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November 10, 1903 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1903-11-10

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iruritan' tARLTTLS
P u rita iit Grok'n in Turkey.
t j Perfected in .Egypt.
* Enjoyed in America.
1T .~'Corciip o Pain
'SEN to PbEASE ~ j le..ouo
411 E. 57th St., Chicago.
"" " (aps and Gowns made to or-
+ ALL yl / r i 'M der and rented.
t/$ 1 Pcnnants for all colleges and
, ~ fraternitieo carried
,ar'it~ ~ Claos Pins, Class and Team
4ec Caps.
t yoas os°"sSend for Catalogues.
}Itt 1 11 Watces- Diamconds, Have Them.
Class C attel 4, -hell itYst rs atid Clamss. Lobhsters,
u . ± Collateral Security. Fish. T I' r ing Chutices, Large
BUIESSRCL4OFDNIL 2 rafs, hos served with Nice
Yer.Aktoethat wear them, LOURI iCreaiGae Dessed and
"= W J. OURlVI. nealy servred for husnters.
A nArbor r- Oficehous 9 o 1130lieto4:3. The only stitlty First Class Short
$ 7:00 to H:30 lE~IhE*Order Dining Room in the City.
Wearers., a!is.oc
f.i... if',04444 1 4+444 Willits, The Caterer.
* ENCOK 0 R E N T S C H L E R For anything in the line of yser Boy Phase 467.
T Conecion. 30SuhS aiS. 4 Maker of Photographs Framing, Call on Rentschler, 'I Open from 6tilttill sidiiighic
FieCnecin. Lnce, t phone 389-2r. Corner Mlain and Huron Streets. 4, 3105S. STATE ST.
Wh4,4,4, dandies th atevenithedeal-14,
pakdtoSi yu asenamlie en-, oo-o, UNIVERSITY NOTICES. Front Suite to Rent-Oine hlock west ++++4+44,4,4,4,44.t4,,#,,444
fetinryprlrnthit.ofCamspus; single heds, large clothes SPALDISOG'S OFFICIAL
Ice Cream. Soda Water. NTC presses, grates, a stationary wash- INTER-COLL.EGIATE
r1A usnO etiCE.f he('l stand, hath, g.a and telephone. 521 FOOT BALL
PENN7LVYCOOK, ori tiii- iliili E. Jefferson SC. Used hy all the Leading
30SuhState Stieet. edi om 2,iv rsity I htlts lieat - -- Fiot BaliPants-iaceasot,
~4Q * 1 r1.Ni vodliisiliiyPantorium, :''1 S. Slale. Cleaning, A hips iandtknees padded with
lIlA flIiN VIfli 1)1 f1It, ad Repa~iritig. Clothes iii' eicineiI i s dto igh
Do Yr AA N& RALW Yt- eiet c aloled foriansi el eivereii. Leave or-? A. 0. SPALDING & BROa.
A. A. at.le shi ngs Du tr, orIiicoiporaited.
5TAND1AkD )TIME1C NOTICE plionie52-3ir.New York, Chicago, Denver.
6:15 . C hrs houriy antii 111.Itaor YTisi- l- - illcfsr i i o Ilt or1e dit ediby NWalters-smp
lansi enly, at 12:15a. sm. asd i2:45 a. in.. 'ae Doily Eitioriloliiaril a1 12:41 i 5 toMONEY.Price 10 cens
Theniat 9:15 p. m. and 11:15ip. m. rio ini thei I iiilis ilice.It I is - .+ s r
WiigRoHrnS.W.oM a vn. esary thal-t, vy ion lii resect at edWaolc adby eanvaser who cain .,,,,,,4..t,,,,,444444+,
wrabutohouro daily to sell a BAILEY & EDMXUNDS5
Do YOU WANT A GOOD . . '07 Engineer Election, good artirle, suitahie for Christmasc
Anii mporlont clais ma-ing if thelie t.Adrs ,care IDaily.
$1.00 FOUNTAIN PEN? '17 Idiii-u-s will h li-llol u -isIH E '
T ry the "UNIVERSTY." 10, lfugi-i- riiig Buiildling ig lt. ]. Bath Supplis of all kinds at all im015 DI2CO15ATIh~iN
at 1.ulltilIis. rcsa CsigsPharmacy. 121 East Liberty Street.
lvtann's Drug Store, 213 S. Main St. - _-- --_______


