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March 17, 1900 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1900-03-17

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94 P & ALm.


No. 127.

G. H. WILD & CO.
.4 . 4
We have just received our line
of spring soolens for men's
wear it incluudes everything in
taples that re suitable and de-
sirabe for the season W\e are
also showng fol ranges in nov-
elties, in iquality and style to
suit the most exacting taste,
consistiiig of 'Cop Coats, Suit-
ings, Fanicy Vests andl Golf
TIrouserings. We invite yoti to
call and inspeict out line at
108 E. Wasbir~gtor)_St.
rts thsocofArtist
a aeial fom e- o
Materials and ve ddeito
OPtt, iCn
andiatiWt ioi-
and iBrushes of iii
Wilder's Pharmacy
THE OLD F wesWehv
RELIABLE Fyad r1 eaywt
.... GOING AT....
1-,4 Off

A RECORD BREAKER. the superior cnitioni and experienice Criticizes Michigan's 'Argument In
______of ite older iiani will trolably eiititle the Michigan Pennaijiania
'Yarsittj Indoor Meet Promiaes to him iito le first posiioin. Seigmund and Debate.
Out-do All Predecessors. Bliss iill crtinly suceedinte tolssing 'leflo igcriicisimi was writtes by
theyshlinthi leltianay manrk et this Nr 'Fredrck A Clevliid,who was a
Ii todaysintone nict the greaest vat i their sok ii pacilce is anyuniuiroth'9ad'6iebintas
arry o tlet that has graced waie CI lvii siiBut i is not epectedleit of mmberIiiiheyl 5aiii'thatdeaigorieams
unu yuasiuusnc s ouidug ofcitlieii sill gieaily cdiigei"Kig I cder in simate ivthe imirits f tes
iiict ind'oii eeforloiors aiid inc-I eh's indoor irecod of 45 feiiticliaigiietiin the ibPl'iiisylvaiia-lici-
iventally foiriavcance to retreseni Muviish- ue liiijuststviaragosi vli ii s i ulc t it
aii 191555 Note Danteiiext i-eels S t rie~ s his haid'itiighiilijumup iatut-t is-neceossaly itoapply several
ii ury IThat is laclkig iin nue"inig9oefi irst9 unin v mtiitioniiiAiilid.c juluuii Vestgi
vi vI- frovhmsciuuiiuac Ithshae pii i eilSit'5 li~I iii ot of svessof logial pro-
ill 5111 1~ o ie iwotme n ili - ti bunch lifillmpe sliho have poivid audctisIwioulsto andi iilclose aa-
lvic areis cpab~le of. A0 ceo larg eg bylie iene-1izpatrickivs ociniig lto tt O,.idi lil iivI s 110 arn
travii imiibiioeethevorinl 50111o.cviit a lu ioruttie lPtuuussisn tmit seiihad
etc 5511licce hi, ulli iiies viliprolbaiblly le..vitiid lhs ld 'Vrsty bIa livhe iveter sf thy coest; they
ha et 'IC' is ithi tll thysitold vl1111 men, chit i i ie i 1vii5C c caoett ya o
The nett s a~rlit ito go u1111 h01tok reis, orarumnt1tatno
ililiivi l ier inindoilior to wiiiiiutt from
everandw1ac ho avencI r CC -elonly avetsowelesalisied byevdn,
l~s liii 55 lii ii, 6 - tliefield. Thie long in doci si is a i i- new iil s-e o icic
t Cis Cr i a 101)iiitriedtfor track .IiIu 11w tdiii;i iu JIII eeai eiic- utwih erelisotdeyiedby their uupupo-
sol tmae - leiul v-bids fiir iist plewos. tiio 11would ICfutile. Imrohwve,- ns ro hs hydvelopted ta og-
Wil th -ftcno te bxin, reshnsistheonl mll n teLunchsof entriseseicuiis- cinsistrut case. This the Mici-
un ecn vns will be p Ii t ff lie i } i-as had 'Var losity xeienicofavdthe ll ,utam didul nut dus It may- le sal that
111101 intcsi arge-Cllsrticularlyi ii a -goosilriuloasit(iethe tgtis. is t etuvoted is make out
soelively se-i tto tybl' it i ior.iButashretirusoiitlviftther o hve on' caseiou-fthronstrut bttto the point out
1Theeiange of weighti inithe boiisneiolyiit i teio ias wolitd tia-whri teafimitehsfald
