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November 10, 1892 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1892-11-10

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A' E~S , Wehave theiu.,

And the bristles will not Coee1 Stringjed -. Instrument!
out. -T

+ + at NOB3LE'SI
CHIOICE of a window fuill of 4-in-Iluods, Tecks and Puffs for

34 S. State Street.

trLw.j34 S. State Street. 148 cts-

48 cts.

48 ets.

48 ets.

I.t~l crr il t xt-i iOOks, '1'''di('ai lPookas, 1an IDIoLS, I icttal I looks, Sitdent' emote lBooks. 13I~1 I'boks, hdato 'ccv. We have1 a irI
Stock o 1f cleI ld 111 l>satr Iraftinlg I IlStrIIIlt'lIts.
Our Stock - will be found Complete and our Prices as Low as thc- Lowest.


1 Till'lRochester, Tile lilyali, 11111Tile PerfectionlIStudten~t iLamps 1haXve 1dem-
onlstraltedlilthtitey give tile m~ost perfect lilht of)anlampsiltiid~le. Wilie tile
'rices varcy fXXIII(tilcents tol $la each, tiley 1111 givet ae ( qua~l~ llitIityldqan-
titv of lighit.
Arellnd L~amp, w Iithl porcel~ailadies.,Iat - - - - - 6a cents
lied Stalr Oil, thalt 1111n15withosut odor, does nlot chalr tile wick,
CITY and gives a1 pure~ white iight, deiveredi lt - - - ill cenlts per gali
Oii (tans, according to capacity, f rtal - - - -2( 0 cents ts $61 eacih.
To see is to believe. See our stock a~nd you wilii be conlviced that we seii
tile best Tamlp andtibest Oil for tile least mone flC aot yll house ill tis city.
44 Main Street, South. DEAN & COMPANY'.


