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November 10, 1903 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1903-11-10

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The Michigan Dail
Gates of Ferry Field Are Barred- Tickets For Wisconsin Game Can Be English Commissioners Here to Study
Preparation For Wisconsin-Gen- Forty Members Attend-Outlook For Secured at Meyer's News Stand at American Educational Methods-
eral Football Situation East and the Coming Year Unusually Bright 9 o'clock Today-Many Large Four College Presidents Visited
West-Scrimmage Tonight. -Many New Members. Out-of-town Parties Have En- the University Last Week.
gaged Boxes.
Saturday's games produced no ma- The first meetig of the Fencing Last week was a record-breaker for
Saturay' amesManylarg paltieshavebeentr- teettiverityfn thhmaternocvns
terial change in the Middle Western Club was held last night, and forty Many large parties have been or the University in the matter of vis-
football situation, and so far as com- enthusiastic members turned out. ganized in towns in this section of itors, as no less than four college
parative scores can be trusted, any Captain Nagorski gave the members the country to attend the Wisconsin presidents were here. They were
member of the, Big Four may win the a talk on the course of work that game here Saturday. Yesterday the Counsellor Strong of Kansas Univer-
championship title by Thanksgiving wold be required during the year, Athletic Association received applica- sity, President Hazard of Wellesly,
Day. The Michigan-Miinesota game and also spoke of the necessity of tions for several large blocks of seats, President Sperry of Olivet, and Presi-
left the dope in a chaotic condition, choosing a third member for the among which was one from President dent Dickey of Albion.
and as Chicago was the only team fencing team. Hibbard who was Ashley, of the Ann Arbor 'Railroad, Besides these we were visited by
with championshfp possibilities which a member of the team last year a for a block of twenty-five. Mr. Ashley the Mosley commission of England.
had to extend itself, nothing startling uated, but Nagorski and Gradle are will bring this party in his private Mosley was one of the many fortunate
has developed. Later consideration back in college On Saturday morn- car. Englishmen who made his fortune in
shows that Michigan really had little ing, December 2, a private to rn- There are plenty of good seats left, South Arfican mines. While there he
fear from O. S. U., and that the Wol~ ment will be held in the fencing room however. The fact that so many seats noted that his most efficient engin-
verine slump in the second half was to determine who shall be the third were sold in large blocks has resulted eers were Americans, so when he
due to natural causes. The men were member ot the team. Coisidering the in the leaving of many choice single came back to England he fitted out
trained to top form.furntheeMinnesot
trained to top form for the Minnesota god mateIal year, ad the fact seats, and frequently two and three' this commission of thirty learned spe-
contest and the let-up in the lighter seats together. There are a large cialists, and paid their expenses to
game was not unlooked for. Minne- tha Natisrk af th dle as m ast number of seats still unsold outside study the school system of this coun-
the outotok sol tl ubhtsis miust tem
sota's low score and listless playing the thirty-five and forty-yard lines. try for the benefit of English schools.
against the weak Lawrence team in couua g These are excellent seats, especially These commissioners have been
the first half is an exact parallel. The The final tournament' which comes those on the north bleachers. here some months making a thorough
claim that Michigan played loosely in in the early spring to decide the War- All tickets not taken by application study of our entire system, from pri-
the second half in order to deceive sity championship, is arousing a great will go on sale this morning at 9 mary schools to Universities, all over
Coach Curtis of Wisconsin, who was deal of interest, and from present in- o'clock at Meyer's News Stand, and the United States. Five of them were
on the side lines is vigorously denied, dications will surpass that of last from advance indications it is appar- here last week. They were Dr. Arm-
The Haskel Indians , coached by year. Among the men who havet eit that the demand for them will be strong of London, Professor McLain
Herrnstein, end and half on Michi- turnid sut are many hrimismg tan very lively. of the Glasgow Technilogical school,
gan's champion team of 1902, tore big diates, and the clampisoship hsiirs Those persoss whi made appica Mr. Ripper, a- noted mechanical en-
holes in Chicago's defense, and the will be holly contested. ition for seats at Meyer's last week gineer of Sheffield, Professor Foster
Midway men had trouble in defeating may obtain their tickets there today of the University College of London,
the Redskins, by the close score of after 9 o'clock, upon presentation of and Rev. Dr. Grey, principal of Bad-
17 to 11. The success of Herrnstein's MR FORBUSH SPEAKS. their slips. It is absolutely essential field College.
proteges is gratifying to Michigan that these slips be presented, as the These men visited the different
men, and the announcement of the Gives Interesting Talk in University management has no other means of classes, inspected ie apparatus and
score during the O. S. U. game, was Hall Sunday-Takes as his Theme knowing that the tickets reach the methods, and took copious notes on
greeted by prolonged cheers from the " e persons for whom they were in our manner of instruction.
bleachers. "Character Building, and Gives tended.
