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April 06, 1904 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1904-04-06

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6000 WORN CONTINUES. DEBATING IJILOO. j NEW CONSTITUJTION. lHe shall be required to deposit a bond
______o Five Thousand Dorllars with the
Track Men Getting Into Shape-Relay Team Practicing fr Deate with Faculty Cmmittee Forms New Rules hSecretary of te tniversity of irtvchd
Team Candidates Makig Faist ivithwestern -- Prfeccor True Is Regulate the Affairs of the Stu- byleAaiiigppri tredfe
firle-Rose ltiprsvl'gin 5 bltod Sic-Society fearnv dent's Lecture Association. I Mentitined. le shall be reqiiredl to
the Sit Pa. Chsen fr Cup Deate. ( make a ftll reort tf the receipts and
-- lheine S. L A. consituton has disitrsemets at regular intervals to
'lii'' i'riel: en ]ni it i ntt iii' lay DiiOne citik fitni ' cliayc itch ci j t,( i'ein iveni ut lifor tpuilictatin y the Botarl of Directors, son l a fial
of bard vend: y"ii til~ayt iFeriry I'icl. ieilhatinls cliii. rm .1 1 ta~r. tei tte et'adiii rinotedhere report at each annutal meeting oft 1he
.b111it ens' r C. ingl tor'liitlii' iolat? lRipe i lls, vi iind 1 t'ien u'' awt iwith. Asociatont.
etc a ti-ia-hamlie111'lcili p Chle Iavi' AiiniArbiiicfr tCihie e lt'i c Ocmasklediacout te malt'teter, Prof. Alt ticets shall be prepareiby
Klloig'g. i itil mccl Aci iii cii vis'cii' cam i'i iiE. C.Goddartsaidol Ihat I lie aociclt' lre. t e Auitn iBo rlat the epneo
'T'eicandi'idts fo'l taeli ai narerats''.lt l ( it' inthe I l 11151 111, ':1cc.liii' , viI ng for Itle rtiattioniiofi'thc' tresi- the Lectre Associatitn, std shalt be
I ili t iting inidIthy sclii. Ihfti i 1' c giningit with lit 11Moildia,, 'ig l er. wouldiot beliioi'tt'i'iv' inithe rum-' liiarid, teceipts being (,alen terefor,
will. liii i ttltea b glut ci'tiil ir ii' c . ..u lng 'lectiiiii.atntuthat anilialos fiimitC the 'Treasurer uf the Asiciatiin.
t~~lst an Ro't aresoi11c ic iiltttith i v '. ll t'c uit heii.' r . .'msny ttt'artivi iit ulii'eigihil' this The Chairmatn of the Auditing tBoatd
lute inthei iisi'cus trite'wilItt i areuls mcitetave' fr Cht'ig. Al these' yrs-shall have iiretiiin of I th 'salt' ait
still haviwnuac a deusirith il t ter ileprctics, v't t lullmeets iii' lst lie-l ____taitig tip of all tickets at1ecurbecter-
big rivca. 'IThe li i c I (ninci li s hours ini lhe uiveirsityC ucity iytol Constitution of the Students' Lecture tiittentaitulall titsld tickets, sea-
wesreua7 c'cc its cltiivety' 1130andull k l aiwit ts ilhiri o11111nent111' aititi- sn ir single amoission, shall li e -
117 fc'ct.meal. I ioii u-u thatI yliii'date Association of the University trnedl to te cairmai of the Audit-
I i' e lhot ilt tutow 'cit, loter'it. ittior liii ticate it h liiNun liii tc'vtti, of Michigan. lg IBoard.