l3t~NS1IJ T I H A PS Philharmonic club in tDctroit. Prof.
_ J. Erich Schamaal goes to Miisvaukcc,
Dr. f~ord filedh is ltccustoulcdiThlanksgiving, to play at a chlam~ber
W ill YOU 1Look place, T'uesday.ocr.
Prf.( Xvel iii lecture to ithe The mnc social Xiii be acid at
XXoiIIShloXX Wintdows It 11115 laws Pedcrileday, 'iTursday andliFri- Newvberry ballnett Saturdlay evenl
i 5X oInIstetll- about I(lay. ing. A cordial invitation is exteunded
GUITA S 1President Anlliillehnot retulrn to a11 llmedical students.
1toXtile city unltil theC last dof tile The tinle for ordering '95 soplh
Xeek. canes hlas beena extended to tonlighlt
PRICES. Tile numl~ber of studenlts svhoawelnt by thec committee, Meesrs. Kteecil,
H, AN A1t1301tOIGtAN CtO., ilome to votie ill doubtful states svas Kuapp, and Rosenbauma.
51 Soalh Male Street. very large. TeCreltaa lX eia
ML(;H_____________ Prof. Ad~l amha put a atoll to the cie at 3:30, and the field is
111_______Ll hit of stamnilg 0o1 tile flXoor in is closed to spectators. Seseral of tile
Tim abC15.leleed)1Julne 12. I. il. lecture mona.
LASTe e114. WEST. a m. eastern teams beginl as early as 3
MaXil - -----e 25 ChicagoSspeelal - 3 5 Prof. Davisgvetefsh n
lDly Ixpress _._.s asay Especa.-.8 gavethepr.sinae
N. S. Limited----6.s5Mals-----p.-_ na.1
N.Y.Limaited ___. 5115 N. S. Lzri llXI '.X r engineers an introductionl toX sater- A .Evlg 5V'2 ~I li
iIn, lC.h'icaga Napreso. 2 9 color tinting, tdy
1). N. Nxpess.--. 5 18 0. It. Express r 50 _ Dr. Ames lhas selected Durrllvs a mnetpsiininteReul
XtlantDiEexpres.- 7,I4 AmXeriean Nap Xl1) I
tQ. ExpressXIII 4S Pacile lExpreasl_0 ttiatorv f ddl es -rtetcan club here, has been elected to
s1 . ltcceks. 11.55W. taresH-. 1\fddeAes'fr text ihiisat eilauefo
Xms. P. &T. Agentl, Chicago. I iacMihigAastae Agibaorr.(rll
Ag.e~le.1100kool, nhis course 6. Iiidi ony
.FIRST NATIONAL BANKI A. E. AMulder, '94I dent, whohaII) 11115 couty
1)5'ANN ARtBORt. 'heelsill an1officeat S.Jhh. h 9 rcebadhscoe
lSurp 5ellus ad Crots, $Sy,iI) c t 1ll s tle9 lal 010118coe
'ra et eerall Xaning 5business, Cur I retturledi to college, tile constract for prinltinlg tile flortil-
iaeczeuol, letters of credit procured ali wltgvt.. ~ Ii
forLnvcIlels brod. !13111..Jlrealdey adwife wil '"e"11"ingvolunle. It 1i ossible
S.WPLRSOCbi.'n, t ecepton oltesensior msetdical clia-s thlat coXmlptitionl for prizes will be
GR~~l'.4G~RS at thleir Ihome Xon tHuronl street, 1o- closeil ablout the I 5t1 of thlis monthl.
'l'leilo~rof il jl~lor]as de- At the nmeetinlg of tile IahnemllSn-
SFIO EQ F JA~ I Tf lgt.heelsr o tejaniorlw 7:30, nian society, last evening, *Mr. Roy
10hSesneabr.92 o aL~eletly was elected vice-presi-
0URl NEWt HALl. is eentrally loacldand Friday evening, to 3 3o Friday dn npaeo .I ~lad vs
over provisions Xbeen mude to promeote thedetnplcofAL.olawh
<.ueilort XXf (oXr patreons. Thereare Inostairs afternoon,.i o eul o olg il er
ulmounat, tile dancing roombesnag on tedd oIeur ocolg hiaer
grouadXXiolose. oteeaaaemoy,86M0,narl-st. Thae Castalialn board of '91 failed C. K. Stewvart svas elected mlember
s end $125,$2,aorX15 fo Sam- to present to thle library a copy of of tile executive committee. Fri-
ad.. le letail Box A Cr Siexpress a
M~IIMV aAatrupa.ntelegantokmand asid result, there is day evening the society will hold its
strietly patre. Suitable fee none on file.
PREtlSENTSSt. preen ehare 1r.Sls opening meeting in the parlors of
repaid.IRefer toall Chicago PrfSia R. Mills, of thle School Christ church. The meeting will
ltoce. AdXI 0, e g of Mschas becuegae a
uaINTHuR engagedtaa a I be addressed by thle president Dr.
212IatOeLStIeet.. Isoloist at thse second concert of the Obte
CHICAGO, ILIN; a. 1. L. Oez

Call on Win. Fulde. ttle
Tailolr, opposite tle Law Btuiling, cii
Wiiill-st., itrst XdoXor Xest of State-st.
Cleaning, relpairiXnglad pressing XdoXXe'neatly.
Saits Is ceder 5aXspecialty. All cark first-ela',.
Buy ashAlarn=Clod1
XocXave soXicepIairina-donIe goXc
IA/qt Armolds 36 Main Street
Is showing a first-claiss 11110 of
IDress lend Busliness Seitinles
Troulserings rand liency Vestings
for Faell and Winter.
42 $outh $tate $treet.
ts the place tol go fur finle Tailoring.
Ie lhas thle mst select stock elf
inl Sduitings, T'rodlaerillgs, anld Fancy
Silk Vestlings illtlhe City, and
woulid he pleased to Dlave you
call anad examine. Ile
naakes a specialty of
Full Dress Seuits.
No. 2 E. Washington-St,, Ann Arbor.

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