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November 10, 1896 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1896-11-10

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Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during
the College Year, at
OrrICE: Times building. 79 S. Main St. be-
tween Liberty and William Sin.
J.N. TexNAS, 97.
0. . I lIASc, '98s.

Prof. Hiesadain's Lecture.
Lust evenling ill the Ititiarian c'hul'rh
ocicurred the1,third lecture .i lihi Icily
(tub lecture series. Prof. Ai. 11.tHues-
dale, dei.-in of theii'lliieoia~hiiie itrt-
Iutrn)of the llirerx itv of Sirhigu1ti,
discouirsedl uponthelii ubjl'', "80o11e
PrimtiitiveC Itilcriolts." Prof. ihinsduale
-waus iniroduceed luy Dr. Zinuuieriuui,
the presidletnt oftihi'club, and stoke
to alt audience of abiont 150 personsc.
All ins-etitions, lie sail, are iisid

F ;::; ,
.:.. _ cry
_ f ' ; ,
, - -
n fr'\zK.
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If a+ f /7
___ _- ; .
s "jjpi° f { }^

wins the juary of shoe buyers and itin.
ours by a heavy muajority. Footwear
ebould be top qulity. '1Te feet caint
stand atnytitng else. Prices should be
low', so as to keeps the shoe tax within
bounids. You won't feel our shoe
prices, bitt they trill tmake yout feel
pleased. There tire no corn browmeas
like bud oboes. Come to us and get
something that yott can wear yourself,
instead of the shoe wearing your foot.

E.L.G ITOR 5LF..Sieo,'s I110 ltiolsses. (1) sittilde irvet-itoilsof
E. . II.Mxcn. RA'00 . IF. u. SetLss'9. bitt One11 ttEC, (2) complllex ts -'titticn. OB."\/M' lB lfaiY. 0 0. H.B./.\...C17 8 L
F. MI. Lotomis, '55 . I. CRI N sr, '99. col-e 1sip of uwo in list sinitile ill-
C. M. tRatNx , Athletic Editor. voiltiotis. Atmotig-, the most tritivie A PRICE HINT WILL TELL THE STORY BEST.

W. IV. lughes, '9S. S.5. sOmith, '97.
F. A. Foeth, '9SFE. Lootser Dodg-e, '99.
W. P. Maorit, '95. Botter Lunch, 1900.
A. A. Smith, '97. C. Loll, J., 99 l1.

lie t'srirrcs, ui c, ,st't'tlacs'.pottery'
atod it'. SItingis ccitt(if tliii great. i$1500
ei' nvent'llionistof llY a'1:. ateilaitiug
Me'iluee Iicand
till othe'r itvocations of tlii . kittics iilinetd tit Shins
rtlil. ect or hemmed,
Atlong differetpelte thir' cIS'it
ttaltt'alr tdi'tere'ti tutitifesmiotis if

ilce Kersey Ccvecoas, sire ce
nee c satin piped facings. Edgrs
1,flay or Serge lining

