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November 10, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 37) • Page Image 1

…1 - _.. + y t ) .,, . . f OL" I. No. 37. UNI THAT aOPHOMORE FLAG. Ai xcited Freshman on the War Path. Last Saturday forenoon six jo- Sophomores made up a scheme to out-do the Freshmen at the Fiel D - SFteld Day games. With the two co-ed Sophs., a large ag Was made of the class colors, we in large figures on its lve of these six fellows got in- to the judges' stand on the fair greflfs- A few other Sophs. Were en to the scheme by this fpe Just a...…

November 10, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 37) • Page Image 2

…THEU. OF M. DAILY. 'I C of . Tatm. THE CAMPUS. STUDENTS' BOOKS. J. B. Field &' Co., of Detroit 13UY YOUR COLLEGE Publshed Daily (Sundays ecpedduring lave 1preseted Abbott, catcher TEXT Bonrs. LAW ANDP MEDICAL BCOO the College)ear, by and right fielder of last years NOTE BOOKS AT THE THE U. o M. INDEPENJENT AtS@IATION. team, with a bat and bat bag for STUDENTS' 1B00K STORE, STATE STREET havinig the best batting average Second-land books at low ...…

November 10, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 37) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY AT _ ETWO SAMS Prince Albert Suits, Cutaway Suits, and Fite Dress Suits, --- JUST ARRIVED- - See Younman's Hant, Knox's Hant, Silverman's flats and1 Caps, AT THE TWO SAMS Ji 13 LILr. A~l A~o 8tall glll~y, VOORHEIS & ITS BEST WORK IN THE CITY! STATE ST. TAILORS, WOBR CALLED FOR and DELIVERED. FIRST CLASS WORK. SPECTIAL RATEiS Cii TTUDENTS. Office{ - 23 South Fourth Ave, -J LALJ3E i Of Old U. of M. should have a University of ...…

November 10, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 37) • Page Image 4

…TIrEEN U M DAILY CLOTHING HOUSE 171, 173, 175 Woodward Avenue, Detroit, MichigarH Y -r CLOTI1sIIrtn GENTLEMENsS FLRIIIG 1 bens UH/ATS AND OAFS 7Latest Novelties Arrivinrt Daly. NEW BOOK STORES, I ~QO~Q1FFfI, the saest Qra- e, 4 Az HEADQUARTERS FOR NOVELTIES. 6 South Mai'r Street. 44 Soutl State Street, UNIVERSITY TEXT-BOOKS, GT rWL DI O - Medical Books, Law Books, BLAiK Boors, Ari. KINDS, A m * All3ooksiused in City Schools. Stidents, Note Boo...…

November 10, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 36) • Page Image 1

…~I~ettI+Of , n. Wtail p. VOL. II.-No. 30. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1891. PmCE, THREE CENTS. The Mathematical Club. At the last meeting of the Mathe- matical Club, Dr. Markley presented a very interesting paper on Sir Wil- liam Hamilton's method of differen- tiation. After this followed a business meeting, the officers of the club being elected for the first semester. Mr. James W. Glover was chosen president ; Mr. Man ...…

November 10, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 36) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. o' serve to be severely censured for es- of h tbls.ig hispreednt.Th qtaihngothisr precdent.shuThe Pubised aiy (unay exeped)duinga auertonof asugbyemNshone the IColeve ysear, byp THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION should say that for lack of material HE1IIzilAI4 &- Qo., stats 8t., have received for tue opening of college 20,000 Books. new and second band of all kinds, Greek, Latin, French, German, Law aiid Medical Books,...…

November 10, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 36) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY__ THRE ITO SAMSid TE X'JVO SEWS0N1S, WHAT TO WEAR IN COLLARS, CRAVAT.S, SHIRTS, AND GLOVES'N Wn"O 8 [From the New York Furnisher.i The lineee collar of evening dress continueet the straight-up effect, the points at the greatest eminence, wcheeshey almost meet, end riting greduetly teom the beet.NE N O The cravat of evening drets to of whtte tewn, one tech wide, withtut stitching or embroid-I ecy, or na dvention of aelite cha...…

