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November 10, 1897 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1897-11-10

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tic tt,. Of

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Has received a foil line of Novelties
for Fall and Winter in
Suits, 'Trousers,
and Overcoatings
Fresh every week.
Only in packages-
60c a pound.
Lowney's if you
Just Received a Large and Elegant
Lisle of NTew Pipes!a
Hot and Cold Lunches at nil hours. Agents
far Huyler's and Willias and Werners Cu.'
Chocolate Bun Hone.
R. 1B. JOILLzY & co.
308 South Stane Street.
Rol andReed,
The Wrong M. Wright
PRICES, 25C, 50C, 75c1, $1.00, $'.S.

GAMMA P1HI BETA. Athletic Board Meeting.
'P elk' AAt the meeting of tile athletic bootrd
Twenty=iitirdt Annual Convention last night the tootler of tue tnths
Is Being; Held Here. -1 was adnttoed 1)y groanttig the form-
ierttick B to tint ettDoIS men isi en('1-
thiis to a verybusy wktoce crthe, larging the track It10to mites. f i



istitbeitor oftheG-inia P iBleta so-
rritty, as theito 23rd atiultonlventtimn
is beinig held Itn AnntiArbot this year.
Tte tbusiiiess tthe esittettionotit(tt-
ittettettyesterday allternoont '
o'eisek Iti tle paloriis of tihe (Chtrch ofI
Chrttis-ithee 11oth l teetiilgos will be
Latst teveing at 8 otcloek ti re-cepitiI
State St.
Flis mnngilt wsill he tie voted
toi (buiniess itteetitigs, whiile a rtecis-
tiontil s beihitendieredl lheisotrorities at
tite cihatiter house lit 4 o'eloek intthie
afterntonitandibinthtit'eventing, trs. Hatr-
risotiSoutle enitertints tilt'ctnveton
at her hotie lii S. Uivrsity asvenue.
(0ii Thutrsday~, bitoteso '111eetngs'
agolili antti e Iteltto tatinia Storority-
'afternoonsi. The Itatitia tPitto giea
rieepstiont fori liie'foteutty tatd friendi
of liii'Soroirity at Gtrantg's Jitil ini
Fridlay.,lte last tlay sf tieecontt--
tin, hits a very full trofratin, vizo.:
Buitoness ineetings, alumttnae iteeting
atid baniquet it ite Cotok Ithotse in thto
The sitcollege' ciltidrs oithliiSit-
rority art eleresenited bthlii'followting
young ladies:
University of Syrticnoe, Mtso Lewis,
MMiss Bailey, Miss Vari.Winkle;t Boston
University, 'Miss Mlabel Moses, MIss
J.enkiltat Baltimore Womnan's Coillege,
1Mios Powelt; Noithiwestern U'niversity,
MhissRuithi'Phillips, :Miss Whte, hiss
P'attersoni, Miss Marie Bennett, liss
Ida Hrooke, MHiss Lyons, Miss Ilarrist
tUniv'eroity of Wisconisini, Miss Gilbon,
Miss Shetirer, Miss Maty iPrattt tiii-
versoity of Califoria, Ahiss iReddington;t
Chicago Aluinnae' Chaiter, hits.
Robert .Prelile, M.lrs. iii. S. Bleek; Bos-
foin Alominae Chataier, Miss Damon;
Syracuse Alumnae Chater, Mres.
.Others altending the convention art'
'Mrs. Barry Batholomesw, 'Mrs. 0iolilor,
and Mrs. J. I1. Beiteito, of Lansinig;
is utinamt, of Ypsilanti; Mrs. Gros-
tenor, of Monroe; Miss Bolleatine, anti
hiss Emma 'liac'torran, of Port
Hturn;itMtss 'Marie Goodman, of Kan-
sas City; Mrs. F. B. Close, of Chicago.
Prof. Jonas Honored.
Prof. Alberto Jonas has been invited
to play with the (Boston Symphiony or-
chestrit at two concerts, both coming
off some time this month. Such at
honor is seldom conferred on any bul
artists from abroad and :Ann Arboi
may well be proud to think Prof
Jonas was chosen to fill the position
Fraulein Elsa von Grave has been
aske by Prof. A. A. Stanley to tak4
Prof. Jonas' lasses 'b'ile he is on
of town.
The senior class at Wesleyan wil1-I'
wear caps and gowns this year for thi
efirst time since the class of 1872.

inchtes; basell, Iinimchies; trtetk.5'
ichies;tlentis, 41/.2ittelitt. :51.atoll ev
for liie' Detroit :;iml. Trainis will
leave at 0i andtl1ll a. it., 1ti llg at 7
<atist321i. It. PTt'eIticets whtttich tie'
$1.510, intctlgl iltngath <tl', will ibe' oi
sale at Sidi lfilbteiks aitdlSitetiottis
antl ty atny miemberm tf ti' iboardi.
After tile metctintgotsessiofti it tic
fitisiball eomimttlet woas ctiltet, at
up~. No atetiomi waostakenindtutt'esCon-
n itlte is-ill meet't todtay ott 12 11. ott the
tosi L pitoihouitse'to furthierconider
thet tmotter. PTieti'will bei'secre't prac-
tie'all this sweek antd iMtooay, 'iits-
daoy andelWednesidaof 1texi tteetk.
A New Dispenser.
Theii'disltetsittg roitiiof thetti- li tho
ltoratory lhos ttotbtaiedrelieftbyty heii
eiploy itt an idititioml tiislsi'isittg
hler. Noit, it is lto ehi' pediti, tilt
daoys of detlay it liii sttpply Wtimdows
are tpast. Forxliiieipast mnthtiit tots
'ibeen c'ttoma to siceot litie of waiiting
estiudents befomr' these windos; nows
there tire lto be wsaiinig -1-rko bettini
the i'nmdiows, andl viiits no t' clot' in
'titeit- way is liniter thtemi in givitng
ptrompot service. 'Tie sup~ply-roomtis tire
iin elicit csitpact quarters that, inttheti
neiw arrangementt, tio tn(,t'ai-ot le adi-

