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November 10, 1896 - Image 3

Resource type:
U. of M. Daily, 1896-11-10

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Time Table (Rlevised) Sept. 27, 1896.
M!ail and Ex - 1 47 N. Y. Special--_. 7 35
N. Y. Special.-.. 4108 Mall -----584,3
Eastern Exs.--10 17 N. S. Limited.-- 9 25
Atlantic Ex.___7 15 Pacific Ex.---12151
D.N.Expres.--. 140 Western Ex i.5
t4. R. Expres -.11 V5 (Chi. Sit. Exs.-5- 910
G. P. & T. Agt. Oicago. Aga. Ann Arbnr

no colle(gl triinig. Maj. Mtiiniey=-
A0r10 a 01 iiileitin P1anllicadlemly iilieb
lltleseiow ofI. 1101.nd.., ini liei We- -
Cdirge for a Sorttildeii:. lEX-t ani
idlate yanilr1111111(1a col e oidoez-
ioll a1t0Illinlois ( olo-e. .aal oiifie.

Time Tabie, Oct. 27, 18965. a Ib a N @ A ' .gm° rI- l¢c
N0RTH. 5050 o I /i / "/ /,/FaeI 4 , ao0 0 ceao et rI
4:30 p.vm op.iM. _________________________________________ a~:. 0 s eeT ,c. ---
*Runcelbtceen Ana Arbor and 11Toledo onely.CNI A)' ew
All trainsesilily IexceptiSundly. ITile LUCKY CURlVE of teO.S.PRKRF nai Pn Se llbl.
E. S. GOREII, Agent Siphlonlfeedereis t h .is .PAIIRFonanPe osn: ntn n° o ve
W. H. BENNETT G. P. A. Toledo 0O.
ANN ARBOR & YPSILANTI ST. RY. (j ~I -Te nileiiiandij Car Linebten
- --Wha~t Bait citelivs r o e ScBicycle. Aperfect Pcn a nidlwarerant- 1by lie Pa 'e lThe Onig Sleeping or Drawing Reoon tir
Time Table, Ma 17. 1896 Pen Company, Jan-esile, Wis. . R U ,'9,4 S. niest Line between Toledo, Columbus aned
Leave Ypsilanti from Congress st., 6:30.,0:00 MaheOn rta.l omGrbn ewe
ad 11:00 a.in.; 1:45,11 :5, 5: ,6450b0, ____3:30,_____________5:00,__________6:45,_______ heO8:Drwng3omCa Ln btw0
and (0:l5 p. mn.' Toledo, Columbus and Charleston,
Le30ave Ann Aeb5r2J30, ct00 , 7: 0 8: :0 sod TPullman nr P W. Va.
Le30a.eAn roincin.;11,2i,40, 1515, 500 and T*y OuPullmanes! lepers between Cnlumbus and"
SUNDAY TIME. We haveianeery of Prfme which Chicagn.
Leave Ypsilanti frsosngressnst., 1:30,3:3, sye fvi ne aisle THE ONLY LINE with 4 trainseaceh way daisy
5:00,6-3:0 and 9:0 p. m. wb, ~ t etween Toledo anod Columbus.
Leave Ann Arbse Junction, 1:.00, 4:00, 5:30,1wilH ai55 ho yu.TEOL th etb eoeeeh ayw
7:I0oad 9:M0p. im. I Sundays bewee oledo ond Columbus.
Oars rano city time Fare: single trip 15 Stor-, 17.~i E. Washington, THE ONLYSEe with Seoranrelsh waydaily
cents; round trip tickets 25 cents. Mr~uYflmfl1Vi sjDruglQCone. 4th Ave. Fiedlay10, Bowling Greeneando
WM. F. PARKER, Supt _______________________________ THE ONLY LINE nitb 2 teoinseebhwee 40117
between Toledo end Chaleton, W. V
TH INEGNDNBILAD AL Graduates in Congaress. tar-ley eel1l lies' ill the1- l1'l'01515 sf THE ONLY IECnT LINE between Toejo