Wisconsin and Minnesota bait easy Many Valuable Suggestions.
tasks Saturday, as the Gophers de- SEMI -FINAL CLASS GAME. EASTERNERS WITHDRAWS.
feated Lawrence 46 to 0, and the Osh- Sunday afternoon Prof. Wmi. Byron Tle 'b Medies and 'f Engineers And There Will b N Debat With
kosh Normal fell prey tothe Badgers FTreushdscskandn U0vErsityeers Ann -h-r il eNo Deae Wt
hushrm ry sFrbushspkeusUivsityBalton will metet on the gridiron today in the Columbia-Claim They Cannot
53 to 0. Nebraska won in a walk the "Education of Princes." This scii-final game of the inter-lass Get a Team Ready For the
front Knox, with a store of I to 5. was Professor Forbush's s co ap-e-us 1 sedle, on north Ferry Field at 4:15 Event
In the East, Harvard won the ex- pearance in Ann Arbor; he continues shaap. Tle ueams have won both
pected ictory rom tshdarp. zThetteams h"aveb yonobbomh
peensl victory from the demoralizedh tut sve-the toy trblt.ltheir games and are very well The debate between Michigan and
Pennsylvanians by a store of 17 to After singing by the Girlts Glee matched; the scrimmage will prob- Columbia has been declared off, and
10. 'the rad and blue players took Club Mr. Forbush was introduced by aly be one of the most exciting of the fault is not at Michigan headuat-
advantage of Havard's furibles to Prof. Charles Cooley, of the depart the schedule- ers. All the arrangements for the
make two touchdowns. Primncetomn ment of soiology. Every boy is a T h '06 Mescs ae played twoseisoseatswr mde lt
took a slump it, her game with Lafay-mn fscogy Evyby sa Te'6Mdshaepydtw series of debates were made last
tok an sum uthewscr gain 1 wit Las prince," said Mr. Forbush,' and every games with the '04 Lits, and one with spring, even the dates and subjects
ette, ant the how score of hi to 0 has boy in our country has a princi s op- the Junior Laws. Their first game being determined. The only matter
rather cooled the enthusiasm at Nas-bigdtrie. h nymte
sat. The student body believes that prtunity. The elements of the edu with the Lils resulted in a tie, but of detail left for the present college
the Tigershave the opportunity if a cation of a buy to which he has a when they played off the score stood year was the signing of the agree-
thfe Tigertshda le thportityoasright, are five: health, nature, tools 6 to 5 in favor of the "Doctors." They met This fall the agreement was
lit te to defe Yale Ibier, felolwship, righteousness. defeated the Junior Laws 10 to 0- signed by Michigan and sent on East
is the only team of importance East Discoursing upon each one, Mr. For Captain Howe last evening did not to Columbia, when it was returned
or West to boast of an uncrossed goal hush says, 'Disease is getting to be sm to contident oh the result as duds with the excuse that the University
tine. Yale's score of 31 to 5 against a disgrace. The place strength holds Captain Knight of the Engineers. could not get a debating team ready
Syracuse shows that the Eli's are in the boy's ideals is supreme. The The Engineers have defeated the for the event. While the failure of
playing in top form, and barring ac. boy becomes more artificial and less '4 Medics 3 to 5, ant the 05 Lits tO the plan is a disappointment to Michi-
cidents, should present their full wholesome who finds no chores to do to 0. In addition to this they played ga, other schemes are being perfect-
strength against Princeton. Cornell's in the city homne." a fierce game with the All-Fresh team. ed to make up for the loss and some
weakness this year was painfully evi- Speaking of nature be said "the and succeeded in holding them down other debates will be arranged in the
Speaingof atue li sad, thet i1 points.
dent in her 0 to 0 game with Lehigh. city is the hardest place for one to Neitsaptain was certaim as to near future.