Pronouncing Content.
literoary 01111nodlaw ideparitments, tinder
tiii altstttlli e ofthte tttotricolt A.".o-
cit~in, til l 'eiheldi inIUni'vrsity thoU
Fridlay visttgto, Ntis. 1it3
Eoacht idepatritet isto litlit ttprt'seub'
ettlilly' fromthelit iffi tit thlxs-s
tt-part-itttut ititi, it tiill -lotis e ianott0i-
5ivitlttlls-ontisi tndtiteitisutiet i s
citll"Otils si otuditig si-ien ltithe ets al-ti
pronottttncedtl tutwill list only 'Isitt for-
this detmentctttitha t I eii-c-reselit, Ichb
till hIJOt lit- si'o izuetas'theliii' Ivnnr,
libly bit-sometict htltioary-.
liie' tilowttititare ttebtt'ules Itat wll
gin-t-til teit-ieitst:
1. t'u'irt-isit'r, \V--tstur aind lt,'e('sO-
thery Dic-ttioiries shalltb to'tie onuly
au1thosititisotndtuopies teiretotsit'
ilt ittlsi' ofttothi sitsat,0 mi i ti
2t tOnlyk tio tri lo'i s itritbeilosucud
'Pure fymthels airt alie onitst wa
tt-hIck ottid tesstre it stisfooi. the
'byt-r otrnutestat.'t'siiilg

Students should try us before
musking any purchase. We are
hound to satisfy and please. Our
large stock of Law and Medcal
Books, in short, Text-Books for
every department in the University,
new and second-hand enables us
to sell at the lowest price.
Blank Books and U. of M. Sta-
tionery at low prices.
Make our stores your headquarters.
Up Town Down Towa.
a. State at. 0Oppostte CourtHouse
Ann Arboer Main mt.

Mittetd butt those sshto tiove thiIs- At a meetting of tile bord of trims--
pseisiimg to, do. tee's of time mniverusity of h'enusylvani&!
hld on Ntis. 4th, thirty sciolarosl s
Yesterday's Practice. i time depoartmmenit of phiilosophmy were-
etitblishled. -These art' to be knownr
Football peatice was mist of thei best as time U'niversity Schmolarships. Ten
yesterday, as is usutal timefbest iftthie ale inowt opcn ho comnpetitionm, twventy
tech anti-not all of time imen wsere out. will be spell in '9S and 'h99, and thirty
Coachm herbert will lput mile min o1991amid'00 amid thelreftler. These,
thirotughi a course of sever'estork this schmolarships will early wthithiem re-
Vrmmander of timesveek amid condition mission of tuition fees only, ;not of
t hem to stand te ommslaughts outMin- laboratory or graduation fees, and will
nesota's heavy line. Practice waus be 'held for one year only, timetiotfir
-ecret yesterday amidstill be' today mnd to be eligible tsvice foerrI-appointmlent'.
tomorrosv. Tlime main loimnt considered ini awardl-
The 'tinnuesota heatm wiltine utuingte schmoluarshiposyilltbe the prey--
Friday against time Deli-sit Athletic Ions scholastic record of the student,_
Club on time loller's grounds for light tunt preference will be given ho Stu,-
practice. They swill probably pass dents wvho cau show that they standl
through lucre Thursday afternoon at in need of melpu.
4:5 o'clock on time Mihtigan Central. --__
Official Named.History by Prof. Truebl oon
htnosa The preincipal article in the current
Mtanager Hughes and time Mneoanuumber of Werner's Magaziue is-t
football matnagement have at Imast fixed "titr ftmate-tt rtrcn
upo oficilsfortim Dtrot gmeLeague," by Prof. Trueblood. Besides
mmcd Williams, Yale, '86, and Church, a short synopsis of the twenty-four.
Princeton, '97, will serve. Williams
contests held, it gives an interestng.
meas been oene of the otfficials in every account of what the winners. are- now
important contest played in Detroit mudig u fPof er ".~lm
the last ten :years, while Church us accompanies the article.. Prof. Adams
Purdue's efficient coach. Both have .a
thorughknowedg ofthe ameandwas Jlrst president of the league.. tund;
thooug knwlege f (ue ameandrepresented howa. College In the- fiiatr
swill doubtless prove capable. ccntest. The frontispiece of the, maga.-
cine is a full-page half-tone. of Prof..
At the Syracuse University meet Trueblood.
recently, Prinstein broke mime college
broad Jump record with a jump of 22 Lehigh ham won two games this yeor
feet om, inches. by goals from the .field.


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