November 10, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 36) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. <WE ARE THE PEOPLE." +i- ANN ARBOR ORGAN COMPANY, ,_ Formerly Allmendinger Piano and Organ Company. New Wareroos, - - - - - - - - Corner of Main and Liberty Streets. I will "Open the Ball" by placing a fine stock of Guitars, Banjos, etc. PRICES THAT WWIL ASTONISH YOU. Find W7IsE-'s vMs'mic SToRE, 25 South Fourth Avenue, City. A NEW LINE OY 'Strops, Razor; ALBANY LAW SCHOOL. ESTAIILISHEI 1851. COURSE, one year. Three full...…

November 10, 1892 (vol. 3, iss. 32) • Page Image 1

…j e . of Itt. 1a 1. VoL. III.-No. 2)2. VOL. 11-No 32. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER if0, 1892. IE TEECNS YRICE, THREE CENTS. ID~ 1l YJ ork on Saturday. The Cornell RECITAL TONIGHT. FIRS C DXELLP AME Daily Sun has great etitorial ex--_ pectations. By the Faculty of the University" Michigans Good Sh o wing The price for the round trpShoofMsc Against the Men of Ithaca, Sairs oTldiililng The third recital of the faculty of ~ llPRf...…

November 10, 1892 (vol. 3, iss. 32) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. fPublished Daily (Sundays excepted) during the College year, by THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION Subscription apriee $.50 per year, invariably in Qdvance Single copies3 cete. Subscrip- tionesoay be left at the office of the DAILY, the couroe of the lecture. Among the specially interesting phaseo of Bulgarian life which Mr. Bozosvsky will discuss are the peculiar cnstomns of Bulgarian engagement and mar- riage. Minneso...…

November 10, 1892 (vol. 3, iss. 32) • Page Image 3

…THE 'U. OF M. DAILY. TO THE STUDENTS. . ~ TVT __AGENTS FO-- GENTLEMEN:- HOD1GEMAN 'S MACKIN t R)SH1E5 We wish to call your particular attention to the fact that ourI Stock, as usual, includes a general and complete line of high class Aetefns ntewrd xmn u e ieo clothing. Young Men's FULJLL DR.SS 5-IIRSS ~~ITS IT~ ~SOLE AGENTS FORl miade np with all the detail, care and skill which cliaracterizes the -.eeYOIJMANS AND KNOX HATS.<--z last merchian...…

November 10, 1892 (vol. 3, iss. 32) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY! Tooth Brushes? 'GOOD S'TRINQ$ !NECKWEAR SALE + FOR EVERY A' E~S , Wehave theiu., And the bristles will not Coee1 Stringjed -. Instrument! out. -T + + at NOB3LE'SI CHIOICE of a window fuill of 4-in-Iluods, Tecks and Puffs for GAINS' 34 S. State Street. WILSEY'S, trLw.j34 S. State Street. 148 cts- 48 cts. 48 ets. 48 ets. MOORES&WETMORE, BOOK STORE, ONO- 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET, 7AND CORER ODlSTATXI5AND XIILIXAl SIRITS ...…

November 10, 1893 (vol. 4, iss. 36) • Page Image 1

…VO.T-N.33 UIST Y FMCIAFIAY OEBR1,19. RCTRECNS VOL. IV.-No. 36. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1893. PRICE, THREE GENTS. J HE COMES OUT OF THE WEST. Continuing as to his varied career THEY WILL BE FINE. " W VE GOT EMI the Free Press says: Hon. Jerry Simpson, of Kansas, Will The Concerts in the Choral Union A CAR LOAD OF Appear Before the S. L. A. "Congressman Simpson is 51 years Series this Year Cannot To-morrow Evening- old....…

November 10, 1893 (vol. 4, iss. 36) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. eut fsed D laity (Sundlays excepted) during the Colege year, by THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION Subacription prier $2.50 per year, invariably in aranceeSine copies 3i rents. Subscrip- tions may be left at the estece of the DAILY, at Stoffiet's,twib th an 01ofthe editors or authoriaed solicitors. Comamunieatisns should reaeh the effiee by ? o'elock P. a. it they are so appear the next Jay. Address sit matter intended f...…