steadily iiprotvI i ingte tpic' t h oswiti- vicit'igt"'ts ti-cmiiwiltll einine ii'formt. All moteys realied from the sale
ig morte ItainCorl ty-ee't I ihlf it Froit theeentii shcwi1 ingitof thelimentutu 1. Thei theroitthis Associationititticets shall be handed over to the
doczenu tc tuues'and citi cciii liiie tttt li 1iit- via itlietheilic utietii' Ltre rAsso- 'T'ieasurier of the tUniversiy. ie shall
ft t1e; st i'i t'lnd l I Cudro rr tittt ci i t et er sdeifite l iii 111 5 iti sit 'and t fi cet lii'for tlit rnsatiii oftthIle Assucistioni ioily on ati orer tf
1pol1e'vault.l i.v tilts lttct i v lety111 rospcts for anii ther v1i etoi 1c i ct're u't'y Uii'itibus v ines t Assoitiotn shall th ecorting Secreary ountersign-
itof cllilt cti sprigitocom ucitt~ i sty rtc's brgh.tilisby n ttinc, hoe'vcr be andcis Ihireby ilcaediatlthe fit0ty el ly the Presieiti soilshowing he
to 1: f. tbclitviiid i that 111 iwe i it'iv a y' ofi 'nitAcbor, eitiiy' oft\W'tslitenawm, lpur'pose for which the order was
Ditttt'. t-it-ii Biglowtic ttu Nicoutlviii. Nyuo uyIb sit nis knownilitoiihavi'e lctate o l iitiriut.drawn. 'l'he Treasurerofthlit'Assi-
liii'xworitituiat theihureita'lcl iti Q iii'itetti ilvd -iisn1V sro g lo m tis eart' 2.uI'll(, bjtutu'rc hic 'hhthilt.Asci- cittiiotatLte clise of each seaso
Itt tito itit orcti-ing'i at illlioigd itts I 51itiitt ii tm Iiviiviii lii taoCfiutt c'i'ut lii'lutrsit n.ii w ritig uiu the Aiiiiting B iad hei-
ubilcerryictiiciettic pusuis, o'tistepfr h u tose c ifici' ci 'Prof. 'Ic it lii' ii titvl its w lnconinedttitti ia't'itoplished't by vcouse itt l'ctures inafteu' p rided aiilthis satement,
ig lil t reniugi t I it'te i t c 111 ile.ito lv ls bedit y Ito'hults fliinearly1 twc !. I otherli teraryi i andi's itt t itiitien -hen itpiprived by the 'Aioulting Bouad
Neel_ it e', a utu it I-is t iidia 111111e huwi not ti tiltoihe iheldtI't liithli ii' T u - shall le tuilisheud iione of the regu-
SENIOR LIT. CLASS hiEETI No i ate llsiiwork. unt1i it i (he singicti c v lict tv - lar Uivrsity lublicatins. tHc'shall
erhpo hslsoi- at iau'asacn fteSiuca
Atiim oran mieti" o telillyb fr imt gto ii I Itiviwiittv'uvhitti tileAe di uultion of hi' Assicationit uany
Iiistudeencitsloflithi. c-ntiveri'iity ofi h h. 'it'
1111 i, li viuiti .1 i iliit t ll u cull'stctistanv cii u ti vi ilIi utetyit, il roaby ha eIcherlucy thc' oari of Directors.
ch i io f heme.. ( ' uuu tut i' umic, - Re cording Secretary
t'uuitiitt' r ot s as till divi li) ii.ti ii l i inly' ioIfi the 'uat-
the iifollow ig iaitll iii I' iui'm s;etth livtistity'of i h'igtani Situc 4. I, shall blithuc'iduty outhic
Thei repit ( of the Iapiai .itiit 1.11tCC ii hutanding; and lbe own111.nit
huo-nt ie;rle t '0D l in g 1111s tttSo-cit Ii i'Rvct-u uuii coitrdhig Seicrutairy to peirfrm su-li
tiomm tt'' li.ittee wa tao tedi i te - ietcy ini tie Annuuatliiii ebt i . - i h -'vi . 'tti i-. Ilt ht I utttva viiy ueule ttoill l
a -viiItitiAdeipsi i rlt. Sit liii lu-i' I thu -c iii -ndtht uict utit 'i'iuuuen'uuoittthislhieto hut s as assistant to the 'ress
vu~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~rr uuI tuutii -1tilt'ivii'.vit'tlvituuiiruc''tIy iicit appouititushers, Cke charige
ules{s i ln u ui.' s'hec'cittu liof tv 'tei'tle 1 SI I - - ' '. I'll 0 tuu i oni lo t- ec-urt. ye tiar, ii I lii t.Iit' sihallhe h llii hc
litgivto 1i 'iii ltl~uttt'tillioflilt same-ulanduof.the'ctauliin'w'i-
t ha u u iii t uut tt v' uitct g w s mh'eiba n~ d f o t r atu ' P arry I . 5 tt vi tit uI a nd t -i hun etl vi o ff~ice t lii ult uc-' ci n C uuu ii s a re hui e cu ' su yId.~u u
blissi'uuhLve ll icit ro htli hll liii i lii it uy th-v ttte t t Atltehrtateititti y ittstutu'heisi i t hiy'y huc'a t'iuofii -h Scuu si. ut hallgbi tell (fliftyuuoIflh-
thy.wvsitdcvoiiiti't Ihe utallipie ful thatti h tit uthy uereobie'v hdpeiv-.hut ll ut A hosenub-t het- niit es ii canty ignul. diso ik
tnto ni hut ownsut t. 'u'''uttu-taithe__________________l i huthity ofvicAuhiganu. (Auditing Board.
