THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN ILY. P ublisbed Daily (Sunday excepted) during the Coleon year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. 0 rrIE: Timre building N. Main st., posite post ogfice. WV. Wi. H ls', P- W'(. 'W. THAYER, '9, L. E. I, GEist3 i 'P5 L 0.ii. IlANS. '93. J. L. WaiSi, '98 I. J'll)LTIR-LN-lClIP SF G. iB. IgARatotis, '06 L. 1[:1'%lAG[NG EIDITORt j. F. THOMsAS, '9l7. IIUSINUSS MfANAGSER L.C. lii. Wacna,'O.' ASiSOC[ATk JEDITORtS L A. Prost. 'Bt G. M. Heath, 'Ph61P. S. It. Suith'il L. 1.. B. Metbeany '19. F. Simonias, '98.- II. Bi. Gaumun, '9P M. F.A. Fusic, '93E. CiB. Roe, '98 1). Louise Dudge, Ph. The subssriptiosn price of te Daily bus b~een reuceci to $10in Cadvance for the rest of the yeatr. Leave subscriptions at the Daily Cfiis' or with P. 1'. Meyer, U. of Mi. NewstStast 1. Editor of todaoy's paper: 0. it. IIANS, '98. Nctint-Iss 1 ccei Ileft 1itittlo'to imtke (helist' 1tsitatlioil oPf ''.1ilitis (:"'ass '!t" Piiiilii as itcllilte1',Is, pw""- llt. LProy'. 'Trueb'loodl tlt1 Iis a - AT THE RNOAHUE TONIGHT FIRS'T PRESEN'TA.TION OF' Shakespeare' s "Julius Caesar BY STUDENTS OF THE UNINERSITY. The proceeds from this production ill hoeidevided between the fund for' the Women's Building and;. the fund for providing debating testimonial;. ADMISSIONI, - - 25c, 50c and 75c. Tickets are on sale at Sheehanr's oni State t., and Watts' Jewelry Store on Main st. OFFICERS OF '96-97 L TIl) ( Moicill,sil8s It. C'. i'nilcess'osl, '110,PREDL'CED RATES FtOR SPRIlNG _Psi Ils:ilIoll II. ('li-i, '139. 1VACATIN. (C'ontinuedctl Piou First Pa-c.) Theiimnills' ird viit sill meiet for or- T1o stuidents of the f'nivcclst-s' of B. C. ih, 1h5 inciot 1Sis U', ii . etliltfitit Wliites'sop Mcign lsllhlg-11 110C etitals I ____________________issued bytth 0 tt eectietry, ills'AnniiArltor is ani'itei'b of the hiets h'it itPi Passion Play Presented. Rasilroatdl ssill sill ticecis at iatc tit frltritilyIletusen sil t heit'r d fliioilt' ogesidonie-lt-hir'dtflretfori'roisitr ip~. severalp'etars. Hit'lists its (ticis o. Alot it700 llp~o 4ons55cc ii lttet-1i 'Pickets sAill be issuetdtI+''idisy