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November 10, 1892 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1892-11-10

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fPublished Daily (Sundays excepted) during
the College year, by
Subscription apriee $.50 per year, invariably
in Qdvance Single copies3 cete. Subscrip-
tionesoay be left at the office of the DAILY,

the couroe of the lecture. Among
the specially interesting phaseo of
Bulgarian life which Mr. Bozosvsky
will discuss are the peculiar cnstomns
of Bulgarian engagement and mar-
Minnesota Wine the Championship.

Of all kinda for Ladles and Gentle-
nlt01n, of t'ii)t'st.

authorized solicitors. The Rugby team of the tlniver -_________________________________
Cosn iunieattososhotuld reach the ofiier by Sitv (If Mnlnesota won the champion-
I o'cloek . o. if they are to appear the next -- - ov m l
lay. Addresoallsatter iteded for lpblia- Ship Of tile orthwest College vtF41AL to t hALnaigEdto.Al.usnsslagNbydfetngNrhwsermbesnaeor shud7esettote -si 012DE W A
seasranger. Minneapiilis, Tuesday afterntoon. ~ LF~ELA JEAR
THE U. orf. DAILY,nnAb.Xih The acore was, first half, 6 to 6;WA N R & O, Talr an Fu ise .
AuGN R &Arborlor an Funisers
- ~~~second half, IS to t . Neither__________________________________________
EDITORS. team had beets defeated hefore'Aro an Nrt
F. E. JAsam-e, Lit. '93, ManagingEdSitor. l 'ToledR,
E. J. llv-euit-.s, Iii.'li, Assisliit. during the series. 'The game is re- MihianRalwy
c'. A. DE'io-, Li.1.93, Assistant. portecd to have been one of the moat
W5. E, BtiLES, Lit '9a, Assistat holrontested ever seen itn the "- I
.. G. I N MIiTERn , lit. '93, Itsines ~atocri.et card it, etect ,iunday, No. 6tilt.189,
55. X. lN irictivieo Li.', Assistant. west, and was watched by a very o vG. le ie i eioa m io
A.wtaeoiLu liAs o~ largeeaudience. -. - ----
.. tAtiscii., hedic'lis.0 aGOI'NG uOvtH
C'. iV. ItOifev ,lii.'lidI . i. 1 N iliad Fxpress-.' . ..7 201.I0
\V. II. Er ASaw3.s l.ANNOUNCEMENTS. 7No. s.eastsgr eAin AccomLi 0 000o
Is te LEADING SCHOOL OFCUNurES. lig o 0.Jasne Sna ny ... 01 .m
Ir. 11.0GAMONosLit '94. N1'ET-I' IV E, i RACo E.i-ic .- board notlerot bulding; niot teaochers;ltarge attendance; o l.laooe sudseti i ~.
E. K Tfot, Lit"I:"S. goo d disci-plione; auperiuo orkel l etuppielied readingIlOING OUcta.
(meetinga 7o'clorc Saturday nighit, '.oom0 daly liers at ourday evening receptons;
A.:.Coms ttii-- . iBAILEY. '9 iet. e i .0 opnte entireeyear;ecommoercialgraduatestingreat No.. 4fiailatidfa3ee ta. Stnt.
INewvberr hal.demanod; shorthand gradutate alltecuaeiposittations . Stall andtExtress'.........847p. Ii.
C.tN.cSiw0,n-Theedit93e t0,iAg eupenass$2.t $.75peerweekbinprivate farm- No.16. Toledo Accotmmtodationcut... (0la. III.
MAsiiooitcvoc c.SH[tittao-. iii. '01.COldl'E'UrIt)N.-1 i e '_es. "orNSrtC iaataALOeS and Lit.ofhStudeats who Nit ti2. 'asseniger (Suyotit-tly)_.- '1 .mii.
- - make poitionsifeotaweekbtotweek, atdrest
C.K.STWAT oteiti.,3. i for handing an articles andl draings P. u. CLEARY, Pres. Central StandlardTimett.
NitRMiANs ( Otsl ti . itt'tG. I___________*Da_______ ily except latnday.
iit tii 5tisc~.S'-.in iomtpetition for prizes offered by WoAvstdstt o ratstaitoosldttit1tittt-
itww-uit~ii i.the ,95 Oracle will cnd Tuesday iOosso ottly. Rleduced Fare. iii
evenitig, NOV. I15. . I.Bolles, (Doty & Fe3innd 6run btwee Antrbot0 n
___________________ anaging editor. Other trans dotly eepti Sutday.
- " -- FOR, 'TdV F IUO S. AV. 11. DENNETT, 5E. S. tuiEoiWC Oc
At eRsut1V the hosts of students are Seats for 2oooo will lie erected at TENNIS - SH-OES - IN - STOCK. 1 Gen. Pta. Aget. Local Agitt.
coiming iii after election. speci- Manhattant-Fieldl for the 'ale-Mar-
ally is this trtte in the lasw depart- yard gamue. STUI)INTS, fSAVEII ALls'YOUR NMONEY AND BUTY
