The Michigat)Ui
.No. 39
S says Coach Yost of Last Night's
practce-..Longman in Condition
"Stagg Announces Line-p
As Coach Yost tranmpedi in front
Ferry Yieldi last night, a statger oh-
sercitg hitmttwtoldti hae imaginet
tht ltiewttas aiDettctratiec ctcidate.
He was sutcrotcttteci ityatdetts'eittlou
55gitctt ttnttlce expr'essio ohi
tricyeas thi atfa ctatn ceio htas lost.
hs las~tt f i cctteathi. rTie orsto
of t itis tat cnocctne aicieacc'icattate
hil itt ou.ccsy, bltttoccpersn iho
alketiti teecaci last cigtt cottlt
doutbt histsicerice schen t(icesays ta
ite fer eeat froctc Chicago.
"Th prctc et tonight was simpcily
awfu cl s iditctt a I I Iae ie
ttt ttt sme cvntt sgas accdIlas. cigti
thet seemtecd t iav itemctcdcwtall
rigit t ltttocccigt ltttrttttt'lee of te
'ticicet~aredcito hitecccrtt tentemcc-c
entirely. I lct, sdstouragingc. espe-
ealy whetn't tsttt ccentsats ottthe ik
lit.5 ttcltcccor ccrcies cter're hucrt
soc ticatctieycs cact t intfo cc scrmc-
Tli co5ad ch atlyetic ei cqicetio
btes~idestiiici teiresiciect al eletiont
laledintotcincsigciiicancee-tcccmey as
to cwhact two inivicuals cwilie lie
ettc ttettinccc da c-ts's ig tmicstre
shtow, Ile stated dcicaiitely ta
-teny fiat i cil occupy let'Sed,
ccil ither arrcc Hammnccrc' Stuctcccc ccdc-
Iacci w i b ccatright. Tics latter alc'
ace the occnic- icnte rciite suadcansd
5ttistncc esy t avectocn ofc5thiem
ccn lie game
'iTe ]tel tes iayinge for ticsvasa-
ttott they tonic:ccc tic Drae aincce tand
tey were kpcitt ccscrmmccae iccrcc-
1. unil six ccc cci. '11ec'Varsiy
linetdpthcetiGfarrec at let ec,
rlarry Hammcttondt at crit edc, Clari
at qtarte andc Vteeks at itcl. Nor-
ctross, Schuctlte Schultectztngm acnd
1Tot, Hammondcccwclccetsccots of te
s rictmtni age
Franki Longmcan emphticallay te
nies te reiport s wcc heprcicesentc hint
a itsublject for tihe hospicta. ''1
OXiee :to ieic inte est condition
ilcrIa tatc I coaever, in icc cmy
Ie"said te grea fttiiicek lcct:
It is evidentc tae Cac Ys as
givenflinstrnt'eiscticthe mcto cckeec
nlu ttand shcunc reorers as tey
sv'eY ]'al ocnte squadi cesroact ex-
tression, of te irofouncdest omysery.
"Ytttutmast ats ad a Irety strec-
cccccta cicccccage tntigt,''wascei - c
mtarikecd tc Caipt. Heston, as ie camce
shutgitotht iecgymnatcsittmt ilas
"I ticealcycdon't knowccvcwhether see
ad nctrimmttage ste ot,' reilieci
Wile Yocc hadcibetter ahtalhie
Matager Bacirdi statesita ccc ccit-
ictt frc tics gamte has yet hee
agre11dtuon. 'lie Itres tcetscho
hdcibett selctved'iais acuitables'i'or' tie
postinave Iprevious eggentns
1t tat ciat andcia necw list of nen
who woutldi ie acep~table to Mihigat
wa etttoC(oachitSiag licest, iht.