lllil(ies11111 SIolllil. III Iof Iledo~l, 0. THE POPULAR LINE oL A ern Toleds, FPenne.
.Iif )isi 110t1lS tIl 11 1 11011-0 1-liecil- .ia, Boeyeo, Ginsvub 004 NewaeS.
A R0 D IC ET O[n I t Is 1ltio(alell' 1 f=1 out f,1the II I'slur Pollinformationrelativeotisraee, lime Cd
R n I'V if; he Iron~ncnc of c~le tc m n i teaine, etc., will boebherfullyeurnsheed hy sny
R AlIROA TIC ET B OKER ~ ; l7~lI-I~Ilile~ ~" eI-lecoi~la 150tlli(((Oi11iltll lolegim<, aegent oteOhisoeralLines. A
Whiolesale Cigars, Tobaccos alied 'sew 111'kfoaboiutg 11-10 11oafcltheirtokaM O LD, Q OP. A
Cor. Main and Liberty Sts. ille (_ lIl-a ;o ')1111wicel-era1111f~ee ~lld:10 111. and Opera Xl s.
.A illolg the11 e-1cc 1111 iin-i lgess
THE 1110Wol-ott. 1111- 1011111111 1or11:o1 f111m1Jacab Litts'0riginsal productioofe hetl
I 11111tcl, il-lli-l XII ar,'' -111 Se11 a t11 Ie (ll eal~ l of l11r- Greatest Ssccess of lMsdern Timses.
W 1P111 N11(E10 giadutaliod. 1111111e 111-11i hei 'onil101.10R55-151 1 In ldKen~tu~cky
(llgetlia Tlckrs for srleaat he 0' 5 Ffptess the
Al ltos' l(1111nof1,11 1sf ess 1111co 11111ege; 1n
s If110 hllv:111Il cl . i. eso ed1
'1111' illiOtloil 5 110 3111111e;11 11111 111
tosestterellings Sri-eeanShin lsaed ,oPen Pri en and Odin , 'sea iC
etc. SpoldFosiongae; sngOspnln ickts ITS.rorsaelaeteiE prtsrffc
NeewUnverkit clileagosnaTheFankli1Ban&lCafeo
flI~flfl~flflh lu 515 i's ill the11115si 1e 11110te s lse t aa hefntI beial it, 35
Wasyhng fo hnto playerl-lJackt', and1C0111ibia 11111siller11111e ' O - Caenifurnih you w.ih a frt-l ta s pecunai
Blocktcins eresSi G d, but istl0wIi11101 'a'llllli 11011) -Iil-highelisiit- e n.ia Yafeanldllyigriinrs1:1(to210i.e
ec Spligsooica ofc a DD Arbt'. liiit i ll'l'in 10 011 1( e i ng l clll'111 i'- - olvESIi''ltI r (1SAil'Cll'k05''i s_
Foo R aGER'SaClyadoe y D NCNG tst0111e Inter-i 'igi1111111 11 1- Oclal 110li te' 1il'110iolf '.51111111flomd
10thleaten Aisceai edompate anytme.
Nlar,meteGayn tece. and iBa th- U ed al epr Io s aies n t hr e VRecstabertnttIandnlcunch sClsuptere
, Il. ren. Al pitinen&s fRSln. le:iabci tGte Al h-.l e 1plll tc ollll 311 lls Aac delisus 1Sfe
mpreadseti ias.Ldes rIs todvalemenatoer posion ai coidlaTyeirPorttoSanida l si as
ticv; haireditssip andpbesentatporesrad
stairs. J.( a. Trojanowahi, 555. State st.66 28 MSOUTHtSTATEASTREETg.iCIsNTO o
SNALTuEnHTOGAPEbuy ithe BeStautessiain Pen Dithe marke.lEvryto e Guanetleadicty53 rel foi 1 lims(lee;IIs prwk.Rtu i nedl~. NAY
to, o. Veloit Id Ce e lnlan's fnlit atiscl edfy for olit e Scrs nd ce B stl en p ee
GAGRSTUCDEOFNSN BOOKST.hle ornlR ol hdasol- brayo teIngard1es ngri ad.
Our mehod inures schespound.un Call
flHr,6 BHynrdNtre& McOig. no.TechSTATEo genc


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