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March 22, 1900 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1900-03-22

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~ papllu*

VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, MICH., THURSDAY. MARCH 22, 1900. No. 131.

G. H. WILD & CO.
We have just received our line
of spring woolens for men's
wear. It includes everything in
staples that are suitale and de-
sirable for the season. We are
also showing full ranges in nov-
elties, in quality and style to
suit the most exacting taste,
consisting of Top Coats, Suit-
ings, Fancy Vests and Golf
Trouserings. We invite you to
call and inspect our line at
108 E. Wasbigtot) St.
Ari t hstcofAts
iaerasand have asdest
i no comspete
Oil Pan, China
and othr WateCol-
or, Dawing Paprs
and rus hs of al
Wilder's Pharmacy
THE OLD Fo eea ek e ~v
'1 tesS A ifliOA> 1lY.
as resring., \Xncan
gk clt tdiscount
this yavn eve r he-
lote Come and se
tihenw things and et
our prtices


THE GOOD OLD WAY second. That was after playing football
all the week previous and having no
Henrq Killiea Tella How the Old training at tte field events. The boys
'[loe Tem8 id Nt Trin, enjoyed the sport those days and there
TimeTeas Dd No Trin. were no charges of professionalism
Thte following is an interview from a against them as there are nowadays."
Wilwaukee paper about the training of
Michigan's early athletes. Congressmen Shafrotha' Speechea.
Tlte Daily is itt receipt of a cony of
Henry stililes, the swell-known tasvyer speeches of John Shsafroth, '75, of
and wvho is interested in a small way with; Colorado, on the Boer war and
his brother Matt in the Milwaukee Ballj the duty of the United States re-
club, was at one time one of the best!i lative to thte same. The speech.
athletes in the country. That was whets es wvere delivered on February first and
lie attentded the University of Michigan. seventh, the honse being in committee
In those das there was no such thing of the whote on the state of the Union.
as training for big events, nor having They were well received which cannot
rttbters antd traitters to htandle themsten, be said of mnost speechses its congress.
although it was in vogue among the: He very strongly urges mediation on the
Eastern colleges at the tinse. Henry had part of the United States in the interests
a recorid of to t-; seconds for too yards. of peace.
whsicht is today cionsidleredi a retmrk- incited to Send Wrestlers to Notre
able feat ott the paths. Itt speakinsg ofi Dame.
athlletics tile other iday Mr. Killilea said: Director Baird has reeiet att invits-
-It is reatly amussing notoriseandtabosut tuton front Notre Dame to the Ussiversity
lhst thse cosllcgen ss trots fot footbill to senid two wnrestlers tio their carnival to
gamss track evnnts, etc.,sitd look sink in hcld ott:March 29. As the slate is so
andi thiink of the idays whlen wc wenttonerunimd'Michigants swrestlers are ihard-
Cnillcge sansd enserdcim inilars vecs.clIi. v inonditiott forsutcht a cotest.,iso one
remsembsler wecll ste first tr iptshie Unitvnr-tvill he sett
sity of ''lielsigan foomtalltesinmae to Theiteamcotso reprcsct Miichsigan
Dr. David H. Moore.
Te iaccompaningOffis na cut of
D.David H. Moore, of Cinscint-
inatri h s to lectueisn ste Wcs-

Secured Bty S. L. A-Hon Champ
Clark to Close Courtie.
Hon. Champ Clark, congressman from
Missottri, tas consented to speak here
somue titme very soon. Thse Students'
Lecture : association has been negotiat-
insg wills hitm for some time and affairs
save not gone so far thsat it may be
reasonably asserted that he will surely
appear. is speech will be the final
or twelftht usumber on thet S. L. A. course.
It is hoped thsat ite can fitnd time to ap-
pear here before tile spring vacation, but
as congress is nosy in session, he may not
be able to leave Wasisington on sttch
shsort notice. He has agreed to come on
Satrsday, Marecs 31, bust as before stated,
this is linsble so change. Ctsatt~s Clark is
a isannwvh'olas wvorked hitseslf utp from
the bottomt. He started oiut a poor bsoy
atd ssi nowr umoderatelyswealitsy. Bttt it
has beets sot iinlv in seecuring svealth that
he hsas liven successfuli. He is onse of
te best readimets its the ecounttry. By
Isis cowvn efforts lie pust imiself thsrottgh
cisllege aitd this was lotte wish stch
thtorousghnesss that at thlenige of twventv-
three, whten msto f its are recevintg isur
dliplomsa s, hse seas a college presidlent.
Hte halstsotiibeienssitsesditor. Thtus schsol-
air, emditnir asse statesmansst le is a mats es-
tpecially adlaptedilinsaiddress a college