hiteFoyOne ias cdeiactet fromc
tts5usualcst om ad anounceedi his
liepfor' o-ce
ever', this geerostc c'cd-- "'ccgraly
incl Cc5 Ctoacht Yost for, as ie poins
ot teineupic as tannountcei is the
the ttton'lypossble cone Sagg couldc
he'heersonnceicci the Maroocs will
as folowccs: L'ft e'ncCaitain
Se left taclPry et ga'd,
hOIlt ceterGale; riht guard,
Haes,1 rightctaicle, lcoone; righct
et 1t ttecis' ; qartcr lFcerssii;
fel hailct'atlin; rigid hlctf lDeTray;
tis rpt c'iec that Catlint is stffer-
ct15 rontcca severe ''C'iarle-hiorse"c'
Pa"i tttcy ntcbie ahl' tgetitt o te
cccte, Intweichase Sticel cillae
ht5I ltace it is notieablce that Stagg
rctshted cis ticsar gari Tbin,
cc '1 iht to left ic order iccsol
Will Be Held This Even ing-Prepara-j Made Good Time-Piomising New In Hanmiton Club Contest Prelim-
ticons foe Enthusiastic Demonstra- ( Matercia.-Weather Cold.,tctucy-H01it s Good Setcond.
tion-Last Meeting Before ___
Chicago Game. 'lie ccac ier ccac cold bh otod isa- As cc trtstut ccf tics prelimtinary coc-
At 7 'cclc'ksthisevcencincg ciii e Igrecdcelv'act ecenciig.swhent te crass lot ccfor icc' iceic~iccg acct repries entat-
hcelcda niass mceeticng to enahbele es te uhcccecscatted ic inte annuccal iveI'ic inte I atcictnc ficccoestcc cto
studcencts icc hecomce famciiar cc-iltth cs' ''hser'ecwer'e abcoucta hundccreci iet ieldiaccCiceago J1tnucaey 11, 19(05,
te' tess'college sontss. Dccci. Sta-c can tsttta ics c'ccchcieer' cccthceir ce- "c cccttcc'c'cict' w scsellccto repccitt
ivy, ourc oid standc-biyccill b hctceretocc'ci' c's' ve'cccaniates. 'iThdc-cc ece s(ct cc c "tsiy. ixcotesttsats
lead thie sintgingtandtouarci it i wcc 'ccc-'eient teach' 50 sat c att cc c' 'csnt ered, 'ctcc i ii froit ctttlie
'Tomccirdcccill offieiatec as cciillnts' c'li i nu test cate'rttt'c'tiu hemnc' lassccof oratorices ctcl ct-s-c-c-cl tlc'igatc
let'. '1he' hcurccis lihe ccc opp cc-Itvo cad cccc andcia calf mcinuctes tact- gaIsa pln i ccccha cioc circ itg
tne onec'thcatsccoulcd icesele csiiescaechcci cctisedioffcfirtst honors.cT h11ccotst is helc
everyoe shultcdili trn ot anden oa ineyc CotgeSoe,'sRWowe and under'' ic- theasicccs of te I-l'ccitct
inotsni ngccdrotig it v 'cc_, Wiltchicrwdt t wi caitc'disever'- 5cClubofCchi5ccgccccchitchcoffecc a picie
candc entsiasam. Coiies of llvice .clof thie i-as sctarethtie old gattce o of 10, cna scndi ccc$5()ttfcccorct
f'ccctball aotga s-will cbe disctr ibutecd I11 dcccoictheccchiccre ctsatedcmch ion ccs dcccAltsander Hailtn
amuccsemt.ccfccrctic s a t'fte cro'wdc.
atmttttg tcthecccrwd, oon "st1ee dtt'icovter'ecdthcat thecc hetfi 't cintiecs' imitt
Cicso is adtmittedicc ts bea 1thcfar iccettctdci allrryd-cei ccotetth l lt t ithteas
anthe dccoutdcts5ttcmftheg te is11for- -- c'. onclt 11Champctcionccofcc-Naccctioaim.''