November 10, 1893 (vol. 4, iss. 36) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY.________ ORGAIZE 180. NCORORAED 886 U. OF M. CALENDAR. THE CHEI7UANEGON ORCHESTRA. _ LEW H. (1.EMEN'1', Fi., Nov. 1?-Seria h loo l~d Jeague 'eries.. 51t So. MALSr S. Dir ec-tor snd Macoger. Pet. Nov. 10.-S. C. A. reeption to the Law Newbery llol,S8p. M. E XC]ELSIO0R LAUNVDRY Sat. Nov. 1.-Senior Literary eection. 2 p. am. 0NHAct'IIUURON ORE '. IRooto A. Good Werk Guorateed. Goods rolled for Sat. Nov. 11,-Jonior ...…

November 10, 1893 (vol. 4, iss. 36) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. ICALKINS' fifc . Z==ZT77 = o" MIXED CH-OCOLATE$ 40 TUESDAY,. '' L q DTqI TENOVEMBER 4th. Kid, Buck and Elk Tanned. See the N EW Y OU M AN at aol mr the.tW ant oudto atrsoatn THlE OUTFITTERS. ot rthisrt.W antpo o r tem.'tBO WDISH sr ___________O Calkins' Pharmacy J 2-vlOc:TOI 8 &WJ EO-RJ NO. 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM. Have a Full Assortment of UNIVERSITY TEXT BOOKS, new and second .Band, and ...…

November 10, 1894 (vol. 5, iss. 37) • Page Image 1

…~Ijctti of VOL.. V. No. , 0. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, SATUJRDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1894. PRTOE-TRIEEO CENTS. THE GRADUATE CLUB. Candidates for Baseball. Aderesses by President Angell and Abiout;i5 11111lesionliiedl 1o thei roll Mr. Johnston.-Reading of the for cand~idates for nexl year's *'odrsi'y Constitution.iielil(cl11(1O eiild (011 The f' irst aninuaoll iO'U lillof (lie 9i 1ast i'0('lillg. 1'.-C I 'oplili Shliels ili he i ofli' 11 is ilil...…

November 10, 1894 (vol. 5, iss. 37) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. 4 w o __,Ptfu Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during the College year, by THE U. Of M.INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATIDN OF icn Times building N. Adlin st., opiposite post office. Subscrilition pr1ce $2.50peer year, invariaiily in advance. Singe coiises 3 ernie. Subscrip- tions may be left at the office of the DILYu, sit Stoflirt's, at State st. new stund, with any of the editors oi' iutiiorized solicitors. Communicationts should ...…

November 10, 1894 (vol. 5, iss. 37) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAiLY. MJGHTGAN (ENTI Requests and Petitions. NOTICES. BUSINESS LOCALS. Time Table (Revised) Jul 1, 194 liThle i an~swr to tle rquiests aiidlpc-5WE I)ENiiORG. (Notice inserted In this column at te rate EAT ET titiolib pliiCIlt'd to the frtlcuiiy ot the At 10:30()each Snday lliot-lnig a of cnts per line. special ates for longer P. M WET. . M.( 1cyvmeetime and etr linenfunnsihed by appiynt ~'. ~4. few inlt:ii miy residenc, 17 sse. g...…

November 10, 1894 (vol. 5, iss. 37) • Page Image 4

…THE U. 01? M. DAILY. THZFJ F. C. STEBBINS, TH E caIs Bosoe CRANDALL TYPEWRITER A! RrII[ II % [1 W MAN UUUIDENT *formerly with George Wahr, 19 4'''. NiLI~lUL.E.BWashington st. Headquarters foi YPSILANTI, MICH. everything a Student needs in the Ic ls iog i0lOn Jooks good line of, Text-Books, Stationery and for .$3 for $2.50. SUNDAY DINNERS AT 5 O'CLOCK,. M iscellaneous Stock in general. 1 ___ ___MARTIN SCHALLER, z N Studens- and ctizes should ms...…

