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March 16, 1900 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1900-03-16

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94 Pai s

VoL. X. ANN ARBOR, MICH., FRIDAY, MARCH 16, 1900. No. 126.


G. H. WILD & Co.
We have just received our line
of spring woolens for men's
wear. It includes everything in
staples that are suitable and de-
sirable for the season. We are
also showing full ranges in nov-
elties, in quality and style to
suit the most exacting taste,
consisting of Top Coats, Suit-
ings, Fancy Vests and Golf
Trouserings. We invite you to
call and inspect our line at
W1L D "
108 E. Wasbir)g too St.
Atist we have bought out
i the stock of Artist
Materials from Wet-
more's Book Store
Materialsadhae1added to
is now complete.
Oil Paints, China
ors, rawingPapers
and Brubsshes ol
Wilder's Pharmacy


T E LD For several weeks we av
O LD ayng ii . n a stock o
RELIABLEaf "la"ndIr ea w

Saturday to Pick Representatices
Against Notre Dame.
On Saturday afternoon and evening
occurs the 'Varsity indoor meet which
promises to e a record breaker not
only in the times and distances mae
in the various events but in the point
of attendance. In point of number of
quarter of a mile adds new interest.
The running off of the semi-finals
in the relay races retains the interest
of all, none the less because the
teams will continue to wear the colors
of the various sororities with which
they entered the preliminaries in this
championship 'series alt the Freon.
Soph. meet two weeks ago. The
teams that are to fight for the entries
in the meet will be perhaps nothing
better than that of last year but in the
ability of the men entered there has
never been its equal. With Westfall,
Leiblee, Gardner, Breitenbach, Teetzel
and others entered in the dashes, and
McLean, Hartsburg and Bjork in the
hurdles these events are bound to be
hotly contested. The introduction of
the three quarter mile run and the
lengthening of the walk to Woree places
in the final contest to be run off at
the Notre Dame Meet, a week from
tomorrow night, are 1900 lit for Gam-
ma Phi Beta, 1902 lit, for Collegiate
Sorosis, 1900 law, for Kappa Kappa
Gamma, and n03 medic for Pi Beta
The outcome of this meet will do
cide largely who will represent Mich-
igan at the meet with Notre Dame,
the only dual meet that is a certainty
this season. The contest for places
on the 'Varsity track team will thus
open much earlier in the season than
is ordinarily the case. For this reason
thse men are all in much better condi-
tion than they usually are at the an-
nual 'Varsity meet and as a couse-
quence-competition will be much
The use of ropes to mark off the
courses in the dash will be done away
with as the lanes have been marked on
the floor. So a runner may overstep
his bounds, and be disqualified, merely,
while in the ast he has run the risk
of running foul of tue rope and be-
coming dangerously entangled. The
Washtenaw imes band will ac on
hand in the evening to liven up mat-
ters in the way of music.
The afternoon events will be those
of the boxing, wrestling and fencing
and, from the number of entries in
each of these, the bouts will be plenty
and from the talent among the men
they will be closely contested.
New Courses in Higher Commercial-
ism will be Opened Next Fal.
Prof. Adams, of the political econ-
omy department of the University, an-
nounces today that arrangements have
been completed whereby the much-
talked of course in higher commercial-
ism will be introuced into the Univer-
sity curriculum. All details have been
practica 1y attended to and the "an-
nouncement" stating the nature and
scope of the new course will be in
print in about six weeks.
The innovation will be made at tae
opening of the fall term. Two new
chairs will be created in the University
faculty-that of professor in municipal
jurisprudence and that of professor in
higher commercialism and economic
geography. No appointments have yet
been made.
The course will not be entirely an
innovation, but will be founded on

