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March 19, 1900 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1900-03-19

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0) No. 128.

G. H. WILD & CO.
We have just received 00r tine
of spring woolens for men's
wear. tI includes everything in
staples that are suitahte andl de-
sirable for the season. We are
atso shoswing full ranges io nov-
elties, isquality and stleteoi
suit ttie most exactiiig taste,
consisting- of Top Goats, Suit-
ingsIFanty \ ests andI Golf
T'rouset in Ts VsWeinvite yoouito
cal alt sutinspesctour lune at
108 E. Wasbirgtor) St.
Artist thstcofAit
Maer als ias roWt
k to
Wiler's Po harmacytii
istInow A completeO .
R M OiPansChn

A GREAT SUCC ESS. swhichtihIey boxeid in the tiidle-weighit ANTIS RULE
_____ class. Prenttiss tosses-er, lauded more
Annual Varsity indoor Meet a Record iofisteianiiiei Davis, wshoiitiad idraswn a in Senior Lame Class.-Danforth
Breaker. bye.iin ihiefinsts. Here lie secuireid the Elected Valedictorian.
The anuiat'Varsiiv inoor imiet has sciii s.Te iayiegll List Saturday iiiorining isniste of the
agaii isrts-cs itelf~to b ~ tisis serv-edtsosamuse ifiioihiiig else - in lcftsee
aanpoe iteft heasiiciithoghi iot inthe maniiier such es-cuts most excvng lcin vrhld in the
cess I intat elit Satiuriday asisrtoimi arend tltilt.Ntittyioafoohistory if the sdepatmient.tie imeiibers
etvening.kTheenctries whiile no11tpantice- sietof the seiiior lass-class se titp intieir
Davila trouho1 icis- apparenuper

