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March 15, 1900 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1900-03-15

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,AJL-ftm - A


94 Pa0s



G. H. 1 WILD & CO.'
We hasve jost re ceivedl oui linej
of spring woolens for men's
wear. It incliiies everything in
stapltes that are suitable and e-
sirable for the season. We are
also shiowings fusl rangces iin nv-
elties, in (ulity anid style toIs
suit the innst exeacting taste.
consistin' of Top Goats, Suit-
inigsI'Fasry Nests ani l if
Trniuserings.INWe invite you to
c alt uit inspt retIliss at
108 E. Wasirgtor) St.
Artist thesock of Artist
Materials mode's oktor
Oil Fains, Chica
and Bs he s ofis atll
Wilder's Pharmacy
RELIABLE aa fl iteorLs N s , I
5?IiPiiiiA l5 GIiC5XL.
r~f *CI IC ',

REGENTS' MEETING. 1 diptoma is a graitiate nnrse from the
Repot o Bats EtatePro1. Wr 11Tlefiirsi part of the afternoon was oc-
Reprt n BtesEstte.Pro. Wr- ci ieut by in executive session. The con-
cester Resigns.--Degrees traci fos jo seats for the Sarah Caswell
Granted,1 kngell hail ini the wosmein's gymnasion
The Board if Regeints yesterday heldil is awasrdieitdi to Thsomias C. Kanse & Co.,
their regular March meeting. All the of RaciineWs. Ass appropriation of $401
iiieiiiiers swere tpreseist except lRegents5 wasimacde for retpairs isn use rear part of
Ituitierfieti aiid Sutton.Uivrs ity sail imstly oilteAdelphi
13 ~t' '"''-'sociy haill
I~s~its.I.S. islmio ecasappointecd super-
Rtegent tare made a complete reportite uentof she hospital sure IHarry '.
on the omatter ot the Bates estate. He aCiarkireignd, 'Ms.cilmorie will take
tias received from toe executor and charge aii oncedli Clars remiaisning
tursned sins to the Uniiversity tressur iiiillsheiiiwsucpesrintensdesnt hecons
c° tis morning $25,071.36, and theire no Iii i ith his dis.
is soin IIthe hands of the treasurser, t 5 corkhoci- thints imw
ies'retfire'received, $5t,575.67,msings. cc edci ciiccii cc to stlieold enigines house.
a totali ofi .'isi,647. 0ot ocit chttiithee' 1 ok ice done there and allita-e
sit existencetiihere'thusiilesieininggftie
Ise also trle ive ots' trsscs I Tlic estissiccs icor ties sic1 i-hit
Issh s is orili;it ssccctstcgc s aiii ltt tin c iit ct c\%-i 'snlicsi s unffiscsial ivto5siee
liii r al i t xiii' Ii sin ssulics is entsi lal cc ilt lcia I ta t er Isis etfg
mas-tedi 1y5 Mr' Farsr ct nesy coosees C- .1 Ii5theli enc t the lant ai s it iow' is
tsi ' i c'sd f eist ills' an sshe ssiesteadwl ae1 upyal lcrcleposer
I in Newsi Yorkisat $7,00,)rdw('.p s ciii hI tieIghinsg csill
hisesestillsates teenitireetefernoc ]w. iic i o ii ii ii s ic usIssttw cirpoere
dedclstisn"-itte'xpenses, at $131tt,0t6.52.ccI iithisc'newtihictitalcbyi prtoisisng
Ihlie s riectiio)ori'three of this siort- coIi' 5555 of ii listics" celsewhere.
sisistiss sisi i k, sme c'tscsss I le lseiitc s it lied incc iciecet 'April
in thsosi' tsiic'i'sscsinstto is larg till C i uc.s ietisis"thse annualttibudget
amsso t.is-itl be taiii i iii.
Teaeli i abi iouti$21500 sif heelstaxes 1. Hophinson Smith Lectuce and
dis I li Temst of tisecmussst ice paid beading Frons" oh. Carter''
scsi thcir' sres'omeissswilich masy he sic-lTonsifht.
dare s vioid. I IH oi n c's IiSmIIitithciiosian51'
Ih ticlomstfroinstie real ett t eirnisit t eutation ascan .risccii-
Iosthe s t o taxi cie s nscss'ise'. esro-ciocs'.endssg'ieerinis no
pairs, acolleetisoetc., le estmtsaoe tlhatnscstatrilsn eer cisi-
$2,6O0,sait the incomse frosimwoirt- at,
riges it $3,800. The issoeisfs rosm rie NI 5 'Smiitth I Stypsical Sousthse'rner ini
cecil estaste frosmisll sousseamIounItOslappeare- cttliii ty 'Isi isest. wits
I oiabout $8,3100lies' yeas'. ''ecc ustcnachei e ae si aorabhle
Me. Far'e'site of the real es-101111escisil istanl.551 Hllismannier of
tate isis shoswni to he too conservtive. eadinsg is characstesrcoed b)t a restless

