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March 20, 1900 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1900-03-20

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No. 129.

0. H. WILD & Co.
We have jst received) our ine
of spring woolens for men's
wear t incluides eirth ing i
staples ticat 5re siaile sd ds-
sirible for the Saor . is ar
also shiow igful at s in-n n oo-i
eties in qiiality ndstyolei.t)
suit the mst cexacting- tati,
ings linc es\sre iiil (Gol
T eri I s . Weo i noite syoii ti
ralan sinsipici iioiu r i at
108 E. Wasbir~g to) St.
Artist h t fAts
Maer als ial ri
Wilers aPhar ay t
Ril E. JO LY& CO.
is rsn Ir iiiPaer
ilds Phias ras
SHE OLD F,, ixI -sr v
RE IBL ii n c-r is st it h
a...vn.GOINGe a..
1-4 ete dsofft
Whsya hevr S

LIFE IN ELECTRICITY. self r esponusile for theti
thl thilargy if the lass, su
flHow Eilectricity Afflects the Growth ilisi gnsoran oits deets oil vi

oil Animals.Ps lii raling tiep
WCillsa J letiusliii M. D, prof s-il tatrelig-iiis i o,
so f ccto-tiesapetis mentuual I(Its t soiiicil ii- asi r
ti is iGa"'i, -s i h nsOis isI ill se cii
iii at thre Cniverityis sist romp1 1t-~ ls isliisl
ig air-s-ri-aisle sercies -oIesxperimsens rrn te o frnt
undrtaen o dter ine""eher<le - ins whchis isodimis
iricit is anisberso alplied s t o 0hastenth. o mnaiidvda
11sc~sn frils;(ifde n 1o im g a d rw i nt 5°fr
' i;i<tstse.ihisiiii5of A
ias Th11 s c5 1 elwuito ')lltt'f~t~ \'&I

yi tol

certaisity asndl EIGHT EVENTS.
zict iprovokes __
slencee In Dual Meet With Notre Da ~e.-
it sesuld ap- Each Teams will Hane 12 Contes-
msany segasrd 5tants.
La Ii linTe dsiss1ued swith Nostre-lamse next
iii lind ieISiscidiyIspromises isolbceiaisexceeinsgly
thast spisrscsi close issnd itessig osnr.tlihas been
,,,5,1lf}i;is lisi;sile l iii in tt e esnts ti o i as

-w stt I l e wcaj. I

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Iualcriat jal.

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sic i- "r eat ~ i
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FItyY rs (s si 40iyles s s u rdissle, half-
rsprt jsilris un ?Ii]( is ll, s shotttput high J1i ]pndc.-
e} iiismao
n i l ii>his willma ei c ssr for somse of
ths coes ans dube. A sissiber
IIst t i ; 55 a r c Iiein g h id i s " ' i g ec t o te
lertnne te tt clvcth snwho e-llsill hes
l otp n s inshe pariscusar ies rsrsi i
(1( issisis lie
Ii Prac iseits Lahis wilsicnteedfo ite hlfl-

dd el

11ml i l us l s 5 so isitey weil
il g a d \ lh se s iI ge;s1s(s
c- sii w ihe. Eah gru

Penn. Will Teti Spring Footba

- - l oluih sheuco o-<a I 1ireoiiiIsii si r ll issid Ctaiss i e11--
lii;1-l.w-frt e foss-liall ciiidites I tI i ,I smiii slak a itli tue
)th,(t\rsiy ofiPens ylvanIisia. The osissie ofsir esi ti ur ndsuiais-issic i-x
iie c uhiii sinhisars -s tcllc cae inseslrrinsg thiii i siissss s.
i di ,tk gtis tpb h eiresobserva- I ie rI is rc V ne'iXiih C55 Iss-iilsi snm
in sc~l}<s fl. en.htsn se aila is Nioslr 15) use Iisha srik sisissesle of
prm, crine r-andi thisilitlibe anitrsio- sIsis krer isis s-ssuitd \li- Isis-ll siter
Isis le h ve selir d th ten i lice- ful i)Csieiiisi istanc55 r is, Tie
'wi w o raiwdfo iiior p its iterely wilI- ie lc ig ussr lap.
I'sn, xer ii ettr son itin andssiI- -j- E sch5uiiai sl iis n iihes cosssersitive
ia t.t e Ijl-d IIa i- . Iti vs (i ss is ki he rce t ee lapss. iltu
11 rae t(sicls cus -sisd Snhisser ansd Csrdinecr. nh lie sielerited ltosay cci- toor.
sisr rs surisplilile iii s. -
sir thisniPliles-, lii-sisirds. Wssiissci- 5Instructors of Our Sarnmner School.


imillch was
cC}ll llrtt
cult. l lllti
pall- t)I -ro
roaclwd tllci
r, 1 11 n

so-sI wiihitle curent sciir
isisiIs1pisedis s-iis eichs i
s~ctd instil IssIss id -
ill gressicil frssnssG( is is