wideii biut itlierlitht aeligadilled diht ialpquar1erf aIstitle tuayle teir Whilo titussay btito,\Michigantdid
and malty ,rll. enteredbutoiliet'alliee-cut urs 101ot emplothtils mtetod ichigat quite
liihe111bout u III -tl i orton a11111 111115 191101ed thecasev o helirmlt atie, shift-
11u1sc.1. mIuihorlt-. s boushisil 11101re iTho stoloi-ols m uterelaychampign- d the queistnisotie adifferett basis,
wel upnsien11,11 both101 iiiiitill111ca0les tdSipibligoa etug eamli1 lls oh1900 itandtrltolly pev-culed at airmatiutive ase
152 p os anutit hii llly hiveI he [102li,11)00 lwiand19 103 umedici. The ouregultsonas optposed ito that of op
lullt ieao f mai t i iing i Ia 511r1rit 01111t ilollli I iuliut
vesilhugspcia-ily i lhe heavyowighit hecoosthe ty ellterd le stries (ielesoentil leatue f the trust was
user lutV66il-cut sill leo concltonwith uu ith;intill orier g1st-ibo'eill ioii ofiotbuat 11101ofip1att-. itated switin
thei 110rsiiunSagaidillilsessSoulue itt Gamma i Betaii Ioil iuiri sKaupi1-udiiferetin Iustri voalents. Ths was
tcesi' -111n1 -cie-ttfc lhutts. In fnI Ira.Ganntt1and i BlidPis he iter the tst pemtise f thour case. The
Iug toothetueoare'lie. Daviia1115o si of tie younguladieus ~inteontst egtivse asnuted tuat11trlst atd corpora-
\ nio, anduuilleniietycio11Portso Rio, seemsi1o live gross-utout atpae until 1tion1 11010syntoymoius totrIls; that the
will r 11115yfurnsthe moslt lite11101 towseverl Ioilthi oiis 511111thra11011corprion 11waIls a.poutullof iindtusrial
ig9 atud stcintifuc f thse cestoss t o i11111 dyu nd see theualtrseoluio;thiitopposition.111totie corpo-
1h _uc 0110 fyor citile aftenou esens, thronughi toither s-ry eutdl.rae frtm o1 rganuiation, oucettraliza-
ith the llir wigtsi aue s foulowss-The esetts ini te ior uponlthe tintuil btieivorgnittinil was1 1-
Bing-thusia (170)1 Satteeb 11111(135), hieshiutuuandtu heclit'Cletats lmired sitionito p trgress As sdeattrs te
hi hitBrwn112211 , S.f5 1-.Dai~ss(145)" forC themiiare aIs follows:s affirmtivteimaifesedl wetiaknes-iun nit
is F. I lotion (it52), C. Pleemixs(152c) - Forty- yars ds--l-itsbuurg M- (soitnghatie111 t-easeof tie egaie
utuimtulet-('r;), 1lmittscuauu (137), hBatis -lee, T lleelI 11cs. ighs lecnc- (resest titnuttssumputinuwih theuy ad
(_14),-Gy ( iu), hery (117), Nh iibitoh, I iii 1)1k) B, ilawis ughsi- net1oablishsd;huat tietrusitund the
lout (11 4).(6 lsot ! -'I .I.Ptc kin Rohsie.i C liui teIGardner.101 (''1 crportatisn 15reydifferetctciets ; that
(ido). (6 ii 1 01, Boyer, iuaokrHas l iulam. chy hd it hprovenct ho truststot be tie
Wrs(ivnhug Ws issol (174), Sais Forty ya1duhithurles-Hart-u sbutrgevutiof conoiIic proigress. As soon,
(12.C.L aldiwi(58), SB icl-ea u, Bji 1lRostion, ou ngtiny -hiss ever, icta thswas allowest oilpass
011g 17 u0), FI.1 1101 (14),itsFreer11a1.unuchalileigu, thec negtivse hheefoite
(12,),I U.Fizptrck( 14)i ~ ), L ocval-vrk DveUel. daion111011 th lily 0 id.111Frotitis
Doug,, 1331,11.S. 16 .l s I(15, 6 l Fotysyarsuit whurttuleis-'Mcheanpunt they wemt vat to show benefits, and
)lilli-n su~ lam liii hap (i -3) Isi) ii-o.nHirusbiIiic usurSoHslull forceeshile.uonviucusohuuf contrlinitueuad
I lt-i Uucii-,u tuilen111t15Kitk.is nig 111BIlorkilofitprhituonta-s -a rut-ly-foreeis.
wine o tHutughtotln-Whoery mtcth Ili tio 11husnBartt indemtush The Ifito mautuiiuv111adicai argumuuens t at
ht thie 01ening siill come the usual Lev i;, is 11101 iBlilly, Davies, liv lullw.a-.st1n1g'uand mighutte ben de-