fot'cert ,-ain. tOcrc teamttcwiilfads'l Icnthis t-t buch therI werccis ix, fl.cKccedccwas c tttittctroduced tcn
thec y'e'ar, andtthlc omiditeffotc o f cIlex inc Iicmtc.'iThe c'sattcawccc's Ionccandcth1cRalccAmcccccact Is c cit-
eser ,111 cctot th1c-te-amtt cttt sc ocs-i-oiidec'iccea-OtiIet, icahyapae t ta
icy' unitesdclantid cntistet lrcotincg ccil1minor secodac. 'Timte ccinancr-Rifcce' e eae rd I I ccc cc "ddtdtd cc-
ics ntecesarytocencabcle tc cthelec cfirst., 2cc: 47, lRamety secondti.21:1.;, 'cei-Ic s' tnotstra-c-l 'e cctt'e audi-
ines cc-iccwintee'tsatrn ecampciconc-Coe tirid, 21:1t7. tncetas tatked cs ci csgeecl
csccpcanotertyeast. c-cvc-cacd of 11cc' old 2t101t did ntc i n11111 lcboth cc li-c 'ii t cccccc ccnd cat1the
\Vt- caii isntow-th at Yoscan dcilie aiccccc' dc1c wellcidus to lie facti Ighat end oflhisa Illatiocc, 11cc Exponetc't
Ieac a re itt dincg I tir' cutosccc gelt Ihey cc--c-c'notlinc go dccifccc'ccc o act rcl'y o ' ' ' 'm. : . Clro e a
racdcy lort' urdcccay'a fray. Its tptto cc the sasoan. Rocwce oracise a fine 1i-thenitrdu cedsand 11c1 iic't''c-dcsithi
te stucdentcto cc cithecir' shcare-antd shoincc' cg and idscicast'ir ts' b cctiedcc-t convcictcion a cc cidi tcecccctof
Steyll hacv'e'to dibtter lhat at te dccltt scceescorcoatwed Ke'llogg,Il Scd iecde
mtass tteetlt T'ucescday ct 'ttrootc. ftrcctt chose ttwccbecomcc ss. iRamcey' iaicitodccl C C.5 Iilltic hncccspokie
hcavesdotte ccedit iccocc scmtllicollegce linec-ttdmore' ltrovth alt1hceccill cce cal- k111,1 F.'1. d fI tc.ethaccwhclccflast ye'att
and ccacs- ciscaoucagingtg o say- lie Iuaiclcecmatertilctotettradsckti.c, r.ene ic nsti-cc hei11"0E',
lt-sat. '11cc sats i'ocr'tics-gacme hate 'ils'h sc-ceesevecralicother' procmisincg iLawccicccc ierc astirrincg 'caddressi icc
bcesoaat. ra1ndontitttand lie'root et's athcitels cccccccwilccprobabcly' becom icttttsc1 Cntirtolan h
tlthoghcacthtieir ownccgraocndscvil be of1cosc'iecrabcle-valcce icints- futucrce. uin
ac a ccnsidecrahlecdisadvacntage ice- cieteime11 ttasatsctrie siowcer cicant lids juttis 5tihantditdretwI55and
caucse so cmancy' peopleiccfcaomco051sideithatccmcace icy Kllocg'g last y'ear'. 'ihis fra shrtdeiberationlI reltre
ccii he scatteredcioctg ltemc. 'hisciall cceactsicbeaecccunsd fat' iy' te wichthtic l-c' ccin rpor: Firs
cisadivantacge cmucst beccovedccctce. cdifferesnce ccc isngthc of vice ctecc l~tt ,Slcccccccci c scondcccc .IC.
Att opplortun~ity ccillhbe gisvectel-ery- courset Hlicc:ltid, F i -1. Prtlet
oce toc heacrn tecccwvsocngs to te \I_______I____.___Sit hcccs cei a lrayact
lttle of "Blucs-eel" andci"Men~c of Yost" ELECTION AFTERMATH. hocar debat I terI andlast ycear ccwoccsec-
cchiccihase heent ce'cecntlypulthilshedi_____ ccplce cc ic' IoHaiclton1clubcprit
inthe 11cDaily adwiccichave spdruccg ''hat. Mcchigacc cmecnare asccessful iittcct' cc t11usct11e ihonorthis yeccr
icc scuch lpopulaitiy. Let - evecry'once cincolitics can ibe senccas a glacconit cscas a rIs u151 t t fchar tcand facit-
tucrcc ouctaonight, ecnter icctaote sicng-ic interesuccscsoatlast Tucescday's v-icc- Itfl preccl ati icc To icllcwhoicad te
thcat liec-hacs, and lethliccc cia tic cart M~icigantccare'graducates of llice Ccci- (wtgt lit pot d 'tha1It l d tt
icc ccaking thceveticng one scorthcy of scesit.Thyar cdin tDecbycs'9'lI 11im1dlcig-Ic. wcilI be representedci iy
,ch iigact. Lawccfrocccthe F'ietD isatrict,- Winc. .a 1ma11cc who ccilb ei p It .