hut, uusuuvc- g ltuc iui. A de'v sit( on1 1th SENIOR LITS-NOTICE. I -o 'hime ber oftitleAssoct'itctill S.I;t heIr sls be an A uitig
tit :gownsv ciirderedi froruthn i-uthu-c' vuurcu-,hitlcitI uc ts nnulielecuic on (111,let.I, iy laurd oithreinucmbers, Lchulaiuman
cvi l lsoubeli '-yof'uI u u'uc'i-u iwih i utmiichts ll hi' a utiuiter ofto eolf
cut util luiu bailorI
Tutu ia.itcIcc--u icommit lii tittee thyose i 'i es Iltt" i O hiy I cwluu i ttu cscc thth K oo ~~sfw .1~i'nu- inemberu s ofuu hne theUirin uuuty facut ies,-de ihntedi Pt
rutuuuhast Ieit. appthuvedi by1th y ' ut''guuutt '1vu u-tutu ll.t Thit isopt ton1l w- i ltt. it iit' u cul t itcg . uid t tc tu est-i ~ uu'utuv st e iduu wu uct
u-uu- huil s al;iy'i'ucsuuu icuIuuu
at te piceor eyee i s, l'lr sen"G er m I usdacuthy'od ruipuuin'.his pnuofuayhegnreshaoherhetumadeallbeuadeor rontact
it~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~vr huanit7 - i 'iivttt citItt u cc vii u i '' c huctIi cuI c ti liatuusti'uhthoththueriiir ateriueteeintosiithciouty
Sign h eu'uusc iacuu - u iucutasthadlitedI wi r i tutuiyv i isst ar-u-c ll lut cc theclex'aedn u e r rili h i ie
one aleratin. milce uness veifietutu-Ittix-i -~sr ae l c . ' 'heiut iret-cuhrt. rl hn approuvual it this oard, sell he
it h li tcuin cad iytic vi- utuu-clo ctck udaytl u i ulp i i-h etp hsucn t~eiii in uspecteionut a all times. It
stud ci iIIc \i'tcci ttihut c tic-ccittel y'c e ter u Tecioi' tte ilctu'lAci I tci .beIitu' u'uusyinu ,(itumu cii'i shlal adnuotirthe dtyoftisBor
iii' $2711;Ytuucul a utchbstuiydd'uenu chctretihnatiothu-u'thciii'thuaudiccaccountscy'titheuenditcheacu
lit e a i iinucc ~ tcv ra se ib o hug. 110 irlultw ise u-' yr--tcc1'ciilrtt c-tc-the - . un1exp tcit cullrtion of it a ei shal hr. er o e ih u
of$25,1 nd adrppieofi thin rdaw etelrnaloubv an iplec u. oe ga geomt entPfresuenterlinth
b'ia'',udw t' '1055 btuc atnd blit 111119 '1ticoldi. ci. Ic ''ucut may.. heu v erified' I. - Ih h eli anualvu'tu c Cii ofIcy is hs-h m tce
o hut r on c$711 -1. ccwlii tv-ittblock cci lu-u Ihallhhethildcon ii c' Itay.asI I-n.' shell be ait.red intTIwithout
''u' ''lt't custcuyu'.i - ticlass ausu ot ethtic cot c ~-. re t I. 'tthevuapprovaul iy-ct tce resh ideth
M" -uan heclassIcyuticrtlt, ccn utlvr, teI dlivered au u t c bi aycvii ut-t-v, I;hal l hutsvidedcort bthii By-scLa wsui Sn-.I he muubrli fni s
to uh uu u-'ug tl ccucc s tc tt v it s hth ucucuuu h c l it tcu-dcst $ .0 .f Il i, h ivucuc tc ci- tuuu.uau i hi soi al i i s al e l mie i s u e t
wits au rneducu-u.ues 'hisde poi'ttsh vitt it' be refudditti ts v1y Cs easonI1ticket s ot'the cu uient puau-.
whenu l th uttl r tred01 'l 111 iall coinl .u hristoccthis C'tuu ttiuout Term of Office.