November 10, 1896 (vol. 7, iss. 35) • Page Image 1

…VOL VII. No. 35. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1896. FOUR PAES-3 CENTS. ® (D L.. , JUNIOR-SOPHOMORE GAME '99 Medic Election NAMED "MICIIGANENSJAN." Iit metitng of '00 1M class was- Leadng Tailor Will Bie Played at the Athletic held in the appr lecture room, of the Palladium, Castalian ad Res Field Today. ottehall bbliog yeteray at l11 Gstae in One. AN M OR E .orloek. Nearly evert member of the- * A'NDIPO TR (re atlprelmrations bar...…

November 10, 1896 (vol. 7, iss. 35) • Page Image 2

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during the College Year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. OrrICE: Times building. 79 S. Main St. be- tween Liberty and William Sin. i3t.SNAGlONiOEDITOR J.N. TexNAS, 97. BUSINE~sSMANAGERS 0. . I lIASc, '98s. Prof. Hiesadain's Lecture. Lust evenling ill the Ititiarian c'hul'rh ocicurred the1,third lecture .i lihi Icily (tub lecture series. Prof. Ai. 11.tHues- dale, dei.-in of t...…

November 10, 1896 (vol. 7, iss. 35) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. MICHIGAN GNakI Time Table (Rlevised) Sept. 27, 1896. M!ail and Ex - 1 47 N. Y. Special--_. 7 35 N. Y. Special.-.. 4108 Mall -----584,3 Eastern Exs.--10 17 N. S. Limited.-- 9 25 Atlantic Ex.___7 15 Pacific Ex.---12151 D.N.Expres.--. 140 Western Ex i.5 t4. R. Expres -.11 V5 (Chi. Sit. Exs.-5- 910 0. W. RUGGLEnS, B. W. EIAVES, G. P. & T. Agt. Oicago. Aga. Ann Arbnr RAILROAD. no colle(gl triinig. Maj. Mtiiniey=-...…

November 10, 1896 (vol. 7, iss. 35) • Page Image 4

…i d i f i 1 e a i i 1 1 { 3 1 y 1 1 A U tl a { q J { J c1 r 1 L t e Cj 1 S. f is t' i , , l , f. ^U TILE UNIVERSITY OE MICHIGAN DAILY. THIS COUPON IS GOOD FOR TANDEMi f CRESCENT Combination Tandem :0 % for rent at reasonable rates. 10goN 2 5 C e ts-111111111111111110 --lM. STAEBLER, Cycle Empriam. One door East f Ameri- 10 % canIRose. Wehaea a42Kda0as ie / On presentation at our Store to apply on any piece of Sheet ne3 aea1yuwudrs1 30 Music i...…

November 10, 1897 (vol. 8, iss. 36) • Page Image 1

…tic tt,. Of , . 1a ln. VOL. VIII. No. 36. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1897. FOUR PAGE&. WI L D Has received a foil line of Novelties for Fall and Winter in Suits, 'Trousers, and Overcoatings NO. 108 E. WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN Allegretti's Chocolates.... Fresh every week. Only in packages- 60c a pound. Lowney's if you prefer. PALMER'S PHARMACY, Just Received a Large and Elegant Lisle of NTew Pipes!a Hot and Cold Lunches a...…

November 10, 1897 (vol. 8, iss. 36) • Page Image 2

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY ThA Great Task Completed. C~ww SThe committee or twelve appotnted by. the American Philological Associa Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during tion to provide standard or norma the College year, at courses for the guidance of teachers THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. indicating how the time set aside for Demo:E Times building, 3295. Main St. be- the study of Latin and Greek in sec- tween Liherty asd William Sts....…

November 10, 1897 (vol. 8, iss. 36) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. NEW! --Our Furnishings for Gentlemen=- NEW! We will have this space for the rest of college year, and will give you the benefit of our Special Sales. We HAVE the BEST to be had. Good values moderate prices. Come in and examine our stock. OUR NECKWEAR IS THE BEST! GLOVES, GLOVES, GLOVES, FiesEr Fisk, Clark & Flag, line of fine String, and Club Ties-Rufus Water- Adler's swell, English walking Gloves - Werthiemer...…