Secret practice in preparation for see the face of God. The boy in the the line-tsp, but the positions will
the Wisconsin contest next Saturday city thinks he is the biggest thing in probably be filled as follows: IAf1M ILTON CLUB CONTEST.
began last night, and the faithful the block, but when he watches the ' Engineers. 't6 Medits
crowd of rooters who expected to see growth of the grain, the blow of the L. . - J. H. Haliday Wins First Place in
the Wolverines in action found them wimd, the motion of the waters, he Edwards .............. Howe (Capt.) Orations On Hamilton.
way barred by closed gates. Light feels himself in God's world and be- L. T.
work occupied the attention of the gins to wonder, which is the begin- Beechler .......... ....... Clark Folowing was the program:
'Varsity. In the kicking practice ning of education. Take time to won- L. G Hamilton and Burr, by G. A. Mal-
Boerman, who is already being toutedi der. Emerson traveled through Cali- Reed..-........ Witter colm; First American, by Avery Hop-
as a second Sweeley, did the bes fornia with such magnificent leisure C. wood; Exponent of Nationality, by
work, his punts averaging 65 yards. that it was an argument for inmnor-'-ullockWork Hugo Sonnenschien; Crises and the
Yost put in the afternoon schooling taity." R. G. Man, by R. S. Butler, and Construc-
the scrubs in Wisconsin formations, Turning to tools, Mr. Forbush con- Slney... .. ....... Snyder tive Statesman, by J. H. - Halliday.
which will be used against the regu- tinued, "there are men who thinkI . T The judges on Thought and Composi-
lars in today's scrimmage. Norcross with their brain and men who think m-Kollig tion were Professors Demmon and
piloted the 'Varsity through the sig with their fingers. The only thing n..Rebec and the ey. Dr. Gilson, and
nals, while Clark handled the scrubs, left of ancient Egylpt is the pottery of Knight (Capt.) . ....... . Cushman on Delivery, were Dr. Copeland and
James being detained by a class. The the poor man. We are losing some- - .uH Professors Burns and Hildner. The
'VaH.sProfessorspiwamssaandoloidneR. Th
'Varsity line-up wan as fohows: thing unless the handicraft idea gets Gsutschal.-...................Owen speaking was very fine, being the
L. E., Redden and Weeks; L. T., back into life and men do again with L. H strongest Hamilton oratorical contest
Curtis; L. G., Shumte; C., Gregory; R, their hands the works of their fath lHolmes- - - - H-links ever held here.
G., Ted Hammond and Eyke; R. -T, ers."

Maddock; R. E., Tom Hammond; Q., Of fellowship the'speaker said, "all
Norcross; L. H., Heston; R. H., Gra- goodness is scial goodness. FewKennedy Beach HALLIDAY WINS.
ver; F., Hammond. From now on of us would keep out of the peniten. Snuw----------------------Warul The contestants to be sent from
hard work and nightly scrimmages will tiary if it was not for the social help The winners wilt play the '04 Laws Michigan to attend the Hamilton Cldb
be the order, and the All-Fresh may that holds us 'up. The opportunityf Il i hi oratorical contest, which takes place
be brought into play against the reg- of the gang can scarcely be overesti- for the championship. in Chicago January 11, were chosen
ulars, as they have been ordered to mated. Righteousness in a man, the at last night's contest, held in the
turn out for scrimmage work tonight. fifth element, is like incensed wood BASKETBALL OUTLOOK. Law Building.
Defensive signals will be used against in a temple; it permeates every fibre The outlook for freshman basket- J. S. Halliday won first place and
the Wisconsin formations, as played and part. ball this year is very good. Fifty-one Hugo Sonnenschien second. The con-
by the scrubs, and single and double "Not only as a personal matter but freshmen have handed in their names test was well attended, and all the ora-
line defense will be perfected this as a universal, these five rights can as candidates for the team. Not only tions were delivered in good form and
week. Heston's position on defense be given to all by the men who build have many of them had experience in were of excellent thought.
may be utilized, as he perhaps will character. When we ride in before the game, but much of the new ma- In the January contest $100 goes
may be used, as' he perhaps will the ing to our triumph, the road terial shows great aptitude in learn- to the winner and $25 is provided for
which department Michigan has been builders and the traffic mongers win ing. The excellent team from yast his expenses while in the city; also
sadly deficient all season. The Long- have their reward, but the man-build- year was drawn from the same num- an additional $5 for the printing of
man-Hammond shift evidently gained ers shall rejoice in that joy which ro ber of candidates, which -augurs well his oration, and the privilege of en-
(Continued on Page Three.) man taketh from them." for this year's team. tering the club without initiation fee.

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