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March 20, 1900 - Image 2

Resource type:
U. of M. Daily, 1900-03-20

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o 0f#t+ (%dhi
Pobiiehed Daily (Sunday s eepted) during the
College year, at
(orrimtTiloe 0andPresse, enning Btock
Both Phones 1t7.
F. ENGELtooce, '0t L.
0,t. 11. hNS. '00 L.
ATHLETI'i, .tG. 1. Itoeo'r, '01 iE.
T. R. Woomotoo '00 tL. A.11. McDOO't00.(,'01iE
A. 0. Boo s '. '0..02-. ,WOOD, 1t,
L. J. MONTaOtO'e. R '00, W01. Ii. itoto. '00 M.
H.JIN A,'00L.1V.i'A.KNIGHT,'01lL.
Tihhe sasopioot 0 at of '0 0'stit$2.oo
he cotleeteooa, wth aro 11 eliv tooercy before
n0oooachtdy.Notiec",(o111nctos n
other inatter oohinteeor hpubiti o mst he
mttild toto t th t edi oto t o 3 I ii. of lthe tay
proeo s 0 t ott 'o i 0 ti t ' areexet ed t''o'tto
lloee',or totllto""iwht''r l ft 1000 liminess
carer o i thopper
the office bty 4p.i. nt'" ca'00 io otht
onwhc O ttO e t e t tot al
Basoobo l Pl ieerCiopains oft Dis-
ldoo ld cxplio 00000 f
Ai-btot Ai cit.,clims001000 ben is
ltcll atth'001vrsiy if. ihiti'000 OO~
has ad0r00scd0tile00011w o omullt0(00ttOttit a-
11010 to theort00tog cdtro lcI'is
mtt aa n the totit 01000tl00000
ripretttttoIttt t 00 o tts (ohsttutio oo d feoc-i
eg also that such actions are repugnant'
(0 tthotsa loot havec dioeto ciare ul(Ai '
gllUn0000001ity att icart, I beg ,paceto
enctogit00h 000it oi t orppr t oak0,pulitc
iwioat I rogared as a ((oot tiagrantt out
r00000000oniolchotto spotess rcci dof
1tibioo000i mtthletics-""tiat is toe tact
that Mri. A\\'otiis, te coach inltbaosebasll
at ollos Scocol, tdraws toe Co1linoe.

were oil told something like 072 noon Park r' Cam p
wholo lhotded ini their nomes for positions n hetem. hiinmbrfwstedce
dtown to forty os soon as possible in Caf~e..++
order that Coach Watkains could devot
mooore timtto those likely to show WVar- FURNISIIESuFIRS'
city fori. Jatoes teas toothcto out 000 REGULAR BOARD $2.75. i1
thoe first listsowiclo slios that lie was orders promptly filled. Fresho H
toot 1 0001 odiscrimniated agaitost (ott ac- with the famous Sponge Caratuel
cout oftotito tlor. 'Tle faet isthtahle and stiltedlpeanuts niow ready.
dido tnot so oshou etl enouoighto 1,1.o
toe Virsily atany stooge ofthle 001000'
'.Sai o ac(t li \Vsatkinos:0 'Ihave iloNer
ort i t he. Oto or einotoc 1 10 life. I loose _____________
playedc on amatecor teamos ito which thoere
hate betentcolorei en,00100std iIthave Mtay- +++4+++4++++++++++
tot 'o'it oleoiored'te amos. 'Tle troiuble
is W it totieomio tiosothevto fotein to' eltto.- .oooojo
mtothelircown tai t ltitasrotlplter
too t oisbal. Idiod 0n0ot e an ytit
abtout Jamethac0to t oottislthat hit a
O t to t yt tt 1t'oe oloti 'il 000.as0y) 00
00tetyo-foito elot tooloutball'w" casit"
welli h lel i n oooth c tlotl wa to 'p 'c i
outtootolloot fitee.H a oo t o locol l I O'0 i
ttcc intt t ch ';o stion, ut it t he
over thAses'eleoteoe offeringo whenamaking1a
teat CooehO ceellent""choocolates.They are the finest
\Ir. =iet~tner la Revel0Of0Chcago ade and prtees are so reasonable that'
'tol ein.n1 lboot t i si 0 tot 1000sott you eon afford to give a treat often.
at 11o animal00 1 0 styOtt ralttiorical1c00000 ooEto'Washoington. 306 S.State.

French Cook in Charge
1EAL TICKETS $3.00. Shoort
me Made Canody now otn hand
I a specialty. Pop cortn balls
Coyoae in and try thoetto.

709 N. University Avenue
Mor~day, March 19.
Imper 'l tie ' tot so Picte f4 00. during
sal0e $3.00.
hotogoavure,,0Re Otr pic,^500to rn
100000000o tto ottoie ' ' 2S t'oootso Poice $i1+,,-)
Pitooraptoa 0iz00' I x0100 Osgottot 100000 000.
(lrn o 35)e(to el tso.0 t
17 oyps 0 iz Fo :2th sto 8 Reguapiehoo5N. 100.

