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March 23, 1900 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1900-03-23

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$ 4 aiIt

VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, MIH., FRIDAY, MARCH 2 3, 11900. No. 132.

G. H. WILD & CO.
We have just received our line
of spring woolens for men's
wear. It includes everything in
staple's that are suitable and de-
sirable for the season. XWe are
also showing full ranges in nov-
elties, in quality and style to
sit the most exacting taste,
consisting of Top Coats, Suit-
ings, Fancy Vests ad . Golf
Trouserings. We invite you to
call and inspect ou line at
108 E. WcasIir)gtor) St.
Artist th sockofArist
L Materials from Wet.dd~
i now cm plte.
Oil Pinct, Chia
and othrcal-
os, DrawigPaper
ancd Brushs xof all
Wilder's Pharmacy
THE GOLD Frsvrlwek ehv
be ying x~ini'iyck orh
RE LIABDLE l tneo r UARS anid TAtCO.
re cix iag. W~enan
give betteci disconis
tisi cear tha n evr le-
for. Comein d see
the newtingxiis ad get
..GOING AT ....


-T 0.' R
si- ! 4,hr

K r'i<r " 're.\t" \t
'. E ll-
- * r
REVRS . -~3siix

NOTRE DAME'S ENTRIES. !ical portinvwere ibe Si. Thlnax orchiex-
iraanod 'sr. J iiIHarkiiis.
Strong Team Represents the Hoss- The followixig Nwo lie program reii-
iers.-Michigan's Team Doubtful. ilfr ecd AT1
Whlat piroises in be ilie oiily dulsAdscdress......IHo. T. E. Tarsney
track mset ofilhe nsesnfor 21Mihgan'so cainer ilie Double Eagle.....
teasi wiill iake place tomiorroiwceiveninig hxDanonxxiTlhursdiay Night.....
wchen Noire IDame reiidsher douglhty. . . ,.iS. Tiiomas Oirciiestra
otletes,tinstrice for lioniors amu iiiei- .ssxieclbylx ss Mlxx ay- E. Clarken, Harp.
deiiially for itie beautiful goxildaiiclblurelBedolini Love Soxig. Dr. \W. A. Spizley
bannuerowhichligoes in lie iciier. iTist Nighti Off . I. ofciiA2. BanoiClib
ilie iiieitci lie hotly conictete n oiie xuiuuclt xiix .,llse a nil Liud
huns loiibiecl saiil ihoxsnower erei acic i Puilloxi Lioxvc -1atcli
sxomoewlhaiduboul vters u ilis.. iofxi-l.iacdolii Club
WVithu Barretout of tiiceiiic iriiii ll Wi~uldi IriishRose...c ..JiiiiHarkinxs
beeausxe of bacelornoi i epi ip andiiilar1ch iof teLiiards...
itie lieuuliyboaircipassing upoiithr ...i....lici f Glee Club
ioibtfliicasesoniiig oiir -e s i tllee, Ileeii cxii xx l e
itisl a question xwhiciiierior oit'slici Tecmd a xieigywl r
gnu iwill be able ito ii cla c t team ite; iiitd iaidltiicompaniyi i areiictinbe cen-
field liiitiwill d ec ceitb ti eec 0'i mililcil iiuponi th aiblec Iiii r" in
taiiluomughm thai eiveirypoimic will be lharld wih iichycarcrii1 iiiidou texecrtin-
foiigliifor amid ciyconexuiic teaiii canmn. iii ltwa ey msn
scre will bli eed i n thei iic l rei ckon- ii~i Ifc lli iii ci .iiiii
