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April 06, 1896 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1896-04-06

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P ublisbed Daily (Sunday excepted) during
the Coleon year, at
0 rrIE: Timre building N. Main st., posite
post ogfice.
WV. Wi. H ls', P- W'(. 'W. THAYER, '9, L.
E. I, GEist3 i 'P5 L 0.ii. IlANS. '93.
J. L. WaiSi, '98 I.
G. iB. IgARatotis, '06 L.
j. F. THOMsAS, '9l7.
L.C. lii. Wacna,'O.'
L A. Prost. 'Bt G. M. Heath, 'Ph61P.
S. It. Suith'il L. 1.. B. Metbeany '19.
F. Simonias, '98.- II. Bi. Gaumun, '9P M.
F.A. Fusic, '93E. CiB. Roe, '98 1).
Louise Dudge, Ph.
The subssriptiosn price of te Daily bus
b~een reuceci to $10in Cadvance for the rest
of the yeatr. Leave subscriptions at the
Daily Cfiis' or with P. 1'. Meyer, U. of Mi.
NewstStast 1.
Editor of todaoy's paper:
0. it. IIANS, '98.
Nctint-Iss 1 ccei Ileft 1itittlo'to
imtke (helist' 1tsitatlioil oPf ''.1ilitis
(:"'ass '!t" Piiiilii as itcllilte1',Is, pw""-
llt. LProy'. 'Trueb'loodl tlt1 Iis a -

Shakespeare' s "Julius Caesar
The proceeds from this production ill hoeidevided between the fund for' the Women's Building and;.

the fund for providing debating testimonial;.

- 25c, 50c and 75c.

Tickets are on sale at Sheehanr's oni State t., and Watts' Jewelry Store on Main st.
OFFICERS OF '96-97 L TIl) ( Moicill,sil8s It. C'. i'nilcess'osl, '110,PREDL'CED RATES FtOR SPRIlNG
_Psi Ils:ilIoll II. ('li-i, '139. 1VACATIN.
(C'ontinuedctl Piou First Pa-c.) Theiimnills' ird viit sill meiet for or- T1o stuidents of the f'nivcclst-s' of
B. C. ih, 1h5 inciot 1Sis U', ii . etliltfitit Wliites'sop Mcign lsllhlg-11 110C etitals
I ____________________issued bytth 0 tt eectietry, ills'AnniiArltor
is ani'itei'b of the hiets h'it itPi Passion Play Presented. Rasilroatdl ssill sill ticecis at iatc tit
frltritilyIletusen sil t heit'r d fliioilt' ogesidonie-lt-hir'dtflretfori'roisitr ip~.
severalp'etars. Hit'lists its (ticis o. Alot it700 llp~o 4ons55cc ii lttet-1i 'Pickets sAill be issuetdtI+''idisy <tosh at-
tsiislsore 11(11. '1)7,recolis occt atilr e it tteI' l515i111 ilayig iil i r llly, Ari 10 11111111, gssossI tolre-
ist Dtlet rroitin, l.ie u-os fois-iveinitlp'It's'-.J...Leswis iniOnis-c r-hturnluntlil Apsril 20 incltusis-eho any
hul inao' sPto iis issni Isslip' ltl l-siip' eenilte.T lic enpinilt in AMit hi ;'11sast Otttop1,1Yoint in
teraviinet Na~ - e nncrthetrn_ hit'Central '1'i Ititce Assosctiitissi t Cc-
fiivshiti~ oltr-.ii5anitithi s eia t s sil Ii- sst"isnsiil it'115 -ot-p
lutes osP liii'X'tonlei's leiagine tusid
tot' dutrintg t' list twvo plo. ' abut$5 will behi'reaiziei'lfor lt'e It. S. GOIEENYt'iODD, Ags'nh.
Treasurer's Report. (1't'oilii'sGymviiiundt. hciofrteDiy
't' C fllessilr,,ig - is sits' Itilt'ss'l lts- Subscribeforte_______


itesitt siP thti repsolt of 'I'rt':s'iiiei'
Fitz'el t' ilildies miti l 1liplitsit'p3 P15015

c eti'slists'' besn v,ys' . fIttt, il AhIYii 1, 1505, hodstle:
prert'ssi ingfrtlis lsrttiis'l sIl theiy'p oCir.
(1 es''r't' st ttgs' islieltis' a 1alt ic- Batlancec on ltsantlAprsil 1,19__-I -$1031
B blo c atlI - - - - - -- - - -- - - -- - 2 '1s
l:otiit ,lesiosf lisili t1inl tts'e- Memtsbirshtiptitets --------1520
its' tt-ssyi Uti ett its. prsc s_.__ )2
caliseoTs tt' falt lisuit11.,'' pro5ceds Venilt ofssatletic' id--.------- , .
Proceds fromindoor me--s ----- 2"9
r'uisileel hils esiii e is'bIs ti enl' rofit attd los'.------------
StlrscI'iplitlon - -- --11---- -- -- 4 0 s
eo 'iiss'-iiY eI tiltpri s, - lT-tnsttenctries - ----- ---- - 0
Total - - - -- - - -- - - -- - - -- ol99 4

'hiS Dental Team Wins.
'hfit rist ct,' ss osusall g'.tiits'ofhels
stuisiss v z10isilip-iool ot el'98-ti 1_)si
and 'iso L. 'i'hs'ossre wss'ts231 his17.
ill fl!oe tof Ills' iltill t'so.
ItlolrtlIstlthos' 'twio stilscrhibe' in
sIsls-tiiti-s'11111~)' elit'li ostiupplied tilt'
A'wiii' I's lills' sill 11ot1hi'eslcedI
oil silo hill 'Edssliiltip' itiriiie,
Apisrl 0.

