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March 29, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 137) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY 01' MICIGAN DAILY. . JUST A STEP AHEAD IN STYLE--NEVER IN PRICE. H IL EBR ND TE NW TALOR120 WASHINGTON SI. MICHIGAN CENTRAL f 'The NiagaraFalls Route."lVeutschler, the photograpY herI)~L. LENRAlarmDRDI Clocks SI. lam 1 iaet GE TOING AST.-na- ----19- - 18----9 U. of M. Pins 50c to 10.00. Fine D~etroit Night Expresse.........5 55 A. M.Watlepar Is pcily adAtlanticis EpeT 710, HIT AISTS ReAaEsiOgORpecialt Mai and Ex...…

March 29, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 137) • Page Image 4

…4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MJCHIGAN DAILY. 4 THE U~4IYERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. F. Hopkinson Smith's Works C:aleb WNest, Master Driver. Tom Grogan. Trhe Other Fellow, Short Stories. STUBI remember that we can Fountain Pen, the Laui wse fully guara ntee. 'Yb, MARTIN'~ Crescent Sterling M. STAEBLER'S CYCLE EIIPOR~IUM Bic D. 9 TINKERF & SOP' H~LIATTERS ANDOUNIHR - -- - -- -- - - -- -- -- jHeadquarters for isupply you with a $1.00 uASs, CArS, MoN'...…

March 28, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 136) • Page Image 1

…VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, MICH., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 28, 1900. No. 136. S rn gLIST OF MEMBERS. F. H. Falter, J. T. Fitch, H. G. Fitch,' NE SENC II - redenrce Gates, J. . Grisier, . L. Athletic Association Members and Frank, W. A. Ganshaw, Louis Gram, On Standing oi the Uniersit,- Announcem ent Aprinetol Directors. Geo. Grant, Jr., B. . Greene, W. . Praises ol New York Sun. , , Treasurer Woodrow has made out a iss Lottie Greist, Wilbur Grooss, W. The fol...…

March 28, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 136) • Page Image 2

…2 THE UNIVERSITY 016 MICHIGAN DAILY Pblished Daily (Sundays excepted)dinc~g the College year at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. Orieici The Inland Peress, Hennig Bock.t Both Phones 147. MANAGING EDITOR. F.ENELIt..'01lL. BOUSINE~SS cMANAGE. t 01111N~. 00L. ATHEIC S, G.1). 1ececceT,'0i E T. R. Wooccese, '0L.A 1.MeDecceac. '01 E A. G. BuccE, 0 . .J.B.OOD, '00t G. J.hlMONTGlOEY, '00,'0iM 1.1H. JREG i'0L.W. A.lKNIHT,'0iL. he slcc rpto ...…

March 28, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 136) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY.3 YUseen that new crush or KNOCK-ABOUT HAT? Just the thing for rough usage-and good for many places and all kinds of F weather----It saves time and patience-Colors brand ciew-*. 00 _ GOODSPEE~D'S A MICHIGAN CENTRAL) H ETMKSO "The NiagaraFalls Route''letcbeth"i btxvabr CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. 4 , Mandolins dfl Taking !fleat Novembehr 19, 189)9. Guitdrs ulcN AS.Derict Night Ropr(ton. . . . . __ __ _ Atlantic Exp...…

March 28, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 136) • Page Image 4

…4 Hopkinson Smifth's Works Caleb W~est, Master lDriver. 'Tom Grogan. The Other Fellow, Short Stories. AGentleman Vag abond, and Some Other. ADay at Lagnewe's, antI Other Days. Colonel Carter of Cartersville. AWhite Umbrella in Mexico. THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Tesplendittrtisenet of the stisp peeps forth." It is with a feeling Of pritte which wet histkpardsnabte that wt snvite yosr early tnspectios of ourtewtlineof Spring andtSummerO...…

March 27, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 135) • Page Image 1

