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November 10, 1894 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1894-11-10

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Time Table (Revised) Jul 1, 194 liThle i an~swr to tle rquiests aiidlpc-5WE I)ENiiORG. (Notice inserted In this column at te rate
EAT ET titiolib pliiCIlt'd to the frtlcuiiy ot the At 10:30()each Snday lliot-lnig a of cnts per line. special ates for longer
P. M WET. . M.( 1cyvmeetime and etr linenfunnsihed by appiynt
~'. ~4. few inlt:ii miy residenc, 17 sse. goiZ t tie DAILY ofice. 1
Naii anod Es._...4 0BMaii 5- ---84.1literary deartlient at +.lie iast fle~t- ttohlitbefsrceadea
N. Y. Special..._. 5 10 N. Y. Special _ 5s.,t7hl abieaerie o ra Two fine suites of rooms, furnace
Eastern En i0 25 N. S. Limited--- 9 25iing-ar s follows: Swedtenbog. Ayoie teestet Would heat, nodern house. $2 per week
AM. laciic E-.. 12 i5
Atlantic Ex-. 7 47 P. M. Graned-E. 5'litikiis, Lucian Ferris, be welcomie. ('HAS. S. MAK. each, at 19 Wilmont S. p-34
1). N. Express.... 5 40 western Es.. Ia
G. R. Ex prees ii 0 (h i. Nt. E-.-itt1025 Gr'ceeh iagg, tGrace 1euditersoii. AL 1. I.Studeiis wio ar condtioiied i To Itemi.-A frot site.imouern
0. XW. UUGOLS, 11. iW. BAER~, Kiney. lessL:. Lathie, t'. It. solid anid spherical gometry are ex ouse. e 'lill locatiiio5 tiisiaeeheit,
G. P. & T. Agt. Chicago. At., Ann Arbor. tPritchiard, I. H. Siiehiais. W. TL. tected to miake usp the work either iitls room. $4 ier week. For addres
T., . A.& N M. Y. lwmpon.the Anl Arbor high school or in a iquire at.ils oitie.
T., A. A. & N. M. BY'. Titotoisson. class specially organaztd for tie pur- Dotfrgtosucib frth
Takciogeffect Sunday. Asg 1, ili4. tt'ferred<I-+: S. toonibs dithDntfre o usrb o h
'trains lease Ann Arbor otn Central Stasnd- pos. Mr. 12511 Xwiiimet hocise de- Daily.
ar4 ine. Deey. 1t. 1..lHarvey .L. Ii. Ilopktisitll.siring to foriss tili a class iii rooits17
sOTI,1TiIL. The October and Novenihber Iunsey
7:18 a. in. 1753 a. m. Ii Setrwood~, it. Wlllei. lt 4 ii. ii. on Friday, Nov. J. Tlicepret es tfle ep hm
12:25 p. ins 11:30 a. i. usal fee is $ fo'acouse f0 ' r eefclril.eoltkep hm
4:13 pnm. 9.00p. m. At the Crand Opera House. soils. . 1aeiii as well as all oiler iagizines.
'Trains runusbetsween Ann Arbor and ToedoswwP~~ SATURtDAY EE. AT GRlANGEt'S.
onI ENA.Alltesinssdily except nsday. - tile lollcerIsiector is lroisislog a 'rie Saturday evcning class will
R. S. GiRENWOOlAetiotlo tt~cinfrt
IV. i. BENNETT, G. P. A.,T'oledot. &Ae dititisrsitptioifs u ttiilici INTER-CL.ASS FOtTALL. iseet for te first tme this wek Sat-
SCHANZ, nDest atithie Academiy. 'It" isice lISl The scedule of inter-class football uta vnn 1 ilc.Tss n
DIETAS ite&' siilirebeor',tn isl ogaies is as follows:uraevngatSnco Thsi-
lldnseenusl3rc ere rissstsbeeln on ltv. d~tending to register will lese do so att
Ia.nbyHiss .I itis-ilis'(elerais, woin ad"-Nov. 14-Wine f o. s.hgh mst trshown lt te s0Lo. All of the
Latest and best styles of F oegniand Dottchol
mesic Xoslens. F1ist clasit and rsts ass thitiiitt t'ito being ltuthors'tand51th,n-Sisol.clsses iow Olen for ills'rec'ptions of
wor guratee. eanngpiesan'and;,"or aippers ii iie IOle or .ll atyls-n.Nos. l-Winer tf Nov. 3 vs.
teoaringeal onte. CleaningfpNovsi12. putils. No. ti Maynsardct .
r8xepae natly doe. Iletr Ansmrisr. Hie'es. 'Thl' play isSpiced win eili5(111a vin r f NOX'.enOcobr 12.'oe
455ltt t.io itidtlhas itcgoodsi sint'- o Nos. 1-W iner of Nov. 14 vs. wix. iarcoise ctbrait oe
oAGT REI ,wsR er of Nov. 1. er ,Ituusey rGo tsC. Sifllet 12 N.
1%sisisicisasig-, E~ut is hisnudedsh -ils iit-tiis. Auy oher classesnwising to Organ- aiii si. t y ll smeanus aist get thems.