iii iily lrge iiiii c-mb r iee iniumerois-utbol siimigh adsutsirickte a c inetiicthat hats
inugh tuto ittakete cmptistion ee msiel is i sre h wvr a v ccli tildthela s ls tsetrs aiblost
atdstheuevet c lo se 1 Te ltiibiox ind Itli later ii (. 1ic itticsugci s ait y l ciic il ee ecvr t
liii isi evt in hetrnwoonthad not to sitd pun ishmen an tak abutifurlit ntitu pastcli Theis-li ti-cic tsct-d Itt
bennarwd o n s iuinlothe bowtd1ne1iciseurd h dciio x I, isTe D ilt tudictdinit
offgd uttoto -ea tle ttcInsu. w t al go. iThitectcits;by the
tithee iiss lbeg innngprmlyt teih sec imteitl o hl \lv t titt tutu lmi ctls lis totsl et ermliin
igtistiuit oast a itch f iecw i st Iwaits ibeitt llen. dle inic l t il t hlly ftih s ti t ols lcd 1 11 1i c titer s
tilts i 151sit Itil lit stil listills ii s ilicit itiliictithwtedicndilcdiliisclcpsell--1111protiltding face. tt tsotThe
Til fuu Iie] ilttli e iiive11n s ii-tu-is ii tt -sititthts witshIalitylidowiTheimaiee itslist Iowe e t vid
ii~tue cistitti5 ithelitinttiroundicandctwentyi
iiealtedsathp sil.rlls l tittti I thal i tt i s Is ict a dits ttl} th fr is dthtiy lii 111 s iicti-si t~-es
qusin w s r id more tian iI svncei ii itappeisl- atlisgitsoitt hits ticitisi o fiTe antiss
ii ilitil i It ii 4 ttflt lily itti iiliioatsi litcit tiuust-lto ihieipreittyi
tsp iltsr lilt lyi or11ito Ist -ttipartt-i tillsf ii s lite llsr sbtterlthanitIls thi ivls ethr-
I p lilt - icciili ilis- slcciin the1 it till ii tilt iticih0
occasion.c ills es inshi drt ed bci yttu i inm.t hefiiliou iasreeve ti i im115tigtoiim Iaeistheie strenthu
tofb h uue s iA t ne s ii ty otay, keii Poritoitoft - rt fslit avilt "oilt sitsdvo a tir-by i i--sliemitber of ttecls. so
pui l ii ithousctli tctcst ii li slityan apaent atlhslrenf Io as ieei cnclslted it ith t he lmat
c o d i d c tn 1 % c t t u r itmil s eitlf a t hets t semt i c tc nl tutu e1d-th e yyt ureorg ilt 1hiti s f r th s c n et in
-a flutc - men hlethadit mantaicuss asitu - 5 rpfollowlit1Th itan ti o tolediithhe siutinthr
lired bytissl retit v ingt heut cisi n. .,r wony frnt -yliitti -- (tr '1 ,It 5 ud1 shillunt o-sown i. A timc ine"t
Sienc wait s lsusi liii- tttyssihti ngsuuly teai; het crl y iitictrlisthe i ious461
is ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ E wonI from litt itzticp1 tlls slututt'o,3isEt-il usIs pil
tilrdwthbuesreghadtog- ut-illu wonfruitougitsfctioiandicft s stiffiieunt t shi e
lit-ti If thiet-ycon l tes s re to cpar temoe M stw- i lt rstiing-Baldwhi, i iiciv 5 5 lima siitil ttthei ltnthsuptil otf
ofi teture of Ititheprze- - - -noo- jwonisrus suit-i--hut I _itllaNI y mtitsuasureLuaitsnthis-ysi ss Itlues.luuSt
it iousld b I tils it stheds tl - ut l vitt list lslo, 2,tht he hesletionl s overuts heu--s ts t
II theull ilto f xhuts ti s hu ofiistill ani1i Itw thu thinvon frze s ttredsotittt 55 adsidt hat55 the5 bit t
lsr vn t-s o Iet itn cussdti bet raiste usd \ sIt agnta tills sud shlng -M ddsts hts buttists siltogusethe ic to aliii 5 li hu
citu ofis su th ei shs u Itiions sell. s -. Donirom hueiuv-;hty 03Is..wonl his mule
use i s it idfeite ngt bo hisisii 1itINIiustutt-h siht eihl loac y, nfsurt,-o us int uitoloust
edtobetIhc betsitiels con ts tsts s tinteu--useh-eilocutBat sit asuirehtsd- t ci uf I o er a
f tilt mst i tereist Thit e wresii t ills matchui wosu from thuit cmul iti tus it tii.. t el itt 1 57sf D tilt tutau voe-i fI 14tut ou
lciu u ttuusitsi\sr s i to a d sa muws as prcuty r m ureh t usuues i;tt5euuuii T he iii ma7 hnitt ttistilt s sit i
exhibtts i s tsinttioni-savt .sycured safal i te i-si dlewsihtuss-ifhsing-ssss mixslit us e rlust Itsutietuiii soii thue tsshe die rt ty
hie inute tultud sn ittt i re, -siiin u itt rint-i Hortlonl ots- sf;;.re Dait esum3, ecevsits futleSp tils is chaces mayttlith
two mi it-s-s-s-usd1-suit T ulfmitpitc rif a]tuse.uculsrsntu sivis eessluftom lya tell. suhshae sbenut-ut redtill th s i uils s
Ilituopponrentlu is uftt iouihisvback.sifyuiureitsesissy usrs- t n i ests- its , tus uuli uars clintne sec ht otn t
tsc isecitrthus hecou t r-.-i Isfa -sorof-si ssi - r i l ais 'o01:., \mul i ule 'r we .stem-c h inJand teco se uf t d i st r.it-
foil l th ;or to gro'-si e re,,t.t-t «mis isrii ntue Pitherso httNtvmtliy is-v-ti-omhe c cus.i i -~hti li ehsi iim 11
\il sounsu ut tvo i eel, elot itBogg ss yie 1ci ng(nce us er s- r . . o n tsstifii u dis lst ion uhf r tthtiupo muu Jak-'eitm
nit s ton s cinluts ng-lts-scsulam oute r oniftsKirtitt3situ ves-s ' us-silt nit r 1 o son'mis ilictionto allic-g T.sm W M akstrim
hell I issg t-vhamisi p.ss Th tleo - \shve ur mis'03. uisecs ttittswon ufrostus-- to suhitetucll eigsth ws n ta m m e
trve s ibeltteemsWesusm andmt. LosidlQus-sits ite 5 Bis usistflv tllhitev cic9115 atss sTeticlass ttecidedm baniut u
sltiuvgsu hyistug t i llsoro telatr t utgh f fte ti i itsuut H E I rhtmci3 fe alis m s uuth ime mjvorit- ut letis t vtem
tookgi tse ivu mi uItebrsoeot iem.t Ni-itt e rtite or uma smisbir tmkean inte Frs- i to u riD.Y.s~it rsferasofyPa.
tai n hadttt toe shi enctm t hanlluis opporuesem nith gstithalstm utiIcg i umtle ihlfrmt o sumileiuei .d 17 ivoesmad iR.E .f hreSams
ent' citemos-swmstintpemrinsputtisaleftof-Baethee rlsate s tnme ofnth:o leisashng u tti70iittMr. ait mpo 'Pro teioia
sit bosmThsilattlr Iosii rsi ei r ou ii msmlytoe ndse two-ithto b e co s o fifotr ec aiasdiat u uutionformu t h u e e-as elmole
froae tplis adr a ntageuy bytaft eemnt. t imera ssrhih hmiceldbstint . T heistt es-urls st thsmgltheIais astefre wseass forbta
itnirts bet11enI btunaW he i st:mim e an- lleervstentsmr t uhfee excesingy d supportWhn ed b sml pe a eeniccutisif
mute w esstdit ah fai forI n itherght ratify l ing s tetiweU ell fo ersc c-sipla e immof mrtie.aske i ons A
whls tesul sondts Sasvrhaacm eliur e l ne to f.eml tinsot pmut whronemae oer theC, smi. gt mmju onf tMe enmeetre
fllmTdem ls u a vemmmi m ithiesvima t h upsedss tmo5 fetsmulmenteslyweialie elictsed boks mm b heairansI a ve cimeerJ
BWseks whenmriutha ew deosia wore . . p of is nti vn ithrsecreDate fterscher. leWhedquetsp estoredh
roundTs Inamie fialdGw as uhe mih -thme son te woa cfetshimlvimelangAmtimwelProfessrmakedte tdnto
weteler m pinswomp.asLyndfron Sae-itsr.mgels owmimuthirdal aceean inch The lmmor tehd eonferredaupon him
lighweiht y tkin tw fals ut f elow ld iemit d Hasiami sprumeugancsur pris en n ao fewUnrerst scrtlated the
Dluasseite sihisnclm ato thrchnt- itg tat shogldandscttesiwhenable towonmlasonthAtcthey tweeofenteeupnath
pionshit I-erld mm dedled adn iealsermdetsbas giint5w-asevondsandprieofht hi e rf ession as lime
onc en n renmWs errytime the rotnds ared the a t to e et6mipag e s ani spech Whniihed ap ae hai nhu

Seconsit u r osw insta.
155ter ccitt.suit list.


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