… 4f 'ig iaiiu. VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, MICH., TUESDAY, MARCH 27, 1900. No. 135. Spring Announcement G. H. WILD & CO. 101We have just received our line of spring woolens for men's wear. It includes everything in staples that are suitable and de- sirable for the season. We are also showing full ranges in nov- elties, in qluality and style to suit the most exacting taste, consisting of Top Coats, Suit- ings, Fancy Vests andI Golf 'Trouserings. We i...…

March 27, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 135) • Page Image 2

…2 THE UJNIVERSITY 011 MICHIGAN DAILY U ~ ti1.~hd11. illbe a ~ Prker's Campul osophical society in Tappan ball lee- Published Daily (Ssndaye seepted)lddeing the tore room Wednelday at 4:15 p. m. Dr. Colg(er a au iladrs h oceya hs Cafe, +++ THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. meeting upon the sbjeet, "Scientific FRI~SFR omenc: The Island Prese, fHeecing Black. -E-----B-AD-$-.5.-- Both Phoses 147. REGULAR BOARD S2.75" 11 orders promptly filled. Fresh E...…

March 27, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 135) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY 0OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 3 _ " " "" i«"". i"..ti1...?i"t...Jifi Lr ..:....?.s -- ----°-".s s s s""""""- - - - ------- I I LflD [~ HOI~ do OXF RDS ALL NEW AND UP TO DATE (~OODQ5PJEILDQ) Hajve You Seem Our New Dorcas Sboes? ~SUHMI T F4 MICHIGAN (CENTRAL!, "°The Niagara Falls Route." l1nshe,4biht~rpe.~ lrm Cok I CENTRAL STANDARD tor1 J A ar r T ki G i OING AnST.b 9 19. T- - . of AM. P!i c t o $t0 10.0 0. Fine Deroit Nigh...…

March 27, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 135) • Page Image 4

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN~ DAILY. F. Hopkinson Sm1ith's Works *511 C;aleb West, Master Driver. Tom Grogan. Thse Other Fellow, Short Stories. A Gentleman Vagabond, and Some Other. <A Day at Lagnewe's, and Other Days. Colonel Carter of Cartersville. A White Umbrella in Mexiro. STUBE remember that wve cane Fountain Pen, tile Laugh] we folly goutrantee. Wbit M1ARTIN S Crescent Sterling ol M. STAEBLER'S CYCLE FEMPORIUM I-jiuy DO YOU $S 4 Pit...…

March 26, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 134) • Page Image 1

…be 12of $-9 P tt) VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, MICH., MONDAY, MARCH 26, 1900. No. 134. THE DUAL MEET OURS.I not been namned a anmember of the ANUL DRES SpringANULADES Deleatd NtreDam bga place. Bliss succeeded only in doing Michigan Dfae or aeb 36 fet 7 iscles whicl gave him second Annual S. C. A. Meeting.-Preident An o n e e t Score of 43 1.2 to 20 1.2. place over Pick of Notre Dame. Connor Faunce o Brown Addrese secured te otly oher first place for hi...…

March 26, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 134) • Page Image 2

…THE UNIVERSITY O]1 MICHIGAN DAILY 2 . . rt e sell chosen lpassionate words hede el ~tt J~t1 ared he wa s an expansionist but not an A Gentlemans Feet... * ~~~ P'~~~ ~ t imperalst He explained oat was donthfiobeotde t Pubished Ditt (Sundao*exneptitedotuing inth his op iioni rtc wd s t b en stwnccnedtoc ncoforable shoes in ode to comply Cotg or tfor in tostion and stated ihe stoodwattib on ofhashbcm io lylnin sqarety on the Dcmocraic platform....…

March 26, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 134) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 3 JUST A STEP AHEAD IN STYLE-NEVER IN PRICE. ILD B A D TENWTIO 120 WASHINGTON ST.I MICHIGAN CENTRALfl .- 'The NiagaraFalls Route." j e ntzchlct, tbe liphotographer. TEBSTAESO CENTIRAL STANDARD TME MandoliosaDdf TaingEfet November 1-9,189)9. GIG -T~~ Detro it NghtiExpressm - -m55 A. 1%, Granads Exprss .... . _, 10 adiirtano' arsa le at tie Mail and Epr u ....-....a.'34711 M GIG VsT11Mail and E e p ......... s...…