- i isacc Cli t ti a erfio - x21 '-
is. II sisls i thieii ippeusrst lis thatii Restal Meetsliso at ine B p1 t s ~ l s i n ll ii ris lit -cusse- -1Scoos-
5555555555555555555 ~g eic >stress 5 is -some C lines rscmii
terii 5 slW.ili ls IS I lisll s 11,i) ahr ss i~s;r
\1-\-55555555o i-siic clld ngs- c-ll I ii. .Lilar ).11. o i s rlc ..i i s-irbisig 1).I teisssin-
1 toic 55llof ilsfo-i 555555 fistcu h, agrd teo \l cc i lsisuilo CIIA rissslouissis JohinsiC.Rolfir
s-sira~pasa hyilgcl nr crs- si;.. ld iofiii ,Sisbi iii lbapisit 1hus , Lin;Sobrissirely,
silsil cllmlon t liibe isislissi ' c~ gia elilr ti o lvil IIs e sI .). .il.,l iilsops hy;s (t;eirge
hti the Iiii Iiofielectricity ibt tm~ bi l -hes oIt -o tooo hellgstoi Il rst1l iii) . I igis-siloIsopiih'h and
.Ihn tl halte r iish hn stinelisissi llth otth te i s ilsurh, { ( ii i--i led hi. T yissl iii)h.D. sliti-
t~tcol f 1tl ) Ilin l uh d - cuc .Io i; ill y isi is no s l s reetr i scA -et s-14scilissus Jss t he
di i. isisnl s isI li ! tI>-sistthlii;I) Baptis churchislevl
to ilto~' 1 rsill ru cedbyde ' lan , hio D . lirli i a 1 Isf ineires dCl hI D., phsics;l JoI ehiss IYae
is I-s Isis-colls\6,1 in ime e teaed ~is ~ - instiinlyuitllii si u ti-1.3,LaC J sp L a isy 55'.
;le . li b lth d sim lrt th s pr ah hitlso il p --te a d Ilah isses isoisiL i, uscti ii p I)
1h 11 111(1I t cian c-l st I . S sisrisissiry
1)a, - ills-cl1sl-;ik nl i -slits - I lri
lii Is. i sisis s-i ii pus i t(e ] Es tae P ht -cra flthe lo th e t 5iills l s ss lcri I I t.,sill -
Ciliii p ild ec y utlimpr ve- 111in g t e r ia ee it le I1itr Is ci s - O. i r y , i- isoisbsse -
mh i ; suits cteir II iisll siCt ii-l~'eiii , isiaicor i ti vei :irs s -ssiuuy Da id . ity, .S.,C heis try;~ie~
Hed. lie D)orcisi%\-IIIibehehosgt ist l tisirIl5I rsu s.r~fius isr s r. iPh I.,o Frc h; S
Thrtess5 ssfs. this slnifion sitheisien of si 5 c-s i st segNod si-il abii lll l yeI sc-i i rS sussusg icHees t P B ~l B .
u-C is itrles sous Gtye issu er ythin teg i 5 ts ntss il 55i5 sgel rhars B.55 S.,ssisdrga ig; icuPirry -F. JirowbridWe
t-'Im-erity of 1Sc5505galshiltgnwicon-ilis st siftom ew r s tateg s that P us lihi stryID , H5I ll 1 . y i te Auu .
is~.C wiiuuisithurut h. sulvc sci sfCifte r iis t he e s uc Ysoirku rt is hsic c reedsg thats B.,i biss r ..ioogy lessor mu ts.R oMichigan
usilTh dy ouusteiyghssfustherLaw.'Itt sa I thiss xussiters th psouuseust of heth a oty s uit - G rmanssi C lee, 3.CrestoWilbur
passotd eup o e rtta ruos ado she Il iietth isisysnus erssostise U niveuo r sityill , bo tny;BSirl imu stru tor imi ar.
which t5 s he sa ernarepthemprophthees Dr.i il iBa t s sl, i nib e brdi ed,- scshemstrC oeethitory C silresPh.
mulitde nd the voce of he Lor II etae m -utig tci-utsio , s). G ima ; harofessor iss Alhasiss phC s -s
lilyn afau. Thispemmegrtvnltiselw Th utnieita hospd itin ieanitarmofgscsstraiig haleMs L.omis, S., n
witnci aterhos tsomeus-nciamissthei issce Ci pybl o anadition tve. eshsiogs ia hcats ClleeJoology
hsyhuatemimu it Pis tp csnfrm (coursut th igusshrhoasltat e ai taryleg ars hr B.Dcott, losophy;uu ane tid .
attmidig stheomi thlandproteri lh natuse epesetsiarresculldheeaftier ogh StbeA.B, placedi teMihia
ofgya ite thm min rom Idthat .aIes o uaratieet elargneof mhehyginuiy, thuseNormaltrpCo thise sosreeo;ssiuri
woud sem o e aseronon he thatmteam ofntshetuionerdtyamidveg-alis.niottmsginee inthectoMinsoarUn-
woraem of a hdastarlprimease sane-Oiohtomtar i iesitywilmhe mudatby.te ro ourstyhsmChlegistaout;Marles.l
titteadbtaaintiythevilao.ofThme fessor icHreofitis br am rf. eotaken t;spsoyer onthemcopperegon
wrintby asingsthwe lawnotohepousoni Nn-e mCodi setion.lat fessayof An-.izomalisColee oothethre
aantteinotihenatiom that aises-toneeifthe rectwehrgfteay hems.gmisgrTeialpprpoucnghegiponsofeahe
hamud. Itsaid that this hospital was never in bet- United States amid not only, mising, but
proachsed, hiut the multitude, hasty, pas- en shape, froum a sanitary point of view, also the smelting as carried on in these.
sionate, ill-advised and at the bottoma it- than, it is at present. tocalihies, will be carefully studied.

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