F 1i , s b a L. II f.iT 1l1 :. 1 flad or t o (5
11 ,11 (1 . ( t (' s t l ; rlll 1 0(1(1 (10 5ar01-antesoil to
at Iril r(l(((I to an1e;al rightll at th' e (I
distance, 'bat Ptt(Cre 1 s'Oee( 11e an
a3the toalsera(l a thcherhe Choka,
it t' (1i 011 1 (00(5 lb Xthltoii se i a 0 11 islodoi lo
THE y Al I Iy 11 I ((105 1 ((00 0 0/ an l
ou 01 o ls (1,~ l( aslar ohdl-e
(11'll'ls 1 ",tf h rsn :ls n ~~r osro nedt
iii I Io r ilb 1~1tmor« d ni or ici'. K le a
rolnl oai b ll1ihta1te1e
af cro1 at o lok1a t e di ta c , ut th r i(n e f r n
boo11 havcz et~zi1111 1'tlv1 1 11~
(o'- i((((It,1!1 11(15t' 1cncer
.'i .11150(11i o
S TY LES 1 -l89 3
SPNJPG su uPIIp~s. A- Im
21 S. Main Street.
~'$IRY Toledo, Ann Arbor and Noorth
fJN S Michigan Railway.
--e;£ ,t'yo51 uCh1 ot;i Pab3stol_1p,,
n1(inie o(0,S< : srl( ,(l'((
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cot : ro t~l grau/Sesll se0/1(5 pait
2. 11.(CL1A15,
E~i r}y' *e
c ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 II III i 2 ( S it Ot4Ii2 i'S'i} ! ?.x'ttt~t
.7 ot of i(o 0;atC2. It is TIoC- A 1(11
I i01 ((ate 1that this mml(1d(si100tolb -c-, (111
ev erythini n 1thle lwly ((f a11ohire, (, lrts IC
sh1 ld10c01(1 ntin1vey electioo C Eail e(0
01 f. (irsity soeties. It resultsI
onyin injury to tIlls Irilwa(s(ogafli- I RanV
0(1(105s, ic5111 i o 0 0ne, 5 I
w 10(15 lay1 10. A lair ight, F R II
1 4 so tthn(lkec11111 il th
Stl I s.:,0lshs tc lls 4 e
Jo o -I,) w lla , opr ic"
'ti1'-si es.("(c y . 0te campsi I11("11
soetuathlec rood i
no no prattir f'< le ti
p l a a _ e n s p ; s c l f r t e ueo e c t ia r p u s IS a ( isd a y, w a tc
wol pal llrly tlvetqes iil anit ;ill
tilso1001(1(1onil ion.lI~eto 110t00(1(111
(1(10110for hetheda.o((1 gthe 00ro1n1
playe tileu trinoon.dy adif
(CeiCCI. Ill uil i 11,1(11(11 -
the tiled !mlild bo11 dy111, illi-
-1(0(1e eI elnorY (((Il itility 1(11(1
(theueieol Wrk, o-i
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t* tlJ 00 it, itu ztr I"~l, I'at I Silll
(1 1 110( I 1 "
W J 7! UN~Y
li (t,1 a1( /(/(05/ /l C j,1s,<
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111/I, 510 /
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f Crri
E /lIr(C
is yevo
land Citizens(. PnS ell out1 f1toil w(00 ,o
ill ac Co.. !edon't(Isaj-ve iw sly o' 'but
gh 0i ocs ,1il li1 isoile1'-5510. 11ot( (00
R. 1E. JOLLY & CO5, No. h26 South2
St.Lte Stre.
j a'-!'e vaye yoicosto..It dies
Ih'11V LI 11)1TilE
11, oTUTTL5'S,-
.115, 11 '-'' 51(1 1 1011111 1T
111(11 Iball syear 10111libe 1((/ O O Y L
the mlost brillian~t earillthelbstmory (1# M I f YoI -Il l-lII 1I11(now ,I~wll
i(11ll cle up against 50010 of thle 011I I IT, - Sl.ICIIb X1N,. Cycle. Erntolitm, 11 W, Washinlgton St. NO. 12 1W. HIURO)N ST.