March 26, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 134) • Page Image 4

…4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 4 TH NVRIYO JHGiDIY F. Hopkinson Smrith's Works Co,. Caleb West, Master Driver. Toem Grogan. The Other Fellow, Short Stories. A Gentleman Vagabond, and Some Other. A Day at Lagnewe's, and Other Days. Cotonet Carter of Cartersville. A White Umbrella in Mexico. Well-Worn Roads of Spain, Hot- land, and ttaly, Traveled by a Paister in Search of the Theiend ist raimest sfthe Singpeeps fceih." It is with a fee...…

March 24, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 133) • Page Image 1

…....AL- &I o 4 VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SATURDAY, MARCH 24, 1900. No. 133. SpringW MAXEY FIRST. Anno nce ent Wins Oratorical Contest in a Close Announcement Race.-Lits Win First Two Places. The tenth annual oratorical contest G" H. W ILVD & ,CO. of University of Michigan waa held " last evening before a fair-sized audi- ence. As the orations were being .cpresented unusual interest prevailed We have just receivcd our line thog h niehu...…

March 24, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 133) • Page Image 2

…2 THE UNIVERSITY O1l MICHIGAN DAILY Fobliehed Daily (Suadays axcepted)iduaiag the College year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. Orrimo The Island Poets, Henning Block. Beth Phons 1ta. itOANAGIONG EIOTORI. F. ELHA tsoo'1OLt. BUtSINEStS MANAGER~. (I. I1. HANse. 000L. F1)ITOIIC. ATllLET'S5, . G. 1D. Iluextesee01 E. T.It . WososR, '00Lt)I. A. 11. McDOoos Lt II A.. BROWNE , '0 , . J . B. Wott, '00, i. J. MOsoooOoEtt'00, W. it. IIhEe '00 M, R.H.0J...…

March 24, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 133) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF~ MICHIGAN DAILY. I L~ I[S fIO[S do OXFRDS ALL NEW AND UP TO DATEj ± Have You Seem Our New Dorcas Sboes?O D.PFLD i 119 SOUTH MAAIN ST. M ICH IGAN QENTRALI The NiagaraFalls Route." li eutschler, the libotogivapber. lr ok I CENTRAL SIANDAIIO TIME, Alr CoksS 'Eatkin iI'e,'i November, 19, 59 ao L a aa$aa. ~aa ~ ~ '1' fM P~ i i 1 Ftie D toit Night s........... .:h.a r tfch i t i"P'ta.. ' a far 0 17 Gtrandi T oo'. Large aStock...…

March 24, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 133) • Page Image 4

…4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. F D. 'A TINKER & SO!M S UD ~ 4T .SHATTERS AND FURNISHERS HIop kiUsonl remember that we can supply you with a 1.00 RATS, CAS, Moo's Foo~asesoso Fountain Pen, the Laughlin or Waterman, which adopeeiefyosn S m t 'we fully guarantee What mnre can you ask ? Tyis. Goons ad SEATERS, $ ALL AGENCY FOR ONLEY ATS W orks 334 South State~te Crescent Orient Q rr RIthauirs tcSteorl in 'F) I Flver Cor. Mas snd HoanoSteet. C...…

March 23, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 132) • Page Image 1

… 'of $ 4 aiIt VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, MIH., FRIDAY, MARCH 2 3, 11900. No. 132. Spring Announcement $J4.$ G. H. WILD & CO. We have just received our line of spring woolens for men's wear. It includes everything in staple's that are suitable and de- sirable for the season. XWe are also showing full ranges in nov- elties, in quality and style to sit the most exacting taste, consisting of Top Coats, Suit- ings, Fancy Vests ad . Golf Trouserings. We ...…

