W EWO LDHAVE Petired as aetd-l :a :tttr aihe An j astern Expert will Reproduce the
Abor totoilice -Chicago-Michigan Game in the
YO OK O -olseum-Coaches Sanction
YOU TO KNOWt atiIli.lietldally It-tiiexctipt 1 ti hl, i.the Plan. BI rION
Z t tig t flooat ieet Fr. ictut)I 'hititl ti -iti3r______
h iete ch its oitei i va oot- 0
Thtat we are dong business at Maaging Editor, J. STANLEY BtAlLY e1tinki:out on f 1rrp tuteli et XSat- W~e qitote a list of th i-tll
Business Maager, CLAUDE A. THOMPSON ufticw.hi t itlitho ottilalgiats of lln intothe popular l)ook
ORNEW STORE ichic a o and M ich-Iigatiniush, iha Atil-tiofor xotr ispecton The
OUftre ;h;k7)io-----;i c tt, ;:ictl>. 1 t ho att.ale to list price 'of blhese ptblcatltott
311 So th Stte Stret f tiile ----------- tiir . . . i L.L w iv"--- _A xrtt.Io , ittAnn \Arbor, in the iloal - $i.50 otr ptuce
That our New \Woolens for A. M.It titur~ ti . 0. i: I iiitut li ieii-grl-llH 1 0
Mariiy i. AnrIt l l ayti. , wi5 11ll iie itttrodutcedl lipaid o
the rcott.i1gWfall trade are ( te tog istact elphnianti- it-iofCcautrk(squl
ready. Peeles 1 i ti-eA 1 r n resos o ltoi~in fo ili il t iettits, ol
A I1V Ontigi-A. lc i i d i tit i aceiSa. ithiagond Yot Bytewti Eai dSlot ite
IuA lleni i yc- widitipc. tit -
That we make stuperb gar- thus. E. Ambrosie ou sltI e of on tlau Arthlutr I rwnBo i0' tsti, Th- 111,intotni s
nients for gentlenten C li tri t0 t-tad .ihuee, 1 -.tt: 6 .lss .liitia. og ioctfiriniic- il 't.15 I n Pleiy Smih
*. It Hll t'us(itByaAtbetttltthtt- sL wec
(J E~I. iFeii. tze i 1n ~ I-,-in t nC iat luavatt b t t ian lio\V iitc lt110
SThat we appreciate yotur trade and______lly iedi-uttie odltltttheitl
* atnd respectfully solicit a BATES: $5.V i noyear, ti- $.001if y tofiIt it atliii-e (tlisetuim.
Sconitinuanlce of thse saute. ittL- iittO Irwt i nhi ltr i the pa tlintart frany ohers for oly 50C
2AAIOffice lieur-st 1230 to 1:30 andO 6:30 to 730 has been: rer uin~tig l l t Iig ____
f Tl p.ma. daily. Eastertiln gtiite it i oi.sc a
f G.H. WLD O. iAddrss:CLAUE ATHO1PSON Buines \ I t hi-i litin aanti:Nt-tnYork, in '
G.fx ' IL lanager,331 Packard St., Telephonee 4o le iii lil.liiro a pstt ttwhiciivsitoW l
rAILORS - -I - sitt ltontrs ait Itllot 0t- itol- B O S O E
310 South State Street. l_ 5e ve 1v.1i 5 y antili i i icdet f te I I O ~ u R
NOT Ni Th o isiofiourfrliei tt bbate l1ti in1 tIt t i tIaiidlof lcorn itteani UIVERSITY HEADQUARTERS
* il h it nvc o itet co t tnodii~111:1 tii:i N W e o r Cttt ettlpthn uh latl 103-t05t S. Mate St. 316 S. State S.