November 10, 1897 (vol. 8, iss. 36) • Page Image 4

… THE UMVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. W J. Boo The Store Non Irritant... .J Soft and pleasant to the StaIo skin, perfect fitting, health giving, service- Trans able and as near perfec- tion as UNDERWEAR THE A can be made. . . . Capita GOODBPEBED'Srgansz MAIN STIIEET. sells ech United S idetifica OFFICE -. 5Harriman SFree 9 Thursday, asher:I t Friday FIRSTN A Chrysanthemum! ' capital, A Saturday. Tras Foreign e letters of IT'S WHAT YOU WANT FOR TH...…

November 10, 1899 (vol. 10, iss. 41) • Page Image 1

…J , . .- . a f , G - ' q o, , _ , c Ilk> Y 10 i S , Iv, VOL. X. ANN ABOR, TUIH., FRIDAY, NOVEMIBERt 10, 1899. No. 41. 1 I MEDICS GATHER , L-9 v T L 0 Rl Fine Fall and Winter H Suitincgs, Golf Suits,E Fancy Vestings. °ll DRESS SUITS A SPECIALTYT We Careyj the LargestA Stock In the City. L' 108 EAST WASHINGTON ST. ( For Lecture and Recepcion-Whole Department Greets Dr. Howells. E Reception Followsd Lecture. Thercgob 501001 t 10ometin ...…

November 10, 1899 (vol. 10, iss. 41) • Page Image 2

…2 Published Daily (Sndyseepedl dringsythe Cellege yer, at THE UNIVERSTY OF MCHIGAN. OrrsesE: 'Thu' Iland Peess, lKening Blc. Both Phonec,,II. IIANAGIC.G EDITOR. F. EGEHARDu, '1 L. BUSINESS MANAGER. 5)o. 1hueAS. '0 L. EDITI1ORS. ATIILhI,'ICS ,.., , 1. I leecee, 'etI T, R. Wceeaus, 'SI L. A. 11. MD~lecass, '1 E A.. G. IlsoWEe c , '2 . B. Wau, 'C, G. J. MecGOEeese,'l, W. LCs. 1IaKEY, 'elM, Thcalsbepyisse leseofTe, VlIe Bae sh5alfIr the clt-S '.se...…

November 10, 1899 (vol. 10, iss. 41) • Page Image 3

…MiE UNIVERSITY OF -MICHIGAN DAILY. '3 FOR[?ME-N AND W27'\ TH E T E E O N r R T E 11 N Y19 S ut am S.MICHIGAN C ENT AL S .,« ... ....." 'The NiagaraFalls Rute"eusd e, tcE1ST toraKcES an .;1' T1IlLS)1 )11) llA T IM.fc17: Talking MIllt bor '1.., 1899.1 U i UI FlErst i 94ttn0 9i9.f" l1>i'09,1 >r1c--... ......... .17.191143.i ,(ac 99_0A NY I 09(909) jfj rfl OUjpHOTOS ( N 1 10 10101 pecal.... . . 4 8 C X1IiTailoring~1)st m 91 10 aie Tadeof te Cty.PE...…

November 10, 1899 (vol. 10, iss. 41) • Page Image 4

…BY Pua '-lshers Price $1,50 U Price $1.10 THE 'UNIVERSITY 01 MICHIGAN DAILY WHO'S YOUR TAILOR? D. f[. TINKER~ & 80ON HATT[ERS AND FLURNISHERS r% rlp eadqstarters for SI.'. Gos 51', PLWa'ofa G HasCar,, D'stFlf tssooo~as FRONT ROOM OVER FIRST NATIONAL BANK, iooandoompee ie ofe.Nr AGENJTS FOR THE IEST 1AILORS 0ON EARTH. AGENCYPFOR ONGLEYIHATS L. C. GOODRICH, A. R. \VALIOLII, \\ Mi OhS ____334__ South___ tate________ THE MONEY SAVERS,. ar IS N '....…