March 23, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 132) • Page Image 2

…2 THE UNIVERSITY 01 MICHIGAN DAILY .. .,4::. .. J. % . _.! Pubiehed DUaily (Su day excepdd eting the College year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN OrricE: The Inland Preps,BHenning Block. Both Phones 14a. MANAGING EDITOR. F. ENGELHARD, '01 L. BUSINESS MANAGER. O. H. HANe, '00L. EDITORS. ATHLETICS, . . G. D. HoNUTT, '015E. T. R. WOODeOw, '00 L. A. H. McDOUGALL,'51 1E A. G. Banwx. '02. E. J. B. Wac, '00, L..RaoeaaaEaRY, '00, W. . HIlREo, 'cc2, ...…

March 23, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 132) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY QJMICHIGAN- DAILY. .: HATS that are strictly np-to-date-Those new Golf shapes are. very firSwagger" both in style and-colors-raw or bound edges-$2 to. Sole agents KNOX, STETSON ,and "VARSITY " HATS-Tbe ones that are always a step ahead of others in style and quadiy G0OBSPEED'5 117 Q. M I STREET MICHIGAN CENTR~AL, ".The Niagara Falls Route." CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. Taing Effect November 19, 1899. Detroit Night Express ......551A....…

March 23, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 132) • Page Image 4

…T ...HE UNIVERtSITY -OF .MICHIGIAN DAILY.- llopkinson Smith's Works t-eb West, Master Driver. Tom esGrogan. 'The Other Fellow, Short Stories. A Gentleman Vagabond, sd Some Other. a Day at Lagnewe's, and Other Days. Scolonel Carter of Cartersville. A Wtite Umbrella io Mexico. sWei-Worus Roads of Spain, Rol- land, sod Italy, Traveled by a Painter in Search of the Picturesque. .OR SALE iY Sheehan & Co. PUBLISHIERS, BOOSELLER, STATIONERS and ENGR...…

March 22, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 131) • Page Image 1

…Wbe Uofks ~ papllu* VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, MICH., THURSDAY. MARCH 22, 1900. No. 131. Spring Announcement G. H. WILD & CO. We have just received our line of spring woolens for men's wear. It includes everything in staples that are suitale and de- sirable for the season. We are also showing full ranges in nov- elties, in quality and style to suit the most exacting taste, consisting of Top Coats, Suit- ings, Fancy Vests and Golf Trouserings. We i...…

March 22, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 131) • Page Image 2

…2 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY these instituttons. as sweli as omany others,Pa k ' ' f ,1 oj c ontinuc to ltay mrt etto clearly violate ,Iaru fl'D'U f 0 1the spirit, and, in iiany cases, the tetter Publishe atiy utnsdays excepssitedsag teofthe1strules. There are severailiitstancis in teswest where basehall mien go Ito L~ Cottege yeair. at school only cdnring the spring terms, and, ,fff THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. as Prof. Thlatchsrsaya, i...…

March 22, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 131) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY (IF' MICRIG~A N DAILY. JUST A STEP AHEAD IN STYLE-NEVER IN PRICE. HILDERAND THE NEW TAILOR 120 WASHINGTON ST. MICHIGAN ETR .L ,The NiagaraFalls Route." 4 eitschler, the fhotographer. CENTR1AL iSTANDIARDII LIE. " Dletroit Nicht Expres(A. 1. Atlantic Expet.A ......... " 4 Mian~1Enal prc;.... ....l1 fFn , Negee Shirts MaladEpes .... .. "e i eN. Y. BostonSpecial .... . .......l5 Boston, N.Y I Fasl Weser E pr1. ...... , i. he ale i...…

March 22, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 131) • Page Image 4