tueat. 'Tle reg-istratiotsis boonming, - .- -n-
BUIESand wee will soont be able to ascer- BUIES OCA LS. - = ---
tait juts5thowitte secomparetl witb Succ i-i tiul ToEACi ItES 715vailtalet
it short ntitce watsedltnw- Fisk - \T, ITtlt
Hlarsvardutitsersi ty itlttint o it- t~Teachers' Agoiiey, S1il Wabash aenue,ST
tonldauce. I Chicago. (o(oieti-Ins '1 STUDJIENTS' BO.OKSTG OYR.E STATES .
Mr. Eolse, of thGlenEge, Ie-1
- stplt irlsts-s to troitsill bo it the ('tik htouso, 'liurs-
Is (]sItcV,-tliniisti'atlof 'toesday, til aecount ocit Gret'k, Latint. 'utt'lt. i, ermaltnitnd il { tdle'io'Te'xt-I oos, Nes
knosvwhslthey are not '-n 7'' it elietioti.slS <It-1t?
talc' matterittftte class ca e dtdetsdesrig aicstti iii llthe tt Sci}utl
Ilislor__lthigwilldwello__ee theit'
-----_ - ; l ile ohfssooli'ns of theoGoilenti agle, ! DICA
LECTURE ANNOUNCEMENTS, i Detrit, a t Cotk ltoiso Thursday. T XIILSXTE ~CS
itnvitatioti to all.I
Th re Interesting -Entertainmenss I 0
Arranged fur the benefit cet ofJ - . N 0~.'s~u..u,
Michtigan Studants. - i I oat a-i.0-de,~e I

"Teachigs of the Creek I'.ithers'
is Itrof. id. L..'Ooge's subject for
next Siuday umorning before floe S.
C.- A.1
'Jean Fraticois :Millet" is the
subject upon wvhich Rev. Jenkoins
Lloyd Jones, of Chicago, will speak
Saturday evening before the Unity
Club. The lecture svill be illus-
tratetd by 6oflnaternsslide viesvs.
"'rhe Creek Church and the
Mode of Life Amuotig Bulgarians" to
floe subject wvlicht Mr. V. I). Bozov-
sky, of Philippopolis, -Bulgaria,
wiii discuss tomorrosw evenitog at
eight o'clock, at the Presbyteriana
church. Nte. IBozoosky is a studeiit
of the tmedical departmeint of this
University. Ile sill appear dressed
in native costume, atnd a inuniber of
interesting pictures wiii be shosvn
illustrating pitints brought up during

,e ~~T Shiu 1hute" is tine ofthtie be.t
.IJJ I r st lhiatmis, at hoe Mttrhtrs, ill1R T G A I
spite of the fact that lie is alnmost hist
_____ - thte age totr.juventile pasrts, is still easily
the first of Irish comaediatts 11l the NO. 12 W. HURON ST.
In selecting your society' Americaut stage. Ite very large an-
diencec it the iDetroit opera housoe last GLITD FlPE O S T l~
badge or anytbing in jewelry, uight bytrnetaityn ltaug lidt ANN AR{BRB. ONE NIGHT ONL.
we. want you to bearu' s ill lauigheod till thte teal-s cante agaiti. lie Friday Evening, Novem'ber 11.
haseequally effective illthte pathtetie
Itlindh. Our rl~utafioll is the scees andullfu the htumaorous. Duiring Spuecial enigagemient of thte legitimateIrs
LtarySDotnovanl'saeongs ott lilmtater'sttoaoeaia, MB.
higbest foi' tbis work and we gr' v fit'e audience looketd like t pro-TrQ PJ
c'onvsentioni - whift' ttttnsbr
svill ofcau' - te tasost was tto be seut everywhtere. Ini the U JJJ..L L iLL 1I
WilO 0e0y teIOtditodec- lighttersceeislieshowed)hiitself a supported by hits own iicompany, ill the erta
mauster (it the Irishb hanter. There is pantooduatuoto KERaY Goar enttit
tate prices iti Miectigans for suctatcaenless confidence,suc-h in ex- S =-,ZT7 T N R = T
ttheetttie of expression, that eveti contit ltoutuocitut m.51rltp 51 aworld tfamous
the beet work. tootihl, esra eon lislaips ltke ott t s0n_"A Hantdful sit Earth."
humtoronts twist. All thte little pecusi- Prices, - - - 50c, 75c and $1.003
arities stud mannerisms t11dare there to seulats ale at Pootothie.Newo stand.
F. G. MITII SOIL 00., give icoloreto thue ctaraeter. tforAMr.
F. 5 iSOT^ t 0 toMrphy negleets nthling that wi lad KEN TSCHLER,
to the st-enthftit the pict-tre pre- h
Wootdwared Aveu., and State St, setttedl.-Detroit E~venitng ess's, N o ' ot '
DETE~t, - -Studetnts swill fintd a ine litie of can
M - iIIGAN,1 dues, especlilly ectecolates, at ft, A.
MjSaynuards, thetiSttte street grocecr. u tlsaN E t xiA :oll) tIt'IiotSc.

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