November 10, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 42) • Page Image 1

…L y [tr8 YEApt. ANN ARBOR MIC., SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 10. 1901. No. 42 OHIO BOWS LOW. Ohio kcks to Michgan's':0-yard ine. ' s's'lc}puts to Mt-ya>rd line. Ohi11 Freshmen InI. hll rolls through Hieston to 1-ard returns bol to Mlchian a :ill-'srd I.t , li fehte team,udr th ine. ts's'elcy tpunts to eter. Oibo line. Michhigasn of-side, Ohio gets 10 ioi'igofien Ow ss The Buckeyes GO Down on heir Own futohiso and 'Migougets [hal. yars. Ohlio has the bllo'...…

November 10, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 42) • Page Image 2

…LEADING MERCHANT TFILOR8 OUR FALL LINE is the best we have ever showan, containing ALL THE Black and Blue Styles, and a very tine line tof Fanicv ushin Tn rouseri ngs in the latest patterns and color- ings. The largest assortment in the state. WILD 60. io8 E. Washington St. Tutti Frutti One of our famous Fountain beverages, served in origin- al style at QUARRY'S: CAMPUS DRUG STORE. R. E. JOLLY'S Lunches Are Better Than Ever; Ilava th larrst tt...…

November 10, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 42) • Page Image 3

…TUE MiCHIGAN DAILY-NEWS -9 A -9 0- -9- -0- A jt- A- - ****+++++++++++++++++++-I 4m m +++++++-- ! i i -.- . A A . -w +++++++-I-++++++++-e++-.%+++++++++++++-1-4-+++ Ihe Most GonvioGinU Ihins that we could do that would tend to induce you to ins STEIN-BLOCH CLOTHES m50ou(d be to introduce y'ou to a tian who has worn them. We cannot conmmand the language with which to tell you how good these clothes are. The tmakers attach their label be- neath th...…

November 10, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 42) • Page Image 4

…THE NICHIGAN I)IL-NEWS WX'AG N E R& CO. oac ul rprr vt srn; evto 12.1 South Main Street thine; for tmen'sttear. tet uso talk it oerntlt yaa. MILLERS A13 II )G EN T B ETTE R T H/\ N EVER COMPILED LAWS The SORLEEDE MICHIGANTEMPORARY BINDER MICHI AN I w- N- jflt tsef o Bing Nselectton tof tte tmot impor-tant statts arranged andPop Jtoto AN NOTATED) for timiIlsei ot Sntitits. ad LL. ~ a ittto ~ ONE VOLUME, - - - $3.00 F.i. SC"iLEED CALLAGHAN & COM...…

November 10, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 38) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Dail VoL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1903. No. 38 SECRET PRACTICE AGAIN. FENCING CLUB MEETING. SEAT SALE TODAY. SOMIE NOTED VISITORS. Gates of Ferry Field Are Barred- Tickets For Wisconsin Game Can Be English Commissioners Here to Study Preparation For Wisconsin-Gen- Forty Members Attend-Outlook For Secured at Meyer's News Stand at American Educational Methods- eral Football Situation East and the Coming Year Unu...…

November 10, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 38) • Page Image 2

…THlE MICHIGAN DAILY. Fll TH2 MIH ICAN AIY NS 'N I'H 1* N N I I l- -( I oh ,r 1 I(t y H (H h1101 ( 11, TTT A AASflCIATEHS:(on jIFT k e, 11 r(H 1[.IN c~t 1'Im i l hod Ii G. H. NWild ' CO3. 0' ,03 E W aliltnSt. St j r. I utic( ' IS ( RH HH' ANy ORUF W. BEADLE. ;, I 'a ,13 rlir I Hrrr t g r1rrr , NII our((a( 7230 to V Hand 6.30Nto H',) Adco ssR!HENN I I N N oononMan- CA LEN DAR. U Iof o ll i I 1,>.W lleH e t X [ a t1 I.._._.I 0HI~ H 1'l's' I ...…

November 10, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 38) • Page Image 3