…4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. F. Hopki nsorn Smith's Works Caleb West, Master Driver. Tom Grogan. The Other Fellosw, Short Stories. A Gentleman Vagabond, and Somk Other. A. Day at Lagnewe's, and Othe Days. Colonel Carter of Cartersville. A White Umbrella in Mexico. Well-Worn Roads of Spain, Hol land, and Italy, Traveled b a Painter in Search of th Picturesque. FOR SALE B Sheehan & Co. PUBLISHERS, OOKSELLERS, STATIONERS ad ENGRAVERS, A...…

March 21, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 130) • Page Image 1

…;be Uof 94. P)ath4, VOL. X. ANN ARB3OR,1I,1CR.., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 21, 1900. No. 130. Spring Announcement G. H. WILD & Co. "We havc just rceivcd our lhoc of spingi iwoolens for mcn's wear. It incluiles evcerytlhing in staiplcs that irc su itablicanoldce siraiblc for the seao.War also shoing full ranges in nor- elties, in dilit t1noilstylec to1 sit ite most cxactingi taste, consisting if 'I'op ("oiatsSuii- igs, FancyrVesis ar oilfo I 'roll...…

March 21, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 130) • Page Image 2

…THE UNIVERSITY 01 MICHIGAN DAILY Poblehed Da1ly (undys axceted) durig th College yea at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN orletr: The Iland Pes, ilosotg Bloc. Both Poone 14. MANAGING EIITOI. FENGat~aaa,'OlL. BIUSNESS MANAGER,. 0, 1. II tto..'00 L. FI)IITOII. ATrLL1tLll~s, G, . 1). tcvo, '01 Ii. T. IR. WOOaot, '10 . A D, MoDooostALL'1 E A. G. BoowN O. . ItJ. 11. WOO, '00, $. A. JSloostoLe r,00, t.'A KIGHT, '01 . o noon eatda.tot01iI A Evmuitat o,,OIL...…

March 21, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 130) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF" MICHIIGAN DAILY. r-- rr- i-- Wit' fir- r- r- t-- r -- i- r-- r - ="r =St=' _-= - L Wit- - r-- r- - r- rc " -- 1"° _ 7 r° F - r- t° =i t ~WHEN 91 . . . t-- .--+r-" -.r :L_.r ^_'' _'f '-'r_ f^--'"f- f :,,,( J-+l-= f=+f .f- t YOU BUY A TOP COAT-YOU WANT THE BEST-WE HAVE t- THEM--NEARER TO CUSTOM MADE THAN ANYTHING YET PRODUCED-NOTE THE FIT, FINISH, STYLE, COLLAR AND SHOULDERS-YOU SHOULD SEE AND TRYS THEM-812 T0 S20. GjOOD8P...…

March 21, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 130) • Page Image 4

…4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. ed etellien-mumus h otD. fl TINKE[R & SON~ _, Th~le splendd lra as o'th Spii55e55 .frth, j "' " i is ith feeingHATTERS AND FURNISHERS Of pride which we thinkppadoabletthat weisnvite your easty inspectiona of jHeadquarters for our nJi iI V Iewtslneof Srig and SaaaaertOfrnsjs eevd fehadtmt iglas uclaveat ur's ria storsy, Over3(00 p utes frot hettBAHT, CAS.tME'S'aFUattSTItst LeadinsgTailorssofthe Wor]d. Sails...…

March 20, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 129) • Page Image 1

… of S tr- !1 VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, MICH., TUESDAY, TMARCH 20, 1900 No. 129. Sprin~g Announcement 0. H. WILD & Co. We have jst received) our ine of spring woolens for men's wear t incluides eirth ing i staples ticat 5re siaile sd ds- sirible for the Saor . is ar also shiow igful at s in-n n oo-i eties in qiiality ndstyolei.t) suit the mst cexacting- tati, consioting(ofITopiCotsitoSuit ings linc es\sre iiil (Gol T eri I s . Weo i noite syoii t...…

March 20, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 129) • Page Image 2