E. 1). OiNNi 0HARISiOilS SuLh
S. W.LRrSONa tshier.
CAPITAL, - - $100,000
State Savings Bank.
W. J. Booiih Jit. VI. Shiehan
Win. Arinilii ir. V. C'. Vaughan
Jas. H. Waide EIF. Ii.stll'
N. ..Kyer Jol ioree
FtranktfP. Olazier ChistianuMaritn
Traisish:ive AnniArbhrby Central Stasdard
Effective Octoiber 26. i90^.
No. 6- :2es. M. No.1-00see. ci.
No. 2-i1:33 A. M. Na. 5-12:30 P. a
No. 0- 8:25 P. a. Na. 3 :53 oY. eM,
Trains Nit 5 sods6 ruo hetween Anti Arhar
anid Toleds only.
Trains 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, asd 5, doily except Sundasy
F'eeechair carso Ntis. isaid 4.
J. J KILBY G.P. . T. WILLS, Agent.

Fountain Pens at Coshing's. Focintain Pens at Coshing's. PHOTFOGRAPHS
Fresh Lowney's, Alegrettic, Spar- Crackier Jsck furitisheid for ptarties rwsadHye' hcltsa uh n hrhscasa hlsl alo
ings Pharmacy. pris. F. B. Gilbert, 101 S. Slate. SEYMOUR'S STUDIO
We leacie 'hiurciao f this week, EARN SPENDING MONEY. c 316 S. Stain Street.
Clla hl& Oti0 i. Wonted ge-iileiian canvaser to sell
ne___ 1w, qtiick-oelling Chiristmiao gifts for - - -
Goct y-iurbtoks hitttni at, Sc-hleteiees. yiouing fillk. Apply at oiiee. Addres Ilighest Cash Price
-411 II carte wily, paid for second-hand clothing.
- . ~._______ ____________________ Shoe repairing while you wait.
Goods called for
1tfh7rs2gr7. . GIDT1N
Ve 1 '11 FaitIWashingoniStreet
'OUR [NTIRE STOCK GO[S. Win. lbocbrein,
We cain SdVe YOU Mroney On ataXIItub,
ZteArn - &has uftter.
LA W IB O O K(S lbolne t667. 303 3. State $t

(JaW eaFoblishers arrl



[AN & COMIPAN Y One-third ott on all
d lmortei5) HICAO f"CHlIGAN BANN[RS
IDipres hCG At
State Street, OWo. [aw Bldg. November 7 to 14 Inclusive.

Electric and Gas Fixtures and Construction. "
Fiumhing and Steam Work. All at Reasonahie Rote. an0 First-Class Order at New Sleeping Car Line Between
J. JF. SCHUH'S, 1207 E. Washinigtoni.. DET 3O T O E O O .~ i
BRX[[R'S Leave Detroit So p. in., Michigan Central.
IT~III Leave Toledo 12:30 Night, Hocking Valley.
PHYSICuAL TRAINING IN WRhfTKI , Arrive Coluln hus 6:5o a. m,.,HockINgSae.
~PALRCRONTEDYthebosokfor ali the pesple althesti,c iullvocattins; ohi e imtproeent.oALO AS N60EDYTRIS
pp.t Iliostrated, price 41. Tested 25yersr. tire ite.mo t iutrspondeneicouse bySi'
autoer$1.Pe a rie tme wil ieds~t0 tt i oae hi d Wit ac Hocking Valley to the ticket agent or write
physical traintog is rapid writing or Stee irlne irwesiek or$500.Coiiducive to elt lii .Lnma .T .Derl ih
and positiecure forbad writis ;.Iividuaulity retainedIBasiniess Prnasn d XV andmn G 'I. A, DtoiMih,
lon lesso,10e.Address Prof. 0.BUXLER, OMadison St. & Ogden Ave., Chicago, SI. , H +A+ +I+ +e5.*
.. f - - - - ... . 4 , 4,..., . go .. 4,4,444ot* . 12_ - rII SI I'I i_.. .

Always Ahead
In Styles.


The Best
of Everything in Tailoring.

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