…FThe Yiagais Falls lRsto,. AINFI ARBOR to '05 5555 CHICAGOsiis NEW YORK 5 5sss Ii AND BOSTON a Mr-NliA. .. L ois. I soSo Il. ' 5 S. PuIso tx Fo1 no rtr tort ssssis, sss5 iro s tcss 55o5ca + w Ita to W W. I E sI - u(5 in\ 1 GEORGE BIS CHOLFF, CHOICr CUT PLOWI S 5& DiAXE -r, New Brlu wiick1 Ta les AT REID'S BILLIARD ) IAI .LOI{S, i Fine Cigars asnd Toblaccos c JAS. W. REID, Prop. 312 State' SI., S. f 5t I haves 15t lsi vc's i the I1555 s 11d in...…

November 10, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 38) • Page Image 4

…1 ~THE MICHIGAN DAILY.- iruritan' tARLTTLS P u rita iit Grok'n in Turkey. t j Perfected in .Egypt. * Enjoyed in America. 'MOGUL SMOKE- MAKES ECYPTIAN SMOKESS 1T .~'Corciip o Pain 'SEN to PbEASE ~ j le..ouo 411 E. 57th St., Chicago. "" " (aps and Gowns made to or- + ALL yl / r i 'M der and rented. t/$ 1 Pcnnants for all colleges and , ~ fraternitieo carried ,ar'it~ ~ Claos Pins, Class and Team 4ec Caps. t yoas os°"sSend for Catalogues. }Itt 1 1...…

November 10, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 39) • Page Image 1

…The Michigat)Ui VOL. XV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1904. .No. 39 POOR WORK. S says Coach Yost of Last Night's practce-..Longman in Condition "Stagg Announces Line-p As Coach Yost tranmpedi in front Ferry Yieldi last night, a statger oh- sercitg hitmttwtoldti hae imaginet tht ltiewttas aiDettctratiec ctcidate. He was sutcrotcttteci ityatdetts'eittlou 55gitctt ttnttlce expr'essio ohi tricyeas thi atfa ctatn ceio htas lost. hs las~...…

November 10, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 39) • Page Image 2

…T11I, MICHIGAN DAILY ...............~ THE f IICHIGAN DAILY. DUPLICATE THE BATTLE W EWO LDHAVE Petired as aetd-l :a :tttr aihe An j astern Expert will Reproduce the Abor totoilice -Chicago-Michigan Game in the YO OK O -olseum-Coaches Sanction YOU TO KNOWt atiIli.lietldally It-tiiexctipt 1 ti hl, i.the Plan. BI rION Z t tig t flooat ieet Fr. ictut)I 'hititl ti -iti3r______ h iete ch its oitei i va oot- 0 Thtat we are dong business at Maaging Edi...…

November 10, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 39) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAIL'Y Do You Know the Game ? The good clothes game is a very easy one to leant, atid every ntait caiu excel ina it-if lie plays it right. TDrop iitto outr store. We'll tell yott alt abort it-pitt yott iext, as it were; get yottottn Ite iitside-of a Hart, Schaffner & Marx Suit. Thtat's all there is to it, except tite lahel-smtall tiig to look for, hig thintg to fitid. LUTZ, the Clothier, 217 So. Main St. + s+-+ + 0 --te a 140--. 4...…

November 10, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 39) • Page Image 4

…HE[AVV WINTER1 THE MlhI ft' N DAILY $3.53030for Hen a nd Won --- - __$4.00 WALK ____ / Formerly sold in Ann Arbor under Puritan label [or the rainy season get into a fair of our 'ester-P~roof Shoes-heavy tar tans, double soles, Balae iongut s, rawhhc re niddl; sole, thoroughly viscolized. O~X[ORDS. Ill South Alain St reet. GOODY[AR RUJBBEIRS. t .4- - - .. -+r. 4-+ f- r- '-' - -" " '- -- -- - t- r a -r- r-+ - r+r o.. . ..y +r .r . - r r-s r. .r...…

November 10, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 40) • Page Image 1