…2 o 0f#t+ (%dhi Pobiiehed Daily (Sunday s eepted) during the College year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, (orrimtTiloe 0andPresse, enning Btock Both Phones 1t7. MRANAG'INGEI~TORt. F. ENGELtooce, '0t L. B3USINESS TMAN AGERi. 0,t. 11. hNS. '00 L. ATHLETI'i, .tG. 1. Itoeo'r, '01 iE. T. R. Woomotoo '00 tL. A.11. McDOO't00.(,'01iE A. 0. Boo s '. '0..02-. ,WOOD, 1t, L. J. MONTaOtO'e. R '00, W01. Ii. itoto. '00 M. H.JIN A,'00L.1V.i'A.KNIGHT,'01lL. Ti...…

March 20, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 129) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY 01' MICHIGAN DAILY.3 i~aD[~ fIO~ do OXFRDSALL NEW AND UP TO DATE OODo5PFJ"'-i IQ Have You Seem Our New Dorcais Sboes? 11 SOUTH MAIN ST. j MjICHIGAN CENTRAL, 'The Niagara Falls Route." CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. Taking L'flectNovmber 7- 9, 1899. Detroit Night Rxpres......., 55 .a., Atlantic Express .. ...... 7 43 Grand Rapide Noproso.........11 10 Mai and Exprs............... 347. - N. Y.BotonSpecil ........ 1.. 345 Mail and Expes.....…

March 20, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 129) • Page Image 4

…4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. H~~ST8BENTS D. 4:1 TINKER &6 SON HlATTERS AND FURNISHIES Headquarters for I. l~1JiXIII*1 1 Smith's Works Caleb West, Master 1Driver. Toen Grogan. The- Other F ellotw, Short Storie A G ertieman Vagabond, andt Other. D ay at I ,agiiewes, and(1 Davs. Col onel Carter (of Cartersville. A Wthite CUmbrelia in Mexico. Welci-W\orntt Roadl'rof Spaitt, latnd, atnl Italy, 'Travxel( a lainter 0in Sarch of aii \t t I ...…

March 19, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 128) • Page Image 1

… 'or '4 Pailj4 VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, MICH., MONDAY, MARCH 19, 1901 0) No. 128. Spring Announcement G. H. WILD & CO. We have just received 00r tine of spring woolens for men's wear. tI includes everything in staples that are suitahte andl de- sirable for the season. We are atso shoswing full ranges io nov- elties, isquality and stleteoi suit ttie most exactiiig taste, consisting- of Top Goats, Suit- ingsIFanty \ ests andI Golf T'rouset in...…

March 19, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 128) • Page Image 2

…2 THE UNIVERSITY 01 MI[CHIGAN DAILY Poblieled Daily (Snadys ecepted doing the College yeor, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Chiesc: The lnlad PreHening Block. Both Phoeo 147. NANACING EI)TO. F. Eoaot~oAn, '01 L. BUSINE SS 1ANAGI7B, 011. .1100C,0'0(1 L. ATI1(l'1 11., . . (.. 1). Tlolou,'01 1. T.5R.Wooono,'lofL.. A.I. M cooU000,'OtB A. 0. BOWNE'03 ~.. J. B. Woc, '00, L,J. MNM00000, 'I. 10Olitot', 00 0, R.l.Jro1tc.I0.101..w. A. KN-Ilo,O01 . ho c...…

March 19, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 128) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY.8 F RFLL IND SE T i tSPRING SHOES 1 NE STYES, EW PICES119South Mainstre>. MICHIGAN CENTRAL. IT-- 4 MKE The Niagara Falls Route." c ts hAr, thl CENIRAL STANtDARD) TIME. Taking 1iftctNovembie19, 1899. E > X,, GM.GAS.ltdPs Detit Nigit Espies a. 1- - m - Suchits Joseph in lani n 15 niWash tu'l Alanticllatttei" 1-u U 3 -u . H E----. EU U *. ..un ann:ai43 Grand Raptlttidspett' .... i 4 1 an ruos___oal t h pail andliE...…

March 19, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 128) • Page Image 4