uuu'.-mc'entti nut. itcy 1c'uucit cby a Ivy cuh hcvus'vt'cof Sec. .'h'he offhcers sove named
MICHIGAN NOTEIt 637PCI IIPIISiCN. tic- ,uu. rei v t-c'tt ithily vguar such all oheruuofflices shall bhueu'ced
Plc-venu ucuvss I litfotut r~y cca clt___._____of-______ Ith-e, iv yv -iieialttIra-l Ioutu mei'sltu).5a nt tof clie eal. The ouging
fern-Ilbupthy'I Uiver'sity ofiii cigan II Profe'-scr Van Tynec I ecture3. pt°c i - 'liv hinrc ,I sli uc1111amnd ffi cehrs shtllhahoer'fCl powr htu com-
t its stuude'uts Ithe ut' renl lt ieau as Po.V nT t,.h cn rlrte itch m siali l v cc-utncgivn'u. phltecall busiess lpettaig lto belt-
agaist: six last yhi, anudunoCli tahrue .'vtt'cI 'c i' i'hi i'-li
puiahnuut. luc''c t Ivll I h cus cii'(hu .1pAtuiciNutli-ter u-i-so-j BYLAWS. cure.
searbeoe.is huhFostryusc ui us uio ft ni ety, cilie ivc'plc oncu Fridatcy- vei yciyct 1 f,' i I'. uNominations.
su jcs ta a c oe o p c al! huvi IS _ ,.nllttuit"otuviu,.cuiu,,tt.r._.:_tr..ute. e . .;. :,umuadutu r oh cer

cuuusihectiuuu hit afry' povyO aT sntiiintch ucin-hec'antur. SitI. I it shacult'; tdtil'liiy ifIthue'ihu this Association shall hue made at
Ifth wasiteraryhelti irtach-u hut'ciicg______________ h'r Ti-litio uruiu a't.till uteet ings a mtass meeting in which all students
tut Ii'lhrr hhtvntlihpgclg 'hic asty P udinug t'luiatoHIharvarduui 11111cunIcuc v~o ;,is 'I . .IlIc'shall itt the loiversity umay paricipate.
muire couuuse'sthaitluad a uirecti bearu sill prvesentu '"Boodulec-& Cii.''as tic v ir - (, I u.-' d tfoCr chic'utumi- 'Ihis mueinhg shall he calledl soulpre-
lug uuuiouu everydasy turoblemus. anunuial lap tius pear. 't'e lcusic til Ityfcoffic-uvrsuandtpy.. ccr' cull suc,it deitc iover bIy bth lu'r'sideutof thue
- suhu~~ndlyplies ace all cwcitcu t u euuuiu'uusiofhut-u'iesIts tuusualliy cu-vElint is tieAssocit-ion cu trt Ihi'lathSiatutrdayitt
The carpnter'l snd uatern tshotp Sivcnut .u'vforrnuuuu i-ctiColi l, ytvill tc- -Apuril itteat-h pear. That a numins-
operated in coienertion iuthlubhClenru-hut'girt-ut e lice rstthone ubeig otclt 1Vice-Prcues et, tinmap becomuie effective, the person
gineering udepartmnu ttfthe tutiver- Ijiust t grauateis. Sit-.7.It shluhhuthIhutchy' tiCthe ;nomntedi fur asofuiie mush secure
sity of Michigan has iccen eulargedh'vvuht'ci'itu11, Jo icc-nun cthe iirthi'e Ii'suctuaprl of utthe Coimmittee on
toi nearly dubuleht'its former se. At At thretannutal Yali' Nt esIanuth f -tli'v'iclet ihticsclielnt ' Nuo-Athletic Organizatioes ot the tuni-
the same time Che' equitument of theutmitre thuucan aiundrvidtmnsrepreseet- Tie-sr- , versity soul lreseni his namurhtigethuer
shop has been improuvedlanit increasedl.iopecvprytbranch ofcollehge' arciiy Sic. .7. I Slitli retic' ihttupoit hreuvih suchtapplroval, toith1St oIcirul cu
Before the rloise of the current raleu- were preseunt. 'The e'ditors itt the Tresurht keept all accutns, toi re- Plections hereinafter proiviuded tor.
day year the tfoundlryliarcksmeith shill Harvard Crimsoin anud thue Daily Prince-I ceice all mocne, to paicily oilhlasuprop- Stuidents in the department, of which
and machine shop will lie remodeled.J tonian were present. - rlp certified. as here-iuafteurlproivilded. tContinued on Page Two.)

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