As.x iihe iisiiii'ter o iio diitinsis soahl iicaclcoi, xiiiho ix l%\- ix shngan
iiii ii iimotn w ihoiiiaiilic s t Ai eii -iicx lic Supcers io ouxcsm i eli h s
ciii weaicc unuableti a h h wlenpe ntebdwr hrceso
iie \41ei ,,rl i foro -gimi i ug 0 1 liiicI iwiibdllie liue.ec x
Ih bic ard ofi iconiiiol sits-uiinx tii ti i pariiciilar metii I' Cou tr
oci caes ihi xiier iii a d mpslxan s cimi G llllixiIi ix ias aston p r.
Ixixiux tlilcis xhaveix enccitaik xingacou se T e 'iti lkciilicislow
ini itic ieiiovalIof cos durxingistihepatPR .
o.c1. Jimstlihow succcssflhi r efifciortsi
the ii' iiiiitii c ithcie xxlho I eend iponxi Sitagc'-Drianki li liisxe
\Inxi hoorlny hetrxx:wililok au- iYo i x xxiichilor x) 1 nh MIntyrex
x~lou fic r cxxixexresui ltsoitda'ssstngLwrncs avndr ( Vl xx roopHi
ofchexacuty xoar xixetair) ..l.. c.Ciffod . Rocixlix
Noxitrexx Iamesixiiis mxexirtnaxintiiMr.Alomield Jo II xx ( u~il-x
xiixx xxixc xxs hi un iess xiSlito- i " isiiii) Ls My . Cloxin
cxi. iliocoriiiciipxtilai,4 ad h uaixbyci cAnnntI Arbor1 xs5xx lsi tc Cx.
hal milei1.11iii rciay ,\\V. .IFox,40 yarisx
dah I. .OBieni 40 xaiisixash, Additions to the Museum.
ciay ix l. I3 lilicilrt,40 xaidscl udlilihereentonxxutos o h
highi Juiip relay. F.Siteele 11lf xile, = ixi i i ti xx mxixxxxxxii
xxiie; I?. iilc i i xlcr hl oe iii 21 L ii iixiixSli .C n Its f te xxiversxiy aeit c me
iois xhallf iilt, mile; J.1'Fxcik xxsiot pu 1;.h xxrisad lebag'froxiiiJerusx'lem aixix
J.C.Lxxx emsinmam nager, xshot plxxi J. J ai iixalkinilixbooxiandiaxeailxsin fcomi
Sulluxivanpoxle x iiailti i iiig mp; 11.C. Larado-. *i eSic ddilliebang wxx chx s t x he
O) Sli ii linessy itelay; . J. h- rry, r- iitof x 21 ii Loixxt 1. '12Smiier iof Anni
liy. Thicy wiill arriixvetoightx solu asxi tox aIrbsr ixi5 a txmx .1leciiiieni ofitiee sid-
'uxiixtihetiingmus ho rip iiine idayitie. ilit iixsiof PIxstxiine sixicSyrias aiiilxxai
ilThe iiiicilxxiii ill edeavSorxiiioIpuuediy icr durinug Sirecenisittth lose
ofi thxcieItCwithalx ipac wl b couinitiit'. ChiarlexxA. 1B. 1muxlliwo re-
tr ic'xieam lxefecee DN.Et num Sxxifi tiots, lta cid xtes riciilie oetusimx
'sic: srck u dsusgesx ll c I lluucsssc lr. 155is i oL brd iint thle sunilcic o filu Zqp~.1
ITroxbidicgeiirof.XWeulec;fieldi iiidges, xiii1 lisili i i xiiiic x ~~
Steckle' xcorers, A. GLBioxnecEI \lt- A DistinguishedVitothsAer
Ginnis, J.J. Cioxwlcy atmesKeeiie noon.
li1mpatri ckJ. C.IggciiiasiiSiid Millaird; Hon niAe ianer 14. Revell, of Chiicagox,
cleric of cxi'cus, Wa literLGradie; a'xxixxwilliileciiuiecinapnisu haisl llis afiectioont
tin l s dcixof ciiieH.Ri i chado, a .'lcki. Hx iiiiujeci beinig 'Crix-zl ily ld hmsn nonei norCmeca itr. pca
Ptrof. T.C. Truieblood. ateiioiiiiiwxill xcbexciivn ilie crisis of