…4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. F Fled tw the slenten :a reeatthe. nrth' Te pui at amet if the Sprias peep: iforth. F, It is with a feeling H opk nsonOf pide which w think padonale that we inite ynr ealy ail: ig atheaaeautteaeeetnath e'eeserta stnry. Oe Ctit pttens LadngTaiors f thWrld Sitanad Overoat . S m ith' Tailor made to your measure at the pice of the Hadmedwa WorksL. C.GOODRICH. 'A or4 sAgetrteeset Talor oneareth. ot RotoeeestNto...…

March 17, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 127) • Page Image 1

…VOL. X. 'I*of 94 P & ALm. ANN ARBOR, MICHi., SATURDAY, -MARCH 17, 1900. No. 127. Spring Announcement G. H. WILD & CO. .4 . 4 We have just received our line of spring soolens for men's wear it incluudes everything in taples that re suitable and de- sirabe for the season W\e are also showng fol ranges in nov- elties, in iquality and style to suit the most exacting taste, consistiiig of 'Cop Coats, Suit- ings, Fanicy Vests andl Golf TIrou...…

March 17, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 127) • Page Image 2

…2 Pub obed D atly(So pa eplo 0 aiig * -THlE- kRSITY O0 MICHIGAN, Oryxcac The Inland Preeoo, Henniog Block. Botls Pbonea 147. MWANAGING EDITOR. F. IotoUAIto, 01 L. ATHLETICS, GI. D.iHcoocTT, '01 B. TP. B Wtiheoote, '1 L. A. I;.lbdloaLL, '01 B .0.Boo9wot.'02., 57.. 4.B. Wooc, '00, B.B~tO~hho,00 C W.A. KNttT, '01_L, T1~testbrptioo price of the PIT is $2.50 Ice ho college yce, with aoregutlaredelivery before aoon epogb day. Notitee communtication...…

March 17, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 127) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY 0OF MICHI[GAN DAILY. . jS RING GSH EflL FINDSE l M L NEW .STYLES, VNEW PICE~ G1:#ODSfPI MinESDeet E . Ari9-- oTTu! AATMain Street. I JjHIUAN (tAN IIsAL -~The Niagara Falls Route." CENTRHALt, TA4ItDARD TIME.' Taking lEffect Nemenhe 19, 1899. aOING EASo. aDetroit Night Epapret ........ so55 . Alealic Empseese. .1,,.. .... 7 45 . { rand Rsiads ..11 10 Mlli and Expreca.........3 47 P. a. .l'Y. Bodta.Slseciaol. . . 458 FA...…

March 17, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 127) • Page Image 4

… THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. F STUB] Hopkinfson emember that weca K Fountain Pen, the Lau Si ni h s we fully guaraantee. WI 14ARTrIN ENTS] D. fl TINKER & 801N HATTERS AND BURNISHERS Caleb West, Master Driver. Tom Grogan. The Other Fellow. Short Stories. Crescent Sterling M. STAEBLER'S CYCLE EIIPORIUM Bic Headquarters for t1 suplly youl with a $1.00 HATS, CAPS, MEN s FURNISHINGS ghlin or Waterma...…

March 16, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 126) • Page Image 1

…Wbe Uof 94 Pai s VoL. X. ANN ARBOR, MICH., FRIDAY, MARCH 16, 1900. No. 126. I I Spring Announcement G. H. WILD & Co. We have just received our line of spring woolens for men's wear. It includes everything in staples that are suitable and de- sirable for the season. We are also showing full ranges in nov- elties, in quality and style to suit the most exacting taste, consisting of Top Coats, Suit- ings, Fancy Vests and Golf Trouserings. We ...…

March 16, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 126) • Page Image 2