No. 125.
- Will Probabigl be Presented Before
.1 Spring Vacation.
riAcive rehsearcels save already son-
sisenseds for she mistrsiel show and will
euscissieusi she peeformsnsetakes
fplaces Everythinsg is going smsoothly
sundetilitccsaionsss aeethat it stilt he
cisc cfitic sset csuows cofitslkisid ever
_ given here.-At thesr esetinsg lesteen-
isig the Gleeclsub dcided to ile part
ecacanosr'anizaioss.'IhIs' wiltisesisis
the horu an als mos ofthe solioists.
"Phis ctle fthci cile sllbsniias it eertin
mies ci-ilb xeln.: raused sega-
nization can.5pro5ducelertersiesults slie
qus icklyithinsctl achets cofsinsges
Wh \er o ccs-tosssesdI tosiligt5-
IheIce oiisillsurstile importalii posl
tiois hai'e lmos ailbeen sece fsT
<ta" cicciccc5erciii lieI'd.Duptosnt. The
c teloset -tpil eP esit lDay of
teANthletie c sciiation. Amionssg use
- cn me vvi beF. R _,a1'is GCharley
1lenoldi s, eo NNeadockssWitl Gasven-
aighIi iiCllrklieastie, cnd R.tEI.Iitches
sli li.Tee, may b Ie saIsis slight chansges
in thi icstu t iswepectdcithat
thsem ieshelse soloiss will coin-
hose tic circle' ilie'irs tilat.1'The
ssc'csssscript sos this issuehissalready
cli b tih i ii . h s lisis cciii be
'1liclis t ofisees e ice ortilesecond
pait osrliiisacslnot heens competed.
Ih lindsiceatiossass shasa numbser of
c'cod ciletsccitt be sisecd.'I1 ere will
lie tile usclassortmlent of danlicinig, iis.
'luslindatleticsiork.T he'istspecial
iiceeiortile Itisrcliiart wisitbheacreacher-
sec I wll ipartake of a local flavor
cud itis pe ha o eervisig ones
ibe slsihtedl ci tsels-5t iliiitl 55155of
Hospital Matters.
'risers hess bieen conssiuerable coestess.
tionssat timse relative to the credit for
'wosrkin t the sausndry'. Until now the
lauindry lies beess a portioss of the reg-
siarehspital. rTelhomseopatlhie hos-
sital ad dothersdepairtensts hlieebeen
oligesd so lie'ylteregulsiesfor doing
their worndsssithie profits Ihave gone
ills ths'ecetditiif earinigs by the Ions-
litatil. A psropocsitions is sunder tonsid.
eraitions foe trsansferrinig riselaunsdry
to teeregister uiversityn'sid 5have all
itis ternings ceditsed onts' to this.lhun-