O. g-sellSenens gelvs si virile anditize tamseto ompete for champion- FrPen11t.-Pl'eaisatssingle roosmsor1
- l-l('thig 1115'ittlltisli551lisp'e~rshilp, send worth as soon as possible suitt, furnacc het. 23 Wilamcstn.
ly-s:111111sosis't-ptivansipae nsheot ilb ohg Two Htustrs can make good money
51t51itld. 'hiss'sceltictf~ts 5 - t frthrr, olctigsubscriptions for the 1. of
1 A/fK I ilt .Itler-Oceani, Ac. 21.'54. Rtti2Qti10LE~NTF OR5110GRADATION. block.
________ All stdrnts xpcting to gr duate in ----
O D E I J Art 5ilLlgtIll s- is -sonintile for anygie-royear miust report to thir vra. R.FtJI.DE,
12 , Bsto ol icte,.tskeep ordoi-ct rgistrar at he opeling of the yeas FIRST CLASS CUSTOM TAILORIN
A NEW LINK CUFF- file 5Xil--llu d l/.. and ascertain what prescribd work, if corser ot ars' :-I SOSSIlam st.,
- . .1any, is still lacking for tietdegee XCSSSa s etr c..
Thr il bita00 o c1 $ 2i:rtseats5atTHE WHITELY EXERCISER.
I5ha so eulusi de sst 4 , competegyns
lto sl--ss-l-sie 1:1N o ls~t' Iis a 1:11sistis t~sttsi tti fm tt lttttf iii ttt~t..iiYh l l tist m is-
A4..4. 7le. It is ntsctnlseshas s Sl-,djsstiu "e-
S An Atrisic eforse.sisitac f fromstss 2IsI's tstsd b thes
.~ r Sasissg tl tsrsfsthelsstaiy ASSli tswae'-
'hiss' le is' lsly NAes s li thus-s i Lnedsossis tr yesss s.t Call.S Sfo ata.s~lgue's.
D ilem m sr al tbynR.,L. BLOUT''t. 14 N
_5list of teou ts-lsislse s lush sissssa it~l- dAssA ~
0 sot C nowhtutgembers 2 te-casit. 21Subsuibe for th UI of M Daily
* ~~rcteq utyconsists sdinilitlws. Iif srs u ied i G' :;c-s-___________
int kahsghlsurgdgas-sin sine111ss,5 eahig. '1theDIyceis con tains olial notices
hcthcr toat sorestisdyingt sssdui-,Ssss-.a kiigpls-from the 1Faclty, andtinotices from
nstrouseit 01 otry tS:55111551 "s~s512 ssyig itd-s-the ahleitic tte10ms.aid terstuden
rtofsnletbpoccmsng -It conaiis coispeterpots of 'sti
cectigoosNongw55.sss-sie et-t Uiversity events of interest.
- - usnsregrd Ia the o U. 0' Al. CALL'NDAt. aIt keeps you postsiedn your own.
CSr oi s a1YAsic.a155.i-l5SlSsSptIs SUBSCRIBE NOW AND KEEP A FILE
O u r~ s ~ Acti. Asv Id. I~lii~li 5 t,,hl~i S $2.50 IN AD'VANE
st hils i ('111-.
1~ wa s ~St. N-as-5.ItsuSs sv s. Albiot 1
*' I o IIUUJIU. Sbssriptions'rceivedt at this
3RNtJsnir aw csistt Y laol f icer~Ss. lets anudI by tll athloriztl solicitors.
ioIii e s clfyNs. 10.-Al1t Nu As htsr ly 55so- U~"
5555555 51meets i Oi 4, 7221) t ISS FLOWERS,4h FLOWERS
BEST IN THlE WORLDV',5:1d%, No. 11). -. I. A. sa t i tS A- 1 las IseyligandsSEerybsedy
yoouseay a y amuihelias y usass e for aniotheriar sk lsbery Shall, 5jp. I. COSIS & 11L, floits, 2"5t' .1 gi asr e .
Teepsoe I1,.
cn ued will55 ns ot 05obtcssin S a s efh l i t y; Or-lo 50usy StiA ssov .-.s.I 'SsS. hiss- cl si-
scarchs solifc tme amlonsgclicaear goods nrwiSthutingatl)h'Solhllil"'hSupor; 9 A 10
anytinisglht as aSS approachars theisc iss.XXses olrs rs -ls-s sisI -s-st
rctl 1t ~lk05r ssss t aitsr~tss'5r~ 1S-s- 5: islt .155 555 1I STEAMJV LAUJNDIRY CO.
c-tlpiroductrian safthSicIryrst sssssic:iSlfatr)r u int e * SS.ss- o.Ii i iStI s "Inigs (a ss 5nd1 IO't t i, sue
isosla. I'srctre cold t l eading ss ealrise vr leeI uc btor th ina d I a e tn
Batiful Soaenir Caalogue ecosntaiisg poltrais o atl Iing TIGelisl 1 il:c.- E. S SERVISS, M'nage,
atistfe upona sapl iin lt~ o d snia :auesssSillsN.. I . 1 O. Thomp S~ son~ssS iI '-tl il I51 1.1 X ~
11115sbforae . C. A.:LtsI15 1.m
51111.,Assc.l1. 1Prsitdent iel sEXCELSIOR + LAUNDRY.
Wast UiePak- bah hAneuand t5it 5 s liu I'ilssanssfiss I'lls- 5 ni 0IA'AtIIltthe;15 CI
OppoiteUnin Prk ' .Adam SretXt-lods c rchll-I. 5ocS 1l s 5 5 soinedS t cosisS t I Io
Chiag..hcgo...s-lSit..:RosI32.- '. (O 151.a
v1 i s. 10, ii 22 Years custhe Busiesr a '1"MEVt.
i. .)sSr I5511111.
SoeA et, ~ ~ o 'O r tsut.n si-Asicr . 12.M.1M. SEABOLT, No. 4 N. 4th ave.

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