The subhcripion price of the Dily to 9.lttheii'stilte intilir. Tlime' silatii I(\\ Same slyle asoticoseratsi10 cbut hge
fo tecleeyawtareotedelivery grade
fo h olg er ihar lruibefore alooeh day. Noticesc, coemounictl- is lit'ns beter loth
tiones,ad oticer mactter intended for pastlic'a- tioittismust beic tlhandetsdt in atuitsltheneb1)ecout
Dna ct e snde tsrat he alioffice he- fllmad.ito whlichlite scevcgal . -~ A
~(foie s p. c., or malied it the editor colore 3L0
p.i., of the dog prevsous to thcat orr whichrdri.'i'hsiiitNstr.ectI
Subscriptirons may he left at Theicltiy
office, Meye' or Stoiflet's Newsttand, o nId<n n h raii-
ferw a las-or Bsnesby aae.reporting promptly poespl iat co-ehis ulidiffered intthieir tit'ottoiiits4tttsllininegnscoude andilned.ffe-intilrserde
oficee any failure of carrestoce deliver paper. tnrcbodrosinle.AIntaorme
the_________________________7st 1rig or Icrl, tt'frt nst garment in every respect.
Otto tutpleasantnerss about class io. r tu
gailes is ursallythecrodin'othe i' 1 ahrtiils''himil itslitt engthc ie
field by tice sipectators. 'is is atl- c-itfrstctiiii-ttseii-'lo
sotii-iiwcthbO rs Iert I nit etic-re i'ltitacry arid bitt to dIs
foriredth fat the officialts for this after-uwi tifarortt'eicimsewilie iimore
no-oi's gaimet' will 5111op pSlit g t yimportan51'lit illc'ttinth ios' u-lich re'-
timuce cun tilet' ristis etltlthistilate toindtriailife'. must be tscsribedt I
carries ittustde tinemiss's. It s 111ts otritiut' cs rttrir-'lst powe'rs. T'iim' e.-'.'GO TO ~ "0,
i'rtter ctilscitfti'enitsi ution rild's all
necessaury for us 1o0samte 11191 we troll'e
iiiis rulie will be adhteresi to. li th iscovei'tes frcctuwich ill s' recftti U E RB VO N& C O
____________________ tushpectrl iris of todamy u-erel-
We increl hoe tat he'99ine_ vlapd. ;o t s te wom~aa f t~eGents' Furnishers and Hatters
ictal ciass will adospt liii house systemtiittive agi's thtat we mutrst ttankA
ira extamiinations. Tire l'niv'trsity 'fort muuchthillit is bstin oustr usiderni44 Souxth State St. .% ..i.r A rbor,
need-es sccmettiiug along this uieandciv'ilizationi.
tire iihoorexamutination explerimlent 'filie groat diftfeitirn'e'BtethIls .and. see
wotild.be' ottefrom iwhich othersl' assesear'invhienitor' tititthet'moider'ntitoe-ct
anti depmrtmuerntscould leaurrm valuablet'for isitt ht' rctike'tt tris'ientorust's H OBETS
lesssons.Le't ote leatss lmad .aridthue'Ilshi nttthil phtit'h euii'l around irhtiitic
wil be others. t hitsswotrk aiditriest'sistranismit tis'
hov_______- tiers if tieemtients tot hie'utse' of that evcer came down the pike.
TPhe t'nicver'sit~y should fs'el grmsleftr lil ll'therprimiivi-'Iti tot, lonithie
to the gradurates of '117 for u-liat it htas oilier harrit, useutonlyg hits issnmihtmsI Shoes Shtined Free,- - - --- - ---Shoes Shined Free.
.accomlhetd in huhiting tile ties (hex- eml ittscnt's. .Andtthtotught oihtemritits'
tae, Palladinin and Cusitar in sue to this laiugi' exteni, the tdist'cv'rerc THE ANNUAL ANNOUNCEMENT
acnal. Tlits urramngementrito11llt-1i liii'hestosemage havet' hinuieti ditcs-s
doeibtrdiy itroducee ae tetter troolkin ill turs suggestioscfor taltiost ecerscIl se-= OF --
cways for cAvhattatlent there is inthlit inl appliancere ht' ve.'',Proa ltitrs-~
Unicersity cwilhit'contcentrmastedtiot dlillushtrarted'i ti' lectuhue by thtsitli-
spread out thinhioscer a large airea. h.ie trig to tile audiencesampe's of lprisii-
passibility that thi'etditors hiace al- tint'kkits'. uedtes, axes, spooits, etc. Leland T. Po es---------------NOV. 30
ways ittd theretofoire ts cantemlatme, WNits tise ite itiphressedl his sutbject Boston Ladies' Symphony Orchestra----------------- Dec. 11
titat of pmayiing fifty ar sixty idoltar;srmore firrmly 1u11011tiemrinds of hits Charles A. Dana------------.-------------------_-- Jan. 21
each for cworking hamrd during the coil- heas.''s At tie close tif the lectutreE-PedntHrio -------------Fb 1
loge ye'arh, cwill also be doni'aamy lime auinice shiowced its apprleciataon Luther Lain Mills, (Chicaigo Alumni, Number)-----Feb. 12
withr.Orte pubtlicrtiona chere utsere byhi'searty ,applaursse. Imperial Quartet------------------March 12
were formerly three ought) to mauke, 1hOS 'fSaturday mfternionh, blimck Oratorical Cnet- -------------March 19
instead of oneumotrey. setil leatler purse contiinitg weds Lcu er il---------------April 2
gaud address of ouner, 5$ bitt, sm~all John Kendrick Bag-------------April 13
We have received for review trill anti change,.tiewvard cvill ire laid GENERAL ADMSISSION TICKETS $0.00
douthys Life of Nesn'" edited by for' its retni'n to 435S. University. 37 RESERVED SEAT TICKETS 250
Prf .L ilr 9,acelkon Lost-Diamond etunler stick pin at SINGLE ADMISSION .50
graduate of tireUniversity. A criti- gynmnaium Friday evening, Finadier EXnPT
eat review of the hook will appear csill receive reward by leaving sm HarrisonNumibr $1.00
shorly.Oratoricai Contest .25
shrl.at 3 Monroe St. TICKETS NOW ON SALE-Reserved tichets onsate Thursday,0Oc1, 8th, at 'Pahmere
For rent-Two suites with heat and 20 S. Ingalls.st-One single room drug store, Stain street, and wars bnnh store,Matn street.
bath. 23 Thompson St. lighted, 75C. _ JAMES H. PRUJITT, Corresponding Secretary.


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