:.o7. l tto
It1-> ito lcoo

1 'sc - otomercial LDeyre'ssono
',1 (hy lw ysts a'keot;nea0 in-
''0.01000,st toolnd deboate andt
tig Ia 'toiogu osoo tot

'44"i'j4°4 ''°4.04 ;" "°" . 444 °. , °.erb.ase e

A0 50'h "A00.'s' Y 00.0SA 000000000B tIO, t ott o ANolo OTWTo 0000000A000000

J.o P"i~. Z iM 0 G-UI -. W00 r1H5 0 I0 U
<t, \u n medla ndoot the second -'- ,____
i" loost tml. ';o. E ~ A u u u ~
law oohaomet ha' os toghotit aosle ohoon , e "g L V E R ..
tccouttlot ofthi l ct neeso 0100001
eipotat ct s, t~ o oe te b n
++++++++FINE+++++A++++IEN For Parties, Receptions Etc.
C01tit Ill : C ITDFI1r .a -4to ,-00Q4

S t

.ti nn

''Itnomal Io thisolostatemt , ht~ oowever, 1PI I+
dasiret a l a ocriolcismtoto offeilr Abiatalt C farto' ±o:
aga00itn 10s (to ote tiet tomanagetsthe (los fcti bot ( 0 oarottestoo" ." '.. / ., , . ,,. . ./ ~ /',
ca0p 00 l tai, i l. o 000000, ortt e t ho iolec Roihmto t "00 tooo
Asooitaioio 000011. 1 refer ooniy to tiec tt(Cogaorettos, oe
peolcoal oaic010'tr. WIatino. Is Hoffnoan 11000000 Litte I ( S. L. A. COURSE
aanwoitoo tiltcall tor abll oaotiddatoo Cigala, 100- 4t. /
wen o0 ttO o00 t 00 Iso (te toatti. 'otx.1
'tsosotosotottetlyoxn od001 ~ TABLR C ~ TENTH ANNUAL ORATORICAL CONTEST
thoge''tooiutoolduneveron0e00asked t 50looso+
the tosow00000lot I1coold do toitnth o si-.+++++44444 .++,p ,,+++ 46
tiof lt cI a hryii --sotop. jFRIDAY EVENING. MARCH 23.
I ifs o nto on0000.0000 0 occassionst a sk meI Ot,
1o catohltnt5'~Ohitsr0gular and (0 ihttoot ATHENS THEA TRE
ho trae too aoifo I o a(soot righttofoc 000be 0 4ih01 +*+TO N IG HT++++ Contestants
out0 tor te t nt oo bth Oastr00udtintg. F . Joi' 1 .C.S I ' R
Fintally,000000atot itotsae d fti-oo tte FtAT.I5f' IJ . L( .1 LIHLL D . J.C.SH O NTGORRY
list, touoghoI hadoeeisothtold bho\Jr. XMc- Theo'wos booFareCmel AXLz, lteTY W. J. ZIMMERS.
toittttho (hecaptai00000 ht hI nt shsoin'tg GFt's (
up finshy' on tesork.lot shoort. it osas A "'' '
a th pan csetaof to itorsrejutie on othe "3 O A K
part 01 thto coaoho ' t s''loooooo t toCicaogot Aloti tltedlanti sev'ety-fivec diollars.
I i n tota te Utoivotsity of s'tieioigatt. ( r tihis ttooo i tlig Bon o !Si soox tHeONciO: 'ifty doltars.
as oneobftoo leaditg iotsittiott oof lsarn- IlsPetetGn alB'tet lyoi
ing, isaov h lvlofsuocih titogs. itollNew' X'ork!1 , Conte.tIto Ibegin Ototat 8 o'clock, S1ooi.1 .Adtioissioll, stOc
SUiY toiJ i t s0 00solet HN F. HASKEPT. DEWITT ALLEN,
SU L 'J0 E, 223 So. Inala St. 720 So. 12th
Junitor Law Class." Now S~tat Ph so43. Nesw ShtatPhoemoo'-
Upott receipt of the abovec 'fbe i' mes'- -'_-
1'Irald correspsonodent a0 Ain Arbor swas' htIRiEiDQUflRTE.RS FOR
rqetdtmaeathtotouglhitnvesti- D {
gaina rote truth asfoMr.Jows ' m us P 'orpIe Trunks, Valises, Telescopes, Dress Suit Cases
"Ann Arbor, Micth., Moarcht t5.-In-Bn et o 0o i e a ee
vestigation showsthoot the complaittof Vsw.Have a sieiotty. of MStudeAn'ror veryDescrptien. TRUNK AND VALISE REPAIRING at Let .0Prtoes.
Sully Jamues ito regard to the color line and FlashlightWork, ateereaabteprics. HORSE FURNISHING GOODS.
being drawn on hm is perfectly ground- Views ea sale at Calkins', Scledes aLetell'
less. Said Manager Lancashire: There Edwards Beos. ad Schsle'aBokstore. 307 South Maids Street. ANTON TEUTFRL.

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