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November 10, 1893 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1893-11-10

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eut fsed D laity (Sundlays excepted) during
the Colege year, by
Subacription prier $2.50 per year, invariably
in aranceeSine copies 3i rents. Subscrip-
tions may be left at the estece of the DAILY,
at Stoffiet's,twib th an 01ofthe editors or
authoriaed solicitors.
Comamunieatisns should reaeh the effiee by
? o'elock P. a. it they are so appear the next
Jay. Address sit matter intended for publiea-
tisa to the Managing Editor. All boniness
commuonieations shold be sent to the Busi-
sass Manager.
Ania Arbor, Xich.
C. A. DEIaSOoN, Law '9i, Managing Editor.
H. A. SeAseING, ILit. '94, Assistaint.
J. L. Lotie, Lit. '95, Asisist.
W. N. CHOuATE, Lit. '9il. Asistanst.
11. WAIsaivito, Lace'lid, Sutbrtitotr Atsistatnt.
J. A. LEuiov, Lit. '96, Atletie Editor.
S. W.. CUTIiS, P. G. Lt., Business Manager.
AVM. A.IMoot.., Lit. '9, Assistant.
H H. Oanon t.'94d. It. I'.liull.'.
if. 5). Austsin, "Il
F. P' Si ler "lE' . L. OMaritsinle,'94.
E. 1'. iLyle, 1'lii:)6' 11.. H 1<<k in ,'
L. Ei. Conradt, '5. '. Jenkoliss,'94d.
The. Editiurs dossotIhosdsthesle epn
sible for the opinios or statemenssof01 corrers
potnde'no tspering' ise DItLE.
EVERY person who is any manner
interested in journalis should at-
tend the meeting for flhe reorganiza-
tion of the Press Club, to be hetd
TuE Cardinal is agitating tlhe pro-
duction of a Latin play at the Uni-
ve~isity of Wisconsin. Would it not
be possible to produfe one at the
U. of AL, as was done so sisccess-

to fail to hear the Choral Union ocr- names and positions are as follows:
los. No reduction is made in the Etmmons, left end; Mtanahan, left
price of tisckets as the course pro- tackle; Acton, left guard; Lewis,
gresses, hence, it is important that center; Mlacket, right guard; New-
you shosld boy your season tickets cit, right tackle; Blanchard, right
hefore flhe course begins, end.
Thse concert announced for next Effects of Financial Stringency.
Thursday night will be exceptionally
fine. Prof. Stanley has secured at At Cornell, football mattera seem
great cost the services of as good to he going from had to worse. Her
soloists as the country affords, and poor showing on the field is evident-
we are sure that the students will ly making itself felt in lack of en-
appreciate the series of concerts and thusiasm and support, so much so,
make this year's course the most indeed, that the Cornell Sun finds i
successful in the history of the necessary to make an urgent appeal
Choral Union. to the student body to rally to the
______________ aid of the management. Whether
The Ena Is Near. they will or not remains to he seen.
-- Certainly the inducements to do so
The tennis tournament is now are not so great as at the beginning
nearly at an end. Yesterday morn- of the season. when Cornell, it wa~s
Friedmuan on first place in thesec- said, was going to cut a great figure
ond-class singles by beating Alex- in Eastern football.
ander twvo sets, hiavissg non uric set __
the previous aftes'tsooi by a score of The Harvard glee, mandolin and
6-4. The cosmpilete score of flue banjo clubs wiiiltiake the usual holu-
sets yesterday is as follow day trip this year, but wiii not go
Al'-.ossidrr.I...00 0 } 00 i1 1 1-4 further evest tihan Cleveland.
Frei. 1... 1 1 1 0 toI1 I-6 At Harvard the last game of the
Alrsxssnie. 111111. 1 00 1 1 0119001-
Frieedsm~a ------011 1 1 1 1 1-6 class chanmpionship series will be
In flue afternoon, Hutchings and played thsis week.
Rolfe played the first match for scc- - ---- - -
ond place in the i-class singles
The first tweo sets were hotly co n- e o
tested, each player aecuring on e,JlfJ ~ ~ 4 l
but Rolfe let up in his play in the r
last set. Hutchings was winner, --
4-6, 6--, 6-a. He will next meet Horsfords Acid Phosphate
Mckenzie in the final match for sec
ond place. With tis contest the Is the most effective and affree-
fall tournament will be brought to able remedy in existence for
an end.
Pennylvaia Wt~drws. preventing indigestion, and ye-

