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March 19, 1900 - Image 3

Resource type:
U. of M. Daily, 1900-03-19

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1 NE STYES, EW PICES119South Mainstre>.
The Niagara Falls Route." c ts hAr, thl
Taking 1iftctNovembie19, 1899. E > X,, GM.GAS.ltdPs
Detit Nigit Espies a. 1- - m - Suchits Joseph in lani n 15 niWash tu'l
Alanticllatttei" 1-u U 3 -u . H E----. EU U *. ..un ann:ai43
Grand Raptlttidspett' .... i 4 1 an ruos___oal t h
pail andliExpress................. 3 47~E U U U H U
N. Y. BostonsSpecial ...._ _ ' 5 " EUU*0 H*Fw L D 6iaderiC MivStore
Fast Elastern ..... . I.. i4
M all and lExptess. ....... .. i 0 A . -Y- . _--".= ',- z- --,r -: .,

FL ai tt-1. 1 ........... 1u
F~ ~as t Wes t IFx et....... . ....138.3 f
tChicago Nttig ~ t V r a .. . . . ..tt)4.3
PacificE p es ....... ... .....1 3 .M
Euatoaaan poits tlowes~t, ai 11 ifr
0. W. RitGGLES, It. «. AYiE,
G.P. & T. -'t ,tito. AyltAtiArbor,.
Taklang 111 ri, Sunayi, May ,e 1i,1) 1),
Tra is 332 3 a An AborbyI~.n ol t t,
Na.6- 7-1 1 . to,. ( 'No.t . 8:ttl, . 1
No. 2I-113)A.t it. *No. 53-12::0 1. Nit
Nlo. Pe i" a,,o,.Pe .- t :i iii t.

The Fine Tailoring
Trade of the City.

Have You
senor1'C1 E 1 1U41s? t u
ti ot-n pai t he i t


ito2t icl 1 tl t 1i
['het t.ti71 lo as goP a,",i h s )et
nd lio tlr; ca1 11 ut atuday
it r tin- 31.3utl .~e ltecus
a M CibttW-0 iii lie it 121 "e I etid
idth i. wr diun i ngit aitipr itty a. itheit

cetil. I:ia lca-1a
tilt-Blarett' o., itnI
seco d; tiie, ii, L.,.

Iii ~wfiii Studio
1 12 W. Htton St. N. S. Phonne 119
t(ltgent for
Tribune, Stearas and Baenes lilly.
cles. Rentintg atd repairing of all y
kiads. LEON SHIAW,
117 E. AnSt,
Ivnewriter Copvinq