present courses in -e University as a OLD MACHINE
basis. Two years will be required in
the regular academic department, and -
two years of specialization in the com- Of Senior Law Class Disorganized
mercial or consular departments, for -Class Da Officers tobe Elect-
the degree. A master's degree wol ed Tomorrot.
also be given for an additional year's Senior law politics still waxes warm-
-work. A number of subjects taught er as the time for election draws near,
in the law department will be in- and all parties are pushing their can
cluded in the course. Contracts, boots didates with characteristic zeal.
and notes, bailments and carriers, and The announcement made yesterday
corporations are those at present men- that Mr. Zimmerman would be a can-
tioned. didate was not generally taken seri-
Similar courses will be introduced ously and in no way affected the
into Columbia, Chicago and Boston in- chances of the candidates already in
stitute next year. The object of the the field. But it is learned today that
new courses will be 'to educate young Mr. Zimmerman has no intention of
men in the subtledies of business being a candiate,
life, and prepare them for the impor- Mr. Helfman was late in the field,
tant commercial positions in the coun- but has been rallying his forces in a
try, and a second course will also be way that has shaken the confidence of
offered for those intending to enter Mr. Danforth's supporters and elicited
politics and the consular service. a closer organization of the already
perfected "anti-machine machine," as
Michigan Law Department Reunion it has been styled, which has been
The first general reunion of the formed with true political skill; but
alumni of the law department of the will doubtless be more or less weak-
University will be held n Ann Arbor, ened from the fact that the candidates
Wednesday, June 20, 1900. The trst have been selected more for political
class graduated from the department strength than particular fitness for
was the class of 1860. The class of the places sought.
1900 therefore will be the fortieth. The fact that Mr. Danforth is sup-
The reunion will include a banquet ported by a combination of previous
which will be held at midday and at "machines" consisting of his own or
which it is hoped to have a large rep- ganization of last fall with perhaps
resentation from each of the forty Mr. D. T. Jones at its head; Mr.
classes. The general reunion is being Geake and his presidential support-
planned so as not to interfere with the ers; Mr. Juttner and his "flatfooted
different class reunions. It is the de, crowd;" and the Ford-Smith-Hasket
sire of the law faculty that as many combination as well as the fraternity
of the graduates and former students support, will at least be suggestive
of the department as possible will be when the cry of 'anti-machine" is
in attendance. waged as a war cry; and is likely to
become as distasteful to that element
Societg Programs. of the class who desire to see men
Webster-Friday Evening. selected from merit or particular fit-
Essay-hnsomas M. Colley, Miss ness as the "old machine" and its dic-
Doust. Speech-Patrick Henry, J. W. tatorship and from the present out-
Reynolds. Impromptus-E. H. Grifflin, look will win votes from Mr. Helfman.
C. W. Ketchum and Theo. Lentz. Ora- The "old machine" seems to be a
tion. Debate, resolved, that the Unit- thing of the past. It has been rum-
ed States Senators should be elected ored that dissention has arisen in its
by the direct vote of the people. Affir ranks o-r the candidates in the field
mative, C. S. Piggott, D. R. Hoppe and and as to vheter it would ru an en-
\V. 'I. Judd; negative. M. A. Downing, tire ticket out and out, and that its
Is. «l. Warfield and andrew Donovan. failure to agree is eviuence that it has
Critics report. outlived its usefulness and influence,
- and has been relegated to tue past and
Jeffersonian-March 16, 1900. is now no more, its supporters having
Current topics-Forester. Impromp- identified hemseves elsewhere. Prob-
to speech-Hugh Harmon. Address- ably the larger portion of its represen-
Rydalch. Essay-Roy Mattheys. in- tatives will quietly vote for Danforth,
promptus debate-E. Faull and Braden hue being less objectionable and more
Biography-E. A. Densmore. General in touch with their ideas and methods
debate, resolved that the U. S. should than Helfman. The minority led by
abolish the tariff on all articles con- Messrs Dandridge, Jackson and Cloud
trolled by trusts. Affirmative, Lyle will undoubtedly support Mr. Hef-
and O'Connor; negative, Wm. Wilson man to the end.. Mr. Helfman it is
and Shulder. Report of critics. said refused in any way to be "mixed-
up" with machines and that does not
Alpha Nu-March 16, a00. seet the approbation of Mr. Conlon's
The U. S senate will meet in Alpha element. The members of the old ma-
Nu hall, Friday evening, March 16, at chine strenuously deny there iso not
8 1. u., Vice-President Wood, Presi- perfect harmony in the ranks and still
dent of the senate will preside. An wear airs of confidence and assurance
executive mm anand it may yet be that they will bring
regarding the recognition of the Boers. out a candidate at the last minute and
Senators have qualified from thirty- depend upon political manuvering
two states. and former prestige to elect.
Adelphi-Friday Evening. It is hard for a casual observer to
The first meeting of the newly or- say how it will all end and which party
ganized House of Representatives will will win. It is a question as to
be held at this meeting. The members whether Mr. Helfman, or any one for
will be assigned to tile states which that matter, can command sufficient
they are to represent, officers will be votes for election 'without some of the
elected, committees appointed and the former organizations behind firm; and
discussion of some bill taken up. the other question is astowhetherthere
is enough natural antipathy to "ma-
. 'Varsity Indoor Meet, Waterman chines" and "machine men" and "ma-
Gymnasium, Saturday afternoon, (3 chine canaidates" to defeat the parties
o'clock) and evening (8 o'clock). Ad- thus backed by the mere fact of their
mission to both, 50 cents. backing.

See one in our window.
15 per cent. off list.

..GOING AT.... ***
I-4 Off

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