sod SHORTHAND. Magniftcent buildingelnine
tahris large atstendance;cooddisciptine; super-
ioracerk;twell supptied readtng room; daily lectures*
Satureday eeningerecepios;oenathe entreyear
Exceptiosnal faciliticseseorplucingstudess inIposi-
tions-shorthandegradats~esaaneedithem. Llilag
exesess$z.to Ic2.75apertweektainpriestsesmilims
Far hew Cataloeue, address
Time Table tabisig effeteSnday, Nov. 5, 1893.
Trains lesavr Annt Arbor by Ceaseal
Standsard Time.r
7:15 a. cm. *7:15ai. m
*151;l p. nt. 12:30st. m
4:15 p. tm. 3:00 P. is,
*TrsaisrusobreweenAttn A rborarnstd Tolesds
All train- dalily rxcept Sunsday.
R. S. GREENWvOOo, Agenti. Anns Arbor.
W. H. BENNETT, 0. P. A. Toledos.
Ann Arbor Savings Bank
AsnnsArbor. Oich. (Csspii'sl wtcish,5,00.
Susisluia -L-)0000.
Org~aizredunerte'r coo Orasl OBaonkingLawss
of thsat;se. Iteescrt..;iepsosit.s uys and
eleselle schangon the p'iricipal ciies of the
United States. Draftsocashesd upon Iproper
idesntificationa. Sasfetydepso.s r' tes orent.
OFFICERS: l'lheOsei;so Mack5. Free.; xv. D.
Harrimsao, Vice Preru.; ('hsas. S. Hiecoeli, Ca-
shier' 91l. J. iritz Asse. Cashier.
A steong- tt ati0hefaorite'Comsediasn

IIis" sntroslyoSuCC5 fsItssro-Irishs
Cuss uy Drama,

testy a sew yearss ago:, The University of Pennsylvania
THROUGH flue courtesy of thselDe- has reoigned from the Inter-col-
troit Free Press wve are able to Itb- legidte Football Asoociatiota. The
fish the likeness of lion. Jerry Yale managenment refused to allow
Simpson, wvho xiii lecture to the Pennsylvania to pat certaitn players
students in the S. L. A. coursef, on on the team wvho were ineligible
the subject of "Sonte of thec Canoes unuder the newv rules adopted by the
of the Decline in Agriculture.' association, but accepted a chal-
lenge to play any eleven Pennsyl-
THE editors of flue University of vania might choose, provided she
Chicago Weekly deny the report retired from thle association. Thils
which is going the rounds of the was promptly done, and, as Wes-
college press, to the effect that fhelue yan has already withdrawn, tisl
editors of the Weekly are paid for leaves but twvo colleges, Yale and
their services. Thus again wve ar Princeton, that are represented in
relieved of the great weight of dis- membership.
pair that was beginning to huover Harvard's Eleven Selected.
ocer our head.
The make-up of thue Harvard
TICKETS for the Cluoral Union eleven* vas definitely announced by
concerts are selling fast as they Capt. Waters, Wednesday. Thte
should. As wve have so often said, substitutes, equal in nunmber to flue
a. student of the. U. of M. certainly regulars, have also been anunounced.
has an exceptional opportunity to Barring accident, this wiii be the
hear the beat musical talent to be team which wiii meet Yale, Novem-
secured in this country. No stu- her z15. The average weight of thue
dent who desires to make the mnOst team is J 73y-, pounds, and of flue
of his collegiate residefice can afford line 082, with a center of u~c. The

lieving those diseases arising' The Wicklow Postman
fromt a disor'dared stonmacis. prented' with arler coly.Spelsse
elrseer. Nes:,on.;-. sandldasre.
Dr. W. "W. Gardner, Springfield,-
Mass., says: "I value it us usn eocellesil 'RICES: iRsrved seats. 5c;' Admiss-ions-
9'arqiurit asdssiherissowins 'MarqusretteCircle.
prcevenataiveof sodigestion, ansd a leasanst )e; FMarquisettr Circle bc ffrtrw . 5':ey 3c aiuae rn hn rprydltdwth Rsre et n sh at5 s'tecu lr,
wate, anseeteted."
Oroerliti J allS5It'. OOisiiEWo, ('lorist. Groer of
Dsrpiepamophlset free cin applicas tnto o es Crontiosansd Flowrs ofciall vori
-sy. Frl dsols cade :sposho irt ssstice.
Rumford Chemical Worhs, ProvidenceR.I. Nuso. 0 Observaovy stretuoip. cesietery g ate.
Biewsare oubst situtes assd Imistios.
For Sale by all Druggists iI za&icy j i1 E. Wash inton Steet.

Mandolins, Banjos, Zithers.
"Best in the World."
tErery"1Vasbtin" Istrumsent is/2
thse producrtofouruseciaslumachia-
eryaid prsetsoblerihaacter-
its's. 'lyestakse ourtepttion
ujnteisr eellrtence. A beasutifuli
Washburn SsoueirCutalouee"
rostaise rportraius of leading
arsesanid pricesadefull deseritp-
siaosofthosesetateatx,aFeec. Can. STATE & MaONROsSTS., C HICAGO.


Trhe Amns Arbor Otrgma Co., Sole Ageen, AN4N ARBOR.

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