To Choose Michigan's Represents.
tive at Madison.
Tonxighti sill be held tlie anuals ora-
ioicasl coniie-t So decide Mlichigan'sxrep-
cexxelliv-xe ni ihe NortluerixOratioricnl
Leasgiiecontstx isn2Madison, iniMay.
Tixere r ob i ontesanotus
'exar, Slitwxso losstxinathioughixaniscoin-
posiionxhaingeiinciixixxxed. itiiiase-
cuxrinig better sitn sidsmasinixgitie timoe
Issoclisorier ad sithecontestilxiibe-
gin sit745isywh ayxxwish, caii
aniimxtihe coniext ics ath' le cdanice
ini itiegmsium later.i x' Belowc is a
skceichiofxxielie u whxxic' will comiupeie:
_AI. I .I.Churich is axenor III the
liternr pr tment x ciandiilcoxxxes frosisBy-
roxxi.'sl e xwa cpeiredfor college
ati the HolliyMich. ighlx schol xixaisnda
clssciortor xxihe oexicemiet
execiset sSince tben he hsxmxixe imy
pub lic addrxxxi, but hisxi is xfist.a
111 su jctI "Thxix lui IiofiLibety i
'six. A. J. l nd i ii xs so a xxi rilit
at Cica(O Itgli ch litnd i axixas
Ile5 hs i grat Ics.Ixliecoratori
and debaeiand ascacdemerioflie
Alxxxi team whiS xiiicScsLexxinxxthei
-Mc.Geoge \ \V xyi crs
yalial to foes Ciy.Hlisia grad-
xxxixla sixi iSae oxnxi chol. A
the late Isttuio le xoi xthe ortor-xi
leag Slitof xiiir. I la ds i l he iil)l
sixjec '\ste21 xx xxxi toSIlayne.-xxi
M r J A. _iixxllx glxx1 c ixxthe oic'cucon-
ini thial.xiHle has twiice ii xiihisx clas
contesti 'buiithisx xiiirenterxsite inaliiby
deficl. - -Mongom ry is Iaci ..'i -
xi xcii, Kasso,andxaiunxiorxlit. eiv sa
soxl iand IPhhlipi academyxxAndovxer.
Ile AN-xiithue sugh xchoolxsorxitoi cal con-i
dieclamatimxm ionatIilhi mushrI ti is sy
axcadxei. X . Y lie lis chose'n f ot his
Mr.l V c..2 3Zxxmerscuxis anothirsior in
Iawia' ai l i srmut Milxiiiuictt 22is.
Ilie ipreparedl at ihe Rine hc ightsciiocol,
hadihi usi ome icexpertieccsit time sturnpuu
mmmi wostunuc2 the it'iscnin IndcusxtrialmIuedl
iun a contuestt M 2ilwusukee fit 1894.Ile
is ati prceeni sceretarycxl time Studeseo'
1 betre ix txoeiiioui He wii hpieak
uponi"ih'Flu rutxsof .xgiiation
Time Judxges oult houughtistud-encomposi-
tion irs . (. . Hefineman of Detroiti, L.
L.- Barboour of D~etroiutud Rex. Reed-
Stunrituof Detroit. Those out delivery are
Prof. Ax. A. Stronug. Ypsilai u; Juidge
Alfredh Murphy' of. the recorder court.
Detroit; Prof. F. L. Barbotur, Ypsilanti;
saud A. H. Rex-eli, donxor of 'one of time
prizes of lime Cetntral Debatinug League.
The wiinner of the coolest receives
$75.00 and the muedal offered by the Chi-
eago Alumni Asisociatin and the second,

Who is Who.
A wcell filled house greeted the farcee
eomuedy, "Who is Who" last evenuing at
time Athens theatre. The play was pace-
seated under lime auspices of time St.
Thoumas church and tinder use special
direction' of Jeroume J. Crowley. Thme
first part of the program consisted df a
mnusicale, which was listened in 'with'
grseal itereiL: The features of thme mu-

1893. Time lecture xiii be free amid
thsere shmoulid be ai lrge attencdance. Air.
Revcll is tot onliy onme of thue forexmost
umerchxantsx in Chicago bu lmts~Ooumne of thue
ceilingmmenm itn uumiipal andi untionaul
polities, so quite coumpetenmt to treat both
time econoumicfaind poitical side of such
a questioni.
Athletic Dance Tonight ins
Waterman- Gymnasianm at 8:15.
Admission $1.00.

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