sti 'it31, w;et; it Luc
tile1 e ., cL o nd it t ,
17t et -it tee

1ii }Liitl -

txlil.itttttc Agete I,, ieditince,. 1 4 4a et e l I \(_Letn hit ttt feetta0 ttle, I0llietel-, 02,
w .B.\"',6 ).Ajcpue h it ghhurdles ie nlyiievensenhigt 5afett iches; Aiii OlyQuItlt. mper 1)sWods.
Detroit, Ypsilanti and Ann Ar- Iin,ch i lienttee,1 -311 ods 3rog,'o tird; iglilt, 5 feet SSCOL O SH R AN
bor Railway, 'lil three-ariter tile walk wteastmit inces O 1 . VI bitsJllA VE 1..
arsieavlie fore Ietrotit ad Ypiltiai ' "(:dti ;e,notlt i e a l l ea iee 'lr 3ett tt 11131 13itt erxii Let i, o? 'ti
every ltl' titte, aegitintg tit -1a5 ii it tall Ncei, dlt.,secondtel, rst oll, GRANG3ER'S
anti' 7:45 p. Iat After taltuoDetrottit o-3tttttee3 i- aelis:e 3 326 2-5 ablihPn
at 8:45 It.ni, ,91:t5p.at.ad I1IJ75p. m. fet}- 'd -iti iru imtiait it 1reord in til et, CeFD NC
sts, Ietritlat Grlwodts. t>etiteltac, 'o, won;i t caill, 'oo L., Relay I iee1lo2 .Lit.-Barrett, UteyS H O FDA
- -______________se____-condt;litltle 4 4-5 stconlds. Secondtl Gaitdnet aid Itisleigi, wan fromitio1900 ates; matee or hit ce of sc-ti- iYobit
- eti, tal 1itrtsltttg, 'an, L., ivan; Itit, Iartilti g,llicka, 'Teetzel and ett(,:ti oin te I 1=.et t .11 tIlt c
Lllit , 'on L, second;lttle, 4 4-5 sec-ONeatiall; iioa Ltt. Watt 11701ii 1903 Medic ACAIill 1 us MAY N A Ill) sir.
BR EAKFAST -ANN ARBOR Otids Tlird tendi-final-Te etzel, 'oo L.1, dlta
Won'iHttla,itt'03 E., second;l 3time, 5 3 DEAl)'11lEI)D LY.
Fl ill lHowiard liata at \Vadhamaa, lRyaa
SUP CD _ ' 1 11S eons.t-oi i-tll semtti-final-Leiblee, 03 Ittule. Pleat hat on thae martact at i/
SUPER -SELOUIS MO Ii t(t];,Ilielie, 0' 171., secondt; tume 9$3.00. 200-202 S. Malta at. .W U1i Gold j
WAAH - FAST TRAINS 4 4-5teonds.tialttleat -l..iblee leant; l ,An rorMsc oute
Teelzel seconid; Beeitenbacl t tird" ThIn ro MscC.hv atoder so
aaE- CAI ASsme inducements to offer atu- '-sale. Casht in
" Bt HI CR itle 4 4-5teconada. dents on table board; also one sunite' Oldbite,. n
_______m__Arnold Leading
fi lartltie.'00o1L., won; tYoungt, vvl'
R.S. Gross awoo, 31. 1. A., CIhicagor 01 tettI ltlitecttd. Sci ti et leittarte te ~iciatlta inite t*il-! Jeweler
n -i --- cLett an , 0 itwot;ll31laslata, eteeoat te t in tleli nItttt, en's furnihings tintdi hats, Tue otColeuaite JLine itf
l ?0 ., eod itte b1-5a secotnds. Thtird Wttllit, IRyan - ileule, S. Maia at.! LOWNEY
1 Melbia Sliute fir Sprig--all stylea CHOCOLATES
H C IGV LE RY scodlittle cincls. 'tunal 1$7.00. MACKL & CO.liitCty'anIai
tia-M Lea wnittt ltiratg secondt, j h iyc~nh on
Robtisontirid; tinge, 5 3- econda. CAP AND GOWN ORDERS. b TUTT I., 8
4TRAINS DAILY 4 Potle vtailt-Detralk.', etto; height taken ceverv afternuion feom 4 Ia inI 338 S. State St.
Betwaen To'leo d Coul "I tlts hi-, ri Iing -nion o diet ItUicur";, lDtv~es 'oo, aned tUdell,.xRomt C.3
depat an bothcitiac. 11, tietd for seontd at to feel. AnerleofMhatnSitO M MARTIN,.
Trohnnsleeper tia~aalnt~nanatBaliinnee. o1 ryyr o ude-is ei e ieo ahta hrs ,
GREAT RAILROAD fnllattla y,ird'il3lt11tl:. wn;Rinsontt SeeathiematWadltama, ssRyan & Reole. FUNERAL
THE HOCKING VE1LLEY '03.,iseondt. Sec'ontd aemia-final---arts- - DIRECTOR
l bur~~itg, '001 tam w on;:nig, '03 L'_ econd ; ealding chairs to rent. livered and Embalming a specialty. No. 204O S. 4tIi
Wite 1t111,5 3-5tecotids.lTirttaleatfinal,- called for at twenty-live cents a dozen. Ave. Ambulance night and day. Ro-e'
I. NLANDMAN, Snotai 'i2taont jo7k01 E1,tecond; MACK & CO. [dene 302 Fiftha Ave.
11W.ot n t, nDetri.r ip

For SPRING Arriving Daily.
Don't Fail to See the
Yo ilWant a Pair. _ Huron Street
The ENflf'U flTERLEC Embalmer and * z, 6i3 East William Street
taiIP PM Tie IIUI ULII~L1Funeral Di rector UfnllverSiy juan aae-halfi block westR a d l Fine
MrsfMTB SIIIITQ . Eno i eteLis rleStreet. Asisntenefof law baildiog. All binds I a n a l Poo
III I I L I BRRBER N. W6E. Lah tiber etLaity Asistant, a s eapairing natl oat e
GUM RNEBSS fTISROTON. FouthAve, Both t'honesl2W. Shoe Shiop E. LambeIhoo

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