…2 THE UNIVERSITY 01 MICHIGAN DAILY 2 THE UNIVERSITY O1~ MiCHIGAN DAILY Pubishbed Daily (Sndays ecepted duing the Colege yea, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN orc: The tnland Pres, Iening Block. Both Phonesee1t7. MANAGING EDITOR. F. EEeoLAii, OttL. BUSINESS MANAGER. . H. HAte.'00 L.. EDITORS. ATHILETICS, . . . 1. HcciicoT,01IE TB . Weceioo '05 L. A. H. McDouiLi'Ot AG BOWNE. 1.E. J. B.Woo,t, L..J. totfooasoiit.O5. W. i. 1HeresY, hiM, The uecccip...…

March 16, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 126) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. a A SPRING TOP COAT-AND WANT THE, SYLE-FIT AND FINISH OF ONE MADE. IAIA NO ORDER--WE HAVE THEM-LET US SHWYOUJ-$$12.00 TO $20.00 A A it~ iAlways Safe Here on Stles and Quality. G00DSPEED'S I MICHIGAN CENTRAL. ",The Niagara Falls Route." CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. Takinog Effect Novemaber 19, 1899. Detroit Night Express ...........5 55 A. X Atlantic Express .........7 45" Grand Rspids Exprrss .........11 10 Maila...…

March 16, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 126) • Page Image 4

…4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN~ DAILY. -° F" ISml ith's Works 'Caleb West, Master Driver. To Grogan. Le Other Fellow, Short Stories. A, e-ntleman Vagahond, and Some Other. _A Day at Lagnewe's, and Other Days olonel Carter of Cartersville. White Umhrella in Mexico. $.10.00 In Your Inside Pocket Is whalyousasaveon a suitorsovercoatsmadeto yourordterhbyus. Weeguaranteesaperfect fit or as sale. Call ad see, no obligation to bay. Oar immaense ass...…

March 15, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 125) • Page Image 1

…,AJL-ftm - A 4 94 Pa0s VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, 31iCH., THURSDAY, MARCH 15, 1900. Spring Announcement G. H. 1 WILD & CO.' We hasve jost re ceivedl oui linej of spring woolens for men's wear. It incliiies everything in stapltes that are suitable and e- sirable for the season. We are also shiowings fusl rangces iin nv- elties, in (ulity anid style toIs suit the innst exeacting taste. consistin' of Top Goats, Suit- inigsI'Fasry Nests ani l if T...…

March 15, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 125) • Page Image 2

…2 THE UNIVERSITY O01 MICHIGAN DAILY Pupils Recital at the School of Music a ke ' C m u Pa h r, . The svocal recital given yesterday af- C m U Publishied Daily (Sundays exceepted)t dining the ternosanint Frieze Memorial hail by the Collegeyer at pupil; in the School of Mtisic was quite C .t.++Fec oo nCag THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. largely attended, and, ott the whole, in- Oncs h nadPse enn lc.terestiug. The program wsas given as FURZNISI-fESnF...…

March 15, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 125) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY 01 MICIGAN DAILY. JUST A STEP AHEAD IN STYLE-NEVER IN PRICE. H..ILDEBRAND THE NEW TAILOR 120 WASHINGTON ST. MICHIGAN CENTRAL ' 's"~ a oe "The Niagara Falls Route." lVentschicr, the 11hotoraabhcv. )Ahrm Cocks IQ " CENTRAL STANDARD TIMER. IimiiUUf~ Taking Effect Noene r ls 19, 18919. ~,,, , ,, - -- --- J fM il 0 o$00. F GOo NGET...----__ __ _ _--._-_- _-.____-___ _- _ . T. o .P n ~ t 1 .0 lecot Night Rpre ..... ...-rA . Watch Re t...…

March 15, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 125) • Page Image 4

…I THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Fe .H opkinson Smith's Works ,N. Caleb 'West, -Master tDriver. 'loin Grogain. 'The Other Fellow. Short Stories. A Genotleman Vagabond, andi Some Other. hi ay at L agnewe's, and Other Days. Colonel Carter of CJartersville. A WVhite t.mibrella ini Mexico. remember that we can supply you withi a $1.00 Fountain Pen, the Laughlin or WNaterman, which we fully gtuarantee. What more can yotu ask T 1ry as. MARTIN...…

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