Onet piece wiscsihi lie invoiced at $3,500
lied heess sold toe $5,000.
Thi Musptills oersc''t Hr.Farrexe-
Ilcillicisomlinic'tu 'ago aos invoiced at
$30tirather aanst his ossisjudcgmenit.
Ani offiierof $80wssreportedi los it
todayisanch it wa.5 sorered's'i'ldshat that
fi gure
ITiis prlilestyis ndssioev'eral oilier
gifte to theUnisvirsity 'sttiee 'tent
canunost be exendised. tUpto this time
it hise ieisthis'custom tosloass thesie
fussbult telqustioni lishbetecraisedl
as to sciethsse thisre sire slot reses o
taite invcestmsenstosewhichs lre evsen msort

cusiergy asuit ciii
uI whicharesveryci
thin ens'sfaisilmt
a a t:Iistre f-

abuida ccl 'esture,
sneli chc adgiood
<c Mr Silitllsintyhe.
ir youii tilooking cc itihi
ciii utesrIheavihrowsv.

See slie ississue usswillsw.
15 ipser cet. lPsiti.

1-4 Off

suftie.eacnlbasis, whlich awouldt be. iibet II- T'hue report from itile regulcae hospital
pla isbeig ~ nsdP~e~ Lii lttE'' B1 rscmutucur oh'thue IhiiIsuictectrisasusrer
hum e tusiuu esnishered taictil fur thue plutbe il.lt Ass examisnation
snusn, acdswel sethhcaefsully invesotigat
eel. No cances will be taensisioil 15ny sicssccss thaet tileCdiferceew sas only
suc inesten, hwevr.a osatter of busy somue articesowere
A r esolinof1thacs sto Itegens x(A ¢ e lcassified is the repsort, esan-as a soar.
lFare, fusehisswsork hiis he ctes e-tee of boolkeepinug really slot affecting
tat, ws aoptd.this.cash.'Thue twso officials avere-asked
eltsPwsRuopt\'0)SIesh ?SG .t cm
No an oud b mre bsoutly et- nnto compefre the board this after-
Prf.NOISitIiiNS Niusi beilebshil'seth5001tnsle notes asid agree opon
Prof. Diean C. Wiorcester tenderedo icirtshun thuseseator cuf Colonel l teisatter, so thcat so complication
1his resignation to accept the appoin Castes,"ewso sissearly, hoilds tight- o1 this inds may occur again. Thie re'
issent tendered him by Preoident Me- houses andshviadhuctssusstil four his tse port shoswed Clue average numsber of
Kinley, on - Philippine commisaion. afternoonciiastIis office sis Nassau sreet, patients in the regular hospital for
It seas accepted. where it is Francis It. Sihb.thenss the past month to have 'seen $2.24
DIEGREES CONFERRIED. beconsF1. Hopincisons Soith ustitl 7p. and the average slumber of out pa-
'The degree of doctor of dental surnit., cisn ithat timue slots his literary tienta 5.11 per day.
gery was ordered conferred upon Har-.seork-and gocs abroad every summenr The question of the admiosion of
ry Earl Blunt, Clarence Henry Hur. 55 rest aiid hailt.uMr. Simith, in his charity patients, when their cases are
tonandJams Ry Frnhm. public reading. follosnio plait but his of apecial value for instruction, was
ton ad Jaes Ro Furham, own, cisd has been instructed by no settled by saying that when sueh a
The degree of bachelor oh seience in teacher. His vsice hs fine and pleasant, patient Applies, if lbere is a vacant
mechanical engineering was ordered his smanner vivaciosiand intense, and room, they may be admitted on the
conferred upon Shiegeru Matsuyama thiere is in his way of polling things and discretion of the physician to whose
and Ernest Hiram Jacobs. - insterpreting his own books a certain clinic they belong, Vacant rooms are
magnetism which stever fails ts hold declared to be those which are not nec
Lillian H, Hurseigh was granted a acid entlertain his atidience. viupied of promised for occupancy.

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