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November 10, 1890 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1890-11-10

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J. B. Field &' Co., of Detroit 13UY YOUR COLLEGE
Publshed Daily (Sundays ecpedduring lave 1preseted Abbott, catcher TEXT Bonrs. LAW ANDP MEDICAL BCOO
the College)ear, by and right fielder of last years NOTE BOOKS AT THE
THE U. o M. INDEPENJENT AtS@IATION. team, with a bat and bat bag for STUDENTS' 1B00K STORE, STATE STREET
havinig the best batting average Second-land books at low prices. We are agents o Pauli E. Wirt, Scott11
Sbcripton pice V.50 per yeri ivnriebly la4t seasonii. Iollands fontain pens. Bargains its statiotiery.
in advance. Sigytcopies;; cets. OttSle et
sheettait's atd Pose4Offtce e te tcadeery Ti- t(,stdeletts of Evanstoni are e 00. - OPRFo
evening ta:t o'clacksuObsciptionsttssybe '
left at the itie atoite DIoLY, Oteas lisaseppaig 'a rouinglyrceptotifor T ==' S't( 7[
block. at Shechuntit t lteta or withtitanysi' siett 1Imy adeRuers________NT____
afthue editr.asa i"Th Nigaa Flls Route."
Cstmmniciatosn sl ah ees lie tieby whot will arive there snext weeok.' "y ~--
10 A. M. ithtie se to aatiete tie Hale say. .
Adsesislmtster ittetnsed for uiation t is~ ootis, '90 Lit, was smasrried -CENTEAL STANDARD TIME.
the Managitng Etito. All bsintessitiommt last nio0titi. AND tt ____________________
latisashoiuilde csiiito tetBssinites Mitt-0
atr. Itt the rush at the fair grountd IJIIIARI Ii lM t} LUIILUL,
Reist ti tegee it teso a IeeetStu itrday sstte little blood was
the City(Cersulator, W. i. ISNil. , o
THE U. of X. DAILY, spilt. S FSII5.&2TI, xaCIE, ;oS I 0 -
An_ roMns E. L. Masoln, Lit '93, has been____05a
EDTroRS. slowitg a brother Atn Arbor -- T H E BEST.9'" _
H. . StHOEMAKER -1, M-0-6to*Eaton, sights over Sutndaty. Senteet teachees. Borestithris enhedti I 'a .ttr'}I o
W. E. GItFIN,. 9t.Aw~. Mon.Mata oEn. Rotm h.25 pee, sek. Crculaes pnapple a
A. H. COERT. 92. A*-. M.... EwsBo,r. The tug-of-war will probably be ction. " -n
M. S. HAMMOND. lot. B5wtBBBB MAoow..CEA , -u,
W. B. O'NEiLL. '9t A--eHBuw.Mwoe~ tried agaitn provided a rope catt be P. R.CLAY President s. a2xa I
H .W ~GtY O ,e a.Mosn ound strong etoughs to withstand HULIH OL
BU L txiOLY SONSM3ttcOtii Ol 'its. n^It.t tt ts l.aea k ta asg
H5 DiJEwEitr.it. H'. b 3r. is1t1 't. the tmusces of both classes. (itbAor-mttS INĀ°" a.-ouca
RE. 0. IItI S stsN 5 1" i si t tA ns, ' E
Lit cic 2 1 .Ttsc 2 ilri f 1ICiR ~\ Z
o.G. sletttTsHl,11 t.I x s,U1ssit3. ;. . - lle, '0, spoit Sisian-I LiNt.--r _ 5-~
-' d ay iti townt with his frietids. BLN OKS s-
__i-ls. Suntdertand's lecture oil ATLETI UODS AND STUENT' UPPLIES. a
It is desired by tie foot-ball tie (Land of Sco-tt." at Unity- ~~
- esst its of PONTAIN PENS in fhc Q ____ I
inageisent that 1all Who intendsiClob,>inext Moday vening, will cs.1t r-liSlsWtr
gi;to Detroit next Saturday to be tccomipantiedl by steropticoni Csfstsa~ss acss
goitigCigars tatudTsabcci.B
see the 1. of iMu.-Cntell gate views. Tils will ad rach ti YTIS ~Y TW(I tAN .
Shosuil buy their tickets (itoied the alredy itteresting subject. Call and se us at c
~~26S UT 2A - r order to sistaitn the low rttes ~2 OYE 'A'2 I
offered, $1,25,ituchuditsgadtuissiotu The Philadeiphila Press is tois ftWD~ rhraimoWtraoueladetryfaptIaOt GI~~~
Ctisrtl si-s, Ldiea, TIctis te -a a <
to the gatte, 300 tickets tmust be print a series of letters ots live g lt o ase. A msaito yas Pm q
sold. foot-ball topics, by (G. Ws. Wood- ,. t suaret-flistr ro esisdettitit,,( Snaly. *Suday ecepted.