Will he Run from Detroit to Ferry
Field 'or the Game-Cheap
'lie Michigacn Cecntral hccacocm-
ile-Ic-l crracngemc ts'cc w ithc lie Add
Acrbor Sly-. weherehy a sipecial traict
ccill ice runccfrocmcI eeroit cccFerry
Fielcd fccr' heSiiicigtcc-Cica'o "adm'
datutrcdcy-. T'lce cialcviii cease SDe-
trail astcnooncanti arrive asticeheid
at 1:13 p.In.,cforty-cftcve dminutels he-
torecc liesgacme iThle train
scill cleacc'ifocr Detroit dctl'cccy'aftecr
tchc gamccv ics actrangeentlodver-
cconlescthe cite icltyttexper'cieced'cillt
formert-t'y'car'sgettinto and'iciftrccithtet
groucdsicfroctmlltidol. A lots'aeit
of 75 centa hoe the roundcchtrill has
benrovetced, andcthe 1cc'keivts ccill cbe
goodcciretucccncco thc ie 9:3 l.In c. and
thec 11:::()cpcctn.coftics sacmec(late.
4 ticsarranecect ccilice greatly sic-
pcrciaed bcdiIy- 1cc'OsDeoit. alumncci accc
ts-ir fricecccs. 'This scill asaicre a
large- contincgent of Miehigacn rooters
fcrocmcDel eoit.
Gocvcrcnor-elecctFred IM. 'N'carner acnd
Cocngr'esscman SacmuceilW. dScithcof
thes'it Micc \ichligacndialtridcc ill see
thec Chicago gacce here nest Satur-
clay. 'Ties' will icete guests of the
DellsaI'Tt Dc-ts fraternctys.
Ucndetrclasscmeccat Accnaplciascciii
bce secr~liec hecreafte'r forvioclatioct
of lice acnti-snmoing crule. Only
firt sicascicen as thce Nasal Acadecmy
arec pecrcmitted lta use tobiaccoc antI
evtenin cctheir case th1e' use .*of the
wvec'ciis ascrroundedi iy cmany re-
Aldnci dicithi, '92 Lass frocmcthev iifthlc. I l11 cd 5 d id cc1ryIIf litty11a1.
Samcceli \V. Sith , '789 Lass frainc icc
Sixthc, anti A. 51. Darraghc of the class ENGINEERS TIE,
of 'Il8 frcoccthcSedethi.