… .CC« p0 - +- _ n ... ,_ : : C _ -- "- ; n ° e , ': cv ._ .- '- i 5 j 1 v v: ... { .: . i J m 4.0 z !- Q . . .,. 1 J ^' ' " ti) .._. ..-,.... yr ._., :1 ! ,.-. i s . .. o N , .r._ J .i .r ' " - y f .- . G .'~ = v . .-. " r. %+ , . ° f f f ;; r_ _ .. 'J " "t i J f. 'l. T" CCU bl0 v .J M f f r-+ H ~ " Sr :- r J .. . f: "J V + 1. . bk I J 0/ l L 00 s . t o, r, . f. 'r^ J .. Vr i . r. ;f, :. _ «. , .. .. < ; . v U. '".., ;/; V ~ d...…

November 10, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 40) • Page Image 2

…AM~era o~d THE MiCHIGAN DAILY. 1 1 . a .secntd class mstter atthe n Arbeor1'cstot9e. C o.. Pubished laily (Mondaexc epte d)drin tin. collge ' ear, at 117 P'ast Wtaigto sre. Bell phone 892. lHorn e phone 76. LeadingManaging Editor, CLYDE L. DEW Business Manager, WALTER R. HANS MERCHANT TAILOR~S IiDITOlIS. 0 theic _ .. .... Clatencee 1;. t',ldridg . \e° . .........Louis ID. itiekney l xhan e ..........Chales1 '1. XWinstead M usi .. ... .... ... ...…

November 10, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 40) • Page Image 3

…lip XTICHIIGAN DAILY [or Art and Skill in Tailoring MON[Y [OAND Call Oi On Xatches. an 11i -h lat issChtte SA DUCH FI ELD & W. J. LOURIM A 0l11 Ave Otppoost(tI0), ii it Co rt , XI I The Recognized First Tailoring Trade of the City 3 ssFHu"-.0 1:30 1 t 106 EAST HURON STREET Business Stitl Confidenti Student Room Decorations A Fine Collection of Steins, Smroklisg Sets, V. of M. Soizveimlrs len Pyro- grmphic Work, Pictures, Posters, P...…

November 10, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 40) • Page Image 4

…'rH 6ll A ' A i LV DIIRI[S ART STOREI and have thirframied with (ChoitieMouldings Only- the. Best French Glas3 is Used. 223 S. Maini St. - 4 C4 w -(: - %' 7 yi Ir ' f! There's Many a Slip 'Tween the Cup and the Lip, and many times you are disappointed1 in receiving your linen w-hon you most Jif need it, unless you send it to a reliable laundry. You are never disappointed wden you tend it to the 'Varsity Lain- dry. and you not only receive i...…

November 10, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 41) • Page Image 1

…The Mlichigan Daily \\NN llI L L ( s\I L ) \ ";N l ll oL I (YiIf (" Vor .\XII. No. 41 . VARSITY PLAYS LAST t HOME GAME TODAY Uirahami pited against Schulte-! Varsity showing better Fornm. t m of th 'rii I. ii Iii Li hei d- l~ccii l Iitl tt iithi c i n i ii ii ti,;n .iiiii n In 1 Iic, iin t hi e in T 0 cf c' gd ha thyIi thiil not appar "i i l th gt hiShll" it r " ili c ~lit Iii nh tIntu t hurl~s Sr-111e I pited Igil tICionit ni fo c to t I ...…

November 10, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 41) • Page Image 2

… c f ' VON"0 ~- 'M ' 01~ O s - w( w 7t f ate' -_ '" - M L r 1i U .J " U y '11 O W =M 2 = = = z o Z o c y . L L L " UGGLL 0 z 77 .4 x w t-+ d .. r "r i... . * . . _ "- H ..i °. r r e . -+ 1 .,... . r... .J . - r .- .- = mil, r . ___ .. - r .- , _.. _ .- = . - - t- « .- , f ... .. - 1 f _ _:- _ .. 4 .. - - _- _ _ , - i ... ... f X r u; r '.. v , . - a n .. .. _ f, v ,,,, 4-. v , ,J, w ... .- F . . ..3 F y rS _ r. ^ , ^1 r, ' 3-s ...…

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