trcl and fieuldhusivenitsioilitfhichuutitsti, HlinhitIfeyndeydhaginsIthatioithtie tegtie, if
the lullagemeot thiesyeor iadd a three- 'lii eo lltuartui o.timy hadulkepil illsn10gatie rvnsh iftig
ua tert ili run111111 lii uu totii l the ocii 111 ht uh Sandushi oI elLC Iyman,11 t0uque-tiu , cititn.usweer, 1tnue uts-
ulls f tic Noture ]):lutueto.Tu Iheue (iuuu 11111 iwas shiutdthu ttuen~ tin tof lothm
lksto, illbeoen thenedts treeiii pto-1i SnwIsRbinsotIah rsbutrgauiehceandtiudgeus'y - civried tway
quartersiiof. aI mi11.11ho hight tulelss ~su 115er 111F1rvesi 1101 msineig- o and the1 l -negtivie cncluhlsion uwsas Iurced.
it' elrunfor thy first itte inIcoestlet uiuuu'ui uee- Theulmltths emplsyeihibi teatgie
this v seoiThe itowntsuab tilitiy of thy Ihightjuip-FltoI iurnoyic MyIast, hry-wIreseuriy efectve iwh15envuntuu opposiioI
buyi hedahs mkes tie ouucouet )tue llsi i hsh tron Brtime, Hise,wasotus eiredol buti buy otuul mliiihave
1111011taintuspieict uchuuit-uuhyihiLeilee lHoghuittoior:,Snosw. soodilthe teso ofrit5icist. oe ex-
ustzl los)iitnts ii ylnmdu6Wesftall head- Thre lulltrmletr-mtI' ueism, tamplehs tie pointt thu-uthe tlust is a pr-
mgl tlistosf short idistance msent it is 6Vttsuhm tim hsit imKsh htm Linde-sductcof umnudusetialhprgess, loss nade
saetosy h rcrut oh otteantmhire- naul_ igNWhitml'mu bosHough- tlmostirmuiely by itsalog They simply
titssecontdsiill he toumchesd, perhass1)11nMcNeil Levsumauehe bruobuad satemenyttof the prin-
11111 ethanm once elay uracs -1900itt i93 mudic, 905 ciplshen luimset forth ble opitiuuion atd
Thtsrtoa1115goio hurders lie ut ttmr- it, 1901lame.mlii, ushichmfollowue dulmohe irodcetion of
tius oiuuilo adMl.etiumis by nismestustsa STe iuollowin-tg utemi vil ofite i tmcinmey ittnd thy Ictrysysut, as
sure wunerthiough i iilhprobahly take the itisius vcapacivtes: tiallotgy to thmv presnmu sopposiionuitoIt
uiesc vondsiou heat ime itelsowv and Startet amd refer e-Keeme Fitpat- trusts. It wsfms tsmsuchyl ogictml fotti-
isealy s guod tme to tie bis over te ohsic;tmelktjuges-Dr Effinger, Dr. saion as tits tat te gransdioquetm
hugh rails. 'Themysleul stis15conseed MNotirmrickI Jamk" Letuy; field jugs climiaxwmstnsretcheu:I'As wll attempt
to Dvorakmh wisl le expeced t cer-D.WneTit tcl;anucr otr ak h ocso auea h
te batr very close eo es-ven feet abusve _Du keTrueylIodli Slekleoatttortse-rtmlmu ai lefere fIaueah
te floor. He has already a record of 1111mmihus lr 1cus-fores of ecnomiic timd social comdiions.'
10 feet to inchms for inidoolr work. Bar- (alesu te mmes-L Mi Willimss, SilTueir cars also ilutisre their mehods.
rell seems always stlt to aity care of Miulard A\W. oot; soriers-MGin- In atiwer is the argumemt of lie affir-
te fielsd inthie af-tmile iemint ut thertsttisILvcasirevhimown;msistantclerks g
see sometutsetedy imen fur hits to go mative that trusts destroyed conpeti-
against and he will Irobably have to tfvcomrse-Rchardsomt C-se Reynolds, flion, the negative rodited a rchart
better his present record of 2:07 2-5 if Begle;jutdge of walking-C . Withi- wihsoe w ete rss w
l e intshes to retain tedistisinction oh asns judges of boxng-Dr Nancredewihhoetolahrtusto
first place. Kencithtzptrck; referee of boxing- tobacco trusts, a sugar trust and glucose
The freshmoetn Low atnd Statudishs will CM Williams; judgs of wrestling and trust. From this it was concluded that
give Dow a merry chase in ltst walk suti femncig-CLI Wilams (Cniueud ot page 21

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