clAot cts- sacme propaciont of 1tcec 'ilhe-'05liiEnginecces cccl '07 Ecgicc-
ntewc'ly vlect ecdstate cficecrs icc Micht- et'clatctslhcidcatci dght intheit'fight
igacctare' alumntci. FInk c acz iler, irde class c-iampciccnship,1ad until
'801, wsaelected tre-asurervPa~tedickH.tiht' gatmt'5'accc-tilted actlteed of the1
IjKelcy', 't0I ii ccas elected snpleric- first hit il ac dcd cunt ofdrknccsscte
I neiit of pubilic 0i51tcclcccoct 1hce1twocldc--tillsstril dildccwccthlccu
tre ncwdccc jiccges coi the Stactc ccc- 111cc 1 teamlldc ite alic totsccocc.Ex-
prece'C ourt0c-, IR. C. Ostrcnccc'76 ill dfoc 11ccfirttfwI 11111t lof ciplay
Lacc; A. I'. IcAicay '111 lit '(69 til tdc17 Engineer'tsit cclaefocecidctoiplay
Lawanc hd ('hcca.A. BDir,'7 t i thoutcccc l thcecic dcccclitoberiit cclwhc
icractcally fill 11theivbecnch itMcich- ttt re ~icdcutc inthe1wcistccat ithc
is-actcmsen. '11c'eccncw 'accdtc"-itor -enealIc 11 lit ofthel ccl Fot
Iame ilsBi. iBiadleIy,.acteledthcItic' Iicc cst'r''redcforIce '1 ." 111giers15wtile
cersits- icc '7fadd '79, adAlesxanccrc 1lcd l In-tl WaIteIr' s i's c hc premierc
iF. Matiicc setlawss tet 1cccin tc IhedwolkIfurccI1seSccccicc
Encginceein cg cdepcar'tmenct cin '96.1 At 11ccbeginnicnc- dcfIt i--aetitlie
Codcic, tendic oro totac-c'i1i511ciIc c cc ahi ddccccdcccct ci ltecall do the
gradutec-inct'91. Witletlids ocnly Sli tccr-yard ine, c'icarc- teesc''rec
shtacc'ctic s'ulct. iccftMidciga t acty'hcicd fic-idocics.ti A ll 0ccadtr its'
M~ichigant grccadcates-eresuccces'sful ladoo ite d ccirc ccnebucingten
icc elIecticos iccother sactes. t'crrc'iIcciieddcbal 1tothe'07"'s-yarcdc
_______________________lindc elheittisey0 intnticol:icc' call
OFFICIALS FOR CHICAGO GAME. ocldown is. 1hey s'ateacidly iadvancd
the bai_ dclitothli oppcconctsdi' 18-yardt
A lpartial selectioct iofltcoficialireIt-- wheccre' ciime111' cea'y cpI he9f
fSdatudcay''s 'amde has hs'eccccmacdv. cc cc cidcfcr aIplce h'' ic. 'lidsccas
Lieiut. Hiackctt of West IPoiit ccill Ice 11111su c csulandctitclve ctas lashed
heacd-lintesacnact cncd Walbidge (Ifcc-tihIc11c-.taliinccch c'dc-dicrs' icosses-
P-rincetccn ccill either refer-eceor citt- scdctcconlt1cc-r occ cc-cc yart'd line.Thei'v
lire. 'T1h' tiantoofc ieate cwithcWal-cie willcdcit o 'biity 'eIplayed
bigegchias cnot yet, iceent sic-cat ecd. doff Fridycight . 11cc-Thi n~e-tnptis as
T1he biig gacmes in-tlhe Easetcon daccir- foilows:
clay' nectsih1ve'seveelcy taxecd lie Itt5 it'dicced ~- -,. 5'.e.Lttropllt;:1.t.
aailable c scupplyiciyof comptent iccad- IFttutlton; 1."g., clzcc'c.,Loccecll
bcall cfcils'cLiceut.Hackcett, whoccc . g, Alan- r.I.,1V1111 l'siscccivcg,
presenct isccstactiondccc 5at-Iortcheicdan, Ribllinc-:'r.-c, iclt ercr. cq, i., iRccb-
sect-clas head-litnesman al t'Macdisonc o .ItHiiccs. Capit.; LI i.,
I~v we e-c-ic go.iFoote';IfItbI~Yocng.
Aliddll-o elee scads antiniccfact '0dl ' c-icccc'ts-I. e., 1Ge'rge;i' . .,
all hcut a verewes'of any reserves e an ' d., Reckss;
seals iccr S-catrday's conte'st.yveire- r. ".,haundelrs; r. t., ESlict- Ir. e., Mocc-
cmain, caci dlsaaec Dairci last - c b, eis;: 1. It..Walters;I
Requestcs for seals contincce I tocceu r.Iit.,CacpclifRobertsoct, Kaoc': f. ib.,
icc fromctall acer lt' state.sNc cect
University Hall. Yost and the team will be there.