At least 1,000 nieut ought to go ruff, Yale '8, thue fist of whicl, Indsees lrgymenseditrsi&othes i 0 WNtRUGGLES, . W. uAVES, r
al!'ad pblised, iscuses ,Slg-ssc sii-g it. Snd oeiliruia 0. P & T. A. Chicago. Agt Ana Arm
dowes to chleer for 0out eleven, but miray p'bisLd iadsssc'Sn- nastrkti. lastskings;t$-nocbsres. s.D.i ______ __
he early purchtase of tickets ia ing in Foot-ball." V_-alut____qEt_,__h______________ _
necessary to secure the low rates.--++- ;ToeAnArradNrt
Th yiktofc nMi alwl BUSINESS LOCALS. M A IL, t Michigan Railway.
TetcepiceiManHlwilh T Q QTmTalgonCaoefcMnaNV.be open every nsorning at chapel tNoticn inserted n this columna at the rate Q 1Kl lmoTalegaa itaofLe, anay Nt
af iiiceets per ine, kalgle tnserton. Specil FR~ENH CS CREAM. FNET FESCH IGog Erth. anIO. Ging SaSt"
htour, anilc~ tt ay be had at rata for loger te and extra linues furnished COKN:, LOWEST PRI5CES ORFoa
studticktsi~ng at this etlce tie by ctosiutina 5R. hBTISMATERIAL. 6 t I
other times fronm the Board of SC oughtty, Asssltnt Buines MatagerI 71 Fort St.. West, - Detroit, Mich.I ls 1nn . Cad i.ttadad Tae. ClxeCa
Dietr.Go to E. B. Hall for coal. Exp.E-p -al ".Mam
DoiWrmtitcrteaoatIst.iltCITY LIVER~Y AND SALE STABLEtaup-_ap- Mllsa-.-M--
--- +Overcoats see Wagier & Co. Eu. 13 ant 15 OsTgtonlts,ces ini, Mch a306 0 T Are . .0- 1
Firt-clas Rig atd s lish aitiutn H oses . a.. Ii0 5 dl40More, Juettat1 5 l1 il
In te Smuallrushes which ihave Gruberscocolatestashdhbon-bols fur hire, ____.....______4____ o5 i 47 ODude..it2 18ii0is
tre the finest thtat cantbeu mtade, pure -" 1 7 50 .Mia 11 5to S.
takemi place so far this year be- flavors, Io adulterationm. Try them. ... 4 ti27l APts AeISOII115 5915-
. . NewssRoon. _.. 150 7...LelsAdBR s it9 i2t
Sweets the cusses of '93 and'4usi" .... ean ..a l 9t
as otiaoveetsudStrdy, See (le Columtbia Bicycle ituwitdow. - I .:..:5 u sc t.murg Ilakis 80 51--
aso alw'nadStraState andulWilliam lSt. s326 5i..n . ass ....lo021sal
teeee so be a dispositioni ott Nobly Blalck Cheviot suitimga$5.00 s lo550 ....Da sad. ado 155s 5-
thuereds scouts s P OT GR PH R .:.:. t 1 0owi. s a...... 955 .vs-s
te part of smeto steal caps amd uiuparlttiatols 9 213 till.55ba a 5-- : i
pFor ftan! we will cut prices onu Bant- NO. 12 W. HURON S. 9527 11i5tO. t,aaois....7 20 5 0.5.
Cames. It is hartd to say which josi, Guitars, Matudiolins, Cases andt-il A.M.oisis'u1 ......Alia...72
seats 5 dl ..t. Pleaant.... G 4 4it
(,tig or the same, lwer taniat 7 1-45151.....lae..625453a4,
class is SnoulmetiGfor the umtrocmc- antyt""'sic house ini Mihigan.lTi 7 0t..- 25 .Sarconlt..... asa
Son of this new.atsd condemnusabe metums all the wors imuply. A Wilsey,.< J20 .-".a85..t.ladilac.........
feature. At any rate it is a 215.2thAveutu, ity 7101.02 ...Orhs
Novelties in Topt Coatings at Sta 'ussi 5"i".".Maitn.. l
thing that cnotb foneins'.
downs too soon. Our little class Stewart Banjos at Wilsey's. ' Saginaw DivISI1o.
ruhe ertooe ae ee ha- Baths i10e at P. . Barber Shop. OE NIGHT ONLY -._........
ruhshrtooehvhbe hr ell Gillespie, Teacher of GuitaiTursday live., Nov. SO Gaig Erth nTATON. Gisesasti'
acterized by a friendly though Banjo and Mandolin at Clement's.
sport-loving spirit, and -we should Baiy State and other Guitars, Blanjos LO0U IS J A. X E S, 1 a P. PaoPal. F
be glad if they would so continue, amidtMandins at Wise's. -IN-^ M, - ii tAr. A. M.. -'
BaStigsaWisy's.07 ..h ...74 .An.SArbor.. ii25.1
________FiatsSAE-A 1-inch Expert Coal- ii+ 7 s5C...,.... .91501....Dia.n...4. M
'9 ihsrtre ounba, full nickled, ball bearings al____ s _________8145"""""" 5507..Ealtshigaa..B 9iu A
Bach, '2Lt a eundt around, in At codition. Ceap. Ats4."",I -aswl. gL .i
8 SouthlUniverity ;Ave., tbetween 5Prices 75, 50, and 35C. H. W. ASLnt ent. A.I.he.P.ILBra.
reuehscleework." ndOp. m.Seas ao ale at thle P. O. NawaRooa. GO. . ALEWOOD. Lani Aet.

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