~dcl~ltntonoiitr SIPTIhurday, Novmbr i0, 904 talc 1: ii trunirn itrtpruttitcu0on at
* iitt~~~~~~~~h gt- r.:utt- Ilte ill Chica-tgo all 1thal _________________
Editor today-F. C. PARKS. lirsonthet- histtric Frry'Fiehld at
*AimtiAn ir next Stray. C. E. BARTHELL'S
- - A ignblouck oiftstls till be r - LAW BOOK BARGAINS
CALEN DAR. st-Ittit ftr it-e Stdetils of ite Mi____
wa s cht-ooluuI.auid-atotheir 0sec1 tit of S attes ot Idliaa - - - -$4
OLLEGE TT-BOOKS Nov. 10-Philological socity nuetntg satsttillhitcld rlilthuii-licltginalPraciecBoiosiutIndiana, 3
A L D PRT MENI T S 73 f :30 p. tm. roomlEtIF. ltiil-nsitp- attuni 'ilT:- narsipylbras ibadllwill Ivolumeits - - - - -s
j hall. Cuh btu e l hai ndto Ilgritd ut omtiusical it- Sta uls uutfIMissori, 2 volt.... $4
November 1-Michigan Cu o s Itt lilt anduthe altstn onftttheuatunua toti Iilll a$2'hia
banquet at Waterman genia- twill Ihe- itdruaieid 1m itliorn oftlhe rd
slum.IN ENSrial llsGr'ens Mihigan Ptaction, 2
slumovvsM.h- P1l"Ther nar ati cgo-a nyita plul l voumeus - - - $4
fron $1 pNo.12-Football, Chicago v. uic- t~o at elty11 -iti ntesed 1 i l t ut-uuu tutriaugls Micigat ClatterY$1
Anl guaranteed. igao at Ferry Field. cit-ofuthilus gaui. siti Cti-ciStagg Ftluts Iona Practice ...."3
fNor- h-John T MCttcheoi, o laiss tl igh tulan tlwhu c-t lt gup11to10 llries Latn Dictiontary, 2 ols..$
- S L.A coure ~l.inim rorun ot ittn iy- 111111fa- C iusCt a lg
Nov. 1.-Pittshurg Orchetra-First miltilir sihiithese rtprduilultinsof (e y' Ca.LwPd,2vl.7
MrAHE[MATICAL numnthr of Choral Uniotnseric. in. m~wiii. andt I 1111ev1 loll thils ill Jues Forris Cawyancing-..$
______________________ bluuatti xe-letu op0polrItuiltu r te hu- Pio Pracice tBoos, 2 vtl...$
D RAWING Mchigan nen! Cuminouuuulton~ight sulilte till ltalumiuhetue iu Cicttago Kentt's Commtlen-aries, 4 vl. - -
o thur last singig mnetig out 11. to st-cture til complt attdlitiuclhgeut Storys FEqity Jurs., 2 volt. .-..$6
INSTRUMEINTS i - f heaii.
Yo a o fodtoms tadb I itnl Ibe-aigoudth inig tur tfoot- Lin lep- Ptnlership, 2 volt-..6orpeec o ilhl h em blad a fie tigfrSaga asno otat,3vl.. $
to itr 1y ottSaturiduapy. Shu t-bltal hitel here- l Cu-i hiagIt" otaidlYosit Adrwtvn Amueican Law -.. $
ALE TIC (GOODS uplayes 01cr-liyoui: unied uuitinra e icl.tii i uWlkers Americait Law-...$
m n.antd siuItpiporrtuluuEvertoybalbaottiysNeottnlettto 2vols$
® s~~~aruc s ~~~i ll heticipatie s illt niEatt \-tuu l NHolsscoin' Cant and ss2Political
" t hsis theit tm ht I Hitr ntd States, 8vo5 .6
CI honur-ur rce. Evrytckthusibett sold ftrurhu hut veuInvaded tuthe 1111- t."lAmtiucican and English Ency-
ichgn Uin bnuttmro awt1vl ......:¢ ight. and evrryhiing it itu raiten ANOTHER SONG.
SHE EHAN & CO onte biggest dinnter ct-r gitetuoniTuhlitilyipttiu5hut-folowing sntg L adMdclBos
j t h e a m p u s . T h a I th e s u c c s s o f t eI ihut u - u l i s t lit s un g t t he t fi e o fLw-ittd c a o o s
:120 s. Stte St. Uno ti sshrniorswithup-i isig. " tLitttthoyinue". Teur tul Nps3suaro.Stateap
Evroe nteUiest si - Ciao hnot ossatpa-Old b os taen in exchange
_____________________pthy___with__thic iueeutn-ildit-a l u iI 511eye s l flituh t earsuhhut-
elwo aated cte an-uttiuuilheasu whten llti p:1 l l ce ttsnm a ii to u 1o111
ittanc etosetignouhgn ii it t uly And w alltuit ifthui Inochee hi
BR SH S aikne Teme wo il e>ftt nt ill urhntats besaddes 1
sl~o d t to sts re nth sias ic ver IlIt-n o -u n d ie, listli I I It ing
t__________ _________ _ heaprc t, sl o ta h po n i I ltini-, elotndteiin. I itif l to hssa e
- - - - - - - - - - -
IMF --.dd
Ihe Students' Lecture Association
1904 - fliftp~irst season - 1945
I Have you a rule book?
Russell N. Conwell Henry Van Dykej "MICHIGAN ON THE GRIDIRON"
Henry Watterson Leland T. Powersa
lohn, T. McCu.tcheron Chamn,.eClark !-;
Gov. LaFollette
Edward Bok
Hamilton W. Mabie
Oratorical Contest
c Open Number
One for the asking.
303-5 S. State Street.
Season Tickets $2.00. Season Reserved 50c Extra
Single Admission $1.00.
You can eoccure tickets lernm studen selleru ur at Waher-s State sret book store
Next Number==John T. McCutcheon==Nov. 16
~mmmm arnm.mmmmm
! moo
D eFRIES' ART STORE, Artistic Framing, 217 S. Fourth Ave.