begins nuext week and there insfI' A!V M
iso home game before that tinite, so Ladies' Artistic Hairdreaaing Parloras U1GRANGUERUSt flUDEMY
ADIES' lhairdiressingt,tmaiiictig, Iace' Cl l rneorPiaei'ariHip
let all take this last. opportunity of Luand scaili treatmienit dine in usce hatet onsBac ets t.5o
giving the team a good nentd-Ofl. i toteS.l aresaiuoss. andcoffxviathi- 15 m

AnilhslitiRo,.s W. 14. ON VV , 'si'u-
NEO 4 Vna114 aneia lt..iscias-iteC isisr
las.Hdii 'osi scsni a5-ll- Baths. Yu'
ce i n- ii ii i
vissvHALLnisis'.iii elephone'aii 15
Q~I~ AL,~h~hh~ -OdL
adSHORTHAND. .Siiciiitieiii builinsg; iia
teachiers; large attendsan~ce; waildidisciplin;upr
Saturd'yenisiiarecepionais; oisle ent''iire year
iiu eiiiaii'io auateoicgnai.ii,,','isi-isl,ivimc
iu-a ew A ctlaoague,adr"
" P. R. CLEARY, PatS.
Capiitil, 5,550. .Srplus ands1Pusuits $17,00.
liearg eneral binsi Busoiinesd. rays idler.
et oniSavinga Depoits. 1ian Safty
Diepsosit Bdo.ves tar resst.
hi. iEMPt'tPies. h'.RH. BIreuEeCs~is-
Binb sle h niSisscay evening.

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