1 hey1ts Guild nourtin t thin Firvt M. HenrtyM. Bates or Graduate Coos
s 1 h istsrc nit misSunsday emveninig, m tten.
i t/ 'MlrcIs2 i' Ihr.'lMore i is tpits h sy 'l lms vnrti i h
etelitism lof lvth e tlettistC/mets- saoAutuitis s onit iio of tmess khsss n
t 111 d oacad i ll thosi yofn I icsht it I hs beeinm snlncted mu
I"f ulities mwhichi cuter int50alli ni rentisentciitmhe ksmmnemsity nthmc rotuat
gfcI- ortrh i s n of thin nxncutive commmittsee if te W'stern
f stnts it this nation.Ts hin tilt I sntrnoilnym tinc lshlemn asoisations Hi
ic i t ure i Stitil y ap imeints s anisnotuncedh stthe smeet-
erinss -'mII lie I"lie X'msn ge I5 n o 'lie coismmittee at .Chicaigo yesier-
Is -frnts M ch eu; Is. iliMionr elmsyaislet in s atmlonce qualified. The
mit hin vs altnIe r r this 's nlny iss l lsusin smi he ' Iicinls o f ia repre-
. 5 c smraissis1t hs isi smit dyssi ni ii ti' mii ii " mnm
hint ott ii ~mnr mm isms m ih e it ti assummc sithl tt ongrtmnimiton
I e fIs.ils ti s i t 55.sinel. MtcmimI miashed ff Ins a
. cr. long ~timelt l\ii mli oth~earp
_____________________________ isa ,i t e lp leam m'n s hi n nuali t
th ipst.h mIt \V ts 'tsgrcss'iss ofsss iii gai5' _ 15k Kante , n ti inst hets t i miis mci i g s
gmisitha susioe 5of v~it nwswht ti givns ci t buti i it ii.; pic sedot id oeioi ltin enn uts mmd his wommmiii l be o ii micht
mIs m m mmant I lie mmviiiof miiiav tliinI it i tto os xcepintsi55 Thesin may' be si. t si nisttin hiims 'ilg
isrma mablm tingsto playsa game issiut yt sto w s ill bin lfni t mmJackso55nv i v is amitiiedhtmmtime as-
sis mini gamtes scheduledinifonstvnenyicliyt{ prast nicyitel i t lthesunhaml t) Inst ~issi fthinassivtimossto to.
''si mi s 'sm7 "t~ite aes vnv 5tut 'it hreemiss cc sithies IIIts, V hotlts wontu theIn door_____
cas i nstsin sin. I ,i aeofte io nyItndc 39innet. sutls I s .M. (.A Anttual Banquet
mo iethesiters ii i wasalo str it 'tamm stlt litben' beterand nor sineady. 'hs n' -riy . X C'.'A. his set
it~fal sit i th siltthin eaiem anmbmii n I rn gets'ms. m nts fors
stits insI e stll i 5555 n ,Jas5.dmI A. I e~os 1ho ,qo to the Phlp sumt isstss in Iins cli
smith thin 5T~u cs .1 \Lc 'V formsitu lv o hnnIkeits lnosu ni tsiers sil ht Iit es i
iset s Ins1 Istis n adv heio is tinpa'mis fitinnvinicri
city fill ~~~ mists 1 si isFiii iio-s Newmsii istaffiiinhas5 n sinenn'1 su
mm's mc' smithPoint a tiei;aloe. 'liste church itCo inis stun bemlardsforsabill
day folowing- Saturdy- c rayed ho Imsins t vi sinedtiish imm ntsris lpo ie obetebs n
1it 4 'i'mandmiiony1ti th h 5 t h ti ckmi 1ihievruh ld,( hi h i mssn e sst gosit 7dstll
il h it isitnnto nbecome5a'memberstiof
min n Olesmi l sr nie" bitiscime o"eun ce i t hittesill i it1 n l ists Ssmetr mslit'ofitosiwmme eisios mistlimite
i t es e n i s titi mciItt ti v'iss m snsn
iii mitr hi theivon 10 iin shn io t hn nstIi ii ie . ti sli t . iiii sttm'~'ms ~ss ss ms '~
to odssnelhd ssoe t o u cthdn i n d " mliii: a e vnigat7 l
suitDean ohceste i ty esusun tent
serd bouossn i ck us al5 in stud reereun soccus~ s muilii In. urh e dua'm lsAt he 555 so n tulne
smutl tie d m1l e he idsums o alsu thhib'linyool uf 1 n of Shunsmistnsumtlistloc
stunk b si nhonnnd ofntsiniMeelistsnsitseiso ittush isis'nfits thinmesstmeetingifot thesuvltt-
tanei oscore mm sea ie tounchdmenownsm othnptmiss iliithentti iphlea thetaeaasbal eao
ltse ifanco ldng w ern b llsghnsr thWn su t mmnig isti s ii le i ie selnteriLono firswislcsuercmmIiegd seat te
wth gItts figrlyw sutil e rf ie , o t -md f lusermn m msistr u r oDcheiu s trymii l mi s fo hissusse xioImite rt hes-my sluissug tmmgssy
suh brfae iob re t et oh o yew is nworktingft h e no it hfisninin iistiiiu- muu . tls(nsss Cu g
Thtoloitiovvkvmnin tme col nehms.Ueoy'lt onhs Cleit Bsbl esn
wate tii ts toanrdhil st trh ccastudn field e'mm'selmit its Ih3k.mrnat tn U. mul oNtfutr erM.,tsemhgrnahydisu
the ga e faily, bt wererobbe of i. wesern maager orsnuingcndtitsi,-svllmsesontnxt tTu gda r, a autga g o-

events. I centered time 22o-yatrdl sash and oiensimttfigutre. tHe sia s managinmg
ran second atid twenty uminutes later vem- editor of The Lithpand Cmsticvins aiId
tered the too-yard dashan ran seconsi helsdtime Unisersity iecordinit the broat i
aud - j uut il it wstaknt by McLeant last
in to 1-5. Half an hour later I entered year hue swas also a sprinster ands suitssot
the three-utile ruta and finishesd a close time football testi.

hismhia asu Yale stud Newv York Uni-
versities open the season. Time middle
if Apii, itowvesr, is thtimeltlewhsets umost
colleges mwiii cotmsmetnce oitdsoor comsspe-

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