Alltcatiilisbtes for thss'110btitoeblsli
Ptlio ais'reqted to' hsre'port ttt the
ygp'niuisiiiin eeep' ts'trnstssn at 4 10
mi. GE©). El. W'OiODRFFhl~, C'th.,
Onhs's -ilsiholtsforc te IDahip-forthss
rii'issiiil'i'IsPhit'e ar1S1'ht silil Coot-
itsssss'u'l) ititp' iss' lift st ic MsN'vs
isiss's s 'mliu, 46) E. Williklit sirs'. os'
ill lie Diiyis-eiics.
Susscribie firte ss [ail,.

'liii'? itnsi''isof tlis t' Ali i'As o-i 1- I DSIRIMN
P10n11-hiss'lss'sit flu 15' illgtl s.l asts s Tr<'alsaitlcs --__--- ---s
Pfor-tillis '5151 3 ,ytS ctr. 1'1:E '-'ls' ilsit PiSMsllsncos'sssts -----------
boothttll -------------S



55 6
4i4s T'

Total- - ------------$9,9 1 6
r't'-i-sgti 1111of tliii' si cs'heits' Pt ell'- Tol'siireceiptt't - - - --------- i
slisil lis' oo titilil,~ l llsit ToPt' Oal Osbuensctls ---- - - Ps 's-l 01 6
i«~~Balauce onbhand- - -tolls)_____x.6783
fililog'theOti sibe sl~i's,. 'fiti'eslern 197 Daily Boardl Elocted.
hn5'is iol l', -ii', sil lots 1 1 Ps ' 'l' ll ilnu l leiiiciigof iith U. sf -l.k
11tiistIlt s'o i ii fPt l I' -slisgi'
iidi10tiII .l. ~st' ld~ts'leils'ent Ao~e ~tli iii.h'ti'llih-lThe hDoytc'n ic ycle sells oh jiiot One Husnsdred
atlltt csll~t e = ,n, en<< te x-e1.citPhis' 1'. of 1I. D as, hosll a:ls f lalhinTsl oos.wl *, ' Dllars, iso snore, no less. All bicycles oDe '
ssf t 'ilaiiiss11 1t1l" a515n.. i taislt'fc ' sold atlist tprice. Now v"List" has smarried
the is l oeiiiCu Istsli pli inof si' lsling the EB l1iocial '-D'"hiscount," antd Discount "roles te roost" on
Psl pt or. l'Ort'inhlp' Micllisi ~'i ots srfl to shs o.litueil(,' ,, most Nwheels,
h~nsi' tss s'~r asho lP stbcs'il as I I's- fsrltheseving nitsilu (Itlo hyr. 51s 5.1.
havl'olisl iPlice a t i eft'i'.sa-i5. l ' T F i ITO linuli
C'hange Seetissis 1 oP Article 4I. toisE 0 'l BCY L
'(''llli t-ssuiihst ' ie -uii be' 1l ts'i'ii isilsh
lciidluhhl'rs'ad: "This 'onstitui~onl 11ay'be ~. Lists at One Hondred Dollars, and sells at ,".
Fo'otball Mtleiger RoiIAadC ) aisiensled ait ally general iiieesin tiPf ' 'IoTn Thsousand Cents. If it were not worth the.o ^As
tai1 Sei e1111be ! f. a to ';i'e'tte Pisiaioe bytatit leliurlip' avte prieet'pe fourthtsuy ts-ole t sllsin price, peoplel would not r hon he cmp'itii, wthute oitfaotousm sksin
of at11 thentemnbe'rs present; providedi cmeito+-tith otPnou nkso
grdrtnneiPtl hat any liiesbiliielit hrolosaed sha the market. It attracted extraordinaryatn -
--ion at the New York and Chicago cycle ~~
Collee Gams Satrday. have beeli pulih~deinin at least htvs
Collge Gmes aturayshows. Yoo can't afford ho hey a bicycle until
is-ils oPfilhe Dahip." you see it.
College giico s a'turdassp ,'uhed as T otssrgetho'sn-recam
follow s:
Ilinstis20, 'Wahash 0. h.i.itrta, 'Ce-.,.0.040'1isoa
1iciersip' oP tennoylvu~i. 10, tho- '97, 'W.,W. tHughest , ~.Pilh ptiIO ahe Am r orO ga o-
Pricetonu 10, WashInghon.ood Lee 1. B. it, Metheanuy, 'hi9, Alpiha Delta
Noriho-weslorli 13, Evau ston tHigh SL GNS
School 3. Phi, Loni o Dodge, , 1, P. 'I.Loosmis, ~
Itooi Mdica 13 ArnourInsil- iSDel Upslon .1.L, \'ash, tOO51 S. MAIN ST., ,ANIN ARBOR, MICH.
tute 5 8. _____M , .MB. toe, 'COD, El. L.-i 's~ilt',
One front suite, $2.50.Otto single .0~vI,'V,'l.yr CdL h k
room 75 cents. Frnrace beat, light Phil, S. 1. Stolihb, 1'6ij . 14, B. Skill
and hath. 20 S. Ingalls t. 1311 uman, '398 L, 